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Who Am I? And Many Facets of Hindu Religion (An Insight into Kundalini and Kriya Yoga)

Author: Jitendra Agarwalla
Language: English
Edition: 2009
ISBN: 9788122310856
Pages: 160 (22 B/W Illustrations)
Cover: Paperback
7.8”X 5.3”
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Book Description
Back of Book

Who am I and many facets of Hindu Religion is a complete knowledge book on our Hindu Religion. Which is in fact, Sanatan or Eternal Religion. It has been elucidated with the help of the attention paid on its very important cores.

The answers provided in Who am I and Many facets of Hindu Religion will generate new questions in the mind of the reader which is the best process of knowing and learning and has been the hidden aim of the author. He has advocated ‘Search Within’ by showing the ‘Hidden Meaning’ behind Religion and God and Symbols and Events.

The author of Who am I and facets of Hindu Religion, in the vein and words of the Scriptures has commented, “There are countless scriptures and endless knowledge, but there is very little time, and lots of difficulties or distractions, therefore acquire only the essence. “There is that essence in it.

“A Must for every household”

About the Author

Born in 1952, in the coal mining town of Jharia, Jharkhand, Jitendra Agarwalla was active in all extra-curricular activities in school and college. He was one of the 14 scouts in a group, which was given the “President’s Scout Award”, first time ever in combined Bihar in 1967, with forty-two proficiency badges. He represented the school and the district of Dhanbad in cricket and tennis.

He was nationalization of the family coal mines in 1973, he had to abandon his B.E. (Production) in the 3rd year. He moved on to complete B.A. (Hons) English and B.Com (Hons).

He was awarded the best SSI entrepreneur trophy in 1988 by the then president of India. He was responsible for design, manufacture, erection and commissioning of three heavy engineering industries in 1985, 1990 and 1999, and two turn key projects for Bokaro Steel in 1994 and 1996.

His guru maharaj’s arrival in 1966 completely changed his life, with his blessings , he completed books like who am I and many facets of Hindu religion, close encounters with a living god and dolphin and the flamingo, and religion demystified. He plans to write a sequel to who am I.


Sanatana Dharma or Hindu religion, as it is popularly known is unparalleled due to its sheer brilliance, unfathomable depth, undeterminable age, profusion of characters, innumerable enchanting stories associated with it, mesmerising colours, the fascinating relationship with God; God’s absolutely charming romance with his creation and the deep and profound impact it has on all those who have had the good fortune to come in contact with it. In fact, any Hindu scripture you read, or any religious story that you hear, fills your heart with a joyous and overpowering celebration of the interplay between the Lord and His creation.

However, ago and certain procedures have left portions of it seemingly incomprehensive. Change in language from Sanskrit to Hindi and now to English has taken its toll on the true interpretation of some of the concepts, stories and the deep inner meaning of it all. Exact synonyms are often impossible to find. If the exercise is repeated twice; from the original Sanskrit to Hindi and then from Hindi to English, the difficulty becomes compounded, it gets thrice removed from reality. No language is constant; it is always evolving and changing which has made the difference as Vedic Sanskrit is different to Laukika Sanskrit and the Sanskrit that we know and understand today.

The economic need coupled with the greed of some of its enumerations has over the ages led to certain unsavoury practices and extracted a heavy price from its true precepts, and in some measure brought scorn to it is well. Over the thousands of years of foreign occupation, serious and consistent efforts have been made to ridicule it and subjugate its followers. But the fact that it has stood up to it all and grown stronger despite whatever has been thrown at it by the various invaders; goes to prove that “Satyamev Jayate” truth shall prevail; and that the religion is eternal, Sanatan. Time has been unkind to the Hindu religion. But time is the one polish that burnishes real gold for it to shine through.

But the worst loos for our religion has been the passing away of the Rishis and the sages who should who could explain the innermost core of this enormously powerful religion. But then, this is the effect of Kaliyug.

The need to separate the chaff from the grain is most desperately and acutely felt in this modern day due to the extremely corroding influence of all that is being dished out by the dishes sprouting incessantly over the roof tops of our country. Chaff and grain are integral. It’s almost impossible to correctly distinguish them, so while throwing chaff grain is also thrown away and while collecting grain chaff too is collected and stored.

The most die-hard believers are also sometimes at some loss when asked logical questions by the new generation, leading to the misplaced belief that most of it is mumbo Jumbo and that though Dad and Mom are good folks, they need urgent replenishment of the grey matter.

This book is an attempt to explain some of this seemingly unexplainable. I hope it kindles interest, understanding and faith in the new generation who want to believe but are unable to.

