From the advent of mass media, right from folk to contemporary media to digital media, one thing is constant, the medium decides the message. The message in case of film or TV is delivered with the help of a script. One must keep in mind that every script germinates from an dea that is central to the story to be told on screen. It is this idea that is fleshed out into a script viable for a mass medium. The Present Book "Structure and Dimensions Of Screen Writing: An Initiative of O.D.L is a collection of selected papers which are written by Academicians Professionals, and Scholars who are actively involved and have gained lot of experience in this area. The book intends to provide a broader platform for the learners of Open and Distance Learning (ODL) with a basic understanding of the art and craft of Screen Writing. It will strengthen the roots of ODL system and its philosophy in its overall educational Pattern. The editor hopes that this will be just the beginnings of a long encore.
Arijit Ghosh is a Lecturer in Journalism and Mass Communication in the School of Humanities, Netaji Subhas Open University. He has published a number of papers in different reputed referred journals. His areas of interest include Mass Communication, Advertising and Public Relations, New Media
It is a matter of great pleasure to write the foreword for the publication entitled "Structure and Dimensions of Screen writing: An initiative of ODL" The idea for publishing this book was conceived to record the proceedings of a successful Workshop organized by Netaji Subhas Open University (NSOU) on the same theme in 2014.
A screenplay can be an original piece, or based on a real incident or a previously written piece, like a novel, stage play or newspaper article. At its heart, a screenplay is a blueprint for the film- it will one day become. Professionals on the set including the producer, director, set designer and actors all translate the screenwriter's vision using their individual talents in making a film successful. Since the creation of a film is a collaborative art, the screenwriter must be aware of each person's role and as such, the script should reflect the writer's knowledge in this domain.
I hope that this book will be of immense help to the students especially of the Open Universities, who have limited access to information and are desirous to contribute as professionals in this field in near future. Since this book covers almost all the major dimensions of Screen writing, it will help them develop a fairly good concept and professional skill in this realm.
In this edited volume we have contributions from some well known academicians and professionals. I am sure that this collection would enhance our understanding of Screen writing in a more comprehensive and useful way. I take this opportunity to extend my heartfelt thanks" to all those associated with this publication. I also express my gratitude to the UGC-Distance Education Bureau (DEB) authorities for the financial assistance received for the purpose.
In the Last two decades, television itself diversified into many genres. Each genre has its own dedicated and loyal audience. Thus music video, sports, news, soap opera, documentaries, cinema etc., which were regular slots in every television channel in the 1980s are today, the basis of different and distinct channels.
To beat the bush in Television Production in different categories, you need to possess distinct skills. This has brought to the fore the need for diversifying the training that has to be given to the personnel in different kinds of channels. A poet may not be a good novelist or a good text book writer. Just because one can write does not mean that one is poet or a reporter or a copy editor. In the same way, the understanding of television production of one genre does not imply the mastery over another. The temperaments and attitudes required for the people who come into television, have therefore to be matched to the needs of the specific genre of production.
From the advent of mass media, right from folk to contemporary media to digital media, one thing is constant, the medium decides the message. The message in case of film or TV is delivered with the help of a script. One must keep in mind that every script germinates from an idea that is central to the story to be told on screen. It is this idea that is fleshed out into a script viable for a mass medium.
Once the theme or the underlying message has been finalized, a synopsis is prepared. Thereafter, the screenplay is written by breaking up the story into different acts. The screenplay is written over a period of several months, and may be rewritten several times to improve the dramatization, clarity, structure, characters, dialogue, and overall style. Sometimes research is undertaken regarding a particular subject at an early stage to assess the likely market and potential financial success of the film or television series. Attaching many ideas in to one, repetition and allowing your audience to construct a multitude of meanings- these are equally important in communication.
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