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Text Book of Kaumarabhritya (Set of 2 Volumes)

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Author: Dr. Shrinidhi Kumar Acharya
Language: English
Edition: 2023
ISBN: Vol-I: 9788176373777
Vol-II: 9788176373845
Pages: 1248
Cover: Paperback
9.5 incg x 7.5 inch
1.80 kg
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Book Description
About the Author

Shrinidhi Kumar Acharya born in traditional middle class Brahmin family on 20-12-1975 in Kudambettu, a remote village in Bantwal Tq, Mangalore district of Karnataka. He is the proud son of K. Venkataramana Acharya & Jayalaxami Acharya. He is married to Smt. Ashalata and has been blessed with two kids (Master Hrishikesh (10) and Master Bhargava (08).

He completed his primary education in Bantwal and later attained his BAMS degree from SDM Ayurvedic college and Hospital Udupi with distinction in all three professionals in 1999. Author completed his post Graduation from prestigious Banaras Hindu University in Subject Kaumarabhritya in 2003 and worked under the guidance Professor R.D. Sharma and Professor B.M. Singh. He attained his Ph.D. from Rajasthan Ayurveda University, Jodhpur under guidance Professor C .M. Jain.

After completion of post graduation he joined the post graduate department of Kaumarabrithya at SDMCA&H at Hassan in 2003 and worked as lecturer and reader till 2010. During this period he is academically and professionally nurtured by Professor C.H.S. Sastry and Professor Prasanna Rao to attain Excellency in the field. Author has been part of many successful programmes launched by SDMCA&H Hassan like Swarna Prashana, and many social and educational programmes.

Later at 2010 he has been selected at post Graduate department of Kaumarabhritya, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur and presently working as assistant professor.

Author is young dynamic multi talented personality with his active involvement in academic, professional, clinical, social, sports and extracurricular activities. He has been regarded as excellent teacher due to his teaching skills, analytical approach, knowledge and oration capacity. He also a successful clinician of Ayurvedic paediatrics and P.G. and Ph.D. Guide and examiner. He has given many interviews, health talk's related s Ayurveda in national 'I'V, and E.T.V. and Radio. He delivered many guest lecturers at different universities and CME etc. Specialty of this book

* Systematic presentation of topics of Kaumarabhritya subject for easy and convenient study.

* Presentation of topics are as per latest C. C.I.M. Syllabus which is beneficial for undergraduates.

* Detail and comprehensive description of topics with scientific analysis with analytical approach for the benefit of post graduates.

* Collection of all possible references of kaumarabhritya scattered in various literatures.

* Scientific analysis of each and every point and its interpretations with reasoning.

* Single and most appropriate opinion of the subject based on explanation of multiple authors. * Development of certain new concepts in topics like Phakka, Graha Roga, Navajatha Shishu Paricharya, Ulbhaka, Dhatri, Samskara etc.

* Certain untouched topics are explored for their practical use Bali, Dhoopana, Stanya Shodana, Putra kamesthi, etc.

* Explanation of practical utility of every topic with its relevance in present paediatrics practice.

* Advantages, disadvantages, limitations, merits of the Ayurvedic approach in child care in comparison to other contemporary medical sciences.

* Point wise presentation with simple language.

* Relevant modern topics are described.


Ayurveda is eternal, scientifically time tested ancient science which has been systematically divided in to eight clinical branches as been evidenced from the literature. Among the eight branches of Ayurveda, Kaumrabhritya or Bala chikitsa has been mentioned with prime importance and compared to Agni Devata. Kashyapa Samhita has been considered as the most authentic book of Kaumarabhritya although we find few chapters related to kaumarabhritya in other Samhitas. Acontemporary Kashyapa Sampradaya also was in practice along with Atreya and Dhanwantari Samparadaya in ancient time although missing of Kashyapa Samhita twice in due course of time and non availability of commentaries badly affected the clinical practice of Kaumarabhritya and had a setback. Ancient Ayurvedic authors struggled a lot to bring Kaumrabhritya in the main stream of Ayurveda by writing several books on Kumarabhritya like Hiranyaksha tantra, Parvataka Tantra etc. which are presently not available.

