Normally a person can be judged by his appearance and action. If we apply the same method for the study of Saturn we shall be highly mistaken. No doubt Saturn has his own inherent characteristics but unfortunately his actions are elusive. They do not appear to correspond to his characteristics. He is a congenital liar to say the least about interpretation. He is a disguise. It is hard to say the least about him. He is an adept at disguises. It is hard to say where and in which mask he appears at any particular type. He may be moving in society but the may never be less alone when alone. A show of his least disinterestedness may have his greatest involvement in the affairs. It is on account of such a nature that any study of the planet can hardly be described as comprehensive. In the first chapter titled as introduction some of the most general comments have been offered about Saturn.
In the second chapter I have a systematic study of Saturn. Here I have tried to analyse the symbol, mythology, scriptures and astrology etc. and also the principles of evolution. The chapter with a summary and an analytical synthesis that we find in them.
The third chapter deals with Saturn in various signs of the zodiac. These signs have broadly been divided into four classes namely the Fiery, Earthy, Airy and Watery. They are also classified as cardinal, fixed and mutable. How Saturn behaves in these four types of signs has been brought out in some details.
The fourth chapter deals with Saturn’s results in various houses as told by our sages and eminent personalities. The next chapter explains to some extent the results of Saturn on aspects to various planets. The plants included in this are Sun, moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu and the outermost planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Not much material is available on the nodes of Moon and these outermost planets. Whatever has been written, about them here is based partly on the material available and partly on my own experiences in practice.
In the 7th chapter I have analysed more than 25 horoscopes to explain in some details the working of Saturn in various houses and signs.
People are generally too much scared of Saturn’s sade sati and Dhaiya or the periods of 7½ and 2½ years during transit. I have made a brief commentary on what they mean in chapter 6.
The eight chapter deals with the question of remedies in respect of the ills of Saturn. The last chapter explains if Saturn is such a horrible planet as we take him to be. The comments offered are mostly of the author.
Before I end up the work I wish to say that Saturn is such a mysterious and elusive planet that he can never be dealt with comprehensively. The last word that can be added is Saturn’.
Before I end up the work I wish to say that Saturn is such a mysterious and elusive planet that he can never be dealt with comprehensively. The last word that can be added is ‘Saturn is Saturn’.
Saturn is one of the earliest planets known to us. He is also the outermost planet of them. His volume is about 700 times and weight 100 times more then the volume and weight of our mother earth. Nine moons circle round the sun.
Capricorn and Aquarius the 10th and 11th signs of the natural zodiac are governed by him. He is exalted in Libra and debilitated in Aries. According to our sages Saturn is defeated by Sun, and Mars is defeated by him. It is significant that in the hierarchy of power Saturn comes to the lowest ladder. If this be so the defeat of Mars by Saturn does not stand to reason. This is perhaps a metaphorical statement. Mars loses his heat and impulsive warlike qualities in Saturn’s house Capricorn and becomes calm, quit and contemplative. This change in his behaviour is perhaps described as the defeat of Mars at the hand of Saturn.
Saturn has almost become a synonym for an idle and lazy man who is a good for nothing fellow. He is known as the harbinger of misfortune, misery and disappointment. He is also called a Moorkha or a fool. This is so perhaps, because he is slow to act and allows the opportunity sometimes to slip away.
Saturn is a natural malefic. There are other natural malefics also but he is the most dreaded planet. This is so not only with persons who know him but also with them who know little or nothing about him. Merely a mention of the fact that the particular person is likely to come under Saturn’s Sade Sati (period of 7½ years) is enough to make a man shiver.
This dread does not appear to be entirely unfounded. The effect of the planet that are felt by every one at some period of life are enough to justify his dread of Saturn.
Numerology and palmistry are also two sciences of divination. They also have not painted a good picture of Saturn. Numerology allots numbers eight and zero to Saturn. Number 8 is one circle over another indicative of the immobility of Saturn. The circles have no end or beginning. Allotment of this number indicated the grave and thoughtful nature without coming to any conclusion.
Apparently there is no need to write any more volume unless we have something more to say that has not so far been written. What is proposed to do here is an attempt to study the inherent nature of Saturn and also why he does what he does. What our sages and the masters of Science have said shall need an interpretation and not merely a transliteration. Besides and mythological tales that are current about the planet may throw a flood of light. Study of the symbol of the planet may add to our knowledge in this respect. In short it is not the intention to prove Saturn as a demon or an angel but only to find out what he actually is.
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