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Sri Kalki Purana

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Item Code: IDK367
Publisher: Touch Stone Media
Author: Bhumipati Das
Language: Transliterated Text with Translation
Edition: 2018
ISBN: 9788193727669
Pages: 380 (1 B/W Illustrations)
Cover: Hardcover
Other Details 9.2" X 6.2"
Weight 620 gm
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Book Description

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sajala jaladavarno vatavegaikavahah
karadhrta karavalah sarvalokaikapalah
kakikulavanahanta satyadharma praneta
kalayatu kusalam vah kalkirupah sa bhupah

May Lord Kalki, whose complexion is the door of a dark rain cloud, whose horse travels faster than the wind, who protects the righteous with His sword, who re- establishes the Satya-yuga after vanquishing Kali, shower His blessings upon you.



About five thousand years ago, Sri Krsna Dvaipayana Vyasa, an empowered incarnation of Lord Krsna, appeared in the holy land of Bharatavarsa. Realizing that as the four yugas progress, the human beings' power of understanding gradually diminishes; He divided the one Veda into four and imparted them to His four principal disciples. These four Vedas are the Same, RK, Yajur, and Atharva. Latter on, His disciples again divided the Vedas into many branches.

Even after dividing the Vedas, Srila Vyasadeva did not feel satisfied. Thinking that it will be impossible for the people of Kali-yuga to understanding the actual purport of the Vedas, He took the essence of that understanding and compiled a simple literature called the Purana Samhita in story form. Based on this literature, His three principal disciples wrote three more samhitas: Savarni-samhita, Samsapayana-samhita, and Akrtavrana-samhita. The eighteen Puranas and thirty-six sub Puranas were later complied, being based on these four samhitas. Because Srila Vyasadeva's Purana Samhita is the source of these literatures, all the Puranas and sub Puranas are attributed to him.

Among the upa-puranas or sub Puranas, the Kalki Purana is most sacred and widely respected. At the end of Kali -yuga, the Supreme Lord, Hari, will incarnate as Lord Kalki and kill all the mlecchas, yavanas, atheists, and Buddhists of the world that defy the Vedic authority. The pastimes of Lord Kalki are the subject matter of this literature, which is presented in story form. Exalted personalities can see everything, past, present and future. For this reason, there is no fault in narrating these future events as if they had already occurred. The Kalki Purana consists of thirty-five chapters.







Introduction   vii
1 A Description 1
2 The Birth and Sacred Thread Ceremony of Lord Kalki 14
3 Lord Kalki Receives Benedictions From Siva and Parvati 27
3 Lord Kalki Receives Benedictions From Siva and Parvati 27
4 Padmavati Receives a Benedictions from Lord Siva 40
5 Padmavati's Svayamvara 52
6 Suka Goes To Simhala as the Envoy of Lord Kalki Conversation Between Padmavati And Suka 60
7 The Produce for Worshiping Lord Visnu 70
8 Conversation Between Padmavati and Suka Lord Kalki Goes to Simhala 79
9 The meeting of Lord Kalki and Padmavati 91
10 Marriage Of Lord Kalki To Padmavati Prayers of The Kings To Lord Kalki 100
11 The Story of Ananta and How He was Influenced by Maya 110
12 The meeting of Ananta And Hamsa 125
13 Visvakarma Reconstructs the village of Sambhala The Arrival of Lord Kalki 137
14 Lord Kalki Conquers the Buddhists Who Opposed Him 148
15 Lord Kalki Is Attacked BY The Mleccha Women Instruction by the Weapons Personified 161
16 The Killing of the Raksasi, Kuthodari 173
17 The Descendents of the Surya Dynasty Lord Ramacandra's Pastimes 185
18 The Descendents of Lord Ramacandra King Maru and King Devapi 204
19 The Appearance of Satya-Yuga Description Manus 214
20 Lord Kalki Goes Out to Conquer Kali and His Allies 219
21 The Followers of Kali Are Defeated The killing of Koka And Vikoka 231
22 Lord Kalki Travels To Bhallatanagara Ruled By Sasidhvaja A Great Battle Takes Place 241
23 King Sasidhvaja Brings Lord Kalki to His Place 253
24 The prayers of Susanta Lord Kalki Marries King Sasidhvaja's Daughter 259
25 The Devotion of Sasidhvaja And His Previous History 268
26 The Glories of the Devotees of Lord Hari 281
27 The story of Dvivida Gorilla King Sasidhvaja's previous Birth as King Satrajit 289
28 Kalki Travels to Kancananagara and Delivered Visakanya 299
29 Prayers Offered to Maya-Devi The Deliverance Of King Sasidhvaja 308
30 Lord Kalki And Visnuyasa Perform Sacrifices Instructions by Narada Muni 313
31 The Vow of Rukmini 327
32 Lord Kalki Enjoys Pastimes With His Consorts 339
33 The Demigods Arrive at Sambhala The Disappearance of Lord Kalki 346
34 Prayers Offered to Mother Ganga 356
35 The Glories of Hearing Sri Kalki Purana 361
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