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Vangasena Samhita or Cikitsasara Samgraha Of Vangasena (Two Volumes)

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Publisher: Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office
Author: Dr. Nirmal Saxena
Language: (Text with English Translation, Notes, Historical Introduction, Comments, Index and Appendices)
Edition: 2014
ISBN: 8170801249
Pages: 1337
Cover: Hardcover
9.7"X 7.3
2.27 kg
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Book Description

About The Book

One of the most valuable treasures of Ayurvedic Samhitas, Cikitsasarasamgraha has so far been confined to a few persons. Now the present work is being introduced to bring out its latent knowledge to the English speaking people, particularly for the Western medical practitioners.

This work contains diagnosis, prognosis, symptoms and treatment of the diseases in a very comprehensive manner. Hence it has been divided in two volumes.

Volume I (Nidanadhikara to Slipadarogadhikara)
Volume II (Vidradhi to Dipana-pacanadravya-laksanadhikara) Index & Appendixes

It contains at the end several important appendices on Plants (with Latin names), diseases etc. And a Sanskrit-English glossary of technical terms used in the text, and to crown all this, a valuable deliberation on the entire text by the learned translator.

About The Author

Dr. Nirmal Saxena, is well-known for his out-standing contributions in the fields of Ayurveda and History of Sciences. In the course of nearly twenty eight years dedicated to research the contributed innumerable articles to reputed national and international journals in History, Medicine and Science.

Born on November 4, 1952 in the family of a Vaidya Krishna Kumar, he got his university education at Banaras Hindu University. He completed his Ph. D. On topic, "Development of Indian Medicine from 1400 to 1600 A. D."

Passing through a chequered career of lecturer in History at Triloknath Postgraduate College, Tanda, Faizabad, he joined as Project Investigator under the History of Science Programme of Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi. Completed four projects, 1. "A Critical Study of Yogaratnakara" (1991), 2. "English Translation of Vaidya Jivana of Lolimbaraja" (1996), 3 "English Translation of Camatkara Cintamani of Lolimbaraja" (1999), 4. "English Translation of Vangasena's Cikitsasarasamgraha" (2003), sanctioned by the National Commission for History of Sciences in India.


One of the most valuable treasures of Ayurvedic Samhitas, Cikitsasarasamgraha has so far been confined to a few persons. Now the present research work is being undertaken by me to bring out its latent knowledge to the English speaking people and particularly for the western medical practitioners.

It will not only prove to be a modern ciritical treatise having historical background but also a book which can be relied on for Indian medical system.

Cikitsasarasamgraha, the immensely valuable text needed since long a faithful and simple translation into English, communicating the ideas as they are without divulging into dogmatic details which make the situation terse particularly for a new scholar.

This work contains diagnosis, prognosis, symptoms and treatment of the diseases in a very comprehensive manner. Hence it has been divided in two Volumes.


Volume I (Nidanadhikarah to Slipadarogadhikarah)

Contains following chapters-
Nidanapancakam (The five ways of diagnosis), Jvara-cikitsa (Treatment of fevers), Pitta jvara cikitsa (Treatment of fever due to pitta), Kapha jvara cikitsa (Treatment, of fever due to kapha), Vata pitta jvara cikitsa (Treatment of fever due to vata and pitta), Pitta kapha jvara cikitsa (Treatment of fever caused by pitta and kapha), Vata kapha jvara cikitsa (Treatment of fever caused by vata and kapha), Sannipata jvara cikitsa (Treatment of fever caused by sannipata), Visama jvara (intermittent fever), Jirna jvara (chronic fever), Atisara (diarrhoeas), Grahani disorder, Piles (Haemorrhoids), Indigestion, Visucika (Gestroenteritis), Bhasmaka (excessively digestive fire), Intestinal worms (Helminths), Pandu roga (anaemia), Kamala (Jaundice), Halimaka (chlorosis), Raktapitta (innate haemorrhage), Rajayaksma (Pulmonary tuberculosis - Consumption), Chest - wound and wasting, Cough, Hiccough, Dyspnoea, Hoarseness of voice, Anorexia, Vomiting, Thirst (polydipsia), Fainting, Alcoholism, Burning sensation of the body, Insanity, Epilepsy, Vatavyadhi (Specific vatika disorders, Vatarakta (Gout), Urustambha (Stiffness of the leg); Amavata (Rheumatism), Sula (Colic), Parinamasula (Colic during or after digestion), Udavartta (upward movement of vayu), Anaha (hardness of bowels), Gulma (Abdominal lump), Hrdroga (heart disease), Urograha, Mutrakrcchra (Dysuria), Mutraghata (retention and suppression of urine), Asmari (Vesical calculus), Prameha (Polyurea), Obesity, Udara (abdominal enlargement), Sotha (Oedema), Prameha (Polyurea), Obesity, Udara (abdominal enlargement), Sotha (Oedema), Amtra vrddhi (swellings of the scrotum), Bradhna (scrotal swelling at the junction of lower abdomen (below urinary bladder and scrotum), Galaganda (goitre), Gandamala (cervical adenitis), Granthi (cyst), Arbuda (Tumour), Slipada (filaria).


