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Text Book of Rasa Sastra

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Publisher: Chaukhambha Sanskrit Bhawan
Author: Dr. K. Rama Chandra Reddy
Language: English
Edition: 2020
ISBN: 9788189986414
Pages: 618 (Illustrated Throughout in B/W Illus.)
Cover: Paperback
8.4" X 5.5"
550 gm
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Book Description


I am happy to bring out the English Version of Text Book of Rasa Sastra . I have ventured to write this book which covers the syllabus of B.A.M.S. out lined in the paper Rasasastra and M.D. Course. The vast majority of the population in the country depend on drugs of indigenous origin. It is, therefore necessary that, more books should come out in this subject. Collection of literature related to Rasa Sastra helps for producing good quality of Ayurvedic medicine.

Ayurvedic compound formulations are divided into two groups viz. a) Rasausadhi (predominantly metals and minerals) dealt in Rasa Sastra, b) Kasthausadhi (Predominantly plant drugs) dealt in Bhaisajya Kalpana. This Text Book of Rasa Sastra deals with different aspects of Rasasastra.

The book however includes the most commonly accepted formulae for the medicinal preparations. A step is made through this book to bring the subject of Rasa Sastra in a lucid language and by incorporating all the syllabus of the subject given by Central Council of Indian Medicine for M.A.M.S. & M.D. course. I have covered about many important formulae as examples and given the complete details including the practical ways of overcoming the difficulties wherever found out. Though the subject matter on Rasa Sastra is also available in other printed Ayurvedic books, it is in a scattered form. Keeping in view of the difficulties faced by students it is tried to bring up this compellition work of Rasa Sastra, by filtering, probing, piercing and extracting the essence of Ayurvedic standard books. In this book all the information is collected at one place, codified and arranged in a systematic way, being spelled under suitable relevant headings. Thus this work deals will all the relevant and important aspects of Rasa Sastra, as the metal, mineral, plant and animal drugs to be used, the appropriate place of their collection, substitutes of unavailable drugs, selection of drugs, pharmaceutical processing with their technical aspects etc.

In this treatise of Rasa Sastra all those medicines are brought to respective sections with wide range information of their pharmaceutical process. Few recipes have also been included which are not mentioned in C.C.I.M. syllabus of Rasa Sastra for the benefit of students. Some of the chapters are discussed in detail, because of there popularity in practical usage. The book is designed according to the sequence of the C.C.I.M. syllabus. Most of the commonly using formulae of Ayurveda are described with their details of preparation, the dosage and indications etc. Every attempt has been made to include as many important formulations as are currently manufactured on a large scale in terms of value and in use throughout the country. Though this book is written in English language the technical terms of Rasa Sastra are written in Sanskrit pronaunsation only. It is hoped that, this book will find a wider reading public.

The object of writing this book is that students of BAMS and M.D., Ayurvedic Physicians, Pharmaceutical personal and others interested in the preparation of Ayurvedic medicines and there method of preparation, may understand better from of this book. The readers may get the equalent modern pharmaceutical terminology of Ayurvedic technical terms with their elaborate information, which is necessary for understanding of Rasa Sastra up to some extent.

I fully believe that this endeavor of me, will help undergraduate and post graduate students to get acquainted to the pharmacy of Ayurveda. I well come whole heartedly for the positive suggestions and obliged.

I convey my deep sence of gratitude to respected teacher and dynamic Vice-chancellor (B.H.U.), Prof. Panjab Singh for his constant encouragement.

Because the encouragement given by our Dynamic Director Prof. Gajendra Singh, the work could be completed. The laxicons have not given befitting words to express gratitude to him, thus mute reverence is offered.

My sincere thanks are to Prof. Manjari Dwivedi, Dean, Faculty of Ayurveda, I.M.S., B.H.U., it is because for her encouragement, the work could be completed.

