The stone Age in south Asia is 48" book of Dr. D.P. Sharma. This Activity book includes origin of Man, Lower Palaeolithic (4.4 Mya to .125 Mya). beginning of Chalcolithic (5500 - 4000 B.C.) In last there are questionnaire, suggested reading list of publications of Author and also chronology of South Asian region. This pictorial book is for Archaeologists, Anthropologist and Indian civil Service students.
First Homonoid Sahelenthropus appeared in chad (Africa) around 7 Mya B.P. Australopithecus Remendius appeared in Ethopia around 4.4 Mya year ago and in Sivalic in India around 2+.85 Mya at Uttarbani (Jammu) and he was Pebble tool maker. The Homoerectus appeared around 20-15 Lak year ago. His skulls fossil bone were discovered at Nandah, Odai, Hahnora and Atirampakkam along with Acheulian tools. Earliest dates of Acheulian at Attirampakkam and Hunsgi are ranging between 1.7-1.2 Mya. Fire was also invented by Homoerectus around 16 Laks year ago. The Proto Neanderthal Man appeared around 4 to 3 Laks year ago in cold climate region of Eurasia, and later on Neaderthal man invented Mousterian stone tools. In South Asia middle Palaolithic or Mousterian begins around .15 Mya B.P. at Patapara & Didawana. Around 50000 around 50000 B.C. 10000 year ago Upper Palacolithic age begins along with Art activities. Homosapien (Modern Man) appeared Mesolithic age in India begins from 10000 to 7000 B.C.
The technology by Mesolithic stone tools were Microliths which were used as composite tools by hafting methods. The Neolithic age begins in India from 7000-5000 B.C. and by this time handmade pottery was invented. Pottery in east Asia (China) begins around 21000-13000 B.P. and they were keeping fruit Juice and other drinks in these handmade potteries.
Copper age begins 5500 - 4000 B.C. at Mehrgrah in Pakistan and Bhirrana in India. Wheel made pottery appeared at North West South Asia around 4000-3500 B.C. The Iron and Steel age in South Asia starts Megalithic sites from Tamilnadu and this was recently observed by North Korian Archaeologists, which was supported by K. Rajan, Rakesh Tiwari and D.P. Sharma.
Dr. D.P. Sharma is an Archaeologist. Anthropologists. Museologist and art historian. He did his M.A. in Ancient history form Allahabad University and D.phil research on Art and Architecture of lower doab Ganga-Yamuna doab region from University of Allahabad.
During 1983-84 he was awarded commonwealth scholarship and he qualified M.A. Archacology from the Institute of Archacology University of London. He did excavation at Sussex (U.K.) and Pincenvent (France) under Dr. Mark Newcomer and Prof. Gourhan. From 1980 to 1984 he was working as Antiquity officer at Allahabad & Varanasi. Since 1985-2005 he had been working as head of Harappan and prehistoric collection of National Museum. New Delhi. In 2005 become Associate Professor & H.O.D. Muscology in National Museum Institute. Dr. Sharma has published 212 Papers and 40 Books in which few new are given below: Panorama of Harappan Civilization, Early Harappan and Indus Saraswati Civilization Vol. I & II, Harappan Art, Late Harappan and decline, Glimpses of Harappan Civilization, Prehistoric Art and Archacology Vol. I. Gupta Classical Art Vol. I & II, Harappan Minor Art & Crafts Vol. 1-V, Harappan Jewellery, Harappan Terracotta, Harappan Seals. Harappan Potteries, Garunda in Asian Art, Harappan Architecture, Copper Hoard Weapons of south Asia, Muscology for Beginner. Fundamentals of Muscology, Religion and socials system of Harappan, Antiquity Laws and Museum-Administration, O.C.P. & Copper hoard (ed). Harappan script on its way to Decipherment, Harappan science & technology, Archaeology of lower doab, Vol. I & II, Lost Sarswati Civilization, Bharat Ka Puratattva (Hindi) Allahabad through the ages (ed.) Roots of South Asian Art Vol. I & II. Copper hoard weapons of South Asia potteries of South and East Asia. Mouryan Art, New Discoveries of Sindhu Saraswati Civilization, Sensual Female in Kushana Mathura Art From 2007 to 2013, he was working as Director & Chairman of Bharat Kala Bhavan, B.H.U., Varanasi. At present he is senior academic fellow in Varanasi. He is also visiting professor at Amity Noida and other universities in N.C.R. He is honourable Director of Muscum of Parshvanath Vidyapeeth. B.H.U., Varanasi.
This pictorial book the Stone Age in south Asia is 48 book written by Dr. D.P. Sharma for students of Anthropology and prehistoric Archaeology. This gives a brief introduction on choronology. origin of Earth planet, origin of Homonid, Lower, Middle, Upper palaeolithic, Mesolithic, Rock Art, Neolithic, Early potteries of South and East Asia, Mehrgarh and beginning of Chalcolithic Age in south Asia. It also includes questionar which will be useful for Musology and Archaeology students. In last there is list of suggested readings & photographs.
The first Homonid Sahelethropus ancestor of Australopithecus appeared around 7 Mya B.P at Site of Chad in north Africa and later on its developed in the from of Kaddappa Australopithecus around 6 Mya B.P. which developed as Australopithecus Remendius between 5 to 4.4 Mya and Remendius was first tool maker of pebble tools which are dated 4.4 to 4 Mya and were reported from Remendius (Ethopia). Austrolopithecus continusly developed between 7 Mya to 3 Mya. Around 3 to 2 Mya Homo Hobillies appeared and he was tool maker of advanced Pebbles tools like proto hand axes and choppers chopping etc. The oldest pebble tools from India dated 2.85 to 2 Mya were reported from Uttarbani in Jammu region and Homo Habillis or Australopithecus was author of these Sohan type pebble tools. Homoerectus appeared around 2. to .15 Mya year ago, and its fossil bones evere discovered from Lingopoppu in China dated 1.98 Mya, Nandah (Chandigarh) dated 1.8 Mya, a Hathnora, odai, and Attirampakkam along with stone tools. Oldest date of Early Acheulian tools at Attirampakkam are ranging between 1.7 to 1.5 Mya. Fire was invented by Homoerectus around 1.6 Mya. Archives Homosapien developed from Homo erectus around .8 Mya and he was author of middle and late Acheulian tools. Proto Neanderthal man appeared around 4 to 3 Mya and he was author of late Acheulian Mousterian tools. Around 3 to 2 Mya true Neanderthal man appeared and he had developed Mousterian or middle palaeolithic tools in Europe and middle East. In India middle palaeolithic begin around. 15 Mya and continued till 50000 B.P. We have dates from Patapara and Didwana which are ranging between .15 to 125 B.P. Upper palaeolithic begins around 50000 to 45000 B.P. and Homosapien man was author of this upper palaeolithic tool industry.
**Contents and Sample Pages**
Hindu (887)
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