Top 10 Homoeopathic Remedies

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Item Code: NAD097
Author: Prof.( DR.) Altaf Hussain Shaikh
Publisher: B. Jay Publisher (p) Ltd.
Edition: 2007
ISBN: 9788131900437
Pages: 374
Cover: Paperback
Other Details 8.5 inch X 5.4 inch
Weight 410 gm
Fully insured
Fully insured
Shipped to 153 countries
Shipped to 153 countries
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Book Description

The Top Ten Prescriber is presented for the interest and benefit of all Homoeopathic practitioners as well as the common readers. It is not possible for a practitioner to take a case thoroughly due to heavy work load and commitment at the hospital or a clinic. It is also not easy to give spot prescription on the basis of one or two prominent symptoms or where there are no symptoms, one sided case, or where the patient is not sharp enough to explain his subjective symptoms.

By the Grace of Almighty Allah I have succeeded in achieving my ambition in the shape of Top Ten Prescriber. I have devoted 10 years for compiling this booklet and I am sure it will prove very useful in the diagnosis and treatment of all types of ailments.

The principle of similarity of action is the only efficacious mode in Homoeopathy. Symptoms play an eminent role in homoeopathic treatment. Hence, the purpose of this booklet is to remove the difficulties being faced during consultation and selection of a similar remedy against peculiar symptoms by the students as well as qualified practitioners.

During the study I have observed from the version of the Organon of Medicine stated by James Krauss, M.D. that Dr. Hahnemann was, in all essentials, a flawless experimenter. He took four drachms of China twice a day. He had paroxysms of chill and fever. He was cured with China, Peruvian bark. Peruvian bark cures paroxysms of chill and fever because Peruvian bark produces paroxysms of chill and fever. Keeping in view the above statement I decided to compile a comprehensive prescriber based on particular symptoms of similarity.

An attempt has been made in this book, to mention most prominent symptoms with a very efficacious rather a specific remedy as per homoeopathic principle of similarity, and of my own clinical experience. Alphabetical order has been maintained for quick consultation.

I can not say how much I am successful in my efforts in producing this booklet, with my sincere satisfaction and experience. Here I would like to pay my reverential regards and gratitude to my father late Hakim and Homoeopath Dr. Muhammad Ajaib, who guided me to adopt Homoeopathic system instead of Unani and Ayurvedic.

I shall be amply rewarded if this book proves fruitful to those who are interested in Homoeopathic treatment, with noble mission to cure the sufferings of humanity.

I shall be obliged to the readers, who will be kind enough to offer their valuable suggestions/comments, for further improvement of this booklet, which will lead and encourage me towards the better approach and achievement of a worthy goal.