Having showed the path of this work, Prof. C.B. Jha Deptt. Of Rasa Sastra, Faculty of Ayurveda I.M.S., B.H.U., has guided in all aspects. I am also thankful to all my colleagues and friends, students of department of Rasa Sastra who inspired to start and complete this work.

Last but not the least, I am highly obliged to Sri Brajendra Kumar, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Bhawan, for undertaking the publication of this work.

Prayers are offered to all those sages whose works are the basis of this book and also the last feet of almighty for providing courage and wisdom to complete this work.

Dr. K.Rama Chandra Reddy

About the Book:

We are happy to bring out the English version of Text Book of Rasa Sastra. This book is a boon for Ayurvedic Graduates as well as post graduates of Ayurveda. The book mainly deals with Rasa Sastra and covers the Syllabus of B.A.M.S. and M.D. Course out lined in the papers Rasa Sastra of the Central Council for Indian Medicine (C.C.I.M).

The basic fundamentals of Rasa Sastra are explained with scientific explanation in a nice manner in this book, apart from this, the book also gives the relevant modern pharmaceutical information and Dr. Reddy tried to bring the more practical aspects of Rasa Sastra with scientific explanation.

The English version of this book will add new dimension to the popularity and the scope of this branch of knowledge in the era.

About the Author:

Born in a small town Kavali in Nellore dist.(Andhra Pradesh), in the family of traditional farmer, he gradually acquired highest degrees BAMS, M.D., Ph.D., H.P.A.Edu., CLAD (JAPAN) in Ayurveda pertaining to Rasasastra and Bhaisajya Kalpana From various Universities of India and Abroad. Five books and a good number of research papers are published in the credit of Dr. K. Rama Chandra Reddy. Which are referred by BAMS, M.D. students of Ayurveda, Various research scholars and persons working in Ayurvedic Drug Industries. Dr. K. Rama Chandra Reddy is well known for his valuable contribution in the field of Ayurveda, pertaining to Ayurvedic Pharmaceutics (Rasasastra and Bhaisajya Kalpana). During the last 13 years he has written on various aspects of Rasasastra and Bhaisajya Kalpana - literary, scientific, conceptual as well as practical aspects of Ayurvedic drug manufacturing. He is appointed as a Head for the Depts. Of Rasasastra and Bhaisajya Kalpana in NKJ Ayurvedic medical college, Bidar (Karnataka) and then he is appointed as a Head for the dept. of Rasasastra and Bhaisajya Kalpana in S.D.M College of Ayurveda, Hassan (Karnataka) further he is also worked as Asst. professor & Manager - Pharmacy in National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur, at present h is working as a Head, Deptt. of Rasasastra & Superintendent, Ayurvedic Pharmacy, Faculty of Ayurveda, Institute of Medical Sciences, B.H.U. Varanasi. By working in various prestigious Universities in India and Abroad Dr. Reddy has aquired best knowledge in his concerned field. Dr. K. Rama Chandra Reddy has been awarded by the pristegios Vaidyaratna Capt. G. Srinivasa Murthy Scientist Award and Gold Medal by Academy of Ayurveda (A Research Institute), Vijayawada.




