Sri Tatachar Varadarajan is a graduate of Bangalore University. He is from a pious family of Srivaishnavas who were well known and revered for their erudite scholarship in Sanskrit, Vedas, Agamas, and Puranas. The family line has an age old historical record of ancestral service to the Gods: - “Sri Venkateshwara at Tirumala, Sri Ranganatha at Sriranga and Sri Varadaraja at Kanchipuram and other major Srivaishnava Kshetras”. He started his spiritual practices at a very young age and many realize Masters guided and trained him and made an efficient teacher in the path of Yoga and its allied science.
From 1997 Sri Tatachar Varadarajan has been doing his services in Russia, Tver, where he found Russian-Indian Centre for Health “Harmony”. From this time until now people are getting his help in physical, moral and spiritual fields continuously.
By his simple life, remarkable work, invaluable help and unconditional love to all Sri Tatachar Varadaraja had left a deep mark in the hearts of Russian people. In the year 2000 his name was put in the Book of Honorable People of Tver.
Sri Swamiji kindly initiated him to Sanyasa in Haridwar in the year 2005, March and gave the name Vishnu Datta Pada Renu.
“Sri Sachchidananda Tripura Yoga is the book of his hard penance under the Holy Guidance of Sri Swamiji. It reveals the greatness of his Guru through simple words and deep feeling and easy to understand for a common man.
Sri Vishnu Datta has penned his memoirs in this book titled "Sachchidananda Tripura Yoga? All through history, people have been interested in the experiences of others, which are at times inspirising. Every experience, when tried as be explained, brings with it an indelible personal perception of the experience: Sri Vishnu Datta has had many experiences, which may seem ordinary to many. but have had a powerful impact on him and on his life style, He has also lucidly put across spiritual knowledge of various types and has likened them to Tripura Rahasya and has also named the chapters on those lines.
Experience of personal kind is special for the person who goes through them and may serve as indicators to those in spiritual practice. But it shows the power such special experiences bring to one’s life. Our life is a sum total of what we perceive and experience.
Some of the lessons in Kriya Yoga may differ with the teachings of Datta Peetham but this type is also agreeable.
May Bhagawan Datta Bless Vishnu Datta and the readers of this book.
There are many devotees who approach Sri Swamiji and seek knowledge about Sadhana. However, we seldom come across someone who considers it Swamiji’s name itself as a Mantra and association with Sri Swamiji itself as spiritual practice. It would be no exaggeration to say that among such rare beings. Swami Vishnu Datta Padarenu is one of the foremost.
We have known Swami Vishnu Datta Padarenu for over two decades. What we have observed is that his attitude towards Sadguru has remained steady and firm. He does not claim any superiority just because he is a senior devotee. He has not allowed to such egoistic tendency to take root in the mind. This is air important trait that a seeker should possess. It is a noble virtue worthy of emulation.
It is perhaps this very virtue in Swami Vishnu Datta that encouraged Sri Swamiji to instruct him write the book — ‘Tripura Yogam That Swami Vishnu Datta has named the book as ‘Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda Tripura Yogam’ shows his level of commitment to Guru Bhakti.
Sage Shankaracharya has begun his celebrated work ‘Yoga Taravali’ with the verse — Vande Guroonaam Charanaaravinde (prostrations to the lotus feet of the Guru). Swami Vishnu Datta Padarenu, keeping up with such a noble tradition, has also paid tributes to his Sadguru by including Sri Swamiji’s name in the title of the book itself. In doing so, he has demonstrated as to what Sri Swamiji means to him.
V Swami Vishnu Datta is by birth a Vaishnavite. However, he has chosen to follow Dattatraya tradition. He says that he sees Lord Vishnu in Sri Swamiji This is what we like very much about him. Everyone must understand that Guru is beyond all sorts of classification and discrimination.
Coming to the present book per se, it is a collection of experiences Swami Vishnu Datta has narrated his experiences with Sri Swamiji from a Yogic perspective. After all, true Yoga is nothing but experience. Swami Vishnu Datta has comprehended the words and actions of Sri Swamiji, which are subtle and yet wide ranging. And he has presented his experiences and thoughts is this lucidly written book.
The Sadguru Stava that is chanted by Sri Swamiji’s devotees contains a verse – “Ganesha Homearkadine, Nityam Srichakra Poojane". Swami Vishnu Dutta has explained in Yogic perspective, Sri Swamiji’s regular rituals such as Ganapati Homa. Srichakra Pooja etc.
The concluding part of the book narrates the method of seeking Sachchidananda in all the three paths shown by the Vedas. In so doing, Swami Vishnu Datta has indicated that all the three paths are infact Gum paths.
The book also contains an account of Kriya Yoga — very much in Sri Swamiji’s style and approach While elucidating the concept of ‘Sharanagati’ (surrender), the author has interpreted it as ‘transfer of burden? A novel interpretation indeed!
