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Text Book of Shalakya Tantra: As Per Revised C.C.I.M Syllabus (Part-I: Netra Vignyana)

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Author: Prof. Suja K. Sreedhar
Language: English
Edition: 2016
ISBN: 9788176373739
Pages: 358 (Throughout B/W and Color Illustrations)
Cover: Paperback
9.5 inch X 7.0 inch
600 gm
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Book Description
About the Book

This Text Book of Shalakya Tantra is formed as per new revised C.C.I.M. syllabus for B.A.M.S. course.

It aimed at making students understand the concepts of Ayurveda in easy and efficient way.

Word to Word Meaning of shloka is the highlight of the book, since it makes easy for students to understand and memorize the shlokas.

It is mainly based on quotations from Sushruta Samhitha and Ashtanga Hridaya.

Illustrations and photographs are added wherever necessary.

Scope of Research and Research Update are included at the end of each chapter.

Concised chart showing the details of each disease for easy revision are provided at the end of the book.

Review questions are included at the end of each section.

Model of multiple choice question for competitive exams have been included at the end of the book.


About the Author

Prof. Suja K. Sreedhar, M.S. (Shalakya), Ph.D. (Ayu), DEM, a graduate to tranath Government Ayurveda Medical College, Bengalura and Ph.D. from Tilak Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Pune, She is currently working as Proffessor and H.O.D. in the Department of Shalakya Tantra Government Ayurveda Medical College, Bengaluru. She has teaching experience of 24 years and is committed to Shalakya Practice. She has presented Scientific Papers in National and International conferences and has published articles in scientific journals.

She is also a member for Board of Post Graduate Studies in Shalakya Tantra in Rajiv Gandhi University Of Health Science, Bengaluru.



The need for a text book on Shalakya Tantra arose because of the New C.C.I.M. syllabus for the final years BAMS course from this academic year. When I was approached by the publishers for writing a text book Shalakya Tantra, I was hesitant initially, because of the big task ahead. But it was on the insistence of my students, that I took up this herculean task which almost took two years to complete.

Salient features of the book
• It is Written in a simple and lucid language mainly based on the references taken from Sushruta Samhita and Ashtanga Hrudaya.

• Word to word meaning of the shlokas along with its translation is the highlight of this book as it makes easier understanding and helps in memorizing the shlokas.

• Figures and charts are added wherever necessary.

• Cope of Research and Research updates are available at the end of each section ignite the young minds towards research.

• Review Question papers are given at the end of each chapter.

• Concised chart showing the diseases, lakshana, sadyaasadyata, samanya and vishesha chikitsa are available at the end of the book for easy revision.

• To prepare the students for competitive exams special questionnaire-MCQ's are included at the end of the book.

• The book from its inception to the completion would not have been possible without the blessings of Lord Dhanvantari and my parents Mr. K.K. Sreedharan and Mrs. Suma Sreedhar. I am also indepted to all my teachers specially Dr. B.A. Venkatesh and Dr. • B.N. Ramesh for their guidance and proficiency in the subject. I am grateful to my friends Dr. Ahalya, Dr. Sumithra, Dr. Shoba Rani, Dr. Swarna Gowri, Syeda Ather Fatima and Dr. Geeta Bhat for their constant support during the work.

• The good wishes, encouragement and support given by my husband Dr. K. Sreenivasa Murthy and Son Sujith Sreenivas is worth mentioning here.

• I, wholeheardly thank Mr. Atul Gupta, Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi for having faith in me and entrusting me with this work.




