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Vaidyaka Paribhasa Pradipa (The Captivating Magic of Classical Ayurvedic Terminologies): A Dictionary of Ayurveda

Publisher: Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, Tirupati
Author: Dr. Ravindra Angadi
Language: English
Edition: 2013
ISBN: 9789381484838
Pages: 220
Cover: Hardcover
8.5 inch X 5.5 inch
450 gm
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Book Description
About the Book

Vaidyaka Paribhasha Pradeep is a brilliant compilation of the significant definitions in the field of Ayurveda by ri Govinda Dãsa Sena, the eminent author of the book ‘Bhaiajya RatnävalI’.

The book has four parts as ‘prathama’, ‘dwitIya, ‘qitiya’ and ‘caturtha’ khanda. Prathama khanda has the basic definitions from Ayurveda which become the guiding lights throughout to assess and understand the science in a better way. Deity and titian khanda contain the most crucial definitions of the basic preparations required for the Ayurvedic treatment, explained in a highly structured and organized way. The caturtha khanda is exclusively dedicated to the definitions from ‘paficakarma’. It contains the noteworthy descriptions of all the significant terminologies related with every procedure in ‘pañcakarma’.

For all the terminologies featuring in this book, the commentator has put in his best efforts to furnish the most appropriate and authentic illustration through his TRANSCENDENCE descriptive English commentary.


About The Author

Dr. Ravindra Angadi works as assistant professor and recognized PG guide in Post Graduate department of Rasaastra and Bhaisajya Kalpana, at S.D.M. College of Ayurveda, Kuthpady, Udupi, Karnataka.

His earlier book named ‘A TEXT BOOK OF BHAISAJYA KALPANA as per CCIM’s new UG & PG Syllabus’ published in the year 2009 by Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashan Varanasi, is widely appreciated and blessed by seniors in the field and is gladly accepted by the student fraternity of Ayurveda.



The charm of ‘classical terminologies’ used in the different texts of Ayurveda, lies in their superb quality of spontaneity, of universality and of perennial freshness they hold and impart on to the science. The compactness in the definitions of these terminologies with deeper and hidden meanings makes them more appealing to the readers.

To understand the science with proper rationality, one should be good in perceiving the hidden, concealed, partially explained and at times mystifying meanings of these definitions. Many a times we tend to look at the concepts in our science with an orthodox mindset. However, with so much of advancement in the science, we must think beyond out conventional ideas to inculcate newer knowledge into the science.

The term ‘transcendence’ means the same. It is the quality of being able to go beyond normal limits or boundaries. At this juncture I am glad to introduce the ‘transcendence commentary’ to ‘VAIDYAKA PARIBHASA PRADIPA’ a book compiled by Acarya Govinda Däsa Sena.

This work is a humble attempt to bring a handy referral book of definitions, which will be useful to everyone in the field of Ayurveda. The under graduates, the post graduates and’ the students appearing for PG entrance examinations may find this book more beneficial.



With completion of writing this book, I remain humbly grateful to all the individuals who have played a role in making it possible. At the outset I would like to express my humble gratitude to the President of our institution Rajarshi Dr. D. Veerendra Hegde, Vice President Prof. S. Prabhakar, Secretary Prof. Yashovarma and the management for blessing me with an opportunity to serve in their institution, which is the source of inspiration in all my works.

I am extremely obliged to our beloved principal Prof. U. N. Prasad, and for his constant warm hearted support and blessings in all my works. At the same time I am blessed to have the kind support and blessings of Prof. Prasanna N Rao, Principal, SDM College of Ayurveda, Hassan.

My respects are with all the senior staff and colleagues from different departments of our institution for their kind suggestions all through. I respectfully thank head of our department Prof. Prabhakar Renjal and all my colleagues Dr. Sujatha K., Dr. Seema M. B., Dr. Muralidhar Ballal, Dr. R. R. Geethesh, Dr. Ashok Kumar B. N., Dr. Sudheendra Honwad and Dr. Srinidhi Ballal, for their friendly support and valuable contribution in clarifying many controversial points of the subject.

I politely remember Dr. Govinda Sharma, Dr. Basavaraj Ghanti, Dr. Vinay Kadebagilu, Dr. Gazala Hussain, Dr. Reshma, Dr.Parthipan and Dr. Tejasvini; my colleagues from SDM Ayurveda College Hassan, for their friendly support.