1. Abdomen 1
2. Abortion 1
3. Abscess 2
4. Acidity 3
6. Addiction4
7. Addison’s Disease 5
8. . Adenoid 5
9. . Agalactia 6
10. . Ague 6
11. . Alcoholism 7
12. . Allergies 8
13. . Alopecia8
14. . Amenorrhea 9
15. . Anaemia 9
16. . Angina Pectoris 10
17. . Ankles 11
18. . Anorexia-Nervosa12
19. . Anoxia 13
20. . Anthrax13
21. . Antibiotics 14
22. . Anticipation 14
23. . Anti-Congestion 14
24. . Antidotes 15
25. . Anti-Pseudo-Psora (Tubercular) 15
26. . Anti-Psoric Remedies 15
27. . Anti-Septic 16
28. . Anti-sycotic 16
29. . Anti- Syphilitic Remedies 17
30. . Anus (Rectum) 17
31. . Aphonea 17
32. . Aphthae/Thrush 18
33. . Apoplexy 19
34. . Appendicitis 19
35. . Appendix 20
36. . Appetite20
37. . Arterio-Sclerosis 21
38. . Arthritic Pain 22
39. . Ascites 23
40. . Asleep Extremities 24
41. . Asthenia 24
42. . Asthma 25
43. . Ataxia25
44. Atrophy 26
45. Auto Immune Difficiency Syndrome 27
46. Autonomic Nerve 27
47. . Aversion 28
48. . Barber’s Itch 29
49. . Basedow’s Disease29
50. . Bed Sore 30
51. . Bell’s Paralysis (Palsy) 30
52. . Beri Beri 31
53. . Bile 31
54. Birth Control 32
55. Bite 32
56. Bladder Affection 33
57. Bleeding34
58. Blindness34
59. Blister35
60. Blood Clot 36
61. Blood Disorganization/Dycrasia36
62. Blood Spitting (Haemotysis) 37
63. Blood Urea (Uraemia) 37
64. Blue Skin (Cyanosis) 38
65. Boil 39
66. Bones 39
67. Brain 40
68. Breast40
69. Bright’s Disease 41
70. Bronchitis 42
71. Bruises 4372. Bubo 43
73. Bums 44
74. Burning and Itching 44
75. Cancer 45
76. Carbuncle 46
77. Caries 47
78. Cartilages47
79. Catalepsy48
80. cataplexy58
81. Cataract49
82. Cataract 49
83. Catarrh Nasal50
84. Causes51
85. Cellulities51
86. Cerebral Palsy Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis52
87. chancre52
88. Chest Pain 51
89. Chicken Pox (Variola) 54
90. Chilblain 54
91. Children Complaints 55
92. Chill 57
93. Chlorosis 57
94. Cholera 68
95. Cholesterol59
96. Chorea 59
97. Chronic Diseases60
98. Circulation61
99. Circulatoty System 62
100. Cirrhosis63
101. Climacteric63
102. Coccyx 64
103. Cold65
104. Colic 66
105. Colitis 66
106. Collapse 67
107. Colour Blindness68
108. Coma 69
109. Complaints69
110. Complexities70
111. Concussion 71
112. Confusion 72
113. Consciousness73
115. Constipation74
116. Constitutions 75
117. Constitutional Remedies76
118. Constriction77
119. Contusion 78
120. Corns, Callosities 78
121. Coryza79
122. Cough80
123. Cramp 81
124. Croup 81
125. Cystitis82
126. Dandruff 82
127. Deafness83
128. Debility84
129. Degeneration 85
130. Delirium 85
131. Dementia86
132. Dengue 87
133. Dentition 87
134. Depression 88
135. Dermatitis89
136. Desire 89
137. Diabetis (Insipidus) 90
138. Diabeti (Mellitus)91
139. Diarrhoea 92
140. Diet For 92
141. Digestive System 93
142. Diphtheria94
143. Diplopia 95
144. Discharge 95
145. Discoloration of Skin 96
146. Displacement 97
147. Diuretic97
148. Diverticulitis 98
149. Dizziness 98
150. Dream 99
151. Dribbling of Urine 99
152. Dropsical Affection 100
153. Dropsy100
154. Dry 101
155. Duodenities 102
156. Duodenum Ulcer102
157. Dwarfism Backward Children103
158. Dysentery 103
159. Dysmenorrhoea 104
160. Dyspepsia (Indigestion) 105
161. Dyspnoea 105
162. Ear-Ache (Otitis) 107
163. Ear Noises107
164. Eczema 108
165. Ejaculation109
166. Eephantiasis 109
167. Emaciation 109
168. Emergency110
169. Enuresis111
