The Vedas are said to be the eternal scriptures. The purport of these Vedas is brought out in the form of various interesting stories in the Itihasas and Puranas.
Srimad Bhagavatam is accepted by many scholarly people to be the most important of all Puranas, just like the Ganges amongst the rivers, Vishnu amongst the gods and Siva amongst the devotees of Srimannarayana.
Bhagavad-Gita is enriched with many philosophical theories and they in turn are illustrated through attractive stories in Bhagavata .
. Bhaktiyoga is the easiest way in Kaliyuga to cross the ocean of Samsara which is glorified in Bhagavatam.
The Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams has already published 'Srimad Bhagavatam' with three commentaries in 14 volumes after getting them edited by eminent scholars.
The first skandha of this Purana was published in 1989 by Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams. As the stock of the printed books got exhausted, and the demand for this book grew, the reprint of this book has become necessary.
We are immensely happy to present this second edition of the first skandha of'Bhagavatm to the readers who are interested in our ancient and divine literature.
We hope that the readers would receive this book with utmost devotion and make the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam's efforts fruitful.
We have 18 Puranas. But, the Bhagavata Purana is the most important of them all.
Vedavyasa, even after completing the writing of the Maha Bharata, could not get mental peace. He composed Srimad Bhagavata, as per the instruction of sage Narada, and thereby derived the required mental peace. This holy book is considered to be the essence of all the Vedas.
Srimad Bhagavata explains the divine stories, qualities, actions and names of the Lord Sriman narayana. The story of Sri Krishna is vividly described in this scripture. Like Ramayana and Maha Bharata, Bhagavata has gained immense popularity amongst the Hindus.
The Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams started the Sri Bhagavata Project, with the intention of bringing out the critical edition of the work. The services of eminent scholars like Dr. P. Radhakrishna Sarma, and Dr. N.C.V. Narasimhacharya were utilized in this onerous task and the editing of the work has been completed successfully by the grace of Lord Venkateswara.
This is the Second Skandha of Srimad Bhagavata. It was decided to publish the entire text with the commentaries in 14 volumes. With the present volume, 9 volumes are released. The other 5 volumes would also be released shortly.
It is hoped the readers would receive them whole-heartedly.
Of all the puranas, such as Kunna, Matsya, Varaha, Vaishnava and the like, the Bhagavata Purana is the most important one for its range of subjects and its authenticity.
Sri Bhagavata is rightly called Puranaratna, the Gem of puranas. The importance of this purana depends upon the following facts. Almost the whole of Vaishnava population of India look upon it as their main scripture on par with the Upanishads and the Bhagavad-Gita. It has been cited by the founder representative teachers of all sects even outside the vaishnava fold for their learned commentaries just like the Gita and Upanishads in order to prove the support to their respective teachings. Although there are 18 puranas the Bhagavata surpassed all the others and has become unique work of this class, studied reverently and interpreted and worshipped by devotees all over India. Apart from its superb poetry and the very wide range of its devotional teachings, the reason for its forceful and ever expanding appeal lies in its elaborate exposition of the life and message of Sri Krishna. . The Word Bhagavata is very significant as it is replete with various meanings. If I quote a sloka and interpret, the importance of the purana will sufficiently be understood.
This stanza can be expressed thus. The 'five letters Bha, ga, va, ta, m suggest the quintessence of the Bhagavata. The letter 'Bha' stands for Bhakti, devotion, 'gal for Jnana, knowledge, 'va' for Vairagya the renouncement of worldly wishes and passions, 'tal for Tattva, the real nature of the supreme and 'm' for Moksha, the emancipation from the worldly bonds. Hence the Bhagavata throws much light on the above five subjects.
The understanding of the nature of the above subjects helps people very much. Thus this purana reveals five-fold knowledge, which leads them to salvation. The Bhagavata is an indispensable text, because it deals with all the varieties of Bhakti, which is a must for the human beings who want to get rid of worldly troubles.
The Bhagavata can be called as Bhakti bhashya.
There are totally eighteen Puranas, which are considered to have been written by sage Vedavyasa. There are three divisions in these Puranas called sattvic, rajasic and tamasic. The sattvic Puranas stress the supremacy of Lord Vishnu. Amongst such Puranas Srimadbhagavatam occupies the foremost place.
It has a pre-eminent place even amongst the sattvic Puranas. This is corroborated by the fact that sage Vyasa who did not derive mental peace even after writing works like Mahabharata, could get it only after composing Srimadbhagavatam on the advice of Narada. This epic describes the divine birth and marvelous acts of the Lord.
T.T.D. has decided to publish Sanskrit Bhagavatam in 14 volumes with three famous commentaries expounding Advaita, Visishtadwaita and Dwaita systems.
The scholars who worked in the Bhagavata project, have completed the editing of this work successfully. Ten Skandhas (12 volumes) of Bhagavatam have been brought out with this volume. The remaining two Skandhas also would be published soon.
The T.T.D. expresses its gratitude to all the scholars who completed the editing of this work with devotion. It is hoped that the readers would receive this volume well and make the TTD's efforts fruitful.
There are number of books which eulogies the splendor of Lord Srimannarayana.
Srimadbhagavatam occupies the foremost place amongst them all On the advice of sage Narada, Vedavyasa composed Bhagavatam describing the divine qualities of the Lord, and derived the required mental peace. Bhagavatam, the best amongst the Puranas, is considered the fruit fallen from the wish-fulfilling-tree (Kalpavruksha).
It contains 12 Skandhas, of which this volume is the third. The Mahapurana contains ten characteristics. They are (1) Sarga, (2) Visarga, (3) Sthana, (4) Poshana, (5) Uti, (6) Manvantara, (7) Eshanukatha, (8) Nirodha, (9) Mukti and(10) Asraya .
. The first characteristic, that is Sarga, is depicted in this Skandha. Sarga is explained as follows: under the direction of the Lord, the three Gunas get shaken, thereby, producing the five elements, primary sensations, Indriyas, Ahankara and Mahatattva. The various definitions of Sarga given by different scholars specify the same explanation.
There are thirty three chapters in the third Skandha, The first nineteen chapters, detail the nature of karma (action). The remaining chapters espouse the nature of knowledge.
In the first part, the birth of Yajnavaraha and His divine actions are extensively explained. In the second part, incarnation of Kapila and his teachings are elaborated. In the second chapter of this book, Sri Krishna's boyhood sports are presented beautifully. Vidura questions Uddhava about the life of Vasudeva. Uddhava reminiscing the wonderful life of Sri Krishna is over-whelmed by sorrow and recounts the divine leelas of Lord Krishna.
Thereafter, Vidura meets Maitreya, who explains the gradual evolution of creation (Sarga). Vidura questions sage Maitreya in his inquisitiveness as to how the Lord ho is devoid of all kinds of qualities, develops relationship with qualities and actors etc. Maitreya replies that in actuality the Lord has no relationship with any quality just as the moon does not have any movement although his reflection in water appears to be moving.