Pediatric population contribute major portion of patients in clinical practice. An Ayurvedic paediatrician carries the responsibility of producing healthy society as children are future citizen. But, unfortunately less literature and references related to child care and treatment are available in Ayurveda. Hence there is really an urgent need for analysis and comprehensively need rebuilding the subject and teaching methodology of Kaumarabhritya, especially for the benefit of the students and clinicians. Students at undergraduate level and post graduate level really face paucity of a comprehensive text book which includes all references of Kaumarabhritya scattered in different books at a place with comparative analysis as per the need of present clinical practice. Concepts explained in Samhitas need to be upgraded and updated without tampering its originality. Hence, explanation and analysis of Ayurvedic concepts in comparison with other contemporary medical sciences by upholding the Ayurvedic principles helps the student for understanding its practicability and also evoke thought process which explore the hidden medical truth of Ayurveda.

During my student life many a times I felt that principles of Ayurveda were compulsorily loaded over the student like iron balls due to lack of analytical approach. Although Ayurvedic principles are eternal, unchangeable and always fruitful a beginner fail to enjoy the study due to lack of analytical approach and practical application leading to underestimation and ignorance of its glory. Post graduates of Kaumarabhritya also face similar lacunae and find paucity of Ayurvedic explanations and scientific analysis of concepts. It is my long time wish to write such a comprehensive text book of Kaumarabhritya specially keeping interest of those students who have such mind set during their graduation level.

Very less critical analysis has been done on the subject matter of Kaumarabhritya and there were many untouched areas like Graha Rogas, Samskars, Dhatri, Lehana, Phakka avajatha Shishu Paricharya etc. which are not properly understood in relevance to present day context and collective analysis of references of Kaumarabhritya has been missing. Although the childhood clinical practice is a vital, essential clinical branch in other contemporary medical sciences, Ayurvedic paediatrics has not been able to raise to the expected level by extending neonatal and paediatric care.

Hence sincerely I felt the-need of a text book on Kaumarabhritya which critically analyzes the subject of Kaumarabhritya under the light of the present day paediatrics practice so that Ayurvedic Kaumarabhritya can be easily reachable to all, creates interest in learning, augments the thrust of clinical practice, remove the unwanted confusions and helps for flourishing the Ayurvedic Paediatrics i.e. Kaumarabhritya around the globe. Certain childhood disorders which are challenging to the modern world like Cerebral palsy, DMD, Nephrotic syndrome, developmental delay, Mental retardation, childhood obesity and child hood life style related disorders, speech disorders, memory enhancing methods, Immunological disorders can be effectively managed by Ayurvedic paediatrics.

Specialty of this book is, it is easily reachable to all as it is written in a simple language and is given a systematic presentation and therefore undergraduates enjoy reading it. This book give the scope to understand the depth of the subject by evoking an analytical angle of the study of subject as per need of the hour especially for post graduates and Ph.D Scholars. Book will be informative along with pool of references for faculty of Kaumarabrithya and as reference book for practioners. Many a times view of different authors has been analyzed and the most suitable opinion for present situation with clinical application has been explained.

In this book references have been collected from all possible sources by referring different classical Ayurvedic literatures as well as text books of Kaumarabhritya by renowned experts of the field and presented in a very systematic manner to make the study convenient. Each Sloka, words, and disorders are explained with clinical understanding and application. Each concept has been analyzed for its relevance’s in comparison with other contemporary medical sciences. A simple language has been used for easy reading and topics were arranged step wise. Modern explanations were given wherever necessary. Point vise Presentation of the topic has been provided to have comfortable and easy reading.

This book has come out as my 13 years of experience as an undergraduate and post graduate teacher and consultant in the field of Kaumarabhritya which was greatly influenced and enriched by the knowledge and superiority of my teachers at different levels of my academic and professional life. Many explanations, ideas, analysis, references provided in this book are the extension of original ideas of my teachers. I am extremely thankful to Professor C.H.S. Sastrysir who corrected and shaped my professional carrier and kind enough to provide some rare references related to Kaumarabhritya. I always bow my head to the sacred feet of Professor R.D. Sharma, Professor B.M. Singh and professor C.M. Jain sir who guided my academic carrier. I am extremely thankful to Professor. Prasanna Rao, Principal of SDMCA Hassan, and profes or Abhimanyu Kumar, Director, AIIAMS New Delhi for guiding me throughout. I always remember Srinivasa Acharya, Dr. Muralidhara Sharma, Dr. Nagaraj Poojary of SDMCA Udupi for shaping my undergraduate study life.

