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Susruta Samhita: Uttara Tantra (Concluding Doctrine of Susruta) (Set of 2 Volumes)

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Author: Dr. Hemanta Panigrahi
Language: Sanskrit Text with Transliteration and Word to Word Meaning English Translation
Edition: 2014
Pages: 1328
Cover: Hardcover
9.5 inch x 7.5 inch
2.30 kg
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Book Description
About The Book Volume -I

It is an ancient authoritative surgical treatise in Ayurveda. It is an unique book which has been written entirely in a new angle not attempted by any author till now. The author worked in a missionary spirit and take up the challenge of bringing out an authentic translation with its anvaya, annotation, alongwith English equivalents and Commentaryin English. The complete text is being presented in 6 volume. So many books published upon Susruta Samhita with its English translation, but the speciality of this book is, it contains the original text of Susruta in Sanskrit followed by its authentic English translation, anvaya of each verses, explanations where ever necessary are furnished in authorative invocations which makes each volume self reliant. Besides this suggestions given regarding possible area of research so that research can be planned on the basis of suggestion made in this book. The text is uncluttered and easy on the subject. A wealth of information is given. The subject matter is well organized, accurate and accompanied by high quality photographs which are particularly relevant and informative. The descriptions of chapter is excellent for a book intended for students and teachers.

With the increasing interest now a days for the study of texts in Ayurveda, both with in and out side India, a great need is felt for English translation and with its bit by bit anvaya vyakhya. This work on Susruta samhita published first time is hope to be immense helpful for research scholars, students and practitioners of Ayurveda.


About The Author Volume -I

Dr. Hemanta Panigrahi son of Late Arjun Panigrahi of Tehsil Bhadrak, Agarpara of Orissa, born in 14th January 1971. He has completed his early BAMS study from Gopabandhu Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Puri, Orissa, a prestigious teaching institute in the field of Ayurveda in India. He has done his M.D. and Ph.D. study from National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur, the only national level institute in the field of ayurveda in the country. Currently he is working as a lecturer in the department of salya salakya in A and U Tibbia College and Hospital, Karol Bagh, New Delhi (Govt. of NCT), under Delhi University. Formerly he was an undergraduate and post graduate teacher in various state ayurvedic colleges in Karnataka, Haryana, J and K and Delhi. He is an eminent clinician and academician in his field. He author a book namely-concept of plastic surgery in Ayurveda.


Preface Volume -I

Academics perhaps is the back bone of any science and possibly applies especially strongly to the medical sciences. It forms the corner stone of all newer developments and is guided by the intent to gather consensus of opinion and translate it to the eventual betterment of the end user-the patient, and students. My personal feeling is that as we are taking rapid technological developmental strides we are tending to narrower down our field of vision to the disease and the disease in isolation. A full frontal attack at the disease provides us the sense of thrill and academic conquest that perhaps, we all seem to work for.

This book provides a thorough description of broad field of salakya tantra in Ayurveda. Presenting a complete up date in Ayurveda of each chapter of concluding doctrine of Susruta with illustrations and bibliographic reference. The sections have been arranged in a constant format beginning with anvaya vyakhya followed by Commentary in English. The terminologies are described both in Hindi and English language along with authorative invocations. The main goal of this book is straight forward in its objective to serve the needs of all those who involved in the science including students, resident, practitioners, and teachers of salya and shalakya tantra all over the world.

No tribulation of an author is complete till the final print is out and reaches the readers. It is the cooperation of all my seniors and colleagues that enabled me to follow the dictum of Omer Kayam ‘the moving finger writes and having write moves on, neither all they peity nor thy wit, can lure it back to cancel half a line.’

So whatever I present in your hand through my pen is a result of my constant efforts. Since I have to be concise I conclude with my whole hearted greatfullness and thanks to all readers. If the publication seems to keep value with you I shall feel complimented.


Introduction Volume -I

Susruta was of the race of viswamitra. Mahabharat represents him as son of great sage. In Garuda Purana Divodasa descent 4th position form Dhanwantari Divodasa is the preceptor of Susruta. Theire is no trustworthy information regarding Susruta, the father of surgery.