The book is not merely a good reading material; it is much useful in Sadhana also. Living in Russia, Swami Vishnu Datta Padarenu has been rendering Sadguru Seva by propagating the teachings and greatness of Sri Swamiji in many parts of the world. We hope that more and more such writings would {low through him. May Lord Maha Vishnu in the form of Dattatreya bless him. May the readers of this book realize the essence of Sadguru Tattva.
I offer my humble pranams to the lotus feet of my Sadgurudeva Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda Swamiji who is the embodiment of the Divine Mother Sri Raja Rajeshwari, I am a blessed Soul having been attended many Srichakra Pujas performed by my Sadgurudeva Sri Swamiji. l enjoyed and experienced and visualized the Divine Mother in him during all the Srichakra Pujas and he blessed me and showered grace upon me through his "Dristi Prasada’” and established himself as the Divine Mother Sri Raja Rajeshwari in my heart lotus and stays there forever blessing me everyday in japa and meditation and Pujas, l once again offer my heartfelt pranams to the lotus feet of my Sadgurudeva and offer this service of writing ““Sri Sachchidananda Tripura Yoga" as ordered by Sri Swamiji during Navarathri festival in the year 2005.
As l remember my good old days of stay in the Ashram • once Sri Swamiji asked me to make a compact course on Yoga. l struggled very hard, made a compact course. Named it as "Datta Sachchidananda Mukthi Yoga", and went to offer it to Sri Swamiji who was at that time inside the old Datta temple. Sri Swamiji was blessing people and l waited for my turn. Sri Swamiji saw me carrying something in my hand asked me, what was that'? I was so happy that Sri Swamiji paid attention to me and the work in my hand. l started to explain with an enthusiasm about the course of Yoga which l compiled, as Sri Swamiji ordered. Sri Swamiji listened every word of mine very attentively with lot of low and in the end became little serious and closed his eyes and told me. “‘you are not yet ready" and gave back the book I showed him. I was little disappointed by Sri Swamiji`s reaction but I thought, may be time has not come for me to carry out his order.
I was designing and making a herbal garden for Sri Swamiji for his 50th birthday. "Golden Jubilee" celebrations of His Holiness Sri Swamiji was fast approaching, everyone in Ashram was happy and eagerly waiting for the festival. Many angels (foreigners) already came to the Ashram. Ashramites were engaged in conducting classes for angels as ordered by Sri Swamiji. Sri Datta Pada Renu Swami was giving lectures on Geetha, Sri Ramana Kumar was giving lectures on biography of Sri Swamiji, Sri Radhanna (Swami Manasa Datta) was conducting I classes on Kriya Yoga, Sri Prasad conducted classes on Puja, and everyone was busy in doing the service of Sri Swamiji as ordered by him. One day Sri Radhanna was unable to conduct his class, hence, Sri Swamiji called me and I ordered me to conduct the Kriya Yoga class for angels. I was so shocked and was I nervous to obey the orders of Sri Swamiji because I never attended the course of Kriya Yoga taught by Sri Swamiji.
I did not know what to teach for angels. I looked at Sri Swamiji`s face with tension and fear and told "Swamiji, I do not know what to teach, Sri Radhanna is already conducting regular classes on Kriya Yoga to angels and I am afraid to displease him. Please forgive me; I am unable to take the I finished my shivering talk, that is all. Sri Swamiji became angry and shouted at me. “Go and take the class, you know what to do, do not try to escape, you understand go", he said and went inside. I was in a confused state, went to the venue of the class, already many angels assembled there. I prayed to Sri Swamiji and started my class and all appreciated it. I finished my class and went to prostrate to Sri Swamiji who was in the Kriya Yoga hall. He received my pranams with lot of love and blessed me with special energy. May be this was the starting point for my Yoga link with him. Further to this Sri Swamiji again blessed me third time during the making of the documentary film "Yoga Brahma". Sri Swamiji selected B.R.Hills for shooting some portion of the film and he kindly involved me to serve him .during this shooting. The director of the film Sri Manishankar decided to shoot the Kriya Yoga teaching from Sri Swamiji in the ashrama and he arranged everything for shooting and invited Sri Swamiji to the venue. I was watching the filming from a distance; suddenly Sri Swamiji called me and asked me to sit with the people as a participant. He touched my head during the film shooting and I felt an electric How throughout my body. I think Sri Swamiji passed his Yogic energy in to me that day.