My respects will be always with Prof. C. B. Jha, Prof. R. S. Sarashetty, Prof. Asmita Wele, Prof. B. B. Joshi, Prof. P. K. Prajapati, Prof. Vilas Dole, Prof. Yariswamy, Prof. Ashok D. Satpute, Prof. Rajashekhar Pande, Prof. M. C. Patil, Prof. Dinesh Kumar Mishra, Dr. Satyanarayana Bhat, Dr. Anandalakshmi, Dr. Vishi Bansal, Dr. Madhuri Dálvi, Dr. Rajalaxmi, Dr. Sekhar Reddy, Dr. Danappa Goudar, Dr. Jagadeesh Mitti and many other friends of mine from RS and BK departments; with whom I have exchanged my views about the subject at different instances. I thankfully remember all the earlier PG scholars of RS and BK department from our college, who are presently working in different institutions as staff. They have immensely contributed in enriching our knowledge of the science through fruitful debates and discussions. Concurrently I am pleased with all the UG students of our institution since 2003 for the sincerity and dedication they have shown towards the subject I deal.

I am thankful to all the library staff of our college for their help in providing the needed referral stuff for this work.

I remain individually obliged to Mr. N. K. Gupta of Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashan and his computer crew for the wonderful edition of the book.

My love and respects are with my daughter Bhoomi, my wife, parents, sisters and their families for their unconditional support.




