In Uttara Kalamrita, a treatise attributed to Kalidas, the author has extensively dealt with signification of bhavas and planets, it also deals with the retrogression and perhaps the exclusive text to deal with the same. Further the text deals with the Varsh Phal method (Solar Return Chart). Uttara Kalamrita is full of expressions of Jyotish fundamentals and principles. The commentator Jatinder Pal Singh Sandhu guides you through the text with an easily understandable commentary along with relevant examples and expressions. This classic is a must in the library of all the enthusiasts and astrologers. This text is definitely a treasurable reference book to read and expand your astrological acumen.
JATINDER PAL SINGH SANDHU is a blogger, researcher, astrologer and teacher of Vedic/Medical Astrology with more than 5000 blog posts and as many articles, and posts on various Astrological forums on Spirituality and Astrology like India Divine, Mystic Boards, Astrology Tree, Light on Vedic Astrology etc. He is actively involved in the research of Vedic and Medical Astrology. His work has been published in almost all known journals of Astrology. He has authored eight books on Medical/Vedic Astrology.
He teaches Medical and Vedic Astrology to enthusiasts and stalwarts both from India and abroad.
Uttara Kalamrita is an important landmark in the history of Indian Astrology. Uttara kalamrita is an invaluable contribution in the field of Astrology by the poet Kalidasa.
It is a praiseworthy compilation of Astrological findings on the various aspects of human life pertaining to a native and makes the study both instructive and profitable to all- whether casual readers or scholars.
Worth note is sutra based on retrogression of planets, which have not been accepted widely by astrologer fraternity.
Nevertheless, the book is one of the classics that is widely referred to and gives some invaluable astrological information.
In short. Uttara Kal amrita is a good compendium, a standard text based on experience, and a treasure house.
But the text clearly states that the author was condensing the work of Vyasachala (17th century) and that he was called Abhinava Kalidasa. Possibly the author of Uttara kal amrita is the same one or a person like him. All this. however. does not belittle the value of the present work. Some of the salient features may be noted: (1) He gives a method of finding the past. present and future births. This is different from the one given by Varahamihira and others. (2) There are special kinds of Raja Yogas and their bhanga (destruction). Mention is to be made of Viparita Raja Yoga. (3) The annual solar return chart is interpreted and examined in a manner that differs from the Tajika method. This is very original. It is simple and interesting. (4) There is an elaborate account of Rahu and Ketu. (5) The way of interpreting retrograde planets in their exaltation and debilitation is of much interest. (6) The mutual periods of Shani and Shukra. Guru and Shukra and the like are of much value. (7) Muhurta and nimitta discussed in the eighth chapter is worth studying. (8) The first part of the second Kanda deals with religious and other rites. This part we have separated into one chapter. (9) Guru and Shani are taken as co-workers. Owning the last four signs these are the philosophical planets. Though they rule happiness and misery. they must have a benefic mutual relation. (10) Jaimini's system of astrology is simplified. (11) Horary astrology and the way of treating the lost or unknown dates of birth are explained. These arc rot simple copying from earlier works.
This Book is divided into two Kanda: the first consists of 8 sections dealing with Time of Birth, Planets, Bhavas, Strength of Planets, Length of Life, Planetary effects in several Bhavas, Saturn and Jupiter combining to make the philosopher, Function (Karkatva) of Bhavas and Planets (this part is unparallel), Dasa Periods and on Queries; the second Kanda deals with issues like the Sraddha ceremonies, rituals and the adoption of sons.
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