Chapter - 1 Introduction  
A Shalakyatantra Nirukti, Parichayam, Ithihasam 2
B Netra Rachana Shariram (Mandala, Patala, Sandhi, Drushti Vichara) and Netra Kriya Sharira along with Modern anatomy of eye. 8
C Eye examination and knowledge of basic instruments/equipments required for examination of eye. 23
D Netraroganam-Samanya Hetu (Nija and agantuja), Purvarupa, Samprati, Rupa and Chikitsa. 34
E Classification of Netraroga and its importance. 40
Chapter - 2 Netra Samanya and Vishishta Chikitsa-Kriya Kalpa  
A Netra swasthya hitakara Dinacharya, Ritucharya, Aahara evam Vihara 49
B Kriya Kalpa-Seka, Aschotna, Pindi, Bidalaka, Tarpana, Putapaka, Anjana and importance of Panchakarma in Netra Chikitsa 53
C Basic fundamentals of Netra Shastra Chikitsa e.g. Purva-Pradhana-Paschat karma, Ama-Pachyamana-Pakva Vrana shortha, Vranitopasana, Pranashtashalya & Vranabandhana. Methods and concepts of sterilization, asepsis and antisepsis as per ancient and modern poi 73
D Basic applied knowledge of Ashtavidha shastrakarma, Agni, Kshara, Raktamokshana in Nerta rogas. 79
E Essential diagnostic and therapeutic modern pharmacological agents required in Netra Chikitsa. 87
Chapter - 3 Sandhigata Roga (Diseases of Junctional areas of eye)  
A Number of sandhigata rogas, detailed etiology pathology, clinical features and management of Pooyalasa and Srava Rogas. 93
B Brief Study of krimi granthi, Parvani and Alaji Rogas. 102
C Study of Acute and Chronic Dacryocystitis, Epiphora, Blepharitis including their aetiology, pathology, signs & symptoms, differential diagnosis, medical & surgical management. 106
Chapter - 4 Vartmagata Roga (Diseases of Lids)  
A Number of Vartmagata rogas, and detailed knowledge of etiology, pathology, clinical features and management of Anjananamika, Utsangini, Lagana, Vatahata vartma, Pakshma kopa, Sikata vartma, Pothaki, Klinna vartma, Krichronmeelana and Kukunaka diseases of 119
B Brief knowledge of Vartmarbuda, Utklishta vartma, Nimesha, Pakshmashata, Vartmarsha 142
C Knowledge of Hordeolum, Ptosis, Trachoma, Trichiasis, Entropion, Ectropion including their etiology, signs and symptoms, differential diagnosis, medical & surgical management. 148
Chapter - 5 Shuklagata Roga (Diseases of Sclera and Conjunctiva)  
A Number of Shuklagata rogas, detailed knowledge of etiology, pathology, clinical features and management of Arma, Arjuna and Shuktika. 162
B Brief Knowledge of Sira pidika, Sira jala, Pishtaka, Balasgrathita. 173
C Study of Pterygium, Scleritis Episcleritis, Sub-conjunctival hemorrhage including their etiology, signs and symptoms, differential diagnosis, medical & surgical management. 177
Chapter - 6 Krishnagata Roga (Diseases of Cornea and Uver)  
A Number of Krishnagata rogas, detailed knowledge of etiology, pathology, clinical features, differential diagnosis, complications and management of Sarana/Kshata Shukla (Shukra), Avrana Shukra (Shukla). 191
B Brief knowledge of Sira shukla, Akshipakatyaya and Ajakajata. 191
C Knowledge of Corneal ulcer, Corneal Opacity, Uveitis, Acute Iridocyclitis, Staphyloma, their etiology, pathology, symptoms, differential diagnosis, complications and management. 194
Chapter - 7 Sarvagata Roga (Diseases affecting al parts of eye)  
A Number of Sarvagata rogas, detailed knowledge of etiology, pathology, clinical features, complications, differential diagnosis and management of Abhishyanda, Adhimantha, Hatadhimantha and Shushkakshipaka. 204
B Brief Knowledge of Amloshita, Vata peryaya, Anyato vata, Sashopha & Ashophakshiaka-Pilla roga, Sirotpata and Siraharsha. 223
C Knowledge of Conjunctivitis, Glaucoma, Dry Eye Syndrome icluding their etiology, pathology, clinical features, differental diagnosis, complications and their management. 231
Chapter - 8 Drushtigata Roga (Vision disrders)  
A Number of Drushtigata rogas detailed knowledge of-etiology, pathology, clinical features, differential diagnosis and management of Timira, Kacha and Linga nasha. 253
B Brief Knowledge of Abhighataja linganasha, Sanimittaja & Animittaja Linganasha, Doshandhya/Kaphavidagdha drushti, Naktandhya, Ushna vidagsha drushti, Pittavidagdha drushti, Dhumadarshi, Hriswajadya, Gambhirika, Nakulandhya, Nayanabhighata. 271
C Knowledge of Refractive errors, Cataract including their etiology, pathology, clinical features, differential diagnosis, complications and their management. 283
D Study of Eale's diease, Hypertensive & Diabetic Retinopathies, Age related macular degeneration, Strabismus, Retinitis pigmentosa, Night blindness, Amblyopia, Central serous retinopathy, Optic neurits and Optic atrophy. 296
Chapter - 9 Miscellaneous Diseases  
A Xerophtalmia and other malnutritional eye disorders 313
B Knowledge of Ocular trauma and their mangement 317
C Introduction to Eye bank, Eye donation, Corneal Transplantation 323
D Preventive Ophthalmology and Community Ophthalmology 326
Chapter 10 Yantras and Shastras 331
  Bibliography 251

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