However Susruta was a disciple of Dhanwantari, the first propounder of medical science. Susruta was chiefly a surgeon, and the Susruta Samhita is the only complete book which-deals with the problem of practical surgery and midwifery. In Rigveda we find legs were amputated and replaced by Iron substitutes, injured eyes are plucked out, arrows were extracted from the limbs of the soilders. It was Susruta who describe or, classified all surgical operations into different types, and grouped them like this-
Aharya (Extraction)
Bhedya (Incision)
Chedya (Excision)
Esya (Probing)
Lekhya (Scarifying)
Sivya (Suturing)
Vedhya (Puncturing)
Visravya (Evacuating fluid)

Susruta Samhita-
Samhita deals with aphorisms contained in the vedas. Theire is no clear evidence that Susruta samhita was originally written by Susruta. The present is the recension mae by Nagarjuna.

He describes 125 different types of instruments for surgery. The qualities of an equipment is same as recommended at present time. Susruta mention the specifications of sick room, and it should be fumigated with smookes of mustard, bdellium, nimva leaves, and gums of shala trees. This foreshadows the antiseptic theory of modern age. Plastic and Rhinoplastic surgery was also performed by Susruta. He successfully demonstrated the feasibility of mending a clip earlobe with a patch of sensible skin-flap craped from the neck or, adjoining area. Art of cattaract croching was discovered by Susruta. Amputation of limbs, laparatomy, fracture reduction, repair of hernia operations of haemorrhoids and fistulas are done successfully by Susruta.

(Morbid Element’s in the Body)
Three fundamental principles-
a) Vata –(Sustentative)
b) Pitta –(Generative)
c) Kapha –(Correlative)

Vata - It maintains equilibrium between pitta and slesma, the inert component in the body. It corresponde to the divisions of functions performed by cerebrospinal and sympathetic nerve. In a nut shell vayu does not mean only the nerve force, but includes any kind of electromotor or, molecular forces in the body.

Pitta - It metamorphosing the chyle, through a graduated series of organic principles, to a protoplasmic substance like sperm in men and ovum in women. It can be correlates metabolism of western physiology. The circulation of blood is connected with the pitta dosa, where as the circulation of chycle is connected with slesma dosa. In Sanskrit, pitta means both bile, and metabolism of tissues and bodily heat. So pitta is the heat incorporated with bile and main agent to perform digestion. All type of constructive and destructive functions in the body of human being is performed by pitta dosa.

Khaph - Kaph or, slesma is that portion of ‘Rasa’ which fills all the intercellular spaces of the body, hence holding them together in a cooling embrace. It prevents combustion caused by organic heat.

Vata, pitta, and Kapha in theire normal state are three supporting princeples in our body and converts in to morbific diathesis by increasing or decreasing the bodily heat, secretion or, exeretion.

Category of Ayurvedic Formulations
Avaleha and Paka –The preparation which can be taken by licking.

Vati-Pill or tablets.

Bhasma-The powder of the drugs obtained by calcinations. It is oxidation of raw materials.

Churna –It is coarse powder of raw materials.

Kwath –Decoction.

Arka –Distillation of drugs.


Back of The Book Volume –II

Many works on Susruta Samhita written by specialists lack the essential quality of readability. The Ayurvedic terminologies described are packed in technical terms. The students and western readers fails to go deep into the subject.

This volume contains descriptions of each chapters of Susruta Samhita Sutra, Nidan and Sarira Sthan in more convincing manner. Each slokas were narrated word to word with Sanskrit and their indo-romanic equivalents and meanings in English. Research problems were suggested whenever necessary.

The lucid style, simple structure realistic approach and way of presentation increases the usefulness of this volume. This book will encourage scientific reading and intelletual interactions among students, teachers, practitioners of Ayurveda both in and outside India.