Explanations, comments, justifications, comparisons, personal views given by me in this book may be incomplete, over explanatory or unjustified as this book is first of its kind. I whole heartedly acknowledge from all for critics, suggestion and better explanations on the subject that I can further incorporate in my next edition.


  Section One - Introduction Kaumarabhritya  
Chapter -1 History of Kaumarabhritya 1-7
Chapter-2 Definitions of Kaumarabhritya 8-12
Chapter-3 Classification of Age in Kaumarbhritya 13-16
Chapter-4 Dosage Schedule in Kaumarabhrithya 17-26
Chapter-5 Treatment principles in Kaumarabhritya 27-38
Chapter-6 Importance and scope of kaumarabhritya 39-42
Chapter-7 Clinical Approach in Kaumarabhritya 43-61
Chapter-8 Introduction to kashyapa Samhita 62-72
  Section Two-Samskara and Krida in Kumarbrithya  
Chapter-9 Samskara in Kaumarabhritya 73-115
  Introduciton to Samskara 73-79
  Jatakarma Samskara 80-83
  Dolashyana Samskara 83-85
  Namakarana Samskara 85-88
  Dugdha pana and Jalapooja Samskara 88-89
  Suryodaya Darshan and Chandra Darshanaq 89-90
  Nishkramana Samskara 90-92
  Anna Prashana - Phala Prashana 92-96
  Upaveshana Samskara 96-100
  Karna Vedana Samskara 100-104
  Chooda Karma 106-106
  Upanayana Samskara 106-109
  Akshara Lekhana Samskara 109-110
  Godhana Samskara 110-111
  Vivaha Samskara 111-112
  Varana Banda and Matangi Homa 112-114
  Procedure of Putra Kamesthi yajgna 114-115
Chapter-10 Krida in Kaumarbhritya 116-125
  Kidanaka and Krida Bhumi 115-112
  Modern concept of Play 121-123
  Concept of Play school and Playing skills 123-125
Chapter-11 Concept of Kumaradhara 126-132
  Kamaradhara and his qualities 128-132
  Method of child care by Kumaradhara 133-136
Chapter-12 Concept of Kumaragara 133-136
  Construction of Kamaragara as per Ayurveda 133-134
  Construction of neonatal care unit 134-136
  Section Three: Pancha Karma in Kaumarabhritya 78
Chapter-13 Snehana in Kaumarabhritya 137-142
Chapter-14 Diet Modification in paediatric Pancha Karma 143-145
Chapter-16 Combinations of Different Rasa 146-147
Chapter-17 Swedana in Kaumarabhritya 148-150
Chapter-17 General Introduction toShodana 151-154
Chapter-18 Vamana Karma in Kaumarabhritya 155-157
Chapter-19 Virechana Karma in Kaumarabhritya 158-160
Chapter-20 Basti in Kaumarabhritya 161-172
Chapter-21 Nasya in Kaumarabhritya 173-175
  Section Four: Graha-Rogas in Kaumarabhritya  
Chapter-22 General concept and Treatment 176-254
  Introduction to Graha Roga, Graha Badha 176-177
  Graha and its similarities with microorganisms 177-180
  History origin types causes symptoms of Graha Roga 180-195
  General Treatment of Graha Roga 195
  Daiva Vyapashraya Chikitsa, and Mantra in Graha Roga 196-199
  Yukti Vyapashraya Chikitsa, in Graha Roga 199-201
  Dhoopana or Fumigation in Graha Roga 201-206
  Bali Chikitsa in Graha Roga with its scientific understanding 206-211
  Understanding of Skanda Graha and its treatment 211-215
  Understanding of Skanda Apasmara and its treatment 215-219
  Understanding of Naigamesha Graha and Its treatment 219-222
  Understanding of Shakuni Graha and Its Treatment 223
  Understanding of Putana, Andha Putana Sheeta Putana Graha and its treatment 224-235
  Understanding Mukha Mandika and Its treatment 235-238
  Understanding of Revati Graha and Its treatment 238-250
  Understanding of Shwa Graha and its treatment 251-253
  Understanding of Pitru Graha and Its Treatment 252-253
  Understanding of Shushka Revati and Its Treatment 253-254
  Section Five: Neonatology  
Chapter-23 Basics of Neonatology 255-278
  Definitions and nomenclature in neonatology 255-258
  Examination of New Born 259-265
  Assessment of Gestational age, reflexes and anthropometry 265-278
Chapter-24 Ayurvedic Approach to examination of Newborn 279-306
  Protocol for Ayurvedic Approach to Examination of Newborn 296-306
Chapter-25 New Born Care 307-329
  How to receive the baby 307-309
  Navajatha Shishu Paricharya Introduction 309-310
