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Vedic Remedies in Astrology (Set of 3 Books)

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Author: Sanjay Rath, Raj Kumar, SHANKER ADAWAL
Language: Sanskrit and English
Edition: 2023, 2024
ISBN: 9788170822455, 8170820901, 9788170821182
Pages: 1380 (B/W Illustrations)
1.94 kg
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Book Description
This bundle consists of 3 Titles. To know more about each individual title, click on the images below:

Vedic Remedies in Astrology:
Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology
Astro Remedies
Vedic Remedies in Astrology
**Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Remedies (Mantras, Yantras, Gems, Lal Kitab, Colour Therapy, Rudraksh,Vastushastra)**

About the Author

Dr Shanker Adawal, the author, is a management professional. He has over the last thirty three years worked with various prestigious corporates in India and abroad. His experience of working with L&T, Xerox, Tata, Nortel and with a leading energy major of the country, alongwith a Jyotishacharya from Varanasi gives him the perfect blend of intellect and logic. The son of a bureaucrat father and an educationist mother, he is a graduate in Economics (Hons), Masters in Business Economics from Delhi University, PhD in Economics and complementing his skills with software and other leadership programs from Singapore and other countries.

His passion has been astrology, a passion that fell his way in childhood, a zeal that he picked from his father. As a child he often saw his father, a bureaucrat and an astrologer, getting admiration from many eminent astrologers, which inspired him. He used to spend long hours participating in intellectual debates that his father used to have with his friends and fellow astrologers. With thousands of books in his library, free consultations through magazines, television, portals and newspapers around the globe, he continues his Journey on his passion. He has been felicitated and awarded for his contribution in this field. He also has keen interest in Human Rights. He can be contacted at connectingminds@gmail.com

The notion that astrologers can unfold lives and reveal what waits at the next bend is a thought that comes to all and populist claims have inspired the author to come up with a series of books that will discuss the various aspects in astrology, putting together the research and findings by various groups and the experience gained during his journey. The purpose of the encyclopedia is an attempt to put a clear understanding of the process of astrology, taking into account the first basic principles and dealing with different topics. The encyclopedia which would consist of over eighteen books, is intended to be brought out over a period of two years. These would cover the basics in astrology and then go on to the predictive techniques, the nadi astrology, tajik, yogas, nakshatras, rectification of birth time, vargas, dashas, mundane prashna, muhurta, remedy and other aspects of interest. The advantage of this would be that both students and those who want to pursue research can progress the understanding of this science in a systematic manner. Also the complete set will be of great value to those in India and abroad who want to understand various levels and will give them the flexibility of dwelling into the complexities in a coherent manner. With the growing interest to learn this science in various countries, the readers there will find this series of books very useful.

In this book he has dwelt with the various remedies ranging from yoga, mantra, pooja, colour therapy and other methods. This is a comprehensive book where the remedies have been related to various planets and their effect. The author has tried to compile the various remedies that are available in the public domain and that have been learnt from experience so that it could be beneficial to both the common man and those interested in the science of astrology.



There are large number of books available in the public domain which talks about various remedial methods that could be followed.

Also there are groups of people who talk about the benefits of yoga, mantra, yantra and allied topics, each of which has a scientific logic as is the case with the manuscripts left behind by the Rishis.

As we all are aware, there are planets which by their interaction, govern our destiny. My belief, developed during the study of this science, is that destiny depends on four major things in equal proportion. These are; our previous karma, the place where we are staying, the people with whom we interact and our own efforts. These are the four parameters and within each comes the important of a large gamut of activities. There is a complex equation that is a matter of study and research which, like any other science, gets deciphered and known.

I therefore believe that chart at the time of birth, coupled with the year’s horoscope and the time at which the query is being asked, have to be co-related and a vector from them gives the correct analysis of the query.

Similarly, as each planet is associated with a colour and the colours are in turn related to vibrations — a complex phenomenon by itself; the various mantras, colour therapy and other remedies have relevance.

In this book I have tried to compile the remedies that can be used including Yoga, Mantra, Yantra, Astro yantra, yagna and pooja, fast, gems, charms and spells, alongwith colour therapy, rudraksh, vaastu shastra remedies, lal kitab and other self help suggestions. I am sure the readers would find it handy and extremely useful.