Authors appeal 1
Significance of this book 1
About the book 1
Paribhasa 2
Significance of mana 2
Essentiality of mana 2
Two types of mana 3
Three types of mana 4
Magadha mana 4
Chart for magadha mana 5
The shorter version of table (Magadha mana) 7
Kudava patra 7
Kalinga mana 7
Chart for kalinga mana 9
The shorter version of table (Kalinga mana) 10
Comparison between Caraka, Susruta and Sarugadharokta poutava mana 11
Rasarnvokta pautava mana chart 12
Rasa Vagbhatokta pautava mana chart 12
Bharatiya pautava mana 13
Metric system of measurements 13
Imperial system of measurements 13
Druvaya mana or tarala mana (Measures of capacity) 14
Payya mana (Measures of length) 15
Kala mana (Measures of time) 15
Dravardrasuska dravya mana 16
Ausadha namakarana (Naming of preparations) 16
Dviguna mana ganana (The rule of duplication) 17
Reason for the rule of duplication 17
Exception for the rule of duplication 17
Dry and wet drug collection 18
Saviryata avadhi of sneha kalpana 19
Saviryatavadhi 19
Saviryatavadhi (shelf life) and dosage of different dosage forms 20
Deletion or replacement of drugs in a compound preparation 21
Place of drug collection 21
Land of mahabhuta predominance and drug collection 23
Places from where drugs should not be collected 24
Consideration of specific plant parts 24
Collection of specific plant parts (Prayojya anga) 25
Rule for collection of specified plant parts 26
Careful administration of medicines 26
Different sources of drug information 26
Time of drug collection 27
Specific seasons for specific plant part collection 27
Anukta-visesokta grahana 28
Collection of pranija dravya 30
Abhava/pratinidhi dravya grahana 31
Liberty to substitute the unavailable drugs 36
Substituting the unavailable drugs 37
Replacing the unavailable drugs 37
Apradhana and pradhana dravya 37
Deletion or replacement of drugs in a compound preparation 37
Some of the other significance definitions 38
Dlpana 38
Pacana 38
Samsamana 38
Anulomana 38
Sramsana 39
Bhedana 39
Recana 39
Vamana 39
Samsodhana 39
Chedana 40
Lekhana 40
Grahi 40
Sthambhana 40
Rasayana 41
Vajikarana 41
Sukrala 41
Sukra pravartaka 41
Sukra sthambhaka 41
Suksma 42
Vyavayi 42
Vikasi 42
Madakari 43
Visa 43
Pramathi 43
Abhisyandi 43
Pancavidha kasaya kalpana 44
Sadvidha kasaya kalpana 45
Saptavidha kasaya kalpana 45
Pancavidha kasaya kalpana - general idea 45
Swarasa kalpana 46
Swarasa from wet drugs 46
Swarasa from dry drugs 46
Swarasa from very hard drugs 47
Swarasa matra 47
Putapaka swarasa 47
Putapaka swarasa method 47
Kalka kalpana 48
Kalka - definition 48
Kalka praksepaka dravya and their quantity 49
Curna kalpana 49
Kwatha kalpana 50
Kwatha - definition 50
Kwatha - dosage 50
Hima kalpana 51
Stta-kasaya (Hima) 51
Tandulodaka 51
Phanta kalpana 52
Sita and phanta as per Viswamitra 52
Usnodaka 52
Rasakriya 52
Rasakriya/Phanita/Kakavi 54
Vati/Vataka/Gutika/Modaka/Pindi/Guda/Varti 54
Posology 55
Factors affecting dose selection 56
Calculation of child and infant dose 57
Dose fixation - a simile 58
Dosage of sneha and kwatha kalpana 59
Dosage of guda and khanda kalpana 59
Dosage of modaka, vataka and avaleha 59
Dosage of guggulu 60
Dosage of different bhasmas 60
Kwatha preparation depending on the quantity of the drugs 61
Rationality 62
Kwatha preparation depending on the nature of the drugs 63
Pacana kwatha - water and drug ratio 64
Kwatha preparation for yavagu, yusa, rasaka etc 64
K watha preparation for pana, peya etc 64
Yavagu - rice quantity 65
Anna kalpana - water ratio 65
Manda, peya, yavagu and vilepi 65
Yavagu and krsara 66
Vilepi 66
Peya and yusa 66
Manda 67
Mamsa rasa 67
Laksa rasa 68
Praksepa - general view 68
Ausadha - praksepa sevana vidhi 69
Ausadha and praksepa 69
Praksepa and their ratio 70
Kwatha - praksepaka dravya 70
Ksirapaka 71
Ksira-mastu-aranala paka-vidhi 72
Kwatha preparation for sneha kalpana 73
Ratio of millk in sneha preparation 73
Kwatha-sneha-kalka In sneha preparation 73
Five or more than five drava-dravya in sneha preparation 74
One to four drava dravya in sneha preparation 74
Ratio of kwatha in sneha preparation 74
Anukta mana 74
Puspa kalka quantity 75
Quantity of kalka-dravya in relation with drava-dravya 75
Addition of water as drava-dravya 75
Only milk as drava-dravya 75
