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Three Studies on the Skanda Purana (Set of 3 Books)

This Set Consists of 3 Books:
1) Studies in Skanda Purana
2) The Pauranic Lore Of Holy Water-Places
3) Skanda Purana (A Study)
Author: Savitri Saxena, A.B.L. Awasthi, Savitri V. Kumar
Publisher: Various Publishers
Language: English
Edition: 1983, 2022
ISBN: 8121501474, 9788174531124
Pages: 1012
1.62 kg
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Book Description
This bundle consists of 3 Titles. To know more about each individual title, click on the images below:

Three Studies on the Skanda Purana
Skanda Purana (A Study)
Studies in Skanda Purana
The Pauranic Lore Of Holy Water-Places
**Studies in Skanda Purana: Pilgrimage- Part- lll Vol-l**


To a person like me seeking the blessings of Brahmi Bhārati, it is some solace that the third part of the Studies in the Skanda Purāņa is coming out. It deals with pilgrimage--Tīrthopanişad and Lingopanişad - glorifying Tirthas and Linga shrines (temples). It was a bit delayed, because of my Vanavāsa in the Daņďakāraṇya full of Rakşasas, those who are slaves to kāñcana and kantā.

I had been at Saugar University where my predecessor, Prof. K. D. Bajpai had been very active. I was inspired by a small monograph on Malhar-ancient Mallalapattana-which represents ancient Kantipura--a Pradeśa and a city as well as a Tirtha-kşetra. Kedara khanda refers to the Linga-shrine of Mallala-natha at Kanti (Kantyāṁ Mallalanathaḥ). There are references to many other important Śiva-kşetras among which Hemakūta (with the shrine of Virūpaksa at Tunga) represents Suvarnagiri of Asokan Minor Rock Edicts. Asoka had retired as Bhikṣugatika to Suvarşagiri-Vihara (cf. mayā saṁgham upayīte). Thus this was also very important centre of learning, art and religion.

Skanda Purāņa is a vast ocean and I have to sail without a boat. Sa Kedāraḥ sa Tarakaḥ-He is alone my support. I have been travelling in the hills and forests without any aid from any worldly agency.

Thus, I have been able to present before you, Mother, what was so far a hidden treasure denied even to those who claim to have been devoted to Purāṇas. Dr. R. C. Hazra could not study Skanda in his Purānic Records and even after that, it did not attract him. It is the mine of information

I have collected the matter relating to Tirthas, which was enormous. Hence I had to cut it short. Even this could not be compressed in one volume. Hence I had to break it again into two volumes.

**Contents and Sample Pages**

**The Pauranic Lore Of Holy Water-Places (With Special Reference to Skanda Purana)**

From the Jacket :

The present work is based on an extensive and critical study of the legends connected with Holy water-places. Mythological, historical, geographical and scientific study of the legends is interesting and thought provoking. The Skanda Purana (1000 AD to 700 BC) has been made the basis of this topic most elaborately and covers almost all the tirthas referred to in various texts. Most of the legends have been studied critically and a comparative study has been done from the Vedas, Brahmanas, Upanisads, Epics and other Puranas. Various other mythologies such as Egyptian, Iranian, Greek, North American, African, Babylonian, Roman, Mexican etc. have also been compared to. The imminent purpose of the talks has been studied under various motifs. The author's psycho-scientific method of analysis and interpretation makes the work extremely fascinating and informative. The author has also drawn attention to the medical analysis of various water-tirthas. The work is a valuable addition to the Pauranic and mythological literature.

About the Author:

Dr. Mrs. Savitri V. Kumar is a lecturer of Sanskrit in Shri L. N. Hindu College, Rohtak. On the present work, she has been awarded a Ph. D. Degree from Bombay University.