Volume II (Vranasothadhikarah to Dipanapacana
dravyalaksanadhikarah )

Vidradhi (abscess), Vrana-sotha (Inflammation), Agantuka vrana (Traumatic ulcers), Bhagna (Fracture of bones), Nadi Vrana (sinus), Bhagandara (fistula - in - ano), Upadamsa (soft chancre), Sukadosa (Disorders of penis), Kustha (leprosy and skin diseases), Udarda, sitapitta and kotha (urticaria, skin rashes and erythema, allergy etc.), Amlapitta (acid gastritis), Visarpa (Erysipelas), Visphota (eruptions), Snayuka (guinea worm), Masurika (Chicken pox), Ksudra roga (minor diseases), Mukha roga (Diseases of mouth), Karna - roga (diseases of ear), Nasa - roga (Diseases of nose), Diseases of the eye, Siro - roga (Diseases of head), Stri roga (Diseases of women), Diseases of the eye, Siro - roga (Diseases of head), Stri roga (Diseases of women), Bala roga (Diseases of children), Visa roga (Diseases due to poison), Jaladosadiyogadhikara (Disorders due to water etc.), Rasayanadhikara (Promotive therapy), Vajikarana (aphrodisiacs, Snehapana (unction), Svedadhikara (sudation), Vamanadhikara (emesis), Virecanadhikara (purgation), Bastikarmadhikara (enema), Dhumapana (Smoking), Kavaladhikara (Gargles), Nasyadhikara (Nasal evacuation or snuffing), Svasthavrattadhikara (Ways for keeping good health), Dravyagunadhikara (Properties of drugs), Ganapathadhikara (Description of drug groups), Samsodhana samsamana rasadrvyadinam vargadhikara (Description of drug groups), Samsodhana samsamana rasadrvyadinam vargadhikara (Groups of drugs which are used for purification of body disorders and liquid materials), Dhanyavargadhikara (Groups cereals), Mamsavargadhikara (Properties of meat), Sakaphalavargadhikara (Ordinary food items vegetarian food) and non - vegetarian items of meat, Matsya vyanjanagunadhikara (Properties of food items prepared from fish), Drava-dravyadhikara (Liquid items), Aristadhikara (Signs and symptoms indicative of death of the patient), Dipana pacana dravyalaksanadhikara (Definition of dipana and pacana etc.), Vangasenotpatti.

A historical introduction has also been added in the beginning. At the end following appendices have also been given.