170. Epidemic Disease112
171. Epilepsy 113
172. Epistaxis114
173. Eructation 115
174. Eruption 116
175. Erysipelas 117
176. Excitation 117
177. Exertion118
178. Exhaustion119
179. Expectoration (Phlegm) 119
180. Extremities (Region-Wise) 120
181. Eye 128
182. Face 129
183. Facial Hair 129
184. Facies 130
185. Fainting 131
186. Fat 131
187. Fear132
188. Feet 133
189. Fever 133
190. Fibrosis134
191. Fingers 134
192. First Aid 135
193. Fissure 136
194. Fistula137
195. Flatulence 137
196. Food 138
197. Food-Antidotes of Food Poisoning139
198. Food as Animal Kingdom140
199. Food as Condiments 140
200. Food as General 140
201. Foods as Liquid141
202. Food as Vegetables 142
203. Foreign Bodies 142
204. Fracture 143
205. Frigidity 143
206. Frostbite 144
207. Fungus 144
208. Gall Bladder 145
209. Gangrene 146
210. Gastralgia 146
211. Gastric Ulcer 147
212. Genital Organs (Female) 147
213. Genital Organs (Male) 148
214. Geriatrics (Old Fople) 149
215. Giddiness 151
216. Glandular System 152
217. Gleet 153
218. Goiter 154
219. Gonorrhoea154
220. Gout 155
221. Gums Swollen 156
222. Haemangioma 156
223. Haematuria 157
224. Haemoglobin 157
225. Haemophilia158
226. Haemoptysis 158
227. Haemorrhage 159
228. Haemorrhoids 160
229. Hair 160
230. Hallucination 161
231. Hands 162
232. Hay Fever 162
233. Headache163
234. Hearing Difficult 164
235. Heart Affection164
236. Heart Bum 165
237. Heat 166
238. Heel 167
239. Hemicrania 167
240. Hemiplegia 168
241. Hepatitis 168
242. Hereditaiy169
243. Hernia 170
244. Herpes-Zoster170
245. Hiccough (Hiccup) 171
246. Hoaisness172
247. Hodgkin’s Disease 173
248. Housemaid’s Knee 173
249. Hychtcephalus 174
250. Hydrothorax 174
251. Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)175
252. Hyperirophy 176
23. Hypotension (Low Blood Pressure)176
254. Hysteria 177
255. Impotence 178
256. Infection 179
257. Inflammation 179
258. Influenza180
259. Injury 180
260. Insanity 181
261. Insect Bite/Stings181
262. Insomnia 182
263. Intermittent Fever 183
264. Intestine184
265. Irritability 184
266. Irritation 185
267. Itching 186
268. Jaundice 187
269. Kidney 187
270. Knee 188
271. Labour Pain 189
272. Laryngeal Affection190
273. Leanness 191
274. Left Sided Remedies191
275. Leprosy 192
276. Leucodetma193
277. Leucorrhoea193
278. Leukemia 194
279. Lice(Fdiculosis) 194
280. Lips195
281. Lithaemia195
282. Liver 196
283. Location 196
284. Lockjaw 197
285. Locomotor 198
286. Lumbago (Backache) 198
287. Lungs200
288. Lymphatic System 200
289. Malaria201
290. Malignancy 202
291. Mammary Glands202
292. Mania203
293. Marasmus 204
294. Masturbation 205
295. Measles 205
296. Melancholia 206
297. Memoxsi 207
298. Menier’s Disease 208
299. Meningitis 208
300. Menopause 209
301. Menorrhagia209
302. Menstruation210
303. Mental Affection211
304. Mental Diseases 211
305. Mental Shock 217
3o. Migraine218
307. Miscarriage 219
308. Moaning 219
309. Modalities220
310. Morning Sickness222
311. Mouth Affection 222
312. Mump 223
313. Muscular Pain! Twitching223
314. Muscular System 224
315, Nails 225
316. Nasal Fkilyp 225
317. Nature226
318. Nausea 227
319. Nephritis 227
320. Nervous System228
321. Nervousness229
322. Neuralgia 229
323. Neurasthenia 230
324. Neuritis 231
325. Nightmares231
326. Night Walk232
327. Noctumal Emission 232
328. Nodes233
329. Noises 234
330. Nose Blockage 234