Myth and Reality cannot be two separate aspects. Water is a common yet, an unusual and extraordinary substance in the world. The inquisitiveness of how much is the reality in these numerous myths and legends woven around the Holy waters inspired me to do intensive research on this subject. The insistence of my revered teachers and colleagues made me undertake its publication. My visits to some of these tirthas, chemical analysis of a few samples of water of various tirthas in the laboratories, interviews with different Doctors, Vaidyas, Naturopaths etc. made the subject more important by bring- ing into light that myths and legends are not away from reality. The time gap and lack of writing facilities in ancient times have given the mythical and legendary shape to the far-off ancient realities. I acknowledge with pleasure my deep gratitude to Prof. S.A. Dange, my teacher and guide, for his constant encouragement and guidance during the course of this work. I am grateful to the University Grants Commission for awarding me the Research Fellowship during this research period. I also thank Shri Devendra Jain of Munshiram Manoharlal for expediting the publication of this book.

Lastly, I cannot help but record here my gratitude to my husband Lieut. Comdr. V. Kumar for his willing cooperation and encourage- ment.



Water is a common but yet unusual and extraordinary substance in the world. In our daily life water is so important that we cannot imagine anything without water. Ancient man, who clearly sensed its importance, made it a central feature of a great many mytholo- gies including that of creation. Many religions use water as a symbol of spiritual purification. Its cleansing virtue stands as a mystical representation of the cleansing power of Religion. Thus water has been used almost by ail religions in the performance of different rituals. Had many properties of water and its components been properly understood, a good number of mysteries and riddles of the world would have been solved.

A number of myths and legends are woven around the sublime power of water, all applauding its divine virtue. Before we take up the legendary study of water, it would be most befitting to review the scientific and natural aspect of this simple and yet complicated substance known as 'water.'

Water has many curiou- aspects It is universally present and has remained unchanged over millions of years. It is at once the servant and the master of man. Yet a common man is aware of its impor- tance only when it fails or endangers him. Then he gets its drama- tic impact accompanied by strange ideas, conclusions and solutions. Water can absorb and release more heat than common substances.' Why is water of various places different? At some places it is beneficial and at some others, harmful, why? Our mythology attri- butes to it some divine power, which aspect we shall explain later. The difference in the quality of water is due to various reasons. The water of rivers, lakes, ponds etc. (i.e. the surface water) in its course . picks up both organic and mineral particles as well as bacteria and other organisms. Salts and other soluble substances are acquired. Water in lakes and ponds may acquire odours, tastes and colours from algae and other organisms and from decayed vegetation. Water that enters the ground passes through earth containing orga- nic and mineral matter, and may absorb minerals and exchange gases. Hydrogen sulfide and methane may be absorbed. Carbonates, sulfates and chlorides, iron, manganese, and flourides may be acquired.'

The most noteworthy trait of water is that it is most useful for its purifying and cleansing character. Without clean water we can't think of a clean and healthy environment. It cleans the dirt of our body as well as destroys the filth it acquires from us. Fresh water has a remarkable ability to absorb the wastes, transform them into useful substances, and thus cleans itself. Some of this self-puri- fication is entirely mechanical. The motion of the river stirs up the wastes into particles which either settle to the bottom or are dilu- ted to harmlessness by incoming fresh water. In addition, a river or a lake also metabolises wastes, just as a living organism does. The river absorbs oxygen from the air and from water-weeds, which release it. during the process of photosynthesis." The dissolved oxy- gen may act on organic wastes directly, by oxidation-in effect, "burning" •them chemically so that nothing remains except carbon dioxide, water and a little ash. More often the oxygen operates in- directly sustaining harmless bacteria that live in water and consume sewage and other organic wastes, leaving behind an inoffensive waste that is either swept away, dissolved, or precipitated to the bottom of the stream. We can give here the instance of the river Ganga's water which does not get spoiled even if preserved for years. The laboratory experiments reveal that the Ganga-water contains Dia- toms (a type of algae) which inject the other harmful bacteria and do. not allow tbe growth of Bacillus Coli (which cause diarrhoea etc.) and allow water not to get spoiled for years."

. Modern methods of purifying the waters and their importance is clearly hinted at in the ancient myths and legends. In olden days, realising the importance of water. a network of tales was spread around these myths and legends. These legends throw light on the varied aspects of the rivers, lakes, ponds and pools, their qualities and virtues, their purification, utility, how to preserve them and divert their course for various purposes etc. They narrate how the rivers were channelised and diverted to different places, how the rivers were fed with fresh water for their purification. In one of the legends (discussed later in the chapter of 'Rivers') when a river comes to Brahma and appeals to purify her, Brahma entreats her to go to another river, bathe there and remain there in one form. This reveals that for purification the rivers were fed by their tributaries, canals etc. The example of the modern river Colorado can be cited here for comparison-"Denver built a dam on the river William Fork--100 miles from the city, on the opposite side of the continen- tal divide -not to supply water to the city, but to replenish the river Colorado."! Again this strengthens the point of the purity of the water at the confluence of two or more rivers or of the Kotitrthas and Sarvatirthas (dealt with later on in the first Chapter) where water of many a river is collected.