  Preface iii-iv
  Introduction v-ix
  Acknowledgements xii
  Contents xiii-xiv
VOLUME I (Nidanadhikarah to Slipadarogadhikarah)
Page no.
1 Mangalacaranam 1
2 Nidanapancakam (The five ways of diagnosis) 2
3 Nidanadhikara 2-19
4 Jvara chikitsa (treatment of fevers) 20-102
5 Atisaradhikarah (diarrhoeas) 103-138
6 Grahani disorder 139-164
7 Piles (haemorrhoids) 165-207
8 Indigestion 208-222
9 Visucika (gestroenteritis) 222-226
10 Bhasmaka (excessively intense digestive fire) 227-228
11 Intestinal worms (helminthes) 229-234
12 Pandu roga (anaemia) 235-249
13 Raktapitta (innate haemorrhage) 250-270
14 Rajayaksma (pulmonary tuberculosis-consumption) 271-287
15 Chest - wound and wasting 288-293
16 Cough 294-314
17 Hiccough 315-319
18 Dyspnoea 320-327
19 Hoarseness of voice 328-331
20 Anorexia 332-337
21 Vomiting 338-346
22 Thirst (polydipsia) 347-352
23 Fainting 353-357
24 Alcoholism 358-365
25 Burning sensation of the body 366-369
26 Insanity 370-382
27 Epilepsy 383-390
28 Vatavyadhi (specific vatika disorders) 391-452
29 Vatarakta (gout) 453-473
30 Urustambha (stiffness of the leg) 474-477
31 Amavata (rheumatism) 478-489
32 Sula (colic) 490-502
33 Parinama sula (colic during or after digestion) 305-513
34 Udavarta (upward movement of vayu) 514-519
35 Anaha (hardness of bowels) 520-522
36 Gulma (abdominal tumors) 523-539
37 Hrdroga (heart disease) 540-546
38 Urograha, Mutrakrcchra (dysuria) 547-554
39 Mutraghata (retention and suppression of urine) 555-561
40 Asmari (vesical calculus) 562-572
41 Prameha (polyurea) 573-586
42 Obesity 587-594
42 Udara (abdominal enlargement) 595-621
43 Sotha (oedema) 622-637
44 Amtra-vrddhi (swellings of the scrotum) 638-644
45 Bradhna (scrotal swelling at the junction of lower abdomen (below urinary bladder and scrotum) 645-646
46 Galaganda (goitre) 647-650
47 Gandamala (cervical adenitis) 651-654
48 Granthi (cyst) 655-658
49 Arbuda (tumour) 659-662
50 Slipada (filaria) 663-669
VOLUME II (Vidradhirogadhikara to Dipana-pacana-dravyalaksanadhikara)
53 Vidradhi (abscess) 671
54 Vrana sotha (inflammation) 678
55 Agantuka vrana (traumatic ulcers) (accidental wounds) 690
56 Bhagna (fracture of bones) 702
57 Nadi vrana (sinus) 707
58 Bhagandara (fistula - in - ano) 713
59 Upadamsa (soft chancre) 718
60 Kustha (leprosy and skin diseases) 729
61 Udarda, sitapitta and kotha (urticaria, skin rashes and erythema, allergy etc.) 762
62 Amlapitta (acid gastritis) 765
63 Visarpa (erysipelas) 775
64 Visphota (eruptions) (small pox) 983
65 Snayuka (guinea worm) (thread worm) 788
66 Masurika (chiken pox) 790
67 Ksudra roga (minor diseases) 801
68 Mukha roga (diseases of mouth) 828
69 Karna-roga (diseases of ear) 855
70 Nasa-roga (diseases of nose) 869
71 Disease of eye 882
72 Diseases of siro-roga (head disease) 945
73 Stri roga (diseases of women) 959
74 Bala roga (diseases of children) 1002
75 Visarogadhikara (diseases due to poison) 1035
76 Jaladosadiyogadhikara (disorders due to water etc.) 1061
77 Rasayanadhikara (promotive therapy) 1064
78 Vajikarana (aphrodisiacs) 1113
79 Snehapana (unction) 1124
80 Svedadhikara (sudation) 1129
81 Vamanadhikara (emesis) 1132
82 Virecanadhikara (purgation) 1137
83 Bastikarmadhikara (enema) 1145
84 Dhumapana (smoking) 1171
85 Kavaladhikara (gargles) 1175
86 Nasyadhikara (nasal evacuation or snuffing) 1177
87 Svasthavrattadhikara (ways for keeping good health) 1183
88 Dravyagunadhikara (properties of drugs) 1190
89 Ganapathadhikara (description of drug groups) 1200
90 Samsodhana samsamana rasadravyadinam
vargadhikara (groups of drugs which are used for
purification of body, cure of body disorders and
liquid materials.)

91 Rtucaryadhikara (seasonal routine - regimen) 1210
92 Dhanyavargadhikara (groups cereals) 1217
93 Mamsavargadhikara (properties of meat) 1220
94 Sakaphalavargadhikara (chapter on vegetables and fruits) 1223
95 Vyanjana - mamsa-vyanjanadhikara
[ordinary food items (vegetarian food) and non-vegetarian items of meat]
96 Matsya Vyanjana-gunadhikara (properties of food items prepared from fish) 1237
97 Drava - dravyadhikara (liquid items) 1241
98 Aristadhikara (signs and symptoms indicative of death of the patient) 1250
99 Dipana pacana dravyalaksanadhikara
(Definition of dipana and pacana etc.)

100 Vangasenotpatti 1277
Appendix - I
  Plant names with botanical identification 1278
Appendix - II
  Units of weight with metric equivalents 1307
Appendix - III
  Diseases mentioned in Vangasen's Cikitsasarasamgraha with their nearest modern equivalents 1308
Sample Pages

Volume -I

Volume -II

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