331. Numbness 235
332. Nyctalopia/ Night Blindness 235
333. Nymphomania236
334. Obesity 237
335. Oedema 237
336. Onanism 238
337. Optic Atrophy 238
338. Orchitis 239
339. Osteomyelitis 240
340. Otitis 240
341. Ovaries 241
342. Oxaluria 241
343. Pain242
344. Panczas 243
345. Paralysis243
346. Paraplegia 244
347. Parkinson’s Disease 245
348. Pelvis 245
349. Ftritonitis246
350. Perspiration 246
351. Pertussis247
352. Petitmal 248
353. Pharynx 249
354. Phelgm 249
355. Phimosis250
356. Phobias 250
357. Pica 251
358. Pimples 251
359. Plague252
360. Plastic Surgery 252
361. Pleurodynia263
362. Pleurisy 254
363. Pneumonia 254
364. Poliomyelitis255
365. Pre-Ejactulation 255
366. Pregnency 256
367. Prickly Heat (Miliaria) 257
368. Prolapsus Mi 257
369. Prophylactic 258
370. Prostitutes 261
371. Pniritus 262
372. Fotiadis 262
373. Psychological 263
374. Pulse264
375. Pus265
376. Pyorrhea 266
377. Quinsy .266
378. Rashes 267
379. Reynaud’s Disease 267
380. Rectum! Anal Itching 268
381. Rejuvenator269
382. Renal Colic 269
383. Respiratory System 270
384. Restlessness271
385. Rheumatism 272
386. Rickets 273
387. Right Side Remedies 273
388. Rosacea 274
389. Sacral Pain 274
390. Saliva Excess 275
391. Sars Virus 276
392. Scabies 276
393. Scarlet Fever 277
394. Sciatica278
395. Scrofula 279
396. Scurvy 280
397. Sea Sickness 280
398. Seasons Remedies280
399. Sensation281
400. Sensitiveness 282
401. Sensory System 284
402. Sepsis 284
403. Septicemia285
404. Sexuality 285
405. Shivering 286
406. Shock 287
407. Sinusitis 288
408. Skin 289
409. Small Pox 289
410. Smell290
411. Smoking (Bad Affect) 291
412. Sneezing 291
413. Sore 292
414. Specific 293
415. Speech Difficult 294
416. Spermatorrhoea 295
417. Spermatozoa295
418. Spinal Cord 296
419. Spine 296
420. Spleen 297
421. Spondylitis 297
422. Squint 298
423. Sterility 298
424. Stiffness 300
425. Stomach 300
426. Stomatitis301
427. Stool 302
428. Strain 302
429. Structure303
430. Styes 304
431. Suffocation 304
432. Sugar 305
433. Suicidal 306
434. Sun! Heat Stroke 306
435. Surgery307
436. Sweat 308
437. Swelling 308
438. Syphilis 309
439. Tachycardia 310
440. Taste 310
441. Teeth 311
442. Temperame312
443. Temperature 313
444. Temperature (The Bodily) 313
445. Tension 314
446. Testicle 314
447. Tetanus 314
448. Thermostat 315
449. Thirst 315
450. Throat 316
451. Thrombosis Blood Clot 318
452. Thyroid Gland 318
453. Tingling 319
454. Tiredness 319
455. Toes 320
456. Tongue 320
457. Tonic 322
458. Tonsils 323
459. Toipor 324
460. Trachea 324
461. Trauma 325
462. Tremor 326
463. Tuberculosis 326
464. Tumour 327
465. Typhoid 328
466. Ulcers 328
467. Umbilicus 329
468. Urethra 330
469. Uric Acid 331
470. Urinary Bladder 331
471. Urinary System 332
472. Urination332
473. Urine333
474. Urticaiia 335
475. Utenis336
476. Vaginitis337
477. Varicose Veins337
478. Vertigo338
479. Vision 339
480. Vital Organs339
481. Vitality 340
482. Vomit 341
483. Warts 342
484. Watering Eye 342
485. Wax Accumulation343
486. Weakness343
487. Weight loss344
488. Well’s Disease 345
489. Wens (Sebaceous Cysts) 345
490. Whitlow 346
491. Willpower 346
492. Women 347
493. Worms348
494. Wound348
495. Wrinkled349
496. Wry Neck (Torticollis) 350
497. Yawning 350
498. Yellow Fever 351
499. Yellow Skin351
Bibliography 352
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