Preface vii


List of Abbreviations ix


Introduction 1


The Holy Water-Places and the Legends of the Major Deities 17

Brahma 17
Visnu 37
Siva 54
Surya 68
Agni 88
Indra 98


The Holy Water-Places and the Legends of the Minor Deities 104

Yama 104
Asvins 109
Visvedevas, Hanumat, Kama, Bhairava and Rahu 111
Moon 118
Nagas 123
Goddesses 134


The Holy Water-Places and the Legends of the Demi-Gods and Sages141

Gandharvas, Apsarasas, Yaksas etc. 141
Vetalas, Pisacas, Pretas etc. 145
Pitrs 154
Sages 165


Legends Connected with the Rivers and Cow-Worship181

Legends Connected with the Rivers 181
Legends Connected with the Cow-Worship 204




Social Motifs 232

Dana 232
Salvation 241
Transmigration 246
Sin and Expiation 255
Curse and Blessing 270


Astrological, Didactic and Miscellaneous Legends Associated with the Holy Water-Places 276

Astrological Legends 276
Didactic Legends 286
Miscellaneous Legends 310


Geographical Data of the Holy Water-Places 320

List of the Linga-Tirthas 359

List of The Surya-Tirthas 384

List of Devi-Tirthas 388

Bibliography 394

Index 401


Sample Pages

**Skanda Purana (A Study)**

About the Book
The Puranas which belong to the class of religious literature are in fact a supplement to the Vedas. Almost all of them are sectarian un character. They are valuable from historical point of view not only because they give the lists of Dynasties but also because they record the tradition prevelent among the masses. They afford us far greater inside into all aspects of Hinduism, its theism and panthism, love of gods, philosophy, superstitions, festivals, ceremonies and its ethics. They occupy a unique position in this sacred and secular literature the next Hindus being next in importance to Vedas only. Not only the great legends of Brahmanas, not only the multiple cuIts but also history, culture, chronology, poetry, sociology, geography, topography, art , architecture, cattle-breeding, economic and social life of the people and a thousand other similar topics maping out the entire canvas of the nation's life have gone into the making of Pauranika literature.

About the Author
The Puranas have always facinated me not only because they are religious works but also because they are encyclopedic in character. So after completing my post-graduate studies, I decided to choose a topic from the Puranas for my research work. I finally opted to work on "A Critical Study of the Puranas". for my Ph.D. and a study of Skanda Puranas for my D.Litt. work. I got a Government of India research scholarship in humanities for both works.

The Puranas have always fascinated me not only due to their being a religious work but also due to their being encyclopedic in character. While I was working for my Ph.D., I was attracted towards the Skanda Purana due to its peculiar character. So, when a chance came before me for further research, I decided to avail the opportunity by choosing the Skanda Purana as the subject of my studies. The subject `A Critical Study of the Skanda Purana' brought me a scholarship from the University Grants Commission. The same topic was registered with the Agra University for the D.Litt. degree. Some changes in the original plan of the work were suggested to me and I did modifications accordingly in my plan of work.

It would not be out of place to say something about my contribution to the study of the Skanda Purana. The Skanda Purana has been rarely the subject of study for the scholars. Though some of the scholars have worked on some of the Mahatmyas of the Skanda Purana yet as a whole it formed rarely the subject of study. Even the compilers of Index and the Kosas of the Puranas have not made use of the material furnished by the Skanda Purana. Dr. A.B.L. Avasthi has worked on the Skanda Purana for his Ph. D. but the field of his research is quite different from that of mine. Geographical data from the Skanda Purana has also been used by him but here in the present work, the stress has been laid more on cosmogony than on cosmography.

Book's Contents and Sample Pages

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