The Voice of the Silence was H. P. Blavatsky's last great effort in this world, the last service rendered to Those whose mouthpiece she was, and to their work for the moral and mental upliftment of humanity. It is one of the world's most inspiring books, a prose poem that moves us by an appeal to the divinest instincts of our nature.
H. P. Blavatsky (1831-1891). Perhaps the greatest occultist of the West, she was an outstanding messenger who presented the Ancient Wisdom for the modern age. Scion of a Russian aristocratic family, from childhood she displayed remarkable psychic activity, artistic and literary talents and intellectual accomplishments. Widely travelled the world over and seasoned by extraordinary adventures, she was well prepared by her Teachers to redeem humanity from the enveloping darkness of materialism. Her great achievements were twofold: founding, jointly with a distinguished American, H. S. Olcott, the Theosophical Society in 1875; and writing on a prodigious scale spiritual and occult literature which entitled her to be known as 'the Light Bringer'.
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