Brahma, who takes birth from the navel lotus of Vishnu, praises Him in many ways and surrenders to Him. This can be seen in the ninth chapter.
Srimadbhagavata which describes the various incarnations of the Lord contains the story of Yajnavarahavatara in the thirteenth chapter. Cursed by Sri Sanaka and other sages, Jaya and Vijaya the gatekeepers of Vaikuntha take birth as Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakasipu in the Rakshasa clan, and exhibit extreme hatred towards Lord Vishnu. In this Skandha the killing of Hiranyaksha by the Lord is described. Hiranyakasipu meets his death at the hands of the Lord in the seventh Skandha. Witnessing the death of Hiranyaksha at the hands of Yajnavaraha, Brahmand other Gods, praise the demon fop his rare opportunity of getting killed by the divine hands of the Lord, duly perceiving the Lord's face. In this manner the greatness of devotion is repeatedly narrated in this holy book.
In the twenty third chapters, the honey-moon trips of the couple Kardama and Devahuti, in the air are excellently described.
In the last part of this Skandha, the birth of Kapila, as a child of Kardama and Devahuti, is narrated. Kapila teaches the secrets of Bhakti Tattva to his mother Devahuti extensively, which is the very important part of this book. According to Kapila the mind entangled in the qualities like Sattva, Rajas and Thamas leads to bondage. Whereas, the same mind devoted to God, leads to liberation (Mokha). There's no other nobler path than Bhakti Yoga, to attain Brahman.
Kapila explains the way for attaining liberation through the method of discrimination of Prakruti and Purusha. He asserts that downfall is inevitable' for those who are immersed in house-hold activities only.
In this Kali Yuga, devotion towards God, is said to be the easiest way of crossing the ocean of Samsara. In the books extolling 'Bhakti Tattva' there is no treatise which equals this Bhagavata?
The King Parikshit of Pandava race, was severely cursed by Srungi, due to a heinous crime committed by him to the latter's father. The king came to know that he would sure meet his death at the end of a week. At that critical juncture he was expecting a Guru who would show him a way out. At the moment, Sage Suka, the son of Vyasa, happened to come to him, by the grace of God. The Sage preached the king, the Bhagavata Purana, for a week. That is the reason why, Bhagavata Pravachanams are arranged generally for a week.
The Bhagavata Project was established by T.T.D. with the intention of bringing out a critical edition of Bhagavata. Eminent scholars have since completed the onerous task of editing the book with three famous commentaries.
The process of printing the sacred work is under progress. So far, the first Skandha and three volumes of the tenth Skandha have been published. The present volume is the fourth Skandha. The well-known scholar, and recipient of President's award, late Dr. N.C.V. Narasimhacharya, has edited this volume. Our grateful thanks are due to him.
We are putting forth our sincere efforts to publish the remaining volumes soon. It is hoped that the readers would receive this volume with due devotion and respect.
While Bhagavad-Gita is a theoretical treatise, the Bhagavata is a treatise full of practical illustrations, according to the experts in spiritual field. What is enunciated in the Gita by way of theory is amply illustrated by interesting stories in Bhagavata. For example, Lord Krishna says in the Gita that there are four kinds of devotees worshipping Him, namely Aarta, Jijnaasu, Arthaarthi and Jnaani.
The nature of all these devotees is clearly explained in Bhagavata through beautiful stories. Aarta Bhakta is Gajendra, Jijnaasu Bhakta is Uddhava, Arthaarthi Bhakta is Ohruva, while Jnaani Bhakta is Suka. The stories of Gajendra etc. are very famous in Bhagavata.
Bhagavata, in its Twelfth Skandha, explains its own greatness as follows: "The other Puranas shine amongst the virtuous, so long as this Purana is not known. Srimadbhagavatam is the essence of the entire Vedanta. One who is satisfied by this ambrosia of Bhagavata will not relish any other Purana. This Purana is considered as the foremost of all the other Puranas, just as the Ganga amongst the rivers, Vishnu amongst Gods and Siva amidst the devotees of Lord Vishnu."
The readers are aware that the TTO is publishing various religious books in numerous languages... In order to bring out the critical edition of Srimadbhagavatam Purana, with well-known commentaries, the Bhagavata Project was established by the TTD.
Eminent scholars edited this holy book after perusing a large number of editions with three famous commentaries of Sridhar, Veera raghava and Vijayadhwaja. All the information related to this critical edition, has already been given in the introduction of the first Skandha itself.
The first Skandha and the three volumes of the tenth Skandha have already been published by the TTO. The present volume is the fourth Skandha. The publication of the remaining volumes is under progress. In this Skandha, the destruction of Oaksha Yajna, the story of Ohruva, the account of Vena, the story of Pruthu and the Puranjanopakhyana and other subjects are vividly described.
Oaksha Prajapati while performing Yajna despises Lord Siva and gets annihilated. Ohruva, on the other hand, though a child, inspired by Narada, performs penance soliciting the grace of Lord Vasudeva and becomes the Pole-star.
Vena, due to his unrighteous conduct, gets destroyed, while Pruthu with his righteous conduct becomes a glorious king. Similarly, the story of Puranjana is pregnant with philosophical thought. These stories attract the hearts of readers and fill them with piety.
This Skandha was edited by well-known Sanskrit scholar, recipient of President's award, and our Guru, Sriman Dr. N.C.V. Narasimhacharya Swami. He reached the Lotus feet of the Lord, even before the publication of this book.'
The scholars who assisted in preparing this edition are: 1. Sriman K.C. Jayachandra Sastri, 2. Sriman U. Venkatramaiah and 3. Sriman Varada Rajan, who deserve the gratitude of the readers. The research assistants, namely, Sriman S.B.S. Bhattachaarya and Smt. S. Puranavali also deserve our commendation. Sri 1. Venkateswara Rao and Dr. S. Dasaratha and others who helped immensely in proof reading of the work also deserve our gratitude.
Sri Ajeya Kallam, lAS, the revered Executive Officer of the TTD and Dr.V.R.Panchamukhi,the well-known Sanskrit scholar; the revered Chancellor of Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidya Peeta, Tirupati and Hon. Member of the TTD Board and Dr. Medasani Mohan, the Director of Annamacharya Project and other members of the advisory committee of the Bhagavatam project are offered our deep gratitude for their keen interest and co-operation in bringing out this edition.
Therefore Sri Veda Vyasa explained the meaning of Vedas through the Puranas. The stories contained in the Puranas are very interesting. The secrets of the Vedas are revealed by these stories. That is why it is said that ‘itihas puranabhyam vedam samuparbramayeta There are eighteen Puranas. Bhagavata Purana is considered to be superior to all of them.
This is extolled as the essence of the Vedas. Even after composing works like Maha Bharata, Sri Veda Vyasa who could not derive mental peace, attained it after writing the Bhagavata on the advice of sage Narada.
Bhagavata is the most popular Purana. One of the reasons for its immense popularity is the narration of the Krishnaavathara in this work in its extensive detail.