Sneha-paka with no kalka-dravya 76
Sneha-paka anukta mana 76
Sneha-dravya anukta mana 76
Overlooking the sneha ratio 76
Kwatha - anukta mana 76
Anukta-visesokta grahana 77
Kwatha preparation in larger preparations 77
Sneha kalpana - visesokta grahana 77
Deletion and addition of drugs from a dravya-gana 78
Sneha kalpana - definition 79
Kwatha preparation in sneha kalpana 79
Kwatha preparation depending on drug's nature 79
Kwatha preparation depending on drug's quantity 80
Rationality 80
Time duration to cook sneha preparations 81
Time duration to cook sneha and some other preparations 81
To be processed in single day 82
Specific rules for sneha preparation 82
Different drava-dravya and ratio of sneha kalka 82
Different drava-dravya and ratio of sneha kalka 82
Number of drava-dravya and their ratio 82
Sneha preparation when only medicinal drugs are mentioned 83
Sneha preparation when only kwatha dravya are mentioned 83
Sneha preparation without sneha-kalka 83
Puspa kalka in sneha preparation and its ratio 83
Sneha-siddha laksana 84
Phenodgama and phena-santi 85
Sneha paka with ksara jala 85
Types of sneha paka 86
Therapeutic utility of different sneha paka 87
Sneha paka - therapeutic significance 87
Gudapaka laksana 88
Guggulupaka laksana 88
Guggulu kalpana - dosage 88
Triphala kwatha for loha-sodhana 89
Triphala kwatha for loha-marana 89
Triphala bhanupaka kwatha for loha sodhana-marana 90
Triphala sthalipaka kwatha for loha sodhana-marana 90
Loha putapaka - quantity of the drugs required 90
Liquids for loha sodhana-marana 91
Triphala vyognipaka kwatha for loha sodhana-marana 91
Kwatha preparation and the drug hardness 91
Loha-marana - triphala kwatha 92
Lohapaka laksana 93
Mrdu and khara lohapaka 94
Trividha lohapaka 94
Mrdupaka laksana 94
Kharapaka laksana 94
Mrdu, khara and madhyama lohapaka 95
Bhavana - paribhasa 95
Bhavana vidhi 95
Bhavana dravya for bhavana 96
Ksarodaka 96
In case of repeated drug in a preparation 96
Paka and addition of praksepa dravya 97
Curna and modaka - addition of guda 97
No duplication of the drug quantity 97
Anupana - significance 97
Anupana - benefits 98
Anupana - selection 99
Usna-sitodaka anupana 99
Anupana matra 101
Anupana as per Patanjali 101
Suitable adjuvant 102
Paediatric dosage 102
Bala - categorization 104
Ausadha sevana-kala 104
Asta (8) ausadha sevana-kala 104
Dosa prakopa/Diseases and ausadha sevana-kala 105
Dasa (10) ausadha sevana-kala 106
Significance of ausadha sevana-kalas 106
Panca (5) ausadha sevana-kala 108
Chronotherapeutics 110
Cikitsa kriya-vyavastha 111
Cikitsa-as per Caraka 111
Opting for suitable treatment methods 111
Switching over the treatment methods 112
Kriya-sankarya 112
Disease and the season of eruption 112
Caturamla and pancamla 113
Pancalavana 113
Astamutra 114
Sneha catustaya 114
Asta-ksira 115
Tri-sugandhi/Trijata/Caturjata 115
Sarvagandha 115
Maha triphala/Swalpa triphala 116
Maha/mahati triphala 116
Swalpa triphala 116
Tryusana 116
Trimada 117
Pancaksiri vrksa 117
Panca pallava 117
Pancakola/Sadusana 118
Brhat pancamula 118
Laghu pancamula 119
Dasamula 119
Trna pancamula 119
Vallipancamula 119
Kantaka pancamula 120
Asta varga (Jivaniyastaka) 120
Jivaniya gana 120
Sweta marica 121
Jyesthambu/Sukhodaka 121
Gudambu 121
Vesavara 122
Amla-mulaka (Sour-radish) 122
Dhadhi - kurcika/Takra kurcika 122
Sukta 123
Sidhu/Asava/Maireya 123
Aranala 123
Amla-vataka 123
Krsara or trisara 124
Swalpa cukra 124
Asava and arista-difference 125
Sidhu (Pakwa rasa/sita rasa) 125
Sura and its layers 125
Varuni 125
Guda-sukta 126
Iksu sukta/Mrdvika sukta 126
Tusambu/Souvira 126
Tusodaka 127
Kanji 127
Sindaki 128
Madhu-sukta 129
Khada- yusa/Kambalika 129
Tarpana 130
Mantha 130
Usndaka 130
Pancakarma-significance of samsodhana 132
Sodhana - 5 types 132
Pancakarma and consideration of age 132
Vamana cikitsa - method 133
Sodhana therapy - Caraka's opinion 133
Sodhana therapy - unsuitable seasons 134
Sodhana therapy - suitable season 134
Samyak vamita laksana 134
Vamana - benefits 135
Asamyak vamita dosa 135
Ativamita - dosa 135
Vamana - considerable factors 135
Vamana kwatha matra 136
Vamanausadha- matra 136
Vamana-virecana and the use of warm honey 136
Avamya (Persons unfit for vamana) 137
Vamana in unfit patients 138
Vamana-yogya gulma rogi 138