Chapter 1 History of Rasasastra 1 - 47
  Caraka Samhita (4), Susruta Samhita (5), Astanga Sangraha and Astanga Hrdaya (6), Harsacarita (7), Arthasastra (8), Kubjika-tantra (8), Rasendramangala (9), Kaksaputa and Rasahrdaya (10), Goraksasamhita (11), Rasendracudamani (11), Rasarnava (11), Rasapaddhati (11), Ananda kanda (12), Rasaratna Samuchchaya (13), Resendracintamani (14), Rasaprakasasudhakara (14), Rasaratnakara (15), Rasasara (15), Ayurveda Prakasa (16), Dhaturatna mala (16), Sarva darsana sangraha (16), Rsendra Sara Sangraha (16), Rasarajalaksmi (17), Lohasarvaswa (17), Rasacintamani (17), Rasa ratna pradipa (18), Rasakamadhenu (18), Rasapradipa (18), Rasakaumudi (18), Todarananda (18), Rasa sanketa kalika (19), Rasa pradipa (19), Bhava prakasa (19), Dhatu kriya or Dhatu manjari (19), Brhadyogatarangini and Yogatarangini (19), Yogaratnakara (19), Basavarajiyam (20), Bhaisajyaratnavali (20), Brhat rasaraja sundara (20), Rasatarangini (20), Rasamrtam (21), Rasajalanidhi (22), History of Hindu Chemistry (22), Parada Vignaniyam (22), Cikitsa kalika (23), Rasayogasagar (23), Bharatiya Rasasastra (23), Different Books related to Rasasastra (23), Importance of Rasausadhi (33), Mercury0cause for liberation (38), Rasayana (38), Rasa Siddhas mentioned in Rasa Ratna Samucchaya (39), Nagarjuna (39), Siddha system of South India (46), Pakasastra (47)  
Chapter 2 Paribhasa 48-71
  Dhanvantari Bhaga (49), Rudra bhaga (50), Rasapanka (50), Rasapisti (50), Pisti (51), Patana Pisti (51), Swarna Roupya Krsti (51), Characteristics of best Krsti (51), Bhavana (52), Avapa (52), Nirvapa (52), Varaloha (52), Hemarakti (53), Tararakti (53), Candradala, Analadala (53), Sulbanaga (54), Pinjari (55), Candrarka (55), Nirvapana (55), Sodhana (56), Amritkarana (57), Marana (57,) Varitara bhasma (58), Rekhapurna bhasma (58), Apunarbhava bhasma (58), Uttama bhasma (59), Niruttha bhasma (59), Mrtaloha (59), Bija (60), Tadana (60), Dhanyabhraka (60), Satva (61), Eka Kolisa (61), Kokila (61), Hingulakrsta Parada (62), Ghosakrsta Tamra (62), Varanaga (62), Utthapana (62), Dhalana (62), Nagasambhuta Capala (63), Vangasamabhuta capala (63), Dhouta (63), Dvandvana (64), Anuvarna (64), Bhanjani (64), Patangi (64), Cullika (64), Patangi Raga (64), Avapa (65), Abhiseka (65), Nirvapa (65), Suddhavarta (65), Bijavartha (66), Swangasita - Bahisita (66), Dravakagana (66), Mitrapancaka (66), Triphala (66), Trikatu (67), Ksara Dravya (67), Ksara Traya (67), Ksara Pancaka (67), Ksarastaka (68), Mutrastaka (68), Amla Varga (68), Amla pancake (69), Panca Tikta (69), Panca Mrttika (70), Madhura Traya (70), Pancamrta (70), Panca Gavya (70), Ksira Traya (70), Dudgha Varga (71), Taila Varga (71), Govara (71)  
Chapter 3 Yantra 72-126
  Ausadha Nirmanasala (Rasasala) and Yantras (72), Construction (72), Equipments and raw drugs (73), Pharmacy assistants (73), Teacher of Rasa Sastra (74), Unsuitable students (74), Physicians for Rasasala (75), Amrta Hasta Vaidya (75), Yantra Nirukti (76), Definition of Yantra (76), Dola Yantra (77), Swedani Yantra (78), Urdhwa Patana Yantra (79), Adhah Patana Yantra (80), Tiryak Patana Yantra (81), Kachchapa Yantra (81), Vidyadhara Yantra (83), Valuka Yantra (84), Description of Valuka Yantra (86), Valuka Yantra currently in