Kayachikitsa or internal medicine is a subject which ahs attached attention of all those who are eager to learn Ayurveda. Physicians of other medicines, students and common people all want to know more about this subject as it deals with description of various diseases and its treatment. This book of Kayachikitsa in 3 volumes has been written more in the interest or ht students of Final Year of Ayurveda. The syllabus of Kayachikitsa for final B. A. M. & S. examination has been divided in 4 papers and the first three papers have been covered in detail in three volumes respectively. The fourth paper deals with Panchakarma and we have published a separate book for this paper.
The first volume of this book deals with Paper-1 which comprise of Introduction to Kayachikitsa, Vyadhi dosha, Vyadhi-samprapti, Ama: Metabolic toxin, alternative medical systems like yoga, naturopathy, Siddha system, Unani medicine, Tibetan medicine, homeopathy, osteopathy, chiropractic.
The second volumeof this book deals with Paper-2 which comprise of Jwar, Annavahasrotas, Mutravahasrotas, Pranavaha srotas, Rasavaha srotas, Asthivaha srotas, Purishavaha srotas, Yauna Samkramita roga, Chayapachaya-janya vyadhi, Tvag-roga.
The third volumeof this book deals with Paper-3 and Paper-4 which conprise of Vatavyadhi, Kuposhanaja, vyadhi, Antahsravi granthi vyadhi, Herditary & other diseases, Kshudra roga, Manasa roga, Vardhiki, Rasayana, Vitamins, Vajikarana, Rasayana & vajikarana yoga.
The volumes have also been supplemented with Appendics, Glossary etc. to enhance the utility of the work. This work will be of use to the students of Final B. A. M. S. as well as physician and common people who are interested in subject.
About the Authors:
Dr. Subash Ranade was formerly Principal of Ashtang Ayurveda College, Pune, India and is the author of more than 92 books on Ayurveda, which have been published in German, Polish, Italian, English and many Indian languages. He has the honor of being visiting Professor to all the colleges of Ayurveda in USA and other institutes like Sewa Academy in Germany, Ateneo Veda Vyasa in Italy. Foundation of Health in Poland and Ayurveda International diffusing Association of Japan. Since 1981, he has visited and has conducted hundreds of Ayurveda courses for medical practitioners in Europe, USA and Japan.
Dr. Sunanda Ranade is an expert Ayurvedic gynecologist and nutritionist. She is director of International Academy of Ayurveda, Pune, India and is working in the field of Ayurveda and yoga since last 35 years.
She has written hundreds of articles on Ayurveda, which have been published in magazines and newspapers not only in India but also in Italy and Germany. She is also the author of several books on Ayurveda, which have been published in Marathi, English, Italian and Spanish languages. She is working as visiting Professor to various Institutes in United States like Ayu-Seattle, American Institute of Ayurveda-San Francisco, Seva Academy-Munich, Germany, SKA Ayurveda-Milan, Italy and Bergler Massage School in Graz, Austria, She has conducted many corses on Gynecology. Ayurvedic nutrition and Ayurvedic massage for physicians and common people in these countries. She has also substantially contributed to CD ROM- Dhanvantari that is the first CD on Ayurveda.
In 1981 my book Kayachikitsa was published in Marathi language. This was written as per the syllabus for B.A.M.& S. course, of integrated system pattern. Since that time there were constant changes in the syllabus and according- ly the book was updated several times. The last updating was done in 1998, as per new changes made by the CCIM, New Delhi. This book is so popular in Maharashtra State, that so far; eight editions have come out and more than 25,000 copies have been sold.
When the same pattern of syllabus was introduced at the All India level, there was great demand, that this book should also be published in English language.
Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratishthan has therefore published my book on Kayachkitsa in English language which was well received by the readers in Western world. This book which was published in 2001, contains no Sanskrit Texts as it was only for the Western Students. However there was great demand from the Indian students, that I should write Kayachikitsa with all the relavent references of San- skrit Shlokas. Accordingly I am happy to present this first volume on Kayachikitsa, which contains Paper 1 as per the syllabus of CCIM.
Since I got the opportunity to write the matter of the Paper 1, I have not only added Sanskrit Shlokas, but have supplimented the entire text with additional references.
I hope that like my other 90 books published in various languages like Hindi, Malayalam, German, Polish, Italian Russian, Czekoslovakian and Spanish and other English books published in United States, Germany, Poland and Italy the readers will also appreciate this book. I am happy that Mr. Pravin Gupt of Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratishtha- na, Delhi has taken up this task, and have published this book in excellent manner.
In 1981 my book Kayachikitsa was published in Marathi language. This was written as per the syllabus for B.A.M.& S. course, of integrated system pattern. Since that time there were constant changes in the syllabus and accordingly the book was updated several times. The last updating was done in 1998, as per new changes made by the CCIM, New Delhi. This book is so popular in Maharashtra State, that so far; eight editions have come out and more than 35,000 copies have been sold.
Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratishthan has therefore published my book on Kayachikitsa in English language which was well received by the readers in Western world. This book which was published in 2001, contains no Sanskrit texts as it was only for the Western students. However there was great demand from the Indian students, that I should write Kaya- chikitsa with all the relavent references of Sanskrit shlokas. Accordingly I am happy to present this second volume on Kayachikitsa, which contains Paper 2 (K & Kh) as per the syllabus of CCIM.
This book contains detail description of diseases of Pranava- ha, Annavaha, Udakavaha, Rasavaha, Raktavaha, Mamsa- vaha, Medovaha, Asthivaha, Shukravaha, Purishavaha and Mutravaha srotasas. I have also included some other diseases which have not been mentioned in the syllabus of CCIM, bur which are important in the view of general practice.
While describing each disease care has been taken to include all the information with various medicinal preparations like churna, avaleha, kwatha, ghana, medicated oils and ghee,
prepared vati and gutika, different yoga, various mishrana, asava and arishta, lepa and other rasakalpas also. Various pu- rificatory procedures have also been explained where it was necessary. The reader will find detail description c r- more than 1000 preparations with their main ingredients and method of preparation.
In this book, I have not only given relevent references of Sanskrit shlokas, but have supplimented the entire text with additional references from Modern Medicine as well as from other ancient Ayurvedic texts.
At the end of the description, I have also included detail list of all the medicinal preparations and the list of herbs with their botanical names.
I hope that like my other 90 books published in various lan- guages like Hindi, Malayalam, German, Polish, Italian, Ru- ssian, Czekoslovakian, Spanish, Japanese and other English books published in United States, Germany, Poland and Ita- ly the readers will also appreciate this book. I am happy that Mr. Pravin Gupt of Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratishthana, Varanasi/Delhi has taken up this task, and have published this book in excellent manner.
I must mention my sincere thanks to my wife Dr. Sunanda Ranade, Director, International Academy of Ayurveda, who gave me constant support and many suggestions after going through the manuscript. I would also like to thank other members of IAA for proof correction and other valuable work they have done for this book like Dr. Shilpa Thorat, Dr. Vinod Shinde and Dr. Sachin Kuber for giving assistance in this work.
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