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Urban Centres and Urbanisation (As Reflected in the Pali Vinaya and Sutta Pitakas)

Publisher: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
Author: K.T.S. Sarao
Edition: 2010
ISBN: 9788121512237
Pages: 280
Cover: Paperback
8.5 Inch X 5.5 Inch
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Book Description
Preface to the Third Revised Edition

The second edition of this book went out of print in 2007. Taking into consideration this heavy demand of this book by students and research scholars, and availability of funds made by the UGC to subsidize its publication, it was decided to bring out the third edition, revised. In this third edition, the map has been divided into two parts making it more rational. The portion of the map covering Majjhimadesa, where the Buddha was active, has been given separately as part two. The first part covers the rest of Jambudipa.

I am grateful to Prof. Bhikshu Satyapala and Prof. Anita Sharma for taking keen interest in the publication of this paperback edition. I am also grateful to Dr S.M. Haldhar, Dr A.K. Singh, Dr Krishna Murari, Dr Sanjay Kumar Singh, and Shri Anmol Jha for doing various odd jobs relating to the publication of this edition. I owe thanks to the University Grants commission for a grant which partly defrayed the publication cost. In the end, I am immensely grateful to Shri Ashok Jain of Munshiram Manoharlal Publications for bringing out this edition in a record time.

Preface to the Second Edition

The first edition of this book was published in 1990 and has been out of print for about ten years. During the last fifteen years, I had the opportunity of doing some work on a couple of the settlements which had remained unidentified so far. As a result, I have added Kammasadhamma and Thullakotthita to the list of identified settlements in this edition, besides, an extra appendix (no. III) has also been added. Now better fonts as well as programs to print letters with diacritical marks have become available on the computers. This has helped in removing many of the printer’s devils that had crept into the first edition.

Dr Anita Sharma helped with the updating of the bibliography. In the preparation of the index as well as the map, I have received help from Dr S.M. Haldhar, Dr A.K. Singh, Dr Krishna Murari, Dr Sanjay Kumar Singh, Mr A.K. Jha, Mr Dilip Kumar Thakur, and Mr Saurabh Jha. Mr B.N. Tiwari of Vidyanidhi Prakashan helped in brining out this edition in the shortest possible time. I extend my sincere thanks to all of them.

Preface to the First Edition

In 1985, I was awarded the Commonwealth Scholarship to do PhD in Oriental Studies at University of Cambridge. This book represents about two – thirds of my doctoral dissertation that I submitted to the University of Cambridge in May 1989 through Clare hall, Churchill College, and the Faculty of Oriental Studies.

I wish to express my deep sense of gratitude to Prof. F.R. Allchin, my supervisor, for his valuable guidance and constructive criticism. I would also like to thank Dr B.R. Allchin for her encouragement from time to time. I am grateful to the members of the faculty of oriental studies in particular Prof. K.R. Norman for many acts of kindness and Dr J.D. Smith for lending me a program on diacritical marks. I should like to express my deep gratitude to my former teachers Dr D.K. Chakrabarti (Dhaka), Prof. Sanghasena Singh (Delhi), and the late Prof. D. Devahuti (Delhi), who took special interest in my work. My special thanks are due to Prof. B.G. Gokhale (Winston – Salem), Dr Makkhan Lal (Aligarh), Prof. Amalia Pezzali (Bologna), and Dr George Erdosy (Cambridge) for valuable criticism of various portions of the rough draft.

I am indebted to the staff of the oriental faculty library, University Library, Haddon Library, and the Ancient India and Iran Trust Library, and the India House Library (all at London) for lending me books and other assistance. I am very considerably indebted to Dr N.S. Pradhan, Principal, K.M. College (Delhi University) for granting me three – year study leave.

I am most grateful to the commonwealth commission (London), the Association of commonwealth Universities (London), and the Ministry of Education (Government of India) for the award of Commonwealth Scholarship, which mainly financed my study and stay in the United Kingdom. I am also grateful to the Ancient India and Iran Trust (Cambridge), the Charles Wallace Trust, the Leche Trust, the British Council, and the Association of Commonwealth Universities (all at London) for partly contributing towards the expenses of a field – trip in India and attendance at conferences at Hamburg (W. Germany), Berkeley (USA), and Leiden (Holland).

