The book ‘Symphony of Homoeopathy’ is a stepping stone towards a uniform practical guideline which is a need of the hour to establish cure and a standard of treatment. If one Homoeopath could give relief to his patient with one particular medicine in a specific potency and dosage without compromising on philosophy to give such a relief then that could be repeated all over the world by all Homoeopaths. If a guideline helps to find the right remedy in order to achieve permanent cure, then one such guideline should be prepared. This book is a call to each homoeopath to prepare their own protocols and bring forth a standard of treatment for each practitioner across the globe.
Dr S.G. Biju (MD) founder of SAHYA (School of Artistic Homoeopathy for Youngsters and Adults) is an ardent, seasoned and passionate Homoeopath practicing since 1992. He has been awarded the best practioner by Govt. of Kerala. He is an Assistant Professor in the department of repertory in WMH Medical College, Kanyakumari Tamil Nadu. He is a proponent of unique and individual approach ‘Treatment maximises success and minimises side effects’. His result oriented approach can be seen by the cures cases of almost 5000 Hepatitis-B positive patients. He has developed various Homoeopathic treatment Protocols which is contemporary in field of medicine. His accolades include Dr Samuel Hahnemann Award 2003, N.K. Jayaram Award 2007, and Best guest lecturer award in 2008.
This book will definitely help youngsters in practice building.
Allopaths have their own standard protocol for almost all diseases and procedures, which are replicable. But homeopaths have different methods of prescriptions and schools of homeopathy, that is too confusing the youngsters — these different approaches are difficult to replicate, reproduce or repeat.
Standard Treatment Guidelines (STG) are systematically developed statements that assist prescribers in deciding on appropriate treatments for specific clinical problems.
DMR - Drug, Medicine, Remedy session - demystify the management of chronic disease and its acute exacerbation
DPP - Disease Patient Person simplified structuring of a chronic totality
Miasm - They say homeopathy is mathematics, and this session beautifully deal with the artistico-arithmetic of homeopathy
We also a need a replicable uniform protocols. This book by Dr S G Biju, a leading practitioner from Kerala, is an attempt to have clinically verified protocols for various diseases evolved from his more than 25 years of hardship and experience in homeopathy.
"If one homeopath could give relief to the patient with one particular medicine in a specific potency and dosage then that could be repeated by all homeopaths" — says Dr SG Biju.
Every new generation doctors must read the introductory part. Then only you can realize how the senior homeopaths struggled for existence, how they survived, their dedication and hard work for the propagation and popularization of homeopathy among the public.
You can read this book like a novel in a single stretch. This type of experience sharing will save the youngsters from failure.
Moreover, this book is a desktop reference for acute and sub- acute management of chronic cases including classical prescription in acute disease
It is a great pleasure to read a Homoeopathic book but quiet difficult to write one. Symphony of Homoeopathy is nothing but an amalgamation of theory and practice of Homoeopathy. Homoeopathy is badly in need of an increased cure rate. This system has been practiced by the followers of Hahnemann as an individual system of medicine. Each Homoeopath interpreted this nature’s system of medicine according to his vision, mission and passion. We need a uniform practical guideline to establish cure. If one Homoeopath could give relief to his patient with one particular medicine in a specific potency and dosage then that could be repeated all over the world by all Homoeopaths. Then only we can increase our cure rate. It is impossible to compromise on philosophy to give such a relief. If a guideline helps to find the right remedy in order to achieve permanent cure, then one such guideline should be prepared. "Symphony of Homoeopathy" is a humble effort to make an ‘adagio’ to the Homoeopathic art.
A successful Homoeopathic profession needs sharpening of life by the experience and hardships. By God’s grace my homoeopathic childhood was miserable and I do believe, that made me to dare and act. I have shared it in introductory part. It is for the young buds of Homoeopathy. Seniors might have experienced much more than me that is why they became successful practitioners. Management of Acute diseases is still an Everest to be conquered. Section-II is dealing with management of acute emergencies. Homoeopathy can save life if it is used properly in acute disease without any delay. There are enough medicines and drugs to manage acute emergencies but it is quite difficult to take a decision at once. Section II will make you more decisive as the number of medicines and drugs are restricted on the basis of its effectiveness. Various types of prescriptions have been categorised under 3 headings: Drug, Medicine and Remedy. You will get an idea about what to do in each case in this section.
Individualization is one of the most said unique feature of Homoeopathy. Section III deals with practical solutions to reach at the person from disease through patient. Materia Medica too must be evaluated under these three key words of Individualization. We are in need of a trustworthy materia medica based on clinical confirmation. You will never miss a remedy, if you follow Disease, patient and person pattern in chronic cases. Miasm is still an irony to all generation of Homoeopaths. It is so simple to perceive miasm and apply it in life and practice. Session III is dealing with miasm and its combinations and it will be the most simple and funny section of this book that lead you to Miasmatic constitutional prescription through shortcuts.
It is my 25" year of Homoeopathic practice. I have travelled through all the aforesaid ways to reach the right destination permanent cure by constitutional remedy. I could succeed in clinical practice only because of my experience in each consultation. I had lot of failures too. Each failure in prescription will be a great lesson that we won’t get from success. Thousands of failure leads to success. So behind each success story there will be a good number of failure stories. I do believe that such an experience sharing will save you from failures but never think that a failure in treatment is the end of your profession, it will be another step to success. Finally after travelling through all these different routes we could reach at a state to develop treatment protocols. After treating hundreds of cases of similar disease one could reach to a conclusion regarding the miasmatic nature of each disease. An experienced Homoeopath can identify in which constitution, each disease is going to play its role. I could give you only a few protocols in this book. Last section of this book is treatment protocols of various disease. I think it is the beginning of another work on protocol. One thing I am guaranteeing, all the sentences I wrote in this book is purely based on my experience. A single sentence or a single word has not been written without experiencing it in my life and practice. I will never ask you to follow me. Symphony is a route map only, there are different ways out in this map. You must go like a trailblazer and groom yourself to be a better homoeopath. I don’t want followers but Trailblazers.
I would like to thank Dr C.J. Varghese my master in miasm who has provided this great knowledge to me.
**Contents and Sample Pages**
Acupuncture & Acupressure (204)
Gem Therapy (23)
Homeopathy (501)
Massage (22)
Naturopathy (430)
Original Texts (223)
Reiki (60)
Therapy & Treatment (165)
Tibetan Healing (132)
Yoga (41)
हिन्दी (1128)
Ayurveda (3054)
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