  Nala Chedana 311-313
  Mukha-Vishodana, Pichu Dharana, Ulbha Parimarjna 313-316
  Neonatal Bath - Shishu Snana 316
  Baby Massage-shishu Abhyanga 317-318
  Jatakarma Samskara and Garbodaka Vamana 318-320
  Aseptic living condition for newborn - Kumara Raksha vidhi 320-324
  Mani Dharana, Baby bed (shishu Shayya) 324-326
  Neonatal care in book-Arogya Kalpa Druma 326-329
Chapter-26 Activities of the Baby after Birth 330-334
Chapter-27 Resuscitation of Sick newborn 335-347
  Introduction to instruments used in Resuscitation 345-347
Chapter-28 Resuscitation in Ayurveda (Prana Prathyagamana) 348-364
  Condition which demands -Prana Prathyagamana 348-351
  Resuscitation in Ayurveda-stimulation of Respiration 352-364
Chapter-29 disorders of Weight and Gestation 365-381
  Preterm baby (modern and Ayurvedic concepts) 365-369
  Small for gestational age (modern and Ayurvedic concepts) 369-374
  Post term baby (Modern and Ayurvedic concepts) 374-375
  Twin Babies (modern and ayurvedic concepts) 376-378
  Management of extremely Low birth weight babies 378-380
  Feeding in Low birth weight babies as per ayurveda 380-381
Chapter-30 Neonatal Symptomolgy 382-405
  Vedana Adhyaya 382-391
  Protocol for assessment of Vedana Adhyaya 391-394
  Common neonatal problems 395-405
Chapter-31 Neonatal disorders 406-435
  Ulbhaka and meconium aspiration Syndrome 406-409
  Upasheerashaka 409-409
  Prasava Kala Abhigathaja vyadhi (Birth Injuries) 410-411
  Septicemia and Jatha Harini 412-416
  Radana and Navajatha Shishu Chardhi 416-418
  Disorders of newborn like, Rashes, Sadanta Janma, pale baby 418-422
  Disorder of temperature Regulation-Hypothermia 422-425
  Navajatha Shishu Kamala 425-431
  Navajatha Netra Abhishayandata 431-432
  Rakta Vishamayata 432-433
  Rakta Sravi vikara (Neonatal Bleeding isorders) 433-434
Chapter-32 Ayurvedic concept of fetal monitoring 436-440
Chapter-33 Genetic disorders in Kaumarabhritya 441-454
  Ayurvedic consideration of genetic disorders 441-444
  Juvenile diabetes mellitus 441-446
  Thalassemia 446-448
  Sickle cell disease 448-450
  Down's syndrome 450-451
  Turner's syndrome 451-452
  Klinefelter's Syndrome 452
  Muscular Dystrohy 452-454
Chapter-34 Infectious Disorders in Kaumarabhritya 455-483
  Chicken pox and romantika 455-458
  Measles and Masurika 458-461
  Typhoid fever and Antrika Jwara 463-466
  Malaria 466-469
  Neonatal meningitis 469-471
  Tuberculosis 471-476
  Dengue fever 477-478
  HIV in Children 478-479
  Tetanus 480
  Diphtheria 481-482
  Pertussis 482-483
  Section Six: Feeding and Nutrition in Kaumarabhritya  
Chapter-35 Feeding and Nutrition in Kaumarabhritya 484-543
  General Introduction to Stanya and its qualities, Vridhi, Kashya, stanya sampath etc 484-489
  Examination of Stanya (Breast milk), Indication and contraindication of breast feeding 490-492
  Concept of Animal milk 492-503
  Modern concept of Breast milk Reflexes, advantages, indications, Contraindications, Adquacy immunology, role of breast milk in brain growth, difference with other animal milk etc. 503-514
  Concept of artificial milk feeding in Ayurveda-Stanya abave Kimdeyam 514-516
  Modern concept of Artificial milk feeding 516-518
  Breast feeding method 518-519
  Common problems of breast milk feeding 520-521
  common Breast feeding problems as per Ayurveda 521-523
  Breast milk Vitiation and its causes 523-524
  Pancha Kasheera Dosha as per Hareetha 524-526
  Asta vidha Stanya dusti and symptomatology as per charaka and its treatment 526-543
Chapter-36- Concept of Dhatri in Ayurveda 544-556
  Introduction and Examination of Dhatri and its importance 544-551
  Dhatri Chikitsa 551-554
  Understanding concept of Dhatri in present day practice 554-556
Chapter-37 Concept of Stanya Shodana and Vardhana in Ayurveda 557-562
Chapter-38 Weaning Stanyapanayana 563-567
  Ayurvedic concept of weaning 563-567
  Modern concept of weaning 565-567
  Major Books Referred I-III
  Index IV-XXV