I am also indebted to Sunita, Neha, and Nidhi for constant source of strength and encouragement during the study. I also wish to thank all my professional friends especially Anita Sharma (Delhi University), Anamika Roy, Gyanesh Kudaisya, Indivar Kamtekar, and Medha Malik (all of Churchill College, Cambridge) for various kinds of support.


Maps xiii
Preface to the Third Revised Edition xv
Preface to the Second Edition xvii
Preface to the First Edition xix
Abbreviations xxi
1 – Introduction
1.1 Earlier Research on Early Indian Urban Centres 1
1.2 Scope and Methodology of the Present Work 3
1.3 Chronology of he Pali Vinaya and Sutta Pitakas 12
2 – Urbanisation as a Theoretical Issue 17
2.1 Introduction 17
2.2 Size and Density 23
2.3 Population Structure, Ruling Class, and State Organisation23
2.4 The Question of Surplus 24
2.5 Writing 28
2.6 Monumental Public Works and Irrigation 30
2.7 Population Pressure and Environmental Circumscription 32
2.8 Trade 34
2.9Defence 35
2.10 Religion 36
2.11 Evolutionary Models 36
2.12 Model for the Ganga Urbanisation 38
2.13 Evidence of Hierarchy amongst Settlements 41
2.13.1 Non – Ubran Settlements41 Kuti/Nivesanam 41 Gama 42
2.13.2 Urban Settlements 45 45 Nagara 46 Pura 49 Pattana/Pattana 50 Puta - bhedanam 50 Rajadhani or Rajadhaniya Nagara 51 Mahanagaras 51
2.14 Functions 51
3 – Textual Perspective 57
3.1 Identified Settlements 58
3.1.1 Aggalapura 58
3.1.2 Alavi/Alavi 58
3.1.3 Allakappa 59
3.1.4 Amara/Amaravati 60
3.1.5Andhapura 60
3.1.6 Arittha/Aritthapura 60
3.1.7Atthakanagara 61
3.1.8 Baranasi/Kasi/Kasika/Kasipura/Kasinagara/Rammavati, etc. 61
3.1.9 Bhaddiya/Bhaddiyanagra 63
3.1.10Bharukaccha/Bharukaccha 63
3.1.11 Bhogagamanagara/Bhoganagara/Bhogagama 63
3.1.12 Campa/Campapuri/Campavati 64
3.1.13 Dantapura 65
3.1.14 Devadaha 65
3.1.15 Dhannavati 65
3.1.16 Dvaravati/Dvaraka 66
3.1.17 Erakaccha 66
3.1.18 Gaya 67
3.1.19 Hamsavati 67
3.1.20 Hatthipur/Hatthigama 67
3.1.21 Indapatta/Indapattha/Indapattana 68
3.1.22 Jetuttara/Jetuttarapura 68
3.1.23Kajangala/Kajangala/Jangala 69
3.1.24 Kammasadamma/Kammassadhamma 69
3.1.25Kampilla/Kampillaka/Kampilliya/Kakppila 70
3.1.26 Kannakujja 71
3.1.27 Kapilavatthu/Kapilapura/Kapilanagara 71
3.1.28 Kavira/Kavirapattana 73
3.1.29 Kekaka/Kekaya 74
3.1.30Kesaputta 74
3.1.31 Khemavati/Khema/Khemaka 74
3.1.32 Koliyanagara/Kolanagara 75
3.1.33 Kosambi 75
3.1.34 Kukkuta/Kukkutavati 76
3.1.35 Kumbhavati 77
3.1.36 Kuraraghara/Kulaghara/Kusaghara 77
3.1.37 Kusinara 77
3.1.38 Macchikasanda 78
3.1.39Madhura/Madhura/Uttaramadhura 79
3.1.40 Mahissati 79
3.1.41Mithila 80
3.1.42Nagara 81
3.1.43 Nalanda 81