Finally, it was the last day of Navarathri festival in the year 2005. Sri Swamiji was sitting in the Nadamantapa to bless and view the dance programme by Mysore artists. I was sitting a little distance to Sri Swamiji. Suddenly Sri Swamiji started talking to me and ordered me to sit near his lotus feet. I was •.o overwhelmed with joy to have such blessings from him. He started to talk about Tripura and his songs and worship of the Divine l/[other. The dancers used songs of Sri Swamiji’s Audio CD "Tripura" for the dance performance. I was so delighted to sit near him, listening to his nectar words and seeing the dance in his presence. During that time, Sri Swamiji blessed me giving a book titled "Sri Tripura Vilasamu” and ordered me to formulate a compact course as "Sri Sachchidananda Tripura Yoga” and start teaching it to people. I was dumbstruck by his grace, prostrated to him, and agreed to do the service as ordered by him. I offer this book at his lotus feet and pray to him to bless me and be with me forever in my heart lotus as Divine Mother Sri Sri Lalita Tripura Sundari and Lord Dattatreya who is the imparter of the great knowledge of ‘Tripura Rahasya" to Sage Parashurama who in turn imparted it to the world.
There is an inseparable relationship and connection to every child with his/her mother. It starts from the beginning, inside the womb of the mother, before it takes birth. It is believed that during the 8th month of pregnancy the child experiences God in the womb. If the mother is a blessed Soul, she can also experience the God along with the child. If the mother is a Yogi, then the child in her womb will certainly be a divine incarnation.
Vedas respect the mother as the first teacher (GURU) to the child. She is the one, who shows the Father to the child, they both in turn, guide the child further, sending him/her to the lap of an Acharya or Teacher (Guru) to get an all rounding development to become a worthy and beneficial person in the world.
Hence it is our prime duty of every one of us to respect the Mother, the Father and the Acharya or Guru, to become a useful being in this world. The child is the "Fruit" of the union of mother and father, like wise each and everything created in this Universe is a part and parcel of two inseparable Power and Energy principles, the first being the supportive, stable and creative power and the second being the motive, active and an expansive energy which are controlling the whole Universe. Sri Mahakavi Kalidasa the legendary saintly poet praises and prays to these two Primordial Forces as: "VAGARTHAVIVA SAMPRIKTHOU VAGARTAH PRATIPATTAYE JAGATAH PITAROU VANDE PARVATHI PARAMESHVAROU"
Which means, "I bow to the Eternal mother and father "Parvathi" and "Shiva" who are inseparable like the "word and its meaning".
These two Inseparable Primordial Forces start its play of creation splitting into triple energy principles as Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva and their counterparts as Maha Saraswathi, Maha Lakshmi, and Maha Kali; they control and govern the process of creation, maintenance, and dissolution.
The human being is a wonderful creation by the union of the "Shiva and Shakthi". The human body is a miniature replica of the macrocosm (the whole universe) where in the Soul can experience through systematic disciplined practice, the inseparable relationship of the Creation and the Creator, ultimately reaching the state of Union and Fusion with its Creator God the Absolute. Therefore, the Sages respected the human body as the "Temple of God" where in the Soul experience, visualize, and enjoy, understanding the inseparable Union with its Creator through systematic spiritual disciplines called "Yoga".
Hence the word "Yoga" is referred and respected mainly as "the Union of Soul with its Creator the God". Therefore, it is our prime duty to protect and respect this body, which is the "Temple of God", or the residence of the eternal mother and father "Shiva and Shakthi".
The human body is the divine abode of "Shiva and Shakthi" where in they are enjoying their divine play of Creation, Maintenance and Dissolution, governing and controlling the whole Universe and its creatures as Trimurtis (Brahma,Vishnu and Maheshwara) and their female counterparts as Tridevis (Saraswathi, Lakshmi and Kali). Hence the Sages and seers regarded this body and named it as "TRIPURA". "Tripura vilasam" is the divine play of these Trimurtis and Tridevis in the human body.
To brief it again, the human body is the residence of Shiva and Shakthi hence it is revered by Sages as "Tripura". The Divine Mother who resides in this Tripura is revered as Tripura Sundari.
The Soui struggles to be in constant touch with its Creator and tries to achieve this communion which is covered and unseen by the divine play of the Divine Mother "Tripura Sundari" who creates illusions to the Soul and enjoys playing with it. This struggle of Soul to get its constant communion with God without becoming the victim of the illusions created by the Divine Mother and to obtain her grace to reach the state of everlasting bliss is called "TRIPURA YOGA".
To conclude, to obtain the "Union with God" inside this human body, which is called as "TRIPURA", we need the grace of the Divine Mother revered as "TRIPURA SUNDARI", who shows us Lord "TRIPURANTAKA MAHAKALA" (Lord Shiva), who is inseparable from the Divine Mother. In addition, we need a friend, philosopher and guide who can take us to the ultimate union with God through a royal, systematic, and organized disciplined path. The Friend, Philosopher, and Guide is the "Acharya or Sadguru", and the path in which he accompanies and leads us to the Ultimate Union with the Shiva and Shakthi is called "TRIPURA YOGA". Let us start the journey with the Acharya or Guru who knows the Eternal Truth "Sat", and who guides us with his vibrating energy "Chit" and finally bestows us the everlasting bliss "Ananda"
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