There are a number of commentaries on this work, and amongst them the prominent ones are those authored by Sridhara, Sri Veera Raghava and Sri Vijayadhvaja Teertha. They explain the text with special reference to Advaita, Visistadvaita and Dvaita systems respectively.
TTD started Sri Bhagavata project to edit and publish Bhagavatam with the above three commentaries. The Editing of the 14 volumes of this Purana was completed and the printing work is in fast progress.
This is the 5th Skandha of Bhagavata. The interesting stories of Rushabhadeva and his eldest son, Bharata are narrated in this Skandha. The story of Mahabharata who takes birth as a deer due to his inordinate affection towards a deer, is an excellent example of the maxim, The eminent scholars who took enormous pains to edit this epic deserve our gratitude and appreciation. It is deeply gratifying to note that the books published by the TTD are receiving due attention from the devotees. We trust that this prestigious publication also would receive similar attention.
It was only king Pareekshit who was bitten by the serpent due to a curse of Srungi at that time. But all of us who experience birth, old age and death, are bitten by the serpent of Samsara.
Like King Pareekshit, we also can attain Moksha by hearing Bhagavata with intense desire and utmost devotion.
This volume is the fifth Skandha of Bhagavata. Out of its ten characteristics like Sarga, Visarga etc. the third characteristic Sthana is explained in this Skandha. Sthana means foundation. The Lord is the only foundation for all kinds of beings created by Him. Lord Krishna says in the Gita that "I am the origin, the dissolution and the foundation.
Thus He declared Himself His Sthanatva.
This Skandha starts with Priyavrata's story. The king was brought from the life of renunciation to that of activity by Brahma. The nature of Brahma is activity only, because of his quality of Rajas.
Agnidhra was the son of Priyavrata and Nabhi was his grandson. Rushabhadeva, who is considered to be one of the incarnations of Lord was the son of Nabhi. The life of Rushabhadeva is described from the third chapter to sixth chapter. The people appreciated his rule very much. The Rushabha means, Sarva Sreshtha, the best of all. He justified his name by his virtuous rule.
One of the best pieces of teachings in Bhagavata is his useful advice to his sons. He stressed the importance of the service to great souls and underlined the efficacy of non-attach- ment in various ways. Such teaching imparting knowledge interspersed in them stories occurring here and there, enhance the value of this holy book.
Bharata was the eldest son of Rushabhadeva. As he ruled over this land excellently it was named after him as Bharata Khanda .. This fact is mentioned in the Bhagavata itself (5-4-9).
The story of Bharata is unique. He conducted many Yajnas during his rule. In his old age, he renounced all the worldly activities and retired into Pulahashrama on the banks of river Gandaki, where he used to worship the Lord.
Once he went to the river to take bath. A pregnant she-deer was seen by him who came there to quench its thirst. While it was drinking water, a lion which was nearby roared loudly .
Terrified by that roar, the frightened deer jumped to the other side of the river. At that time, it gave birth to a calf-deer, which fell into the water. The mother deer, met with its death in this process instantly.
Bharata who saw this tragic happening was moved by compassion, and took the baby deer to his Ashramam . Rearing the baby deer and looking after its safety Bharata became a fallen Ascetic and spent his life attached to the deer, till end. Even at the moment of his death, he was remembering the animal only, as a consequence of which he was reborn as a deer. Bhagavad-Gita says "whosoever leaves the body thinking of whatsoever object becomes that only". (8-6). Alas, that is the bad effect of attachment!
Even while living in the form of the deer he remembered his past life, as a result of his worship of the Lord in his previous birth, and repented.
After leaving the body of the deer, he took birth as a son of a Brahmin and became an established Brahmajna. The world considered him a Jadabhuddhi, an idiot, since he was aloof from worldly activity.
Once, he was caught by the chief of Sudras in order to sacrifice him before the goddess, Bhadrakali. But the goddess who knew of his real nature saved him. Once latter the palanquin bearers of the king Rahugana, made him bear the palanquin. But the king, enraged by the erratic movement of the palanquin, rebuked him severely. The meaningful and soul-stirring reply by Jada bharata, made the king understand the real nature of the new Palanquin-bearer. Immediately the king came down and prostrated at the feet of Jadabharatha. The king inquired about his life and praised him for his knowledge and requested him to teach the method of crossing the ocean of Samsara.
Ganga amongst the rivers; Lord Vishnu amongst Gods and Siva amongst the devotees of Vishnu, occupy the foremost position. Similarly, this epic also qualifies for the highest position amongst all the Puranas. This volume is the Sixth Skandha of Bhagavatam. Out often characteristics like Sarga, Visarga contained in Bhagavatam, the fourth characteristic viz. Poshana is depicted clearly in this Skandha. This Skandha contains nineteen chapters.
The Lord incarnates to protect the virtuous and punish the wicked. The Lord himself says in the Gita, "For the protection of the good, for the destruction of the wicked and for establishing Dharma, I take birth in every age". The Lord is so compassionate that not only He protects His devotees but also the wicked who express their Bhakti towards Him in whatever manner. The story of Ajamila described in this Skandha is an apt example to establish this truth.
In the very beginning of this work, Pareekshit asks Suka the way to escape Hell, which is full of sufferings of various types. In reply to this query, Suka explains the story of Ajamila, in the. first three chapters. Even a microscopic Bhakti purifies and liberates the devotee.
Suka states that those who devote their mind towards the Lord's feet, even in a dream resulting in their atonement, would not ever face Yama or his messengers. This becomes clear in the conversation between the two groups of the servants of Vishnu and Yama.
Ajamila, a fallen Brahmin, begets ten sons through a Sudra woman. The youngest of them was named Narayana, who was liked most by his father. Ajamila, at the time of his death, remembered that boy. On seeing the servants of Yam a, he was shocked and called out his son Narayana. Immediately, the servants of Lord Vishnu also appeared on the scene, and prevented Yamadutas from taking away Ajarnila to the Hell. They (Yamadutas) recounted the numerous evil deeds of Ajamila and asserted that he deserved Hell only. But Vishnudutas argued that all the sins committed by Ajamila were washed away by his uttering the sacred name of Narayana. They asserted that the mere mention of the name of the Lord either intentionally or otherwise, would bum all the sins like fire the fuel. So saying, the Vishnudutas took Ajamila to Vaikuntha.
The Yamadutas reported these happenings to Yama He said that what Vishnudutas did was the correct thing, as the mention of the divine name of the Lord Narayana was so powerful that it cuts asunder the ropes of death (Mrutyu pasas).
Pareekshit questions Suka about the orderliness of creation. Suka then explains to him, the birth of Daksha Prajapati who praised Lord Vishnu by chanting Hamsa Guhya Mantra. The Lord was pleased and taught him the Dharma of copulation of couples, (Mithuna Vyavaya dharma). By following that Dharma, Daksha begets a number of sons. But all of them become averse to Samsara, influenced by the teachings of Narada.