About The Book Volume-II

The practice of Surgery has been documented in India since 800B.C. The oldest treatise described the Surgery is the Sushruta Samhita. Many Works on Sushruta Samhita written by specialist lacks the essentials of quality of readability. The Ayurvedic terminologies described are packed with technical terms. The students and western readers fail to go deep in to the subject. This volume contains descriptions of chapters from XXVII to chapter LXVI. Of which first 11 chapters deals with specific features of nine malignant grahas and there management. Other chapters of internal medicines are described in more convincing manner. Each Slokas were narrated word to word with Sanskrit and there indo Romanic equivalents and meanings in English, All the available texts of the Concluding doctrine of Sushruta (Uttara Tantra) are carefully collated. In cases of doubt or discrepancy of opinion approximated meaning fit to be inserted within brackets as explanatory clauses. In many instances it is impossible to find in the English language equivalent words for the technical terms of the Ayurveda. In such cases approximate English words within brackets were written, after the original Sanskrit terms. The lucid style, simple structure realistic approach and way of presentation increase the usefulness of this volume. This book will encourage scientific thinking and intellectual interactions among students teachers’s practitioners of Ayurveda both in and out side India.


About The Author Volume-II

Dr. Hemanta Panigrahi, M.D (Ay,) Ph.D., son of Late Arjun Panigrahi of Agarapara, Bhadrakh, Orissa born in 4th Jan. 1971, studied at Gopabandhu Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya Puri (Orissa) and National Institute of Ayurveda Jaipur, (Rajasthan). Always intrigued by the evolution of surgery from its pre-historic roots. Dr. Panigrahi published two books Concept of Plastic Surgery in Ayurveda and sushruta Samhita Uttara Tantra Vol. I, and contributed chapters in Text books of Shalya on Sandhana Karma, Head Injury, Spleen disorders, Bruhadantra bikara. He published a wide variety of Research papers in various journal communications. He was received with Young Scientist award by University of Tirupati in the year 2006. He is a co editor in Text book of Shalya to be published by CCRAS, Department of AYUSH, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India.

Formerly Lecturer in Jammu Institute of Ayurveda, Gaur Brahman Ayurvedic College, Rohtak, and A and U Tibbia College, Karol Bagh, Govt. of N.C.T Delhi Dr. Panigrahi is currently working as a Research officer in Central Research Institute of Ayurveda, New Delhi and Consultant to First Aid Post, C.G.H.S. in Supreme Court of India. He is completing another book on Text book of Shalya Tantra. He is an eminent clinician and academician in his field.


Preface Volume -II

Nearly ten years of my experience in teaching undergraduate and postgraduate students convince me that the students need a book along with Anvaya i.e. natural word order, transliteration annotation along with its English equivalents to for quick understanding of the subject with clear concept in Sushruta samhita. Unfortunately no such type of text on Sushruta samhita uttara Tantra is available in our country.

This volume is the result of those difficulties which I felt during my student career and after wards when I became a teacher. Every attempt is made to present a complete up date in concluding doctrine of Sushruta from the chapter 27th to 66th. The terminologies are described both in English and Hindi language along with the anvaya vyakshya. At the end of each chapter a short one on possible modern equivalents were described. While writing this book almost all the authentic text on Sushruta samhita are consulted.

Finally it would be too much to hope that the first edition should be free from the errors of omission, commission, and I shall always be grateful to my readers for any advice which may help me to improve later editions of the book.