I would like to thank Shri Saurabh Sagar, the publisher, who motivates me for writing, Renu, my wife who has been a very positive motivator and reminded me to pursue astrology and write as this is my passion and my stress buster. Without the love and understanding of my daughter, Vrinda, it would not have been possible for me to get to this stage of this and the earlier books.

My special thanks to my mother Dr Krishna whose blessings have made me to strive and move ahead in life.

This book is dedicated to my father Late Shri Kailash Chandra, who taught me this science as a child and who himself was greatly devoted to this subject in those days when there were no computers.

I would like to end this with the thought of Vrindavan and Banke Bihari whose blessings have been with me and I always look upon him in all my endeavours.




I. Preface xi
1 Introduction 1
2 Yoga 26
3 Mantras Gayatri Mantra, Mantras for Planets, Mantras for Nakshatras, Saguna Mantras 33
4 Yantras 135
5 Astrological Yantras Yantras for Planets, Zodiac Yantras, Numerical Yantra for different purposes, Beesa Yantra 175
6 Yagna and Pooja 212
7 Austerities and Fasts 220
8 Gems Power of Gems — Introduction, Power of Gems — Introduction II, Gems Treasure — Gems Treasure - Gems and Radiations, Red Coral-Utility, Navaratna Ring, Precious Stones — General, Gem — Therapy and Planets, Pathogenic Effects of Planets in different signs, Gems v/s Diseases, Mental-illness v/s Gems, Menstrual Troubles & Cancer v/s Gems, Brain Disorders and Gems, Hypertension and Gems, Minor Common Ailments and Gems, Heartache and Gems, Stomach Disorder, Eye Troubles, Diabetes, Utility of Gemstones — Summary (East/West), Use of Gemstone (West), Healing Stones — West 234
9 Charms and spells 303
10 Remedies According to Lal Kitab Sun: Effects and Remedies, Moon: Effects and Remedies, Mars: Effects and Remedies, Mercury: Effects and Remedies, Jupiter: Effects and Remedies, Venus: Effects and Remedies, Saturn: Effects and Remedies, Rahu: Effects and Remedies, Ketu: Effects and Remedies, Miscellaneous Remedies 318
11 Colour Therapy Numbers and Disease, Know your Lucky Colours, The Affinity of Colours and Numbers, The Role of Colour:- In Gem Therapy 408
12 The Rudraksh 448
13 Vastushastra and Feng Shui Defects and Corrections, Vastu and Sacred Vegetation 481
14 Self-help Suggestions 507
15 Notable Herbs in Human Welfare Medicinal Herbs, Herbs of Common Utility, Poisonous Herbs 534
Sample Pages

**Astro Remedies (A Vedic Approach)**

Back of the Book

A native suffers or enjoys (with the former having a dominant part) in life as per his Prarbdha/ destiny. Astrology does indicate what one has to endure and what one can overcome. Whereas great strides have been taken and wonderful results obtained regarding influence of planets, both benefic & malefic, on human beings, the same can not be said about finding out the remedies for their malefic results. Each remedy is basically a prayer to the Almighty to bail the native out of a difficult situation. It is our Kartvya Karma as part of Prarbdha/ Kiryaman Karma to observe remedial actions to keep our body and mind healthy.

In a horoscope, destiny I luck is indicated by 9th house and 3rd house represents Purshartha, the free will or Kiryaman Karma, done with a strong will & belief to smoothen the path of destiny. The life or the path of human development is a story of constant struggle between the destiny and Purshartha/ remedies, with dices heavily decked against the later. The success of the remedies rests upon the strong will, belief & faith one has in the remedy and one’s total unconditional surrender before the relevant deity. There are various modes of remedies, one can chose from depending on his faith! belief, like colour therapy & Gems, Mantra, Yantra, Tantra & Rudraksh, bath, fast & charity, propitiation of curses and age old folk treatments of Lal Kitab. All these have been covered in this book as an aide-memoire to a native in his fight against misfortune.


The author is a mining engineer from “Indian School of Mines” now known as IIT Dhanbad. He has put in 28 years of service in the Army as an Engineers’ officer. He is a Jyotish Acharya from Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan. For a long time, he has been pursuing astrological studies as a keen student. His researches reflect his analytical approach to go into the details as an engineer and then he put them across frankly as an Army officer.