Thus, the efforts of Daksha to multiply the population get a setback. Therefore Daksha curses Narada that he would be a wanderer all over the universe without getting a foothold anywhere. Thereafter, Daksha again begets sixty daughters, through whom multiplication of population was achieved.
Once, Indra, being proud of his around prosperity, fails to respect his Guru, Bruhaspati, when the latter came to him. Thus having been dishonored by Indra, Bruhaspati leaves Devaloka and goes away to a un- known place. Taking advantage of his absence, the Asuras create troubles to gods. Then, the gods approach Brahma and as per His advice, appoint Viswarupa, the son of Twasta, as their Chief Priest. But Viswarupa was sympathetic towards the auras. However, the gods defeated asuras with the help of Viswarupa. This story is narrated in 4 chapters, from the fourth chapter to seventh chapter of Bhagavatam.
To achieve this, there are four types of yogas, viz. Karma, Bhakti, Dhyana and Jnana; paths of selfless work, devotion, meditation and knowledge.
In this Kaliyuga, Bhakti yoga is the easiest path to achieve liberation. Bhakti Yoga is explained in many scriptures, like Vedas, Bhagavad-Gita etc. But Srimad bhagavatam written by sage Vedavyasa is considered to be the foremost of all the scriptures which explain Bhakti Yoga. In the beginning of Kaliyuga, this Srimad Bhagavatam, was taught to Parikshit, the descendant of Pandava race, by sage Suka.
Stories of various devotees were narrated in the Bhagavata. Prahlada is the pre- eminent of all such devotees. Though he was born in the Rakshasa clan, he earned the limitless grace of Lord due to his intense devotion. The story of Prahlad a is presented excellently in the seventh Skandha of Srimad Bhagavatam.
Sri Bhagavatham Project was established by the T.T.Devasthanams to bring out the critical edition of this epic. This edition is prepared with three commentaries pertaining to three systems of philosophy viz. Dvaita, Advaita and Visistadvaita.
The editing of this work is over and printing is in progress. Four volumes have so far been released. Two volumes are in the final stage of printing.
This volume is the 7th Skandha of Srimad bhagavatam. Late Dr. N.C.V. Narasimhacharya, an eminent scholar and recipient of the President's award, was the chief editor of this volume.
We are happy to present this volume to the devotees and do hope they would welcome it whole-heartedly.
The King Parikshit left his mortal body bitten by the serpent Takshaka having been cursed by Srungi. One should not treat this story as merely, applying to Parikshith.
Kalasarpa bites one and all. Protection from this serpent, is only through the hearing Bhagavata explained by Suka.
The story of Prahlada is narrated in the 7th Skandha of Sri mad Bhagavata. Prahlada, Narada, Parasara, Pundarika, Vyasa, Ambarisha, Suka, Sounaka, Bhishma, Dalbhya, Rukmangada, Arjuna, Vasistha and Vibhishana etc. are considered to be Parama Bhagavatas i.e. the most eminent of devotees.
In this list of devotees, Prahlada occupies the first place. Though Narada is his teacher, he is counted as the second one. We can, therefore, understand how great a devotee Prahlada was. Prahlada says that the Bhakti is of nine kinds: 1. Hearing the story or praise of God.
2. Singing His praises.
3. Remembering and chanting His name.
4. Serving His feet.
5. Worshipping Him.
6. Bowing to Him.
7. Ministering to His glory
8. Befriending Him and 9. 'Self-surrender to Him.
The following devotees represent each of the nine forms of devotion, respectively.
They are 1. Parikshit 2. Suka 3. Prahlada 4. Lakshmi 5. Emperor Pruthu 6. Akrura 7. Hanuman 8. Arjuna and 9. Emperor Bali.
The story of Prahlada who represents the Smarana type of Bhakti is vividly and beautifully presented in the 7th Skandha of Bhagavata. Prahlada's teachings imparted to his class-mates in the absence of their guru are full of profound philosophical content. Prahlada taught as follows: "A man's full age is 100 years. He who has no control over his senses and full of tamas spends half of his time wastefully by way of sleep - during nights.
Twenty years are wasted by way of play during his childhood. Another twenty years are spent in his old age, inflicted by disease and unable to do anything worthy. The remaining years are spent in sensual pleasures infatuated by strong unhealthy desires. Those who have not acquired control over their senses do not try to relieve them- selves from these strong worldly attachments."
The famous poet Bhartruhari also expressed similar ideas in his Vairagya Sataka.
Therefore, the spiritual content in the story of Prahl ad a is to be understood by everyone and practised.
In the ten incarnations of the Lord, the fourth incarnation of Narasimha is also described in this Skandha, as it was intended to protect Prahlada. Bhagavata which is full of stories of devotees like Prahlada and the Lord and is analogous to Veda is to be studied, assimilated and practised by not only Indians but also people of the whole world.
This Skandha was edited by well-known Sanskrit scholar, recipient of President's award, and our Guru, Sriman Dr. N.C.V. Narasimhacharya Swami. He reached the Lotus feet of the Lord, even before the publication of this book.
The scholars who assisted in preparing this edition are: 1. Sriman K.C.Jayachandra Sastri, 2. Sriman U. Venkataramaiah and 3. Sriman Varada Rajan, who deserve the gratitude of the readers.
The research assistants, namely Sri S.B.S. Bhattacharya, Smt. S. Poornavalli and Dr. S. Dasaratha also deserves our commendation. Sri I. Venkateswara Rao and others who helped immensely in proof reading of the work also deserve our gratitude.
Sri Ajeya Kallam, lAS, the revered Executive Officer of the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams and Dr. Medasani Mohan, the Director of Annamacharya Project and other members of the advisory committee of the Bhagavata project are offered our deep gratitude for their keen interest and co-operation in bringing out this edition.
Srimad bhagavatam is famous for its exposition of Bhakti yoga. It can be understood only by sincere devotion, not by scholarship.
T.T.O. is publishing a large number of religious books in various languages and they are being received well, by the devotees.
Sri Bhagavatam Project was established by the T.T.O. to bring out the Critical Edition of Sanskrit Bhagavatam, with different commentaries. Eminent scholars endeavored to bring out this edition, after perusing many editions of the epic.
The first Skandha and three volumes of tenth Skandha have already been published. The fourth Skandha is in the process of printing. This volume is the eighth Skandha, containing the interesting stories of Gajendra Moksha, Kshirasagara Mathanam and Vamanavatara etc. The Chief Editor of this volume, Dr. N.C.V.Narasimhacharya, reached the lotus feet of Lord, even before the publication of this valuable edition.
It is hoped that the readers would receive the present volume also, with due devotion, and make the efforts of the T.T.D. fruitful.
There is another tradition regarding the propagation of this work. Sage Krishna Dwaipayana, after composing Bhagavata, taught it to his disciple Romaharshana. Suta, the latter's son learnt it from his father. This scripture was explained by Suta, later to Sages like Sounaka in the forest of Naimisa.
