Guruji Krishnananda was the direct disciple of Maharshi Amara (1919 - 1982), a great Spiritual Master who was in contact with the Sapta Rishis. Guruji continued the work of his Guru and taught Meditations to thousands of people and wrote many books. His book, "Doorways to Light" is considered a rare text book on Spirituality.
Guruji conducted Meditation classes every week from 1988 until he attained M.ahasamadhi in 2012. Excerpts from his talks were published in seven volumes of "Guruji Speaks" book series. And yet, his talks delivered in the years 2000 to 2008, remained unpublished. These talks are now being published in this book series, "Thus Spoke Guruji".
This first volume contains excerpts from his talks in the year 2000. They contain rare knowledge, wisdom and insights to help us achieve our Spiritual goals.
This second volume contains excerpts from his talks in the year 2001. They contain rare knowledge, wisdom and insights to help us achieve our Spiritual goals.
This third volume contains excerpts from his talks in the year 2002. They contain rare knowledge, wisdom and insights to help us achieve our Spiritual goals.
This fourth volume contains excerpts from his talks in the year 2003. They contain rare knowledge, wisdom and insights to help us achieve our Spiritual goals.
Guruji's talks were published in the seven volumes of 'Guruji Speaks' series. And yet many of his talks, delivered during the Sunday Meditation classes in Taponagara, remain unpublished. This is the first compilation of such unpublished talks and we will continue to publish other unpublished talks in the coming volumes of "Thus Spoke Guruji Krishnananda" series.
These talks contain the wisdom and energies of the Rishis passed on to us through Guruji. They provide very practical guidance to a genuine seeker and they also remove many misconceptions that are somehow associated with Spiritual practices. Going through these talks is like attending Guruji's Meditation classes, which he personally conducted on every Sunday for 25 years.
This book is a result of wonderful teamwork of Manasa Volunteers. We are thankful to the Volunteers who recorded these talks in audio cassettes. These had to be converted into a suitable format to be played and heard on computers. Our Somayaji found a way and converted these audio cassettes into a format which could be played on computers. This work was subsequently taken up by Seema Almel, who, like Somayaji worked with great dedication and converted all the audio cassettes into a suitable format.
Vaishali Joshi took the responsibility of listening to the audio of these classes and typing and saving them in computers. Such work has to be done with great patience and she did this work with great sincerity and efficiency. She was later on supported by Abhilashitha, who worked with great zeal to complete the typing work in a short time. While typing the talks, we realised that recordings of some talks were missing. Luckily Smt. Shobha Rao had all Guruji's talks noted down methodically in her diaries and she happily passed on her notes and we could include almost all the talks of Guruji delivered in the year 2000, in this volume.
The talks had to be edited to rephrase some sentences to make them suitable for reading. Care had to be taken to make sure that the meaning does not change. Abhilashitha. who was recently blessed with a baby boy, had to manage with lack of sleep to find time for editing. With her dedicated efforts and with Grace from the Rishis we could complete the book in time. Without their Grace, we cannot move even an inch.
We hope that this book helps everybody. We offer this on the feet of our beloved Guruji, on his Mahasamadhi Day.
Much has been known about everybody's contributions. It still remains incomplete. Just as the moon receives light from the sun silently and shines so beautifully, nevertheless we should know that the light is of the sun.
This book wouldn't materialize without the support of Sri. Jayant Deshpande. He silently shared the workload and patiently encouraged and supported us. Even at times when it seemed impossible to reach the destination, his unwavering will to complete this book, positive words of encouragement and faith in us became the driving force and hope that this book will materialize in time.
This book is a result of collective efforts and love of all those who were involved directly or indirectly and above all the blessings of Amara. Master V, Guruji and the Rishis.
There are already many books containing the Spiritual knowledge brought down by Guruji from the higher planes, and yet there is so much that he passed on remains unpublished. The books in this series of "Thus Spoke Guruji Krishnananda" contain such rare knowledge that remained unpublished all these years. This second Volume presents a collection of Guruji's talks delivered in the Meditation classes he conducted in Taponagara on every Sunday in the year 2001.
