Only one who has found peace within himself can possibly be trusted to lead mankind to peace! The restless social and political leaders of the world, hankering after power, position, prestige, name and fame, how can they show the way to peace unless they themselves sit at the divine feet of a Man-of-God and imbibe the Peace that flows from his Presence?
Sage Sivananda is full of compassion and does not wait to be approached, to give our leaders initiation into the technique of achieving inward peace. His "secrets" are broadcast to the whole world instantly. This book is the result.
This volume is meant for those who aspire for peace within themselves and who would promote world peace-who would not? It is the Publishers' Prayer that it will prove to be a timely guide to save mankind from wars, riots and ill-will and from disharmony and discord.
Born on the 8th September, 1887, in the illustrious family of Sage Appayya Dikshitar and several other renowned saints and savants, Sri Swami Sivananda had a natural flair for a life devoted to the study and practice Vedanta. Added to this was an inborn eagerness to serve all and an innate feeling of unity with all mankind.
His passion for service drew him to the medical career; and soon he gravitated to where he thought that his service was most needed. Malaya claimed him. He had earlier been editing a health Journal and wrote extensively on health problems. He discovered that people needed right knowledge most of all; dissemination of that knowledge he espoused as his own mission.
It was divine dispensation and the blessing of God upon mankind that the doctor of body and mind renounced his career and took to a life of renunciation to qualify for ministering to the soul of man. He settled down at Rishikesh in 1924 practised intense austerities and shone as a great Yogi, saint, sage and Jivanmukta.
All the problems facing mankind today hinge round Peace Given the secret of securing peace man will be able to build up a sane civilisation prosperous society happy home and intelligent individual.
Groping blindfolded in the dark, man lays hold only on a series of destructive media-the atomic bomb, the most "effective" ways of using them, and the hateful ideologies of political self-aggrandisement, economic monopoly, national glory and individual power.
The "peace" that prevails today is the peace of fear and the peace of preparation. Ignoring the sincere advice of men of wisdom, the great nations of the world are intent upon demonstrating their destructive strength. That way lies war, not peace.
Peoples belonging to different religions, different nations and different classes or castes, stir up jealousy, ill-will and hatred towards others in the fair name of religion, patriotism and various other 'isms'. Forgetting for the moment that what divisions exist in the structure of society today are there for the convenience of Man and for the promotion of commonweal.
This disharmony arises in the heart of man infects the household first and gradually spreads to the society and then the nation and the world at large. No amount of readjustment of the social structure and revolutionisation of political set-up will bring permanent peace. Even where these are necessary they should spring from the heart of man, for the sake of humanity.
Peace is the nature of the innermost Self of man Shanto Ayam Atma: He who even strives to realize this Self, who has begun to direct his attention towards this Self, enjoys this peace that prevails in the Self. Even as the nuclear explosion spreads destructions for miles around this superphenomenal experience of the Peace of the Self generates the powerful current of Peace that dispels the darkness of ignorance and disharmony from the heart of everyone who attunes oneself to the Yogi of such experience. Even a few Yogins of Inner Spiritual Experience of Self-realisation can transform the whole world and bring peace, plenty and prosperity. For millions devoted to them will share the spiritual treasures acquired by them. They will begin to feel that the One Self dwells in all. One Life lives in all and One Cosmic Will expresses Itself through countless beings. They will begin to see that all distinctions are man-made and that all boundaries are imaginary. They will begin to think terms of humanity to practise the universal religion of cosmic love. This is he road to peace.
Therefore turn the gaze within. Shut the doors of the senses. Restrain the turbulent mind. Slay the doubting intellect. Fill your heart with the nectar of faith and devotion. Serve humanity selflessly. Do Japa. Concentrate. Meditate. Pray and wait. Seek the Peace within, Realize the Self. Shine as a Yogi, the greatest benefactor of humanity. May God bless you all with health, long life peace, prosperity and Self-realisation.
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