There is also a third tradition, which says that Sankarshana was enlightened on this epic by Lord Sriman narayana Himself, whereas, Sankarshana -explained it to Sage Sanatkumara etc. The latter enlightened about it to Sankhyayana; Sankhyayana to Parasara, Parasara to Maitreya and Maitreya to Vidura respectively.
These different traditions indicate the wide popularity of this text.
In this eighth Skandha of Bhagavatam interesting stories like Gajendra Moksha, Kshirasagaramathana, Vamanavatara, and Matsyavatara are found.
The ego-centric Jeeva becomes an animal, and enters the lake of Samsara and is caught by the Crocodile of infatuation. Inspite of his efforts, he fails to get released from the grip of the Crocodile. Finally, he surrenders to the Lord and attains liberation. This is the essence of Gajendra Moksha. Devotees are accustomed to read Gajendra Moksha daily, as it is auspicious to do so.
The story of Churning of the milky ocean also is very interesting. Our heart is compared to Kshira Sagara. It is full of good as well as bad ideas.
Bad ideas are to be discarded as poison. Good ideas are to be welcomed like gems. But both of them are impediments in the path of immortality. The aspirant should not slacken his efforts till he attains the final goal of immortality.
That is why Bhartruhari said "The Gods were not satisfied by merely finding the gems. Nor they were afraid by the dreadful poison. They did not rest till they obtained the Ambrosia. The brave do not give up their efforts till they achieve success".
The story of Balichakravarthi is also very fascinating. Bali followed the ninth way of devotion i.e. Atmanivedana. He gave away everything in his possession to Lord Vamana and thereby received abundant grace of the Lord.
This Skandha ends with the description of Matsyavatara, one of the ten Avataras of Lord Vishnu. All these stories are of high spiritual value.
This Skandha was edited by well-known Sanskrit scholar, recipient of President's award, and our Guru, Sriman Dr. N.C.V.Narasimhacharya Swami. He reached the Lotus feet of the Lord, even before the publication of this book. The scholars who assisted in preparing this edition are:
1. Sriman K.C. Jayachandra Sastri, 2. Sriman U. Venkatramaiah and 3. Sriman A. Varada Rajan, who deserve ‘the gratitude of the readers.
The research assistants, namely, Sri S.B.S. Bhattacharya, Smt. S. Purnavalli and Dr. S. Dasaratha also deserve our commendation.
Sri I. Venkateswara Rao and others who helped immensely in proof reading of the work also deserve our gratitude.
Sri Ajeya Kallam, lAS, the revered Executive Officer of the TTD and Dr.V.R.Panchamukhi, the well-known Sanskrit scholar; the revered Chancellor of Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidya Peetha, Tirupati and Hon. Member of the TTD Board and Dr. Medasani Mohan, the Director of Annamacharya Project and other members of the advisory committee of the Bhagavata project are offered our deep gratitude for their keen interest and co-operation in bringing out this edition.
Puranas playa very prominent role in explaining the meaning of the holy Vedas. They contain beautiful stories, through which the purport of the Vedas is amply brought out.
There are 18 Puranas, authored by Sri Vedavyasa, who also wrote Mahabharata to spread Dharma. Even after writing Mahabharata and other puranas, he could gain no mental peace. therefore, as per the advice of sage Narada, he composed Srimad Bhagavata, which has become highly popular throughout the country.
There are many commentaries on Bhagavata, amongst which, the commentaries explaining the Advaita, Visistadvaita and Dwaita traditions are very famous. They were written by Sridharacharya, Sri Veera Raghavacharya and Sri Vijayadhwaja Teertha, re- spectively.
T.T.D. established Sri Bhagavatha Project with the intention of publishing the edited text and the above commentaries. Editing of the whole work has been completed and the printing is now under progress. This is the ninth skandha of Srimad Bhagavata. Late Sriman N.C.V. Narasimhacharya, the well known Sanskrit Scholar and recipient of President's award, prepared this critical edition, with meticulous care. He deserves our gratitude.
We hope the readers as well as educational institutions would utilize this book, thereby making the efforts of the TTD fruitful.
Similarly, Nahusha, Yayati, Gadhi, Dushyanta, Bharata, Ranti Deva etc. were born in the Lunar dynasty in which, Lord Sri Krishna, considered to be paripurnavatara. was also born.
An account of Parasurama one of the other Avataras is also given in this Skandha. Vamsa and Vamsanucharita are part of the five characteristics of the Puranas. These two are explained elaborately in this skandha. There are many kings, endowed with special virtues like worshipping the Lord, knowledge of Vedas and truthfulness whose history is described in this skandha.
Srimad Bhagavatam contains ten characteristics like Sarga and Visarga. Isanukatha is one of them, which is described prominently by way of narrating the events related to’ . Avataras of the Lord.
The stories of Maharishi, Soubhari and Yayati etc. are beautifully described in this book.
Maharishi was the son of Nabhaga. His devotion towards Maha - Vishnu knew no bounds, by which the ego and~ pride of the sage Durwasa were curtailed. Vyasa describes the deep devotion of Maharishi in the verses 18 to 20 of the 4th chapter of this skandha.
He says that Maharishi utilized every part of his body constantly in the service of the Lord. That's why Lord Maha Vishnu protected' Maharishi from the fury of sage Durwasa.
When purwasa approached Lord Vishnu for protection, Maha Vishnu said, "I am' in the hands of my devotees, My heart is entirely occupied by them. I am fond of my devotees, they are my very heart, and I am theirs. They know nothing except Me. I know nothing 'except them". (Bhagavatam 9-4-63, 68) In this way the greatness of the devotees and the affection of the Lord towards them were described aptly.
The story of Soubhari also is very interesting. After witnessing the amorous play of the male fish in the river Yamuna, he wishes to marry and lead similar happy life of a house holder. After becoming a hoarse-holder and a father of many children, he gets disillusioned with his life and declares that one should not be attached to samsara; and should have control over his senses and has to resort to meditate solitarily. (Bhagavatam 9-6-51) The story of Yayati is also similar. He enjoys material pleasures for a long time and gets vexed in the end. He says "Carnal desires cannot be wiped out by enjoying them.
They increase like fire with the ghee". (Bhagavatam 9-19-14) In this manner, in the 9th Skandha of Srimad Bhagavata, the transiency of the sense pleasures, the value of non-attachment and devotion are brought out effectively.
The other details about the text and the three commentaries included in it are al- ready given, in the introduction of the first Skandha itself.
This Skandha was edited by well-known Sanskrit Scholar, recipient of President's award, and Our Guru, Sriman Dr. N.C.V. Narasimhacharya Swami. He reached Lotus feet of the Lord, even before the publication of this book.
The scholars who assisted in preparing this edition are: 1. Sriman K.C. Jayachandra ; Sastri, 2. Sriman U. Venkatramaiah and 3. Sriman Varada Rajan, who deserve the- gratitude of the readers.
