This book is a collection of prose and poetry by Sri H W L Poonja during gatherings with his students in North India. The discourses flow from his impeccable experience of the highest and yet simplest Truth: That we are pure Consciousness, the totality of Existence.
Papaji, as his loved ones call him was born in the Punjab in 1910 to the sister of Swami Rama Tirtha, one of India's most respected Saints. He realized the Truth when he was 8 years old. This realization infinitely blossomed in his early 30's when he met his Guru, Sri Ramana Maharishi, the Sage of Arunachala. When he left his body in September of 1997 this power exploded and is felt around the world now more than ever.
It is a very rare occurrence that a being like Papaji takes, a form, manifesting as a teacher of uncompromising absolute Truth, and says: Look within,
There is no difference
Between yourself Self and Guru
You are always Free
There is no student,
There is no teacher,
This book is a collection of spontaneous songs spoken by Sri H W L Poonja during gatherings with his students in North India between 1990 and 1997. The songs flow his impeccable experience of the highest and yet simplest Truth: That we are pure Consciousness, the totality of Existence.
Papaji, as his loved ones call him, was born in the Punjab in 1910 to the sister of Swami Rama Tirtha, one of India's most respected Saints. He realized the Truth when he was 8 years old. This Realization infinitely blossomed in his early 30's Arunachala. Since that time he shares by the Beauty with his wise words, his look his touch and simply by the silent spiritual power that radiates from his Presence. When he left his body in September of 1997 this power exploded and is felt around the world now more than ever.
It is a very rare occurrence that a being like Papaji takes a from, manifesting as a teacher of uncompromising absolute Truth, and says:
When we forget our true nature and believe that we are something finite and insignificant he offers words of ancient wisdom to explain the unspeakable. As doubt is removed and illusoryness flees like the night at down these same words dance in a celebration of vast Freedom and Love. And indeed, in his precious Satsangs he often tells people to rise up to sings and dance.
This Beloved Master speaks some of the clearest words that can possibly be spoken and at the same time says that all words are only indications that merely point to the Truth. He directs us daily to vigilantly follow this indication and not to stick to the words. "Leave the wordiness of the word", this laughing Buddha lovingly roars, "and realize what the I speak are pointing to. Truth is not knowable, it transcends knowing. It is beyond the ability of mind to analyze, to figure out, to dissect or to comprehend."
From 1918 to Now, Papaji has directly shown to thousands that the Truth is the most magnificent Mystery undifferentiated form our very Self. He guides one to surrender to the wisdom of our Being and that we the Truth. "You are the unchangeable Awareness in which all activity takes place. Always rest in peace. You are eternal Being, unbounded and undivided. Just keep Quiet. All is well. Keep Quiet Here and Now. You are Happiness, you are peace, you are Freedom. Do not entertain any notions that you are in trouble. Be kind to yourself. Open to your Heart and simply Be."
He is a true Master with thousands of ways to stop your mind, to help you inquire into who you really are, to turn your awareness directly toward awareness, to being you into the infinity of this Moment. We are so lucky to have such essential Wisdom available to us. As he says. Those who know this know everything. If not, even the most learned know nothing at all.
Hindu bhakta, Christian mystic, Zen master, Mountain shaman Taoist sage, Dzogchen lama, Advaita Jnani, Sufi saint, Aghora yogi, Vedic pundit, you name it: with the depth of his knowledge, the extent of his experience, and the clarity of the articulation he proves to be a Master of each and every tradition.
As Timelessness is a sign of the teaching of the Wise, these songs are compiled by essence only and so have no chronology, often even within a single verse. Also for the sake of clarity capital letters are used whenever a word is intended to point toward the one ultimate Self. Examples include Truth Bliss, Light, Nowness, Fullness and consciousness. The joyous grammar of Freedom itself can stop your mind. Finally, to make this precious book more expansive and easier to read we took the original 50 pages that Master requested and opened them up to their present state.
With love and gratitude to our Beloved SatGuru who has given us all so much, it is a joy to offer this book to you. Thank you.
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