use (86), Modification in the Kupipaka Method (89), Lavana Yantra (90), Nalika Yantra (90), Bhudhara Yantra (91), Palika Yantra (91), Ghata Yantra (92), Damaru Yantra (92), Sthali Yantra (93), Patala Yantra (93) Khalva Yantra (94), Varieties of Khalva (95), Ardhacandra (Semicircular) Khalva (95), Vartula (96), Tapta Khalva (97), Kanduka Yantra (97), Dipika Yantra (98), Deki Yantra (98), Jarana Yantra (99), Somanala Yantra (100), Garbha Yantra (100), Hamsapaka Yantra (101), Valabhi Yantra (102), Istika Yantra (102), Hingulakrsti Vidyadhara Yantra (103), Nabhi Yantra (103), Grasta Yantra (104), Dhupa Yantra (104), Dhupa Dravya (105), Plan of Pharmacy (106), Importance of Size Reduction (107), Surface area (107), Effect of absorption (107), Effect on viscosity (108), Extraction (108), Mixing (108), Appearance (108), Mechanisms of grinding machines (109), Disintegrator (110), Cutter Mill (112), Roller Mill (113), Hammer Mill (113), End Runner Mill (115), Capsule Filling Machine (115), Automatic Capsule Filling Machine (117), Loading of empty capsules (117), Filling the capsules (117), Closing of capsules (117), Rotary Tablet Machine (118), Coating Pan (119), Monsanto Hardness Tester (119), Pfizer Tablet Hardness Tester (120), Tablet Disintegration Apparatus (121), Simple Distillation Apparatus (122), Simple Distillation (123), Soxhlet Apparatus (123), Hot - Air Oven (125)  
Chapter 4 Musa, Kosthi and Puta 127-155
  Musa (127), Krauncika (129), Karahatika (129), Kumudi (129), Pacini (129), Vahnimitra (129), Material Needed for Making Musas(130), Vajra Musa (132,) Gara Musa (133), Vara Musa (134), Vajra Dravan Musa (134), Varna Musa (135), Andha Musa (135), Raupya Musa (135), Bhasma Musa (136), Yoga Musa (136), Prakasa Musa (137), Pakwa Musa (137), Gola Musa (137), Maha Musa (138), Manduka (Manjusa) Musa (138), Musal Musa (138), Dirgha Musa (139), Garbha Musa (139), Suska Musa (139), Prakata Musa (140), Samanya Musa (140), Gostani Musa (140), Malla Musa (141), Vrntaka Musa (141), Toya Mrttika (141), Vahni Mrttika (142), Kosthi (142), Angara Kosthi (143), Patala Kosthi (144), Gara Kosthi (144), Tiryak-Pradhamana Kosthi (145), Puta (145), Puta Yantra (146), Sarava Samputa (146), Anukta Puta (148), Sandhilepa (148), Vanopala (148), Number of Putas (150), Method of Putapaka (150), Aims and importance of the Putas (150), Maha puta (151), Gajaputa (152), Varaha Puta (153), Kukkutaputa (153), Kapota puta (153), Lavaka puta (154), Govara puta (154), Valuka puta (154), Bhudhara puta (154), When no puta is mentioned (155), Bhanda puta (155),  
Chapter 5 Rasa (Parada) 156-274
  Definitions of Rasa (156), Ores of Mercury (161), Market trend (161), Properties of Parada in Specific forms (162), Method of extraction of Mercury from its minerals (164), Superiority of Hingulottha Parada (165), Varieties (165), Depending on the Colour (165), Depending on the source of origin (166), Properties of each variety (166), Dosas (167) Effects of impure mercury (172), General purification of mercury (172), Samskaras of Parada (174), Eight Samskara of Mercury (176), Swedana (178), Mardana (179), Murchana (180), Utthapana (180), Characteristics of Nastapista (181), Patana (182), Rodhana/Bodhana (183), Niyamana (184), Dipana (185), Anuvasana