The research assistants, namely Sri S.B.S. Bhattacharya, Dr. S.Poornavalli and Dr. S. Dasaratha also deserve our commendation. Sri 1. Venkateswara Rao and others who helped immensely in proof reading of the work also deserve our gratitude. Sri Ajeya Kallam, lAS, the revered Executive Officer of the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams and Dr. Medasani Mohan, the Director of Annamacharya project and other members of the Advisory committee of the Bhagavata project are offered our deep gratitude for their keen interest and co-operation in bringing out this edition.
The Bhagavata has several outstanding features for which it has been extolled by the connoisseurs and after the advent of the Bhagavata many Puranas were either relegated to the background or eclipsed into oblivion. The Bhagavatha Purana is a happy synthesis of Veda, Purana and Kavya. It is said that Vedavyasa composed the Purana on the timely advice of the celestial sage Narada with a view to dispelling the gloom and depression that had· overcome him even after producing a magnum opus, Sri Mahabharata.
The greatness of the Bhagavata has been rightly ‘Called as the Ambrosia or Amrita churned out of the milky ocean of the Vedas. The word 'Bhagavata' is very significant as it is replete with various senses. The five significant letters 'Bha', 'ga', 'va', 'ta' and 'm' suggest the quintessence of the Bhagavata 'Bha' stands for Bhakthi (the devotion) 'ga' for the Jnana (the knowledge), 'va' for vairagya (the renouncement of worldly wishes and passions), 'ta' for tattva (the real nature of the Supreme), and 'm' for moksha (the emancipation from the worldly bonds). Hence a study of the Bhagavata yields all the four virtues.
It is with a view to fulfilling the exacting demands of the scholarly world, the T.T.Devasthanams has undertaken the sacred task of bring out the critical edition of Sri Bhagavata with the commentaries of the three leading schools of Indian Philosophy, embellishing the text with all the special features of a critical edition. All the necessary efforts have been made by T.T.Devasthanams in this direction to make the Bhagavata available within the reach of all at a subsidized price. So far, two thirds of the editorial work of the entire text have been completed and kept ready for printing. The first volume of (the first Skandha) the Bhagavata was edited and published in 1989. It is a matter of pleasure that it was critically acclaimed for its meticulous and flawless editing.
After completing the editing of the second, third, fourth and fifth Skandhas, we have now taken up editing of the tenth Skandha, which is the heart of the Bhagavata, as it were, for, this skandha deals with the astounding exploits of Srikrishna Bhagavan. The Skandha has been split into three volumes and the first volume has been edited and will be published shortly.
I am confident that this critical edition of the Bhagavata Purana will be useful for both the learned scholars and the seekers of Truth as well.
The Bhagavata Project is one among such establishments. The Srimad Bhagavata of sage Krsnadvaipayana Vyasa occupies a unique place not only in Sanskrit literature but also in the Indian Theosophy itself. Besides inculcating an unflinching faith in, an everlasting devotion to Lord Srimannarayana, this Mahapurana successfully deals with the enfoldment of the mysteries of the creation with scientific precision. A true follower of Bhaghavata Cult does not harbor hatred or ill will for any living being. Such are the teachings we obtain from the upakhyanas, stories and moral exposition.
But, as ill-luck would have it, the Srimad Bhagavata which has learned commentaries has not been available and a flawless mere text to facilitate even parayana has become a rare commodity. Such being the case, the noble management of, T.T.Devasthanams has undertaken the laborious and expensive enterprise of publishing a critical edition of the Srimad Bhagavata to meet a long - felt need for such an edition as ours. The Publication Department of T.T.D. has brought out a number of standard works on Agamas, Indian Philosophy, Art and Architecture, commentaries on Philosophical and Religious Texts, which have been well received by the scholarly devotee public.
One need not offer any excuse for publishing so sacred a text such as the Srimad Bhagavata, since this Maha Purana commands universal appeal and popularity. It is believed to be an encyclopedia of Bhakti Doctrine. It is a text 'Par - excellence' occupying the esteemed position among the eighteen Puranas. The fact that while the great sage Veda Vyasa could not acquire peace of mind even after composing the Mahabharata the 'Magnum Opus'; he was advised by Narada the celestial sage to compose a Purana describing the marvelous exploits of Lord Sri Krishna to dispel mental depression - speaks volumes for the greatness of the Srimad Bhagavata, which has been accepted by all schools of Philosophy as the most authoritative text on· a par with the sacred scripts, i.e. the Vedas. Because of its everlasting popularity it has been commented upon by many great exegetics belonging to various Schools of Philosophical thoughts. The Srimad Bhagavata has been extolled that this is a 'navanita' or butter secured by churning the milky ocean of the Vedas rendering it palatable to literates as well as illiterates who have an aptitude for obtaining the fruits of the study of the ancient Vedic lore. Further, the Srimad Bhagavata is regarded as the repository of Bhakti (devotion) Doctrine with all its varieties and manifestations. Hence it is rightly called as the Bhakti Bhasya.
Such being the case there is an imperative demand for a standard critical edition of the Srimad Bhagavata. It is true that already there are numerous commentaries on this Purana, published. But the editions so far published have mistakes in printing and matter, variations, deviations and interpolations in the original ~ext as well as in the commentaries. However, there was no good attempt ever made to bring out an authentic version, on account of which confusion and absence of. clarity was resulted.
In fine, the preparation of a good critical edition of the Srimad Bhagavata, capable of 'warding off incongruity arising out of diverse versions, is the most important obligation. Having fully understood the value, greatness and the utter need for producing a flawless and correct text with important commentaries, the TTD Management decided that a sacred task of publishing a critical edition of the Srimad Bhagavata should be embarked on. Hence "The Bhagavata Critical Edition Project" was established in 1981.
Sri Bhaqavatam purana is an indispensable text for those who are interested in Indian culture, philosophy and religion. When the great seer-composer Vedavyasa was in a depressed, gloomy mood, the celestial sage Narada has advised him to write this epic with the Lord Sri Krsna as the central figure. It has that magical touch of the great composer who not only captures the subtle nuances of the Lord's life but also brings to the narrative a unique devotional, sublime flavor and fervor that entertains, ennobles and enthralls all. It has a message for everyone - young and old.
The project aims at the preparation of a reference volume incorporating the three main commentaries drawn from the three dominant schools of philosophy Advaita, Dvaita and Visi9tadvaita. The present volume containing the second part of the tenth Skandha forms a part of the twelve - volume critical edition being edited by the eminent scholar Sri N.C.v. Narasimhacharyulu who has painstakingly prepared this edition by bringing in new insights with his vast experience and rare erudition.
The Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams humbly offers this Bhakti Bhasya, (as Sri Bhagavata is called) to the discerning readers. Hopefully they would have the divine flavor of the nectar drawn from the veda.
"Nigama Kalpataroh Galitam Phalam Sukamukhadamrta drava samyutam Pibata Bhagavatam rasamalayam Muhuraho Rasika Bhuvi Bhavukah" (Bhagavata - 1-1- 3) (Drink deep the nectar flowing from the fruit of the Vedas as it trickles down from Sri Suka, the parrot, perched on the tree of wisdom.)