During these talks he passed on very rare Spiritual knowledge and the wisdom of the Rishis. His talks contain practical guidance and special hints for Sadhana. These not only help a serious Sadhak who is pursuing Spiritual Sadhana but also a non-meditator, Just to live this life fully and sensibly. Simplified presentation of knowledge was his specialty. Presenting the knowledge as it is, without complicating it with long intellectual commentaries, was his specialty.
I am happy that we are able to continue presenting Guruji's talks in the form of a book like this. The knowledge and energies in these books guide the present generation and also the future generations.
I am grateful to all the Volunteers who worked sincerely to make this happen. Their Love towards Guruji, continues to inspire them to spread his knowledge and energies through such books and through other channels.
We offer this on the feet of our beloved Guruji on his 78th Jayanti.
Continuing with our efforts to make the Spiritual knowledge available to everybody - the knowledge that was passed on to his Meditator students by Guruji Krishnananda - we are happy to present another volume of "Thus Spoke Guruji". He passed on invaluable knowledge through his talks during the Meditation classes he conducted every Sunday at Taponagara for almost 25 years without a break. This third volume of the book 'Thus Spoke Guruji" contains his talks delivered in the year 2002.
In the light of this knowledge, a serious seeker will find answers to many basic questions pertaining to Spiritual Sadhana. We will also find very practical guidance on how to pursue Sadhana and balance the Spiritual and material aspect of our lives. His talks contained energies. The talks captured here in this book also contain the same energies. Reading these talks is like attending his Meditation classes. We receive these energies while reading the book. The energies help us assimilate deeper truths that lie beyond the reach of our limited intellect and cannot be explained with the help of words.
Guruji would also urge us to contemplate on the points he explained in the classes. Contemplation not only helps us understand the same point clearly, it also helps us grasp new dimensions to the same point. Although many points were repeated in his talks, he would always add something more to the same point while repeating a point in another class. Keeping this in mind and with this idea that nothing should be missed out, we have tried, as far as possible, to retain entire content of his talks in this book.
Guruji used to be in constant link with his Guru, Maharshi Amara. While living here in his physical body, Maharshi Amara had initiated the New Age Spiritual Movement and had passed on the knowledge of the New Age and the whole science of Meditation. He continued to pass on more energies and knowledge through Guruji. This knowledge received from him will continue to guide the future generations. With deep gratitude, we offer this book on the feet of Maharshi Amara on his 100th Birth Anniversary.
We are very happy to bring out another volume of 'Thus Spoke Guruji''. This volume contains Guruji's talks delivered in the Meditation classes held in the year 2003. He would prepare for these classes specially by linking up to the Rishis. The Rishis passed on their wisdom, their point of view through him on innumerable points which provided practical guidance to Meditators in their Sadhana. Guruji was a perfect channel of the Rishis, who could gather knowledge from them and could present to us in its purest form without any distortions. He could also perceive the Truth directly from the higher realms. The knowledge passed on by him through these Meditation classes helps the Sadhaks now and will continue to guide generations to come.
A serious Sadhak will find answers to many questions and doubts that he or she may come across during different stages of Sadhana. Even those who may not be pursuing Spiritual Sadhana, will find guidance on many important aspects of living. We are currently passing through a difficult phase of Pralaya, a process of intense churning. The knowledge and energies contained in the book will help the readers in dealing with challenges of this difficult phase.
In the most difficult periods, even in the darkest of the ages, the Masters do not leave us alone to struggle. They take birth and live among us and shine with their inner Light, showing us the way. Guruji manifested this inner Light in his living and also passed on this Light as energies and knowledge. His Light continues to guide us even though he is not with us physically now. He continues to shine through the knowledge and energies he left behind.
We humbly offer this 4th volume of the book on Guruji's Mahasamadhi Day.
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