My quest young children most of us are mystified and always have questions about what the priests tell us and more often what they do not. I am sure thousands of Hindu children so busy in the high pressure cauldron of their lives have similar questions.

My quest for such answers took me to my Gurumaharaj Shri Shri Indranath Chakrabortyji Maharaj who during eight to ten hour daily-sittings over nearly five years provided most of the answers given here in. why did he invest so much time and effort over me is a question, I have never been able to answer. However, the Sages work in wondrous ways beyond the comprehension or reach of us mere mortals. My welfare and salvation seems to be one answer. The other seems to be my ability to perceive a difficult subject and then write this book. But these may not be the only answers. May be some day he will tell me more.

Inadvertently some inaccuracies may have crept in, but by and large I have tried to reproduce what was old to me by this great Saint. The mistake or inaccuracies if any are my own and I would like to apologise to the reader for them.

This is however, by no means a complete knowledge book on our religion; for the subject is so vast and daunting that one has to perforce limit on oneself to only certain areas of one’s own choice. Even these answers may be debated to keep the many rites and rituals out of the scope of the book so as to concentrate the reader’s attention on more important core of the ‘Hindu’ religion.

I am also aware that it is possible that the answers provided will generate new question in the mind of the reader even as they are being read. Though the answers provided are really unique, uncommon and enlightening, they are also logical and satisfying for the average household. The scholar will however, need to undertake deeper research. When reading this book the reader has to keep in mind the fact that God manifests Himself both inside and outside the human body, which will however, need to undertake deeper research. When reading this book the reader has to keep in mind the fact that God manifest himself both inside and outside the human body, which will be elaborated elsewhere.

Asankhyashashtrama Bahuveditavyam!

Swalpashchakalo, Bahuwashcha Vighna!!

Yat Sarbhutam, Tat Sevitavyam!

Hanso Yatha Khseer Miwambu Mishrama !!

There are countless scriptures and endless knowledge!

But there is very little time, and lots of difficulties!

Therefore acquire only the essence!

Just as the swan is able to separate and consume the milk from out of a mixture of milk and water!!

I have therefore tried to only touch the essence of the most common question. The other objective is to provide a deeper though general understanding of God and his creation as per our concepts for the benefit of those who for the record follow our religion but due to circumstances, know precious little about it.

This book “who am I? and many facets of Hindu Religion” has the potential to raise debate but that can not, and is not my objective at all, though a positive debate will be welcome. The spiritual core of all religious actions and manifestations was propounded by many sages from the hoary past, in the modern time, it was done by numerous saintly people including Shri Shri Shyama Charan Lahiri Mahashhay, and then on down through the ‘Guru Lineage’ by my Gurudev Sri Sri Indranath Chakrabortyji Maharaj. I have tried to collect and present some of this through this book. It will definitely raise your desire to find out more and delve deeper into the subject. That alone would have made this book a successful endeavour.

As I fit down to pur thoughts and memories of my long sessions with my Gurudev on to my PC, I pray to the Almighty, Lahiri Baba, the Guru Pankti and to my Yogiraj Guru to ensure that I not get afflicted with the incurable ahankar, to bless and guide me and the reader.


Introduction 09
Prologue 13
Section I Search Within 17-50
Who Am I?19
The soul 24
The Need of a Guru 28
What is Om? 31
Purpose of Life 34
Creation of this world 38
The cycle of life, death and Rebirth 40
Soul, mind, heart and Ego 44
Seven Upper Planes of Existence 46
Section II Religion and God51-88
What is Religion? 53
Why Follow one religion and Exclude others? 58
Hindu; Hindu Dharma and Sanatana Dharma 60
Many Forms of God 62
Significance of Different Forms of Devatas (Deities) 64
Whom to Worship amongst so many deities? 73
Why do we have problems though God is our Benign Master? 75
Does God Listen and Accept offerings?79
The Twenty two Avatars82
Section III Symbols and Events 89-112
Shiv’s Trishul and Damaru:
Krishna’s chakra and Murli 91
Krishna’s Raslila 95
Draupadi’s Marriage to Five Pandavs 97
Spiritual Significance of the Parasher Satyawati Affair100
Shukdeoji’s Twelve Year Stay in his Mother’s Womb 103
Ashwatthama’s Diamond 106
Vishnu and Mahesh 109
Section IV: Hidden Meaning 113-153
The origin of species and why cow is called a mother115
Why do the Hindus Cremate the Dead?118
Ancient Sanatana Vedic Calculation of Time 120
Astrology and Vastu Shastra 123
Near Death Experiences 132
Mahabharat Explained 135
Ramayana Explained 138
Chandi Demystified 141
Glossary 147
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