SrI Bhagavata Critical Edition Project is one among such institutions. When the unparalleled greatness of the sacred SrI Bhagavata is acknowledged, the value of the Project will be well realized. The SrI Bhagavata is a veritable encyclopcadia of Spiritual Philosophy rendered in purana form to make it more palatable, valuable, accessible and acceptable to literates as well as illiterates. It kindles in readers the unmotivated pure devotion towards the Supreme.
Although there are eighteen puranas only the Bhagavata purana commands much reverence of the devotees. This purana abounds in essential teachings to gain salvation and freedom from the worldly trials and tribulations. After the advent of this purana all the other puranas were relegated to the background. This purana is a devotional, philosophical, metaphysical and religious text rendered in a fine poetic form. Thus this text being wonderful and peculiar is extolled as a spiritual book Par Excellence. It has been worshipped as a deity placed on the golden throne. The pious people recite the purana like the scripture of high order with much respect, since the daily recital of the text is sincerely believed to be capable of alleviating all sorts of human sufferings. Unlike all the other puranas the Bhagavata is quoted by all the divergent and diverse stations as a genuine and authentic text to substantiate or to fortify their respective Dogmas, for, it has been accepted as an authority by the followers of all the schools of philosophy.
Sanskrit is considered as the divine and most ancient language in the world. Holy scriptures like the Vedas, Sastras, and Puranas, owe their origin to the Sanskrit language only.
Indians regard Ramayana, Mahabharata and Sri mad Bhagavata as the most sacred books in their literature and they are considered as the essence of the Vedas.
Even amongst these three works, Bhagavata is considered as a fruit fallen from the Kalpa Vruksha of the Vedas. Bhagavata says that Sage Vyasa, even after writing many books like Maha Bharata, did not derive peace of mind. On the advice of Sage Narada, he composed Bhagavata and obtained mental peace.
Bhagavata asserts that all the sins would get annihilated by singing the qualities, activities and the names of Lord Srimannarayana. It extols the unique qualities, divine activities and the holy names of the Lord, in glowing terms. Especially, the sacred story of Lord Sri Krishna is described excellently in the-tenth skandha of this h.oly scripture.
The no have undertaken the onerous task of bringing out the Bhagavata in Sanskrit with three commentaries confirming to. the three main systems of philosophy, in fourteen volumes. Out of these, three volumes, namely. first Skandha and first and second volumes of Dasama Skandha have been so far published.
The present volume is the third part of the Dasama Skandha. It is heartening to note that editing of the remaining ten volumes has also been completed and the printing is under progress.
Eminent scholar Sri Mallampalli Sarabheswara Sarma, editor of this volume, who has made enormous efforts to bring it out, deserves our gratitude. It is hoped that the readers would receive this volume with due devotion and respect.
(Adhyaatmavidyaa, vidyanaam - Gita, X-32) The spiritual knowledge is obtained through the scriptures like Vedas, Sastras, and Puranas and Bhagavatam is the foremost of all such scriptures. Veda Vyasa, who was suffering from lack of mental peace, derived it after composing Bhagavata, on the advice of sage Narada. This Bhagavata is the store-house of knowledge which gives peace and happiness to the whole of mankind.
Amongst the holy books that teach Bhaktiyoga, Bhagavata occupies the first place. Bhagavata propounds the way to obtain the grace of God, leading to liberation through interesting stories and sub-stories.
There are many commentaries on Bhagavata out of which the commentaries, written by Sreedharaswami, Sri Veeraraghavaacharya and Sri Vijayadhwaja Teertha, are famous for their exposition of the three branches of philosophy, viz. Advaita, Visishtadwaita and Dwaita, respectively.
Sri Bhagavatam Project was established by the T.T.D., to bring out the critical edition of Bhagavata, with the above commentaries. It was decided to publish this book in 14 volumes, out of which 8 volumes have already been released. 5 volumes, including the 12th Skandha, were handed over to the press for printing. This volume is the 11th Skandha which contains the whole essence of Vedanta. Uddhava Gita, contained in this volume, includes Bikshu Gita and Aila Gita etc. It brings out beautifully the essence of spiritual knowledge. It is extolled as equal to Bhagavad Gita.
The successful efforts of eminent scholar Dr. N.C.Y. Narasimhacharya and other pandits in preparation of this edition are laudable. We feel extremely happy for having had the opportunity to present this Bhagavatam in Sanskrit with three valuable commentaries, to the devotees.
We hope the readers, as well as educational institutions, would utilize this book fully, thereby making the T.T.D's efforts fruitful.
This is the eleventh Skandha of Bhagavata, which contains 31 chapters. Beginning from the 3rd Skandha, till the end of the book, ten characteristics are depicted in each chapter as follows:- Sarga, Visarga, Sthana, Poshana, Uti, Manvantara, Eshanukatha, Nirodha, Mukti and Ashraya. This volume explains the nature of Mukthi.
What is Mukthi (liberation)? Leaving all other forms and dwelling in one's own self is Mukthi, that is, dwelling in pure chaitanya, leaving one's sense and body consciousness. In the first six chapters of this book, incidents pertaining to the end of Krishnavatara are described. Lord Krishna had declared in the Bhagavad Gita that in order to destroy the wicked and protect the virtuous, and to establish Dharma, He incarnates in each yuga (age).
The war of Kurukshetra helped to a large extent to reduce the burden of the earth. Never the- less, God realized that the remaining Yadava clan was also burdensome. It was invincible under the protection of the Lord Himself. Therefore, determined as He was to reduce the burden of the earth, He decided to destroy the Yadava clan by planting an inner fighting amongst them. To achieve this, a curse by the sages on Yadava clan, was planned. Once, the sages visited the city of Dwaraka. The Urchin boys of Yadavas, on seeing the sages decided to play a trick on them. They dressed a lad Samba, the son of Jambavathi, look like a pregnant woman and asked the sages, to foretell the sex of the child to be born. Enraged at their mischievous question, the sages said that a 'Pestle' would be born.
Despite knowing the curse pronounced by the sages, the Lord did not want to intervene. This curse intended to destroy the Yadava clan is included in the first chapter of this Skandha. From the 2nd to 5th chapter, the teachings of Narada to Vasudeva, are described. In this teaching, the virtues of devotees, their characteristics, the nature of Maya, the way of overcoming it, description of Lord's incarnations, the nature of people without devotion; the different modes of worship based on changing times etc. are explained.
Narada described the importance of'Kaliyuga as follows: "Venerable and knowledgeable people respect the age of Kali, wherein all the wishes would be fulfilled by mere sankeertana. Permanent peace would be attained through it and the cycle of birth and death would be annihilated. What greater benefit would there be for humanity than this? The people of former ages like Krutayuga, desire to take birth in the fourth yuga. The people of Kaliyuga, naturally become devotees of Narayana." Thus, the usefulness of ' Nama samkeertana' in Kaliyuga is stressed here. It echoes the statement made in Kalisantaranopanishad, that the bad effects of Kali would be warded off by mere chanting the holy name of .