Samskara (187), Various forms of mercury recommended for use (188), Nirmukha Jarana (190), Importance of Gandhaka Jarana (191), Apparatus & Method for Gandhaka Jarana (193), Features (193), Grasamana (194), Characteristics of Bija (194), Characteristics of Mukha (195), Characteristics of Raksasavaktra Parada (195), Garbhadruti (195), Bahyadruti (196), Characteristics of Druti (196), Characteristics of Jarana (196), Characteristics of Bida (196), Ranjana (197), Sarana (197), Characteristics of Vedha (197), Varieties of Vedha (197), Lepa vedha (198), Ksepa vedha (198), Dhuma vedha (198), Sabda vedha (198), Udghatana (199), Swedana (199), Sanyasa (199), Rasa Bandha (200), Suitability of Mercury for Bandhana (202), Form and Appearance of Baddha Parada (202), Types of Bandhas (203), Description of each type (203), Rasa Gati (207), Jala Gati (208), Hamsa Gati (208), Mala Gati (208), Dhuma Gati (208), Jiva Gati (208), Rasabhasma (208), Pathya during Parada Sevana (210), Apathya during Parada Sevana (211), Parada Ksetrikarana (211), Complications due to Impure Mercury (211), Complications of Improperly Processed Mercury (212), Complications due to Mercurial Vapors (212), Management of the Complications (212), Treatment for Rasajirna (212), Mercurial preparations (213), Kajjali (214) Parpati (215), Bola Parpati (216), Loha Parpati (216), Pancamrta Parpati (218), Rasa Parpati (219), Swarna Parpati (220), Vyoma/Gagana Parpati (221), Tamra Parpati (222), Vijaya Parpati (223), Sweta Parpati (224), Sindura group of compound (224), Rasa Puspa (225), Rasakarpura (226), Rasasindura (228), Samirapannaga Rasa (230), Makaradhwaja (231), Siddha Makaradhwaja (233), Svarnasindura (234), Mallasindura (234), Agnitundi Ras (235), Ananda Bhairava Ras (236), Amavatari Ras (236), Brhat Vata Cintamani Ras (237), Candrakala Vati (238), Candramrta Ras (238), Catur-mukha Ras (239), Candraprabha Vati (240), Candrakanta Rasa (242), Candrakala Rasa (243), Garbhacintamani Rasa (244), Gulmakalanala Rasa (245), Hrdayarnava Rasa (246), Ichhabhedi Rasa (247), Jwarari Abhram (247), Jwarari Rasa (248), Jalodarari Rasa (249), Jwarankusa Rasa (250), Karpura Rasa (250), Kamadudha Rasa (Trtiya) (251), Kaphachinatamani Rasa (252), Kaphaketu Rasa (252), Krmimudgar Ras (253), Kravyada Rasa (253), Kasturi Bhairav Rasa (254), Lilavilasa Rasa (255), Loknath Rasa (Brhat) (256), Maha Laksmi Vilasa Rasa (257), Mugdha Rasa (257), Manikya Rasa (259), Maninimanabhanjana Rasa (260), Mrtyunjay Rasa (261), Nityananda Rasa (261), Puspa Dhanva Rasa (263), Raktapittakulakandhana Rasa (264), Ramabana Rasa (264), Smrtisagara Rasa (265), Sutasekhara Rasa (265), Sirahasuladivajra Rasa (266), Sringarabhara Rasa (268), Swasa Kuthar Rasa (269), Tribhuvanakirti Rasa (270), Vasantakusumakara Rasa (271), Vasantamalati Rasa (272), Vatakulantak Rasa (272), Yogendra Rasa (273)  
Chapter 6 Maharasa 275-330
  Maharasa (275), Abhraka (277), Krsnabhraka (280), Characters of acceptable Variety as Per Ayurveda (282), Characters of acceptable Variety as Per Modern (283), Dhanyabhraka Vidhi (285), Complications of Asuddha Abhraka (286), Uses of suddha abhraka (286), Physico-Chemical Characters of Purified Krsnabhraka (after dhanyabhraka vidhi) (287), Abhraka Bhasma Sataputi (289), Amrti Karana (290), Uses of Abhraka in Rasasastra (291), Vaikranta (292), Maksika (298), Vimala (304), Silajit (307), Gunas of different varieties of Silajit (312), Specific Action of Silajit (314), Silajitwadi Loha (315), Sasyaka (315), Capala (320), Rasaka (323), Description of Zinc Ores (325), Zinc carbonate (Zn CO3) (326), Zinc Silicate (Zn SiO4) (326)  