3.1.44 Nangaraka/Nagaraka/Nangaramka 81
3.1.45 Pannakata/Pannakada 82
3.1.46 Pataliputta/Pataligama/Pataliputtanagara 82
3.1.47Patitthana 85
3.1.48 Pava 85
3.1.49 Payagatittha/Payagapatitthana/Payaga 85
3.1.50 Pipphalivana 86
3.1.51Rajagaha/Giribbaja 86
3.1.52 Ramagama 92
3.1.53 Roruva/Roruka 93
3.1.54Sadhuka 93
3.1.55 Sagala/Sagala/Sakala 94
3.1.56 Sahajati/Sahajat/Sahajata 94
3.1.57Saketa/Saketa 95
3.1.58Samkassa 96
3.1.59 Sarana 96
3.1.60 Savatthi 96
3.1.61 Senanigama/Senaninigama 98
3.1.62Setavya/Setabbya 99
3.1.63Sihapura 99
3.1.64 Sobhavati 100
3.1.65 Soreyya 100
3.1.66 Sotthivati 100
3.1.67 Sumsumaragiri/Sumsumaragira 101
3.1.68 Suppara/Supparaka 101
3.1.69 Takkara 101
3.1.70 Takkasila 102
3.1.71 Thullakotthita/Thullakotthita/Thullakotthika 103
3.1.72 Thuna/Thuna103
3.1.73Udumbara 103
3.1.74 Ujjeni 104
3.1.75 Ujunna/Ujjunna/Urunna/Udanna 104
3.1.76 Ukkavela/Ukkacela/Ukkavela 104
3.1.77 Vamsa/Vanasa/Vanasavhya105
3.1.78 Varana/Virana 105
3.1.79 Vedisa 105
3.1.80 Veranja/Veranja/Veranji 105
3.1.81 Vesali 106
3.1.82 Vethadipa 107
3.2 Unidentified Settlements 108
3.2.1 Anupama/Anoma/Anopama/Anupama 108
3.2.2 Anupiya/Anupiya/Anopiya 108
3.2.3 Apana 108
3.2.4 Arunavati/Arunapura 109
3.2.5Assapura 109
3.2.6 Atuma 109
3.2.7 Bhaddavati/Bhaddavatika 109
3.2.8 Bhimaratha/Bhimarattha 110
3.2.9 Calika 110
3.2.10 Catuma/Catuma 110
3.2.11 Daddara/Daddarapura 110
3.2.12 Dandaka 111
3.2.13Dandakappaka 111
3.2.14 Desaka/Setaka/Sedaka 111
3.2.15 Gambhira 111
3.2.16 Gonaddha/Gonaddhapura 112
3.2.17 Haliddavasana 112
3.2.18Kakkarapatta 112
3.2.19 Kamanda 112
3.2.20 Karambiya/Karambhiya 113
3.2.21 Keka 113
3.2.22 Khomadussa 113
3.2.23 Kimbila/Kimila/Kimbila 113
3.2.24 Kitagiri/Kitagiri 113
3.2.25 Kokali 114
3.2.26 Lambaculaka 114
3.2.27 Makkarakata 114
3.2.28 Mantavati 114
3.2.29Nalakapana/Nalakapana 114
3.2.30 Pankadha 115
3.2.31 Parileyya/Parileyyaka 115
3.2.32 Pota/Potana/Potala/Patali 115
3.2.33 Sajjanela/Pajjanikam 115
3.2.34 Sakkara/Sakkhara 116
3.2.35 Sakula 116
3.2.36 Sapuga/Samugiya 116
3.2.37 Setakannika 116
3.2.38 Silavati 116
3.2.39 Sobhana/Sobhita 116
3.2.40 Sudhamma116
3.2.41 Sumangala 117
3.2.42 Ugga 117
3.2.43 Ukkattha 117
3.2.44 Ulumpa/Medalumpa/Medatalummpa 117
3.2.45 Upakari 118
3.2.46 Uruvelakappa118
3.2.47 Uttara 118
3.2.48 Vajira 118
3.2.49 Vebhalingam/Vehalingam/Vebhaligam 118
3.2.50 Velukanda/Velukanta 118
3.2.51 Venagapura 119
3.3 Duplicated Settlements 119
3.3.1 Asitanjana 119
3.3.2 Ayojjha/Ayojjhaya119
3.3.3 Bandhumati 120
3.3.4 Brahmavaddhana 120
3.3.5 Candavati/Candavari 120
3.3.6 Kalacampa 120
3.3.7 Kasi/Kasika/Kasipura 120
3.3.8 Ketumati 120