Thereafter, the conversation between Sri Krishna and Uddhava starts in the 6th chapter. This discussion pregnant with spiritual thought, stretches upto 29th chapter. This part of Bhagavata is considered to be the best. Knowing that the Lord is going to disappear from the earth, the eminent devotee Uddhava, gets perturbed at the thought of separation from the Lord.
He prays Sri Krishna as follows:
"Oh! Lord. You are leaving this world after annihilating the Yadavas. I cannot leave your lotus feet, even for a second. Please take me too, to your abode".
Then the Lord gives the last message to him. He explains a number of spiritual truths to in- quisitive Uddhava.
The conversation between Sri Krishna and Arjuna contained in Maha Bharata is famous as Bhagavad Gita. Similarly, this conversation with Uddhava is well known as 'Uddhava Gita'.
The Moha( delusion) and Soka (sorrow) of Arjuna were dispelled by Sri Krishna, through the teachings of Gita, at the very beginning of Kurukshetra war. This teaching was made by Sri Krishna here, to console and teach self-knowledge to Uddhava who was bewildered at the thought of separation. Though it was taught by the Lord, it has assumed the name of Uddhava, as Uddhava Gita. This shows the extreme devotion and intense inquisitiveness ofUddhava. This assumes special importance, as it was the message delivered by Sri Krishna at the very end of his Avatara.
Amongst these scriptures Srimad bhagavatam is unique. Written by Vedavyasa, it is described as verily the fruit of Veda-Kalpataru.
In this Kaliyuga, the easiest path to cross the ocean of samsara is the Bhakti yoga. There is no other scripture, which explains better the nature of Bhakti, than.
This holy treatise was taught to king Parikshit, by sage Suka, to remove the fear of death, as , the former was cursed to die within a week, with a snake bite.
The fear of death doesn't merely conform to Parikshit, and it pervades all living beings. Death is inevitable. To face death fearlessly, the teachings contained in Srimad bhagavatam have to be understood and followed.
The T.T.D. is publishing religious books in various languages. As part of this effort, the publication of Sanskrit Bhagavatam critically edited by eminent scholars has been taken up.
In the Indian philosophy there are three important systems called Adwaita, Visishtadwaita and Dwaita. Three well-known Acharyas belonging to the foregoing three systems of philosophy wrote commentaries on Srimadbhagavatam expounding their respective systems. The well-edited copies of the commentaries were not available to the readers since a long time. They are now made avail- able in this critical edition.
This is the twelfth skandha of Srimad bhagavatam. Late Sriman N.C.V. Narasimhacharya, the well-known Sanskrit Scholar and recipient of President's award, prepared this critical edition, with meticulous care.
Bhagavatam is said to be Brahma Sammita - equal to Brahma, where, the word Brahma means, both Veda and Parabrahma.
Though various secrets of the Vedas are expounded in this work, the pre-eminence- of Bhakti yoga has been stressed in it more prominently. 'Bhagavatam can be understood· neither by erudition, nor through commentaries, but only by Bhakti' says an adage. Different kinds of devotion have been described in this work, through various stories in an attractive style.
Generally, Purana has five characteristics i.e. Srushti (Creation), Prati - Srushti (Secondary creation), Vamsa (generation), Manvantara (cosmic cycle ruled over by Manu) and Vamsanucharita (an account of royal dynasties). But Srimadbhagavatam being a Maha Purana, contains ten characteristics. They are. 1. Sarga, 2. Visarga, 3. Sthana, 4. Poshana, 5. Uti, 6. Manvantara, 7. Ishanukatha, 8. Nirodha, 9. Mukti and 10. Asraya. They are briefly explained below. 1. Sarga: Under the direction of the Lord, the three Gunas, get shaken, thereby producing the five elements, primary sensations, indriyas, Ahankara and Mahattattva. This is Sarga (Subtle Creation) which is described in the third Skandha.
2. Visarga : Brahma takes birth from Viratpurusha. He creates various beings, both animate and inanimate. This creation is Visarga (Gross creation) which is explained in the fourth Skandha.
3. Sthana : Keeping the creation, in an orderly form without decay is Sthana, which is de- scribed in the fifth Skandha.
4. Poshana : The Lord shows His grace towards His devotees. He sends His message to this world, through Acharyas. He takes birth Himself to protect this creation. He nourishes it by His Nama and Rupa. This process is poshana which is explained in the Sixth Skandha.
5. Uti: The impressions of previous actions are termed as utis, the explanation of which is found in the Seventh Skandha.
6. Manvantara : The history of propagation of devotion towards Lord by various Manus in different ages and establishment of Dharma, is called Manvantara. This is contained in the eighth Skandha.
7. Ishanukatha : The description of the incarnations of Lord and stories of the devotees, is termed as Ishanukatha, which is described in the ninth Skandha. 8. Nirodha : The Lord absorbs Uradhi’s of the Jeevas into Himself and enters into Yoganidra.
This is Nirodha Leela, contained in the tenth Skandha.
9. Mukti : To be within his own self, discarding all other forms is called, Mukti, (Liberation from the gunas of prakruti) which is described in eleventh Skandha.
10. Asraya : The last characteristic Asraya, is nothing but Adhistana (the last resort of the Universe) which is explained in the last Skandha (present volume).
The Other Characteristics are intended to support the last one.
Parabrahma is Asraya. It is also called Paramatma. All the actions in the creation take place on account of this Paramatma only. Srimabhagavatam emanated only to describe the glory of Paramatma. This volume is the last Skandha of Bhagavata. It describes the lineage of the king’s ofKaliyuga and also explains the Kali dharma.
Bhagavatam describes the method of warding off the evil affects of Kali as follows. Kali is the store-house for all kinds of evils. But there is a very great quality in it. By mere chanting of sri Krishna's name, one gets released from the bondage of samsara. The results that we reap by 1. meditation in Kruthayuga, 2. by conducting Yajnas in Thretayuga, 3. by performing Paricharya in Dwapara yuga, could be got by mere Hari Kirtana (chanting of name) in Kali yuga.
In the Kalisantharana Upanishad, the importance of nama sankirtana is stressed, during the conversation of Brahm a and Narada.
In the last part of this Skandha, sage Suka tells Parikshit, dispelling his fear of death, as follows.
"Oh! king, do not think: that you are going to die. You were never born. You are not going to die like your physical body."
Book's Contents and Sample Pages
Astrology (110)
Ayurveda (102)
Gita (70)
Hinduism (1221)
History (141)
Language & Literature (1616)
Learn Sanskrit (26)
Mahabharata (28)
Performing Art (63)
Philosophy (413)
Puranas (123)
Ramayana (50)
Sanskrit Grammar (240)
Sanskrit Text Book (33)
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