About the Author
Shri V.P. Jain MA (Maths) was born at Rewari (Haryana) on 31st August 1931, in a respectable Aggarwal family. He retired as Audit officer from Indian Audit and Accounts Department.
He passed the examinations ‘Jyotisha Praveena’ and ‘Jyotisha Visharada’ from Indian Council of Astrological Sciences and is senior faculty member of ICAS. He has authored another book ‘Text book for Shadbala & Bhavabala’.
He represented Delhi state in National Chess Championships many times and is a National Arbitor of Chess. He is a life member of Delhi Chess Association. He remained General Secretary of Delhi Chess Association for 10 years. He was Vice- President of Delhi Chess Association and also Vice- President of All India Chess Federation. He was manager of Indian team represented by Grand Master Vishwanthan Anand in 1986 at ‘Okham’ in England.
I am grateful to the following for the help and inspiration given to me for completing the task successfully.
Dr. B.V. Raman, the Beeshma Pitamah of astrological world, for I have adopted his principles & tables from his book on Graha and Bhava Bala.
Justice S.N. Kapoor, my teacher, who had spared his valuable time for writing foreword for this book.
Shri M.N. Kedar, my teacher of Astrology and old colleague, who has inspired me and also for his continuous persuasion without which I would not have completed this book.
All other teachers of ICAS, Delhi Chapter 1 who taught me astrology, the divine science.
Shri K. Rangachari who edited the language of the book.
Smt. Neeru Aggarwal who worked hard for composing and designing the book.
Shri V. P. Jain enjoys a unique position amongst Astrologer teachers, being an Astrologer as well as MA in Mathematics with Astronomy. He is one of the most prominent teachers in Delhi teaching Astronomy relevant to Astrology as well as ‘Shadabala’ for the last five years, to the inquisitive and brilliant elite of budding Astrologers preparing for ‘Jyotish Praveen’ and Jyotish Visharad’ examinations conducted by Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (Regd.) Madras, founded by Dr. B. V. Raman.
As per our expectation, he has just brought out the first part of Shadbala — slightly time — consuming mathematical calculation for quantification of overall relative planetary strength. Clear understanding of Shadbala is necessary for brilliant astrological predictions.
Predictions that a person shall earn a fortune after shifting to western side far away from his hometown; that he is likely to lose elections to a lady belonging to erstwhile royal family, much before elections without there being any possibility of imagining such a candidate; that a person would acquire so much prominance that security guards would move around him, and several other similar predictions could be based only on proper understanding of Shadbala strength of planets, their periods and inter-periods. Briddha Yavan Jataka and Sarvartha Chintamani and other classical works are replete with many hints to make such brilliant predictions. Budding astrologers must therefore study this book to lay a solid foundation to make brilliant predictions on the basis of Sthanbala, Digbala, Drugbala, Kalabala, Chesthabala, Naisargikabala and appreciating value of Istha and Kasthaphalas.
Shri V. P. Jain has assured us that second part of this book with classical references and many illustrations shall be brought out very soon to provide very rich material for budding astrologers enabling them to make brilliant predictions on the scientific basis of quantification of planetary strength which forms the very foundation of Vedic and post-vedic astrology.
The astrological predictions are generally based on the position of the planets in the birth chart (called Rasi chart or lagna chart or (D—I). The position of the planets in own house, exaltation sign, Mooltrikona sign, or friend’s sign are treated as very good. On the other hand if the planet is debilitated, combust, in enemy’s sign etc. are treated as bad or the planets become weak or ineffective or will give unfavourable results. It is like a general check up of a patient by a doctor. Whenever the need arises, the doctor asks for X-ray and several other tests.
In similar way this great science of astrology provides many theoretical and practical methods to find out the real strength of the bhavas. In practice the theoretical procedure is to judge the strength from sub-divisional charts, through delineation and judgement of bhavas with reference to other bhavas etc.
To find out the real strength of the planet and bhava, the mathematical valuation of strength is also described in the classical texts. This is six-fold analysis of the strength of the planets.
The author passed Jyotisha Praveena and Jyotisha Visharada Examinations as a student of the astrological classes are conducted by Delhi Chapter I of Indian Council of Astrological Sciences. Since 1991 he is teaching Astronomy, Shadbala, Longevity and predictive astrology. There was a great demand from the students of a lesson Type book on Shadbalas, which may be convenient for the beginners to understand the subject thoroughly.
This Part I includes the introduction and various types of mathematical calculations to find out the shadbalas of planets and the strength of the twelve bhavas. There are many books available on this subject, but in this book the author has tried to make it very simple for the beginners.
The part II of this book will contain the practical use of the shadbalas and bhava balas in predictive astrology.
Dr. T. S. Wasaon, former Chairman Bangalore chapter and presently vice president, I.C.A.S. has also, at our request, sent his views on the use of shadbala.
We hope the astrologer community, well wishers and especially the budding astrologers, we mean students of astrology would find this book quite handy informative and useful.
In sthana bala exalted planets give auspicious results (100%). When the planets are debilitated will not give beneficial results. If planets sit in friendly house auspicious nature is only ¼ th part. In own house ¼ th part. In Mooltrikona signs 3/4 th part.
A planet will be giving better results in enemies house rather than in debilitated sign.
A planet with ojha or Yugma bala gives happiness, friendship, courage, fixity of mind and independent profession or work.
Generally the Moon is strong from Shukla Paksha Ekadashi to Krishna Paksha Panchami and she will be weak from sixth of krishna paksha to Ekadashi of Shukla Paksha. When he is strong, she gives determination and strength.
If a planet has good Chesta bala, it gives kingdom, high respect and good source of money with fame and name.
A planet with good Ayana bala takes the native to its direction in travel. The said planet should not be combust or debilitated.
Shubha grahas, when they are Vakri (Retrograde), they give good results, if malefics are retrograde, they cause grief and purposeless wandering. But according to Bhavartha Ratnakara, the malefics give good results when they are retrograde.
Jataka Tathva says retrograde planets have exaltation power.
The effects of Planets in odd and even rasis are as follows. In odd rasis it makes the person courageous and. warrior like. If it is weak in those rasis it makes the native cruel and dull witted. In even rasis it gives soft nature, fear for quarrel, love for water, flowers and clothes. If they are weak they give contrary results to the above.
A planet with good Divaratri Bala is capable of conferring lands, vehicles etc. and the native will defeat his enemies. Divaratri Bala is also called as Nathonatha Bala.
A planet which becomes a victor in graha yuddha can give complete happiness and kingdom that can last for many years.
The effects of lord of the year, month, week and hora are experienced in their dasha. They give happiness, wealth and fame.
The lord of the month will give two fold results as against the lord of the year. The week lord gives two fold results when compared to the month lord. Hora lord gives two fold results when compared to week lords. Here hora means “Kala Hora”.
A planet with paksha bala destroys the enemies and confers diamonds, rubies, conveyance, wife, gold, land and fame.
Benefics with alround strength gives good habits, truthful nature upright and respectful towards wise men and god and will be blessed with good robes and oranaments.
Malefics with all round strength makes a person selfish, jealous of virtuous people, intent on promoting quarrels. They are wicked, treacherous, dirty, ungrateful, slanderers and ugly.
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