Chapter 7 Uparasa 331-374
  Gandhaka (332), Gandhaka Vikara Santi (337), Gandhaka Druti (337), Gandhaka Rasayana (339), Gandhakavati (Prathama) (339), Mahagandhaka (340), Gairika (341), Kasisa (344), Kanksi (347), Haratal (350), Rasamanikya (353), Manahsila (355), Anjana (360), Souviranjana (361), Srotonjana (362), Nilanjana (364), Puspanjana (366), Rasanjana (368), Kankustha (371)  
Chapter 8 Sadharan Rasa 375-402
  Kampillaka (376), Gauripasana (380), Navasadar (385), Varatika (387), Mrddarasrnga (392), Agnijara (394), Girisindura (396), Hingula (399), Hinguleswar Rasa (402)  
Chapter 9 Dhatu 403-476
  Origin of lohas (408), Swarna (409), Rajata (415), Tamra (420), Amrtikarana (425), Loha (426), Munda Loha (434), Tiksna Loha (434), Amritkarana (434), Sara Loha (434), Kanta Loha (435), Candanadi Lauha (439), Navayas Loha (440), Pradarantake Lauha (441) Putapakva Visama Jvarantak Lauha (442), Saptamrtaloha (443), Satamulyadi Lauha (443), Yakrdari Loha (444), Mandur (445), Punarnava Mandur (448), Naga (449), Vanga (455), Swarna Vanga (462), Trivanga Bhasma (466), Yasada (466), Kamsya (470), Pittala (473), Vartaloha or Pancaloha (474)  
Chapter 10 Ratna 477-508
  Ratna (477), Manikya (478), Tarksya (482), Vajra (484), Nilam (488), Gomeda (489), Vaidurya (491), Uparatna (493), Suryakanta (494), Candrakanta (495), Rajavarta (497), Sphatika (499), Pairojaka (501), Palanka (502), Rudhira (502), Puttika (503), Sugandhika (503), Trnakanta (504), Sange Yasaba (506), Akika (507)  
Chapter 11 Sudha Varga 509-539
  Mrga Srnga (509), Sambuka (511), Khatika (512), Samudra Phena (513), Sudha (515), Mukta (516), Sukti (521), Godanti (524), Kukkutanda Twak (527), Sankha (529), Sankha Dravaka (532), Pravala (533), Pravala Pancamrta (538)  
Chapter 12 Sikata Varga 540-546
  Sikata (540), Dugdhapasana (540), Kauseyasma (542), Nagapasana (543), Badarasma (544), Vyomasma (545)  
Chapter 13 Lavana and Ksara 547-568
  Lavana and Ksara (547), Lavana (547), Lavana Pancaka (Five Salts) (550), Lavan Traya (Three Salts) (551), Saindhava lavana (551), Sauvarchala lavana (553), Vida Lavana (555), Samudra lavana (557), Romaka lavana (560), Ksara (562), Tankana (562), Sarjika ksara (566), Surya ksara (567), Papada Ksara (567), Yava Ksara (568)  
Chapter 14 Mayura Pankha 569-571
  Bhunaga (570)  
Chapter 15 Visa 572-599
  Vatsanabha (576), Arka (580), Swetarka (581), Karavira (582, Snuhi (584), Langali (585) Gunja (585), Ahiphena (587), Dhattura (588), Danti (590), Bhallataka (592), Bhanga (594), Jayapala (595), Visa Tinduka (597)  
Chapter 16 The Drugs and Cosmetic Act 600-611
Chapter 17 Standardisation 612-618
  Standardisation of curde drugs (612), Standard (614), Standardisaation - A Multi-Dimensional Approach (615), Determination of fineness of particles (615), Determination of ash (616), Determination of pH (617), Specific Gravity (618)  

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