The present book endeavors to integrate different sub divisions of Rachana Sharira to enable students of anatomy to learn all the relevant aspects of a topic like Marma Shariram Kala Shariram Koshtha Shariram and Garbha Shariram.
Knowledge of gross anatomy is one of the pillars of a sound medical curriculum. In the present textbook enough anatomical knowledge has been included so that essential information is retained. Anatomy should be taught with clinical emphasis as it is fundamental to clinical practice. It also makes anatomy interesting easy to understand and remember.
Salient features : • This book is illustrated with 24 color diagrams in 1st part and 48 color diagrams in IInd part which serve as readers delight. • In each part of the Book there are 400 multiple question. • Information is provided in an easy concise relevant and compact manner. • For easy remember mnemonics are given. • Most useful for ayurveda medical students to answer basic question in Rachana Sharira of the Human body. • This book also caters to the exam oriented needs of the students. • Applied anatomy or clinical application are given for easy understanding. • Anatomy of the human body described with relevant comparison with modern medicine as and when necessary.
I do hope that because of its good color photographs correlation with modern anatomy emphasis on applied anatomy and multiply question of Rachana Sharira this book will be useful to students of B.A.M.S.
Dr. P.K. Moharana is presently working as Reader is Sri Jayendra Saraswati Ayurveda College & Hospital Chennai-602100. He did his B.A.M.S from Govt. Ayurveda College, Bolangir, Orissa in 1997 and ranked first in the batch. Later he completed M.D from I.P.G.A.E & R at S.V.S.P hospital Kolkata in 2000 and again stood first in the batch.
Dr. P.K. Moharana is presented papers in four international and fourteen national seminars. He has dissected 27 cadavers till now. He is having sound knowledge in both Ayurveda as well as modern medicine.
Over the years while teaching the students of rachana shareera myself along with many of the colleagues shared the views of an absolute dearth of a single comprehensive text book of rachana shareera worth mentioning to prescribe to the students.
Being constantly insisted and hard pressed by my beloved students I ultimately decided to write a compact comprehensive syllabus wise and practically oriented text book of rachana shareera. It is an attempt to supply the students a comparatively easy technique to remember rachana shareera along with some multiple question which will be useful for the examination and for the higher study. The aim being to emphasize the simplicities rather than complexities. The book is written in a clear and concise language and in author’s own style which holds the reader’s interest. Extensive illustrations flow charts and diagrams have been used as and where needed to add lucidity and clarity to the subject and to emphasize the practical nature of the book.
Although the book has been written primarily for the undergraduates it should also prove to be useful to the students of other system of medicine those aspiring for getting the sound knowledge of Ayurveda. I however do no consider this book to be an ideal one but a humble attempt has been made to remove the bottlenecks as far as possible of the books available to the students at present.
Very little of what is worthwhile in this book could have been brought to publication without the generous co-operation advice and assistance of many of my colleagues seniors juniors and students.
The author wishes to acknowledge with gratitude Dr. K.T. Jayakrishnan principle for his sincere help.
I am thankful to Dr. B.C. Jana, J.B Roy state, Ayurveda College Kolkata – 4 reader dept of rachana sharira for sincere advice.
I wish to thank Dr. B.N Mishra Dr. S.K. Brahma for their sincere advice and co-operation.
Study of anatomy in the curriculum of B.A.M.S had always been a controversial point of discussion. The western method of analyzing the structure is very well established in the form of anatomy and it is accepted all over the world.
This methodology of studying the body in the physical plane may not always find parallel in the ayurvedic system. It results in giving a lot of contradictions for the sincere students who are eager to know the extract structure of the body.
Here is an attempt by Dr. P.K. Moharana to clarify the areas to be stressed form ayurvedic point of view as well as form western point of view.
It is also written according to the prescribed syllabus of Rachana Shareera so that it will help the students to prepare themselves for examination and also it will be helpful for better understanding of physical structure from angles of observations.
The human body is one of the most sophisticated of all creations. There are various parts that together make up the body as a whole. Each of these components performs a specific. Inspite of being made up diverse parts the body operates as a single entity. All the structures of the body are interdependent and they co-ordinate and correspond with each other in order to maintain a condition of normalcy in the body. For example any stimulus perceived by the sensory organs reaches the brain through the corresponding axons and neurons and similarly the brain responds to the stimulus sending the necessary impulse to the organ that has perceived the stimulus. Accordingly the organ functions and responds to the external stimulus. The communication is possible through the nervous system. Similarly in the cardiovascular system also blood lymph etc. serves as means of communication within different parts of the body. This kind of integrity is the base for existence. Once this co-ordination is lost the internal atmosphere of the body also gets disturbed and this leads to the condition of dis-ease. Similarly even to make the slightest movement the bones muscles, nerves, fibers, tendons etc. of that particular part must function properly in an integrated manner. Otherwise movement becomes quite difficult in that part of the body. Hence the proper structures that constitute the depends upon the proper co-ordination between the structures that constitute the body. This is why generally the normalcy of any structure is inferred from its normal functioning. Any condition wherein there is damage part and vice versa. Hence the condition of the body is always presented in terms of its functions. When a condition of disease sets in the normal functioning of the body gets impaired. Which is suggestive relation derangement at some level in the body. Thus structure ahs an inseparable relation with its function and forms a base or substratum for its function to exist in it. To understand the body in its totality both these aspects of structure and function must be analyzed thoroughly.
Hence life science has been divided into two main branches namely anatomy and physiology. These branches deal with the structure and its function respectively. These two provide the foundation for understanding the body parts and functions. Anatomy is the study of the structure and relationships among the structures. Although anatomy was first studied by dissection of cadavers many other techniques now contribute for the advancement of the anatomical knowledge while anatomy deals with structures of the body physiology deals with the functions of the body parts that is how they work.
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