The author has earlier written books on “Longevity”, “Prashna: A Vedic Approach”, “Vargas: A Vedic Approach” and “Charisma of Trika Houses” which have been received well by the astrological fraternity.



I had an occasion to skip through some pages of book on ASTRO-REMEDIES written by Lt. Col. Raj Kumar. I found it a book, which may prove beneficial to astrology lovers, students of astrology as well as scholars.

Astrology helps in understanding and adjusting fate and freewill- Prarbdha (results of Dushkarmas and sukarmas done in past lives and in past), fate and Purusharthas (human efforts to ward off their evil effects to accelerate pace of growth). Neither Astrology nor law of Karmas makes a person fatalist. On one hand as per our Rishis, it indicates that one has to reap what he has sown. On the other hand it allows room for operation of freewill whereby the results of Prarbdha Karmas could be modified. As against operating negative force of past sins, omissions and commissions, by adopting Remedial measures positive force is generated to counteract negative force as much as possible in a given circumstance. Results in the modified shape of events would depend on relative strengths of positive and negative forces. Remedial measures sometimes prove additional weights put on the weighing machine to tilt the balance in favour of positive outcome, while sometime they appear to have failed due to more strength of negative forces.

Our great Rishis Lagadh, Garga, Shatatapa, Yajya Valka, Parashar, Jaimini etc. have suggested that suffering due to past Dushkarmas are required to be mitigated by Ashudha (medicine), gemstone (colour and radiation of cosmic energy), Daan (charity), Havan and Suraachana (worsip and prayers of the divine in different forms), Japa, observing Yama and Niyama, Yoga including Yogmudras, Vrata/ LJpvasa, Jeeva Daya and Poshan, worship of trees, rivers and ponds, visiting holy places and Satsung(meeting and taking blessings and advice of the good and great).In Satyacharya’s Karma Vipaka Samhita on the basis of Nakshtra Charan, Dushkarmas done in earlier births have been identified and Praayaschittas have been suggested to mitigate the agony.

One would appreciate that every religion prescribes certain code of conduct to help poor by giving charity. This is one way of worshipping Daridra Narayana, God, present in everyone’s body and soul. Great Rishi Parashar in Brihad Parashar Hora Shastra has prescribed specified Remedial measures during specific Dashas and Antras, in addition to preventive remedial measures in case of births at inauspicious time. Several mantras and rituals have been prescribed in Ayurveda. There is a very long list of remedial measures prescribed in various books.

What we are today is the resultant force of our past deeds, so the future is in our hand and we can make it better by adopting righteous path. It does not help any person to be fatalist by thinking whatever is to happen will happen. One should not blame God. He has always been kind to everyone. He only delivers the fruits of our deeds.

Lt. Cd. Raj Kumar has made certainly a very good effort by pointing out a methodology to indicate weak and strong planets and apart from Mantra, Yantra, Tantra, Rudraksha, bath, fast and charity, he has also considered colour therapy as a remedial measure. He has also referred to the remedies prescribed by Lal Kitab. I think it was not possible for Lt. Col. Raj Kumar to refer all kinds of Vrat and Utsavas for a particular planet. He has also included certain parts from yogic treatment of Mitahar(diet control) and specified different classes of persons including elderly persons who could be given gifts to. This gift or charity is for once own satisfaction and from worldly point of view it would create better social binding for smoother life. It is a good effort which needs appreciation.

However I liked the approach and emphasis on the point that every one should choose remedial measures as per his faith, Astha and Vishwas. Faith alone generates the positive thought waves for bringing positive results. Total submission before Almighty and sincerity and humbleness are essential to take full advantage of remedial measures.

It is better if all the prescribed rituals are also performed but in the name of rituals and obstruction in channel creation between Almighty and the individual should not be caused. The Almighty had accepted sincere prayers even by accepting “Mara-Mara” as “Ram- Ram”. We have come across numerous incidents in the lives of hundreds of persons where impossible things have happened; and where medical opinions with negative results become positive by prayers.

I believe that this reader friendly book would be very useful for students as well as scholars in astrology to test the usefulness of the Astro-remedies suggested in the book.