Vamana-virecana kala and niyama 138
Vamya (Persons fit for vamana) 139
A vamya (Persons unfit for vamana) 139
Vamana in avamya patients 140
Vamana kwatha matra 140
Dose of other vamana dravya 140
Vamana vega 140
Yamana dravya and dosa 141
Virecana cikitsa 141
Virecana - opinion of Acarya Sarngadhara 141
Virecana guna - as per Susruta 141
Avantasya virecana nisedha 142
Avantasya virecana vidhi 142
Virecana - suitable kala 142
Avirecya (Persons unfit for virecana) 143
Virecya (Persons fit for virecana) 143
Kostha assessment 143
Virecana matra 144
Virecana ausadha matra 144
Kostha - opinion of Acarya Ananda Sena 144
Virecana ausaha matra - as per Acarya Ananda Sena 144
Four types of suddhi 145
Kostha suddhi 145
Prastha mana in vamana-virecana 145
Vamana/virecana to be continued until 146
Counting the number of urges in vamana and virecana 146
Samyak virecana guna 146
Asamyak virecana dosa 146
Ati-virecana dosa 147
Avirecya (Persons unfit for virecana) 147
Virecana in avirecya 148
Nasya cikitsa 148
Nasya - types 148
Nasya - definition 148
Times of nasya administration 148
Pratimarsa nasya 149
A vapidana nasya 149
Sneha nasya 149
Other two types of nasya 150
Avapida nasya 150
Pradhamana nasya 150
Virecana nasya is used in 150
Snehana nasya yogya 151
Avapidana nasya yogya 151
Pradhamana nasya prayoga 151
Nasya matra 151
Nasya yogya 152
Nasya-ayogya 152
Anuvasana basti 153
Basti: a complete and superior treatment 153
Anuvasana basti 153
Bastinetra 154
Bastinetra and its length 154
Bastinetra and its shape 154
Basti putaka and basti yantra 155
Vrana basti netra 156
Basti netra and its length 157
Basti netra and its shape 157
Grahya basti-putaka 158
Niruha basti 158
Basti - sequence of explanation 158
Matra basti 159
Anuvasya (Persons fit for anuvasana basti) 159
Nanuvasya/nasthapya (Persons unfit for anuvasana/asthapana basti) 159
Basti cikitsa - benefits 159
Sneha basti - time of administration 160
Anuvasana basti and snigdha bhojana 160
Basti - hina and atiyoga 160
Anuvasana basti matra 161
Niruha basti matra 161
Anuvasana basti matra 161
Anuvasana basti pratyagarnana kala 162
Excessive administration of basti 162
Ananuvasya (Persons unfit for anuvasana basti) 163
Anasthapya (Persons unfit for asthapana basti) 163
Niruha basti 164
Niruha basti-kala 164
Niruha and asthapana - definitions of Susruta 165
Sodhana - sequence and period of administration 165
Niruha basti-dravya and their ratio 165
Niruha basti - opinion of Acarya Samgadhara 166
Asthapana - a synonym of niruha 166
Niruha basti matra 167
Anasthapya (Persons unfit for asthapana basti) 167
Asthapya (Persons fit for asthapana basti) 167
Niruha basti-kala 168
Niruha basti-vidhi 168
Niruha basti pratyagamana kala 169
Niruha basti dravya - the properties 169
Niruha basti dravya - an emulsion 169
Niruha basti dana vidhi 170
Matrakala 170
Niruha basti dana 171
Niruha basti sankhya 171
Su-nirudha basti laksanas 171
Samyak nirudha laksanas 171
Asamyak nirudha laksanas 172
Ayoga and atiyoga of niruha basti 172
Uttara basti 172
Uttara basti-matra 173
Uttara basti-dana vidhi in male 173
Uttara basti-dana vidhi in female 173
Uttara basti in children 174
Uuara basti kala in female 174
Uttara bastidana vidhi in women 175
Bastidaha - measures 175
Uttara basti - benefits 176
Uttara basti - laksanas 176
Phalavarti 176
Basti dravya-matra - as per Ananda Sena 176
Dhumapana vidhi 177
Dhurnapana - benefits 177
Dhumapana - complications 178
Dhumapana bheda 178
Mukha-nasagata dhumapana 179
Dhumapana - contraindications 179
Kavala-gandusa dharana 179
Kavala-gandusa - types 179
Difference between kavala and gandusa 180
Kavala-gandusa matra 180
Kavala-gandusa kala 180
Kavala-gandusa medicine 181
Kavala-gandusa hina/ati yoga 181
Gandusa suddhi laksana 181
Kavala-gandusa dosage 182
Raktamoksana 182
Ati-raktamoksana dosa 182
Visuddha rakta purusa laksana 182
Raktamoksana - sthana and vaya 182
Raktamoksana contraindications 183
Raktamoksana - a rule 183
Sneha murcchana 183
Ghrta murcchana 184
Sarsapa taila (katu taila) murcchana 185
Eranda taila rnurcchana 186
Tilataila murcchana 187
Generalized taila murcchana method 188
Pancapallava 189
Gandha dravya 189
Apara-gandha dravya 189
Kakkola - in tailapaka 190

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