3.3.9 Kosala 121
3.3.10 Kundiya/Kundi 121
3.3.11 Kusavati121
3.3.12 Mekhala 122
3.3.13 Molini 122
3.3.14 Nagapura 112
3.3.15 Pupphavati122
3.3.16 Ramma/Rammaka/Rammanagara/Rammavati122
3.3.17 Sudassana 122
3.3.18 Sudhanna/Sudhannaka/Sudhannavati 122
3.3.19 Surundha/Surundhana 123
3.3.20 Uruvela/Uruvela/Uruvela/Uracela 123
3.3.21 Uttarapancala 123
3.3.22 Vettavati 124
3.3.23 Yavamajjhaka 124
3.4 Mythical Settlements 124
3.4.1 Nagaras of Uttarakuru 124
3.4.2 Other Mythical Settlements 124 Kapivanta 124 Renuvati 125 Sirisavatthu 125 Sobha 125 Tavatimsa 125 Tidasa 125
4 – Archaeological Perspective 148
4.1 Alavi (Newal) 149
4.2 Allakakppa (Nandangarh) 149
4.3 Amaravati/Amara (Amaravati) 149
4.4 Baranasi (Rajghat) 150
4.5 Bharukaccha/Bharunagara (Bharuch) 152
4.6 Campa (Champanagar) 153
4.7 Dvaravati/Dvaraka (Dvarka) 153
4.8 Erakaccha (Eran) 154
4.9 Gaya (Taradih) 155
4.10 Hatthipura/Hatthigama (Hastinapur) 155
4.11 Indapatta/Indapattha/Indapattana (Indraprastha, New Delhi) 156
4.12 Jetuttara (Nagari) 156
4.13 Kampilla/Kampillaka/Kampilliya (Kamkpil) 157
4.14 Kannakujja (Kanauj) 157
4.15 Kapilavatthu (Tilaurakot) 158
4.16 Kekaka (Jalalpur) 158
4.17 Kessaputta (Kesariya) 158
4.18 Khemavati (Khemarajpur) 158
4.19 Koliyanagara/Kolanagara (Korawa-Dih) 159
4.20 Kosambi (Kosam) 159
4.21 Kukkuta (Peshawar) 160
4.22 Kusinara (Kasia)160
4.23 Macchikasanda (Masaon – Dih) 161
4.24 Madhura/Uttaramadhura (Mathura) 161
4.25 Mahissati (Maheshwar) 162
4.26 Nagara (Nagar) 163
4.27 Nalanda 163
4.28 Pataliputta/Pataligama (Patna) 164
4.29 Patitthana (Paithan)165
4.30 Pava (Padraona)165
4.31 Payagatittha/Payagapatitthana (Jhusi) 165
4.32 Pipphalivana (Piprahwa-Ganwaria)166
4.33 Rajagaha/Giribbaja (Rajgir) 166
4.34 Sahajati (Bhita) 168
4.35 Saketa (Ayodhya) 169
4.36 Samkassa (Samkissa-Basantpur) 169
4.37 Savatthi (Saheth – Maheth)170
4.38 Sobhavati (Khopoa –Dih) 171
4.39 Soreyya (Soron) 171
4.40 Sumsumaragiri/Sumpsumaragira (Chunar) 171
4.41 Suppara/Supparaka (Sopara) 172
4.42 Takkara (Ter) 172
4.43 Takkasila (Taxila) 172
4.44 Thuna/Thuna (Thaneshwar) 175
4.45 Udumbara (Pathankot) 175
4.46 Ujjeni (Ujjain) 176
4.47 Ukkavela (Sonpur)177
4.48 Varana (Bulandashahar) 178
4.49 Vedisa (Besnagar) 178
4.50 Veranja (Atranjikherha) 179
4.51 Vesali (Raja Bisala-garh) 180
5 – Observations And Conclusions 187
Appendices: I Frequency of Urban Settlements in the Pali Vinaya and Sutta Pitakas 213
II Population, Area, etc. of the Buddhist Urban Settlements 222
III Frequency of Rural Settlements in the Pali Vinaya and Sutta Pitakas 227
Bibliography 230
Index 252
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