Astrology provides us knowledge about the cosmic process, its influences& impediments to achieve its objective. Life is full of sorrow and agony with only a sprinkling of happiness here and there. Planetary position at birth gives enough clues for past, present and future happenings. When an evil planetary combination is noticed, it causes hindrances and can even deny fructification of otherwise good combinations in the horoscope. Vedic remedies refer to various methods of overcoming these hindrances! obstacles and helps in achieving the desires objectives.

There is a school of astrologers who believe that based on our past Karmas, what is destined, will certainly happen and therefore there is no need for any remedy. A graduate of this school will not suggest a native anything to do about his adverse planetary influence, other than to be aware of them. Hence the native will leave feeling helpless before the forces of past Karmas, warned about a danger but not given any practical means of trying to avert or mitigate it. It is this realization, which made me carry out a deep study of the subject and the result is before the august readers in the form of this book.

To shun the remedial measures under the cover of Karma theory is a negation of both life and Karma theory. In our scriptures, human body has been compared with a temple, where Lord Almighty Himself live. A proper study of Karma theory would reveal that it is our Kartavya Karmas as part of both Prarabdha and Kriyaman Karmas to observe remedial action both as preventive as well as curative to keep our body and mind healthy. It is almost impossible to do any Satwik with a diseased body and mind.

Karma is like an envelop over the pure spark of soul and tends to blur its single objective to attain oneness with the God. Thus, although the negative effects of the evils of past Karmas are often over bearing, the individual soul thirsts for its Lord or goal. If all souls were to wipe out past Karmas and take rebirth repeatedly and gather a fresh dose of bad Karmas in each life, then this cycle will never end. There must be ways—and means for the soul to break out of this Karmic cycle, which is like the Alexander’s knot. This is what remeth3rrfieasures aim for.

If an astrologer notice that a native is going to loose his job and suffer loss of livelihood and family problems etc. due to past Karmas, then an attempt is made to yoke him to the job. This could be (1). In the form of a warning regarding consequences or (2) in the form of a gemstone to check his hands from writing resignation, or (3) a Mantra that will dissuade his mind from this act of destruction or (4) teaches him to surrender (Atma Sami pan) and beg forgiveness for the sins of the past. The evil Karmas continue to exist, but are enveloped by the light of remedial measures, thereby being blocked or made ineffective.

If the propitiation is sincere and self surrender to one’s Lord genuine, one day the Lord shall burn away the evil Karmas and release the soul from bondage. Our mythology is full of such instances, where timely curative remedial measures have changed the life of individuals. I will quote just three instances. Sage Markendey was destined to die very young, Savitri was destined to be a widow and King Dasrath was destined to be childless. The sage worshipped Lord Shiva, Savitri observed fasts and took blessings of her in-laws & of god of death, and King Dasrath carried out a Yajna to appease gods. All three succeeded to change their destiny and made a name for them.

The scope of remedial measures is as vast as astrology itself. It is very difficult to condense the subject matter with in the ambit of a book. However an attempt is being made to do so in the form of this book and a system of classification have been attempted based on the predominant nature of the remedy. This book covers the important and effective remedies and is a sort of compendium of remedial measures spread over 12 chapters. Different modes of remedies are mentioned in the book, so that one can choose as per one’s faith/ convenience and then follow it with all sincerity and humbleness praying to the deity concerned. This is very vital/ essential for a remedy to succeed. A total of 18 practical cases have been discussed in the book. While studying the horoscopes, full use of divisional charts (D6, D7, D9 & D10) (Upapada and Arood Lagna have also been made.

In this material world people do not have time and patience to carry out remedies. These remedies are based on astrological canons, experience and,’ or puranic literature or folk lores and have withstood the test of times. However these are no magical wand. Remember each remedy is basically a prayer by a native to the Almighty to bail him out of difficult situations Therefore following principles are of paramount importance: -

a) Understand astrologically the extent of problem, factors causing it and the priorities / manner to tackle the same.
b) One should have complete unflinching faith and reverence for the deity in thoughts and actions.
c) One should pray or follow remedies in all humbleness and sincerity.
d) No remedy is a magic wand and it does require some time and patience.
e) A remedy should preferably be done by individual himself or by his close relation to get desired results.
f) It does not matter how many times a remedial,’ propitiation measure is undertaken, but what matters is the native’s faith, sincerity devotion and complete surrender before the Almighty.
g) Remedial works by a hired individual rarely pays.