Section Seven-Vyadhi-Kshamatwa and Immunity
Chapter-39 Introduction to Immune System 568-582
Chapter-40 Basics of Vaccination 583-616
Chapter-41 Immunization in special situations 617-629
Chapter-42 Concept of immune system in Ayurveda 630-659
Chapter-43 Lehana in Kaumarbhritya 660-671
Chapter-44 Practical Implementation of Swrana Prashana 672-679
Section -Eight Nutrition
Chapter-45 Introduction to carbohydrate, Fat, Proteins, Vitamins, and Micro nutrients 680-719
Chapter-46 Concept of Nutrition inKaumarabhritya 719-752
Section-Nine Growth and Development
Chapter-47 Fetal growth and development (Garbhavakranthi) 753-791
Chapter-48 Normal growth and assessment 792-800
Chapter-49 Assessment of growth and development in Ayurveda 801-809
Section-Ten Systemic disorders in Kaumarabhritya
Chapter-50 Eye disorders in Kaumarabhritya 810-826
Chapter-51 Speech disorders in Kaumarbhritya 827-835
Chapter-52 Mukha Rogas issn Kaumarbhritya 836-844
Chapter-53 Skin Disorders in Kaumarbrithya 845-871
Chapter-54 Shiro-Rogas in Kaumarabhritya 872-882
Chapter-55 Neurological disorders 883-902
Chapter-56 Congenital Mal formations 903-913
Chapter-57 Danta and Danthodbedha Vyadhis (Dentition and Dentition Disorders) 914-935
Chapter-58 Nabhi Roags in Kaumarabhritya 936-941
Chapter-59 Guda Rogas in Kaumarbhritya 942-949
Chapter-60 Krimi Rogas in Kaumarabhritya 950-961
Chapter-61 Pleeha Rogas in Kaumarbhritya (Disorders of Spleen and liver) 962-981
Chapter-62 Nutritional disorders in Ayurveda-Kuposhana Janya vyadhis 982-1013
Chapter-63 Mutra Vaha Sroto Rogas in Kaumarabhritya-Urinary disorders 1014-1029
Chapter-64 Manasika Rogas in Kaumarbhritya 1030-1066
Chapter-65 Conceptof ayurvedic counselling by Satwavajya Chikitsa 1068-1083
Chapter-66 Pranavaha Sroto Rogas-disorders of Respiratory system 1084-1099
Chapter-67 Annavaha Sroto Rogas 1100-1114
chapter-68 Rasavaha Sroto Rogas 1115-1120
Chapter-69 Disorders of Mamsa and Medhovaha Rogas 1121-1128
Chapter-70 Disorders of Cardio Vascular System 1129-1134
Section-Eleven Life saving measures (Emergency treatment)


Chapter-71 Life saving measures (Emergency Treatment) 1135-1142
Chapter-72 Fluid and electrolyte therapy in children 1143-1158
Section-Twelve Health Policy Measures
Chapter-73 Knowledge of chid health policy measures 1159-1167


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