Volume –I


  Indo Romanic equivalents to Devnagri Scripts  
  List of Figures  
Chapter No -I Aoupadravikam Adhyaya (Concerning Secondarise) 1-30
Chapter No -II Sandhi Gata Roga (Study of Diseases of eye Junctions) 31-40
Chapter No -III Vartma Gata Roga (Study of diseases of Eye lids) 41-60
Chapter No -IV Sukla Gata Roga (Study of diseases of Sclera) 61-72
Chapter No -V Krusna Gata Roga (Study of diseases of Cornea) 73-82
Chapter No -VI Sarva Gata Roga (Study of diseases involving all parts of eye) 83-108
Chapter No -VII Drusti Gata Roga (Study of diseases affecting vision) 109-142
Chapter No -VIII Cikitsita Prabibhaga (Study of classification of treatment of eye diseases) 143-154
Chapter No -IX Vatabhisyanda Pratisedha (Management of Vataj Abhisyanda) 155-172
Chapter No -X Pittabhisyanda Pratisedha (Management of Pittaj Abhisyanda) 173-188
Chapter No -XI Slesmabhisyanda Pratisedha (Management of Kaphaj Abhisyanda) 189-204
Chapter No -XII Raktabhisyanda Pratisedha (Management of Raktabhisyanda) 205-240
Chapter No -XIII Lekhya Roga Pratisedha (Management of eye disease in which Scrapping is indicated) 241-254
Chapter No -XIV Bhedya Roga Pratisedham (Management of exciseable eye diseases) 255-264
Chapter No -XV Chedya Roga Pratisedham. (Management of entropion) 265-284
Chapter No -XVI Paksma Kopa Pratisedha (Management of entropion) 285-294
Chapter No -XVII Drusti gata Roga Pratisedha. (Management of diseases affecting Vision) 295-364
Chapter No -XVIII Kriya Kalpa (Ocular therapy) 365-440
Chapter No -XIX Nayanbhighata Pratisedham (Management of Injuries to eyes) 441-462
Chapter No -XX Karna Gata Roga Vijnaniyam (Study of Diseases of ear) 463-482
Chapter No -XXI Karna Gata Roga Pratisedha (Management of Diseases of Ear) 483-524
Chapter No -XXII Nasa Gata Roga Vijnaniyam (Management of diseases of Nose) 525-540
Chapter No -XXIII Nasagata Roga Pratisedham (Management of Diseases of Nose) 541-556
Chapter No -XXIV Pratisyaya Pratisedham (Management of Common cold) 557-586
Chapter No -XXV Sira Roga Vijnaniyam (Study of Diseases of Head) 587-600
Chapter No -XXVI Sira Roga Pratisedham (Management of head disease) 601-630
  Appendix 631-681
Volume –II


  Acknowledgement v
  Preface vii
Chapter-27 Navagrahakruti Vijnaniya 1
Chapter-28 Skandagraha Pratisedham 9
Chapter-29 Skandapasmara Pratisedham 13
Chapter-30 Sakunigraha Pratisedham 16
Chapter-31 Revati Pratisedham 19
Chapter-32 Putna Graha Pratisedham 22
Chapter-33 Andhaputana Pratisedham 25
Chapter-34 Sitputna Pratisedham 28
Chapter-35 Mukhamandika Pratisedham 31
Chapter-36 Naigmesa Pratisedham 34
Chapter-37 Graha Uttpattim 37
Chapter-38 Yoni vyapat pratisedham 43
Chapter-39 Jwara Pratisedha 53
Chapter-40 Atisara Pratisedham 141
Chapter-41 Sosa Pratisedham 191
Chapter-42 Gulma Pratisedham 210
Chapter-43 Hrud roga Pratisedham 246
Chapter-44 Panduroga Pratisedham 253
Chapter-45 Rakta Pitta Pratisedham 268
Chapter-46 Murcha Pratisedham 283
Chapter-47 Panatyaya Pratisedhm 292
Chapter-48 Trusna Pratisedham 319
Chapter-49 Chardi Pratisedham 331
Chapter-50 Hikka pratisedham 342
Chapter-51 Swasa pratisedham 351
Chapter-52 Kasa pratisedha 367
Chapter-53 Swarabheda Pratisedha 382
Chapter-54 Krumi roga pratisedha 388
Chapter-55 Udavarta pratisedham 398
Chapter-56 Visuchika pratisedha 412
Chapter-57 Arochaka pratisedha 420
Chapter-58 Mutraghata pratisedha 427
Chapter-59 Mutra kruchra pratisedha 443
Chapter-60 Amanusa upasarga pratisedha 450
Chapter-61 Apasmara pratisedha 464
Chapter-62 Unmada pratisedham 476
Chapter-63 Rasa bheda vikalpa 486
Chapter-64 Swasthavrutta 494
Chapter-65 Tantrayukti 515
Chapter-66 Dosobheda vikalpa 531
  Bibliography 535
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