The contents of this bock are the results of deep and through study and reference to relevant classical texts of astrology and local customs! Concepts. If some reader without having understood the underlying principles tries some extract in isolation and does not get desired benefit or rather gets hurt on account of his faulty or partial interpretation! Understanding, it will be against the intent and good wishes of author and at his own peril. However I am confident that if it is used methodically and in correct spirit, the people will be benefited and I will feel rewarded.

The book is dedicated to my innocent & inquisitive grand daughters Miss Monil & Ishita Singhal who have always inspired & cajoled me to write this book. I am grateful to Justice S.N. Kapoor who has given his precious time and advice from time to time and has blessed me & my book with a foreword. I am thankful to Colonel AK Singhal who has helped me with various information through internet and then during proof reading of this book. I am also thankful to Mr Narendra Sagar to publish this book in record time.




  Foreword v
  Preface ix
  List of Horoscope xvii
  1. Remedies-Background and Basics 1
  Necessity, Contrary views, Background, Ruling principles What is a remedy, Application of remedies, Role of Mind, Karmas & Remedies, Conclusion  
  2. Indications of Weak/Afflicted Planets 11
  Introduction, Constellations, Ashtakvargas, Indications of Weakness, astrological factors, Psychological indicators and deity of Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu & Ketu, Conclusion  
  3. Colour Therapy 26
  Introduction, Trinity of colour, Colourful moods, Aspects & Application of colours, How colours work on the body, Colours of zodiac signs & planets, Colours as symbols, Colours for health & harmony, Use of colours on various Planetary afflictions, Weekly dress code, Advantages of Colour therapy, One case chart, Conclusion  
  Gem Therapy 41
  Background, Diagnostic importance, Qualities of gems1 The way gems act, Categories of gems, Details of nine main gems, 18 substitute gems & 12 poor Substitute gems, Birth-stones, Gems-birth char’ Profession, Anti-evil gems, Energising a gem, Globules of gems, Herbs in-lieu of gems, Three case charts, Conclusion  
  5. Sound Therapy and Mantra 89
  Sound, Mantra, Speech & Chakras, Planetary worship, Forms of planetary figures for visualization, Mantra & Deities, Types of Mantras, Siddha Mantra, Guidelines for Sadhak, Places for Sadhana, Samput, Suitability of a Mantra, How does a Mantra cure, Shabar (Aghori) Mantras, Four case Charts, Conclusion  
  6. Compendium of Mantras 122
  Guru Mantras, Ganesha Mantras, Surya Mantras, Mantras for propitiation of planets, Janam Rasi Mantras, Vishnu Mantras, Shiva mantras, Mantras for specific uses, Durga Saptashati, Shabar (Aghori) mantras, Some Muslim Mantras, Some Jam mantras, Mantras from Ram Chant Manas.  
  7. Tantra 163
  Introduction, Basic principles, Types of Tantra Sadhana, Types of Tantra, Durga Saptshati, Specific Sadhana of Kaali, Matangi, Bhuvneshwari, Baglamukhi, Tnipursundari, Tara, Kamala, Tripurbhairavi, Chhinnamasta and of Dhoomavati; Banda Tantra, Parad items, Tantrik articles, Remedies through Charms, Other useful Tantra, Three case Charts, Conclusion.  
  8. Yantra 201
  Introduction, Construction & general instructions, Types of Yantras, 13 Geometric Yantras, 10 numerical Yantras, four panaria Yantras, Four Beesa Yantras, Five Muslim Yantras, 10 miscellaneous Yantras, two case charts, Conclusion  
  9. Rudraksh 237
  Introduction, Tests for good quality, Rosary/ beeds, Importance of Rudraksh, Types of Rudraksh (15 types), Uses of Rudraksh, Rudraksh Kavach (10 types), Two case charts, Conclusion  
  10. Bath, Fast and Charity 256
  General, Kumbh Snan, Baths at other places, propitiation of planets through baths, Use of water as nature cure (6 types), Types and aim of fasts, Religious fasts, Astrological fasts, Fast as nature cure, Charity for propitiation of planets, Selection of recipient of charity, two case charts, Conclusion  
  11. Curses of previous Births & their propitiation.... 274
  Introduction, Curses and propitiation of Snake, Fore-fathers, Mother, Brother; Brahmin, Wife, Departed soul, maternal uncle; propitiation for childlessness, Case of curse of a Brahmin on Lord Rama, Conclusion.  
  12. Lal Kitab & Remedies 286
  Introduction, Basic definitions, Effects of a planet when positioned alone, Relations ascribed to planets, Items related with planets, General remedies for ill effects of planets, Specific remedies for malefic planets (9 No.) with indications there of, Conclusion.  
Sample Pages

