Textbook defined as "A course book, a formal manual of instruction in a specific subject, especially for the use in schools or colleges as per curriculum". For an undergraduate student, learning according to the curriculum and able to express the same in examinations are most important. Hence in this book tried to inject more subject to the context and expressed point wise in view of exams as well clinical importance. Further expressed in more detail for the benefit of postgraduates and for the learned ones to guide in clinical practice. Relevant basic slokas from the source and references are abundantly given in the book. The stanzas mentioned in the text are mostly in relevant for the examinations as well to keep in memory in lifetime and for further inquisition. At the same time, I made maximum efforts to quote the important slokas in full, in Devanagari script and still important slokas mentioned in English/Sanskrit script for the benefit of both Hindi and non-Hindi students and quoted the references to the maximum extent where the quoting the sloka is not possible or found less important. Each disease is described in the sequence of etymology, definitions, aetiology, pathology, symptomatology, (Pancha lakshana nidana) prognosis, principles of treatment, elimination therapies (samshodhana) pharmacological therapy, non pharmacological therapy (samshamana chikitsa) and Pathya-apathya ahara vihara (recommended diet and activities) and rehabilitation and given references for further reading in each chapter. While on describing the disorders mentioned in modern medicine are added with aspect of understanding the pathogenesis and management in ayurvedic lines. The modern subject in this book is compiled and basing on latest updates in the latest publications like Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment and other latest publications of textbooks of medicine including CCIM recommended textbooks and online updates. However, I have also included prescriptions based on experiences. As I am a teacher of Kayachikitsa and its clinicals for more than two decades for UG/PG and as a practicing Ayurvedic physician for five decades, I have added successful prescriptions in addition to the textual material basing on experiences gained. As I am specialized in Ama rogas and its relevant auto immune disorders, I have interpreted and updated the concepts and treatments of Amavata and allied disorders to the date. Chapters and the subject matter moved according to CCIM syllabus and necessary interpretations of ayurvedic concepts on modern science has been made at relevant.
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