**Vedic Remedies in Astrology**

About the Book

For the first time a book on Vedic Astrology not only consolidates the various types of remedial measures available in the sacred literature, but also shows how to read the horoscope and recommend Vedic Remedies. The author explains the classification of remedial measures on the basis of Guna (Nature) and cautions the astrologer against indulging in black magic and other forms of black tantricism that will only destroy his good karma. The Scientific study of phonemes called Mantra Shastra has been explained in considerable detail, showing the importance of choosing the correct mantra with illustrative calculations. A compendium of Mantra provides a ready reference for the professional Vedic astrologer and a comprehensive chapter on Gemology with ready reference tables guides the reader in the choice of the right gemstone. The FAQ answers many doubts that a reader is likely to have. The daily procedure of personal Spiritual discipline and the esoteric knowledge of the syllables has added to make this the most comprehensive book of its kind in Vedic Astrology. Various case studies including the personal research of the author in determining the number of letters in the mantra etc, will help in developing expertise by teaching how to systematically work on a horoscope. There are some areas like Vaastu Shastra (Vedic Architecture) & Nimitta Shastra (Omens) that have been left out of the preview of this book for the present. Other areas requiring extensive research like the horoscopes of the ten sikh Guru's has been touched, but further research in this area has been left for future generations.

About the Author

Sanjay Rath is a graduate in mechanical engineering and has been in Government service in India (1990 Batch). He has authored a translation of Maharishi Jaimini's Upadesa Sutras and another book titled "Crux of Vedic Astrology-Timing of Events" which gives the various tools for timing events related to individual houses of the horoscope. Besides this, he has also authored various articles on astrology or many magazines some of which have proved to be very accurate in their predictions. He teaches traditional Vedic astrology at the Sri Jagannath Vedic Centre at Delhi. He belongs to a traditional family of astrologers from Bira Balabhadrapur Sasan Village of Puri, Orissa. His grandfather, the late Pundit Jagannath Rath was the Jyotish Ratna of Orissa and had authored many book on Jyotish. He was known for his precise predictions and scientific approach. He was initiated into the Gayatri as well as Jyotish (Diksha) by my paternal uncle late Pundit Kasinath Rath.


There was a felt need to consolidate the various types of remedial measures available in Vedic astrology. The scope of remedial measures available is very vast and a system of classification has been attempted based on the predominant guna (nature) of the remedy. The first chapter explains this classification and cautions the astrologer against indulging in black magic and other forms of black tantricism that will only destroy his good karma.


Some people have expressed the opinion that Jyotish is not a vedanga and that the word "Vedic" is a misnomer.

The six important parts of the Vedas are personified as its feet, face, hands, eyes, nose and ears. Chandas, vyakarana, kalpa, jyotish, siksha and nirukta represent these respectively. Harihara author of Prasna Marga adds that since Jyotish (Astrology) is the eye of the Vedas it is given the highest pedestal. Thus, there is no further doubt that Jyotish is a vedanga.

Astrology is a very vast study and is practiced in different forms in various nations around the globe. The term "Vedic Astrology" refers to Jyotish as studied and practiced in the Indian sub-continent. It is composed of six parts namely:-

Gola: The nature of planetary systems and spherical astronomy.

Ganita: All aspect of mathematical astronomy and astrology.

Nimitta: Study of omens, gestures etc. The study of Omens and gestures is called Sakuna Shastra while there are other related areas like Pallipatana (falling of the common house lizard on different parts of the body at different times) or Swapna Shastra (Dreamology). These have not been covered in this book for the present.

Jataka: Birth Horoscopy. The Birth chart provides the details of Karma inherited from past birth and gives us the indications of the suffering due.

Prasna: Horary astrology based on the time of query. The Prasna or horary chart is an important tool for the Jyotish to determine whether the suffering is due to the karma of past birth or of the present birth. If the Prasna Chart alone shows the suffering while the Birth Chart is indicating otherwise, then infer that the suffering is due to the bad karma in this birth. I both the Prasna and the Birth chart indicate the suffering, it is surely due to the bad karma of the past. The recommendation of remedial measures requires an intelligent application of mind on the part of the Astrologer.

Muhurtha: Determining auspicious time for initiating important activities like religious ceremonies etc. this by itself, is an important remedial measure. If the Birth Chart has negative indications, then the best remedy is to start the concerned activity at a most auspicious date and time. This itself can check some of the negative indications in the Birth chart provided remedies are also carried out for alleviating the negative indications.


When an error or evil planetary combination is noticed, it causes hindrances and can even deny fructification of otherwise good combinations in the horoscope. Vedic remedies refer to all the methods of overcoming these hindrances/obstacles and helps in achieving the desired objective. These remedies are normally found in books/literature dealing with Jataka, Prasna, Nimitta and Muhurtha Jyotisha. This book covers the important and effective remedies and in that sense, attempts a compendium of remedial measures. The first four chapters deal with the remedial methods and the principle involved, the fifth chapter is a Compendium of the most potent Mantra while the sixth chapter shows the application of these remedies in the birth chart. The seventh chapter deals with Gemology. The Frequently Asked Questions have been listed at Appendix V.


Since is established that Jyotish is the eye of the Vedas, than in what form should one aspiring for knowledge of astrology worship the Almighty?

The Rig-Veda explains that lord Vishnu is the ultimate goal (paramam padam). He preserves and protects all souls. Divivah refers to the Lord as the harbinger of day/light and, in the physical aspect refers to the Sun whereas in the metaphysical aspect it refers to enlightenment. He is the soul/life force of the eyes (Chaksyu: eyes). Jupiter will signify this metaphysical aspect. Thus, the Sun and Jupiter become the two important significator for Dharma and Lord Maha Vishnu is the presiding deity of Jyotish. The detailed procedure for the spiritual development and correct intuition for an astrologer has been given in Appendix I. The views of Maharishi Parasara can be understood in the Chapter titled Astrology & Deity.


Similarly, the Vaastu Flaws can lead to considerable trouble. This should also be indicated in the Birth Chart or Prasna Chart. The rectification of these flaws can be done either through the costly methods like making complete changes in the architecture or by applying simple Vaastu correctives like Yantra etc. at the appropriate place. This is very exhaustive and has been kept out of the preview of this book. The general remedies for the Dasa-Bhukti or for the birth in Gandanta etc. has been included.


It is important to understand that the real fight is between the extent of the problem and the faith of the Jyotish. Thus for effective remedial measures the Jyotish must have unflinching faith in the Lord and should himself set an example of a pure and simple life. With these words. I wish the learned readers well and offer this book for the welfare of the would.


I am indebted to the inspiration of an elder Jyotisha who has been the Guru guiding this pen (I cannot mention his name as per has desire for anonymity). Such great souls continue to guide the spiritual direction of many lives. Once again Sri Narinder Sagar has come forward to support this work as the mantle of Jyotish Publications of "Sagar Publications" is passed on to the next generation. Sri Saurabh Sagar continues in the footprints of his illustrious elders. Thank you one and all, especially Manpreet, Ravi, Narasimha, Ashok, Dinanath and all my Jyotish sisya.




Chapter I Introduction 1
Chapter II Astrology & Deity 21
Chapter III Astrological Principles 54
Chapter IV Mantra Shastra 90
Chapter V Compendium of Mantra 128
Chapter VI Gemology 271
Chapter VII Case Studies 292
Chapter I Spiritual discipline 381
Chapter II Yantra 391
Chapter III Awakening the Kundalini 394
Chapter IV Nakshatra & Syllables 405
Chapter V Frequently asked Questions 410
Chapter VI Rudraksha & Rosary 430
Appendix VI Rudraksha & Rosary 430
Appendix VII Vigneshwaroopadesa 439
  References & Bibliography 450
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