Sri Hari-bhakti-vilasa (Volume Two): Vilasas 6-10 ((With Transliteration and English Translation))

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Item Code: IDG276
Author: Purnaprajna Dasa Bhumipati Dasa Purnaprajna Dasa
Language: (With Transliteration and English Translation)
Edition: 2005
ISBN: 8187812907
Pages: 583
Cover: Hardcover
Other Details 9"X 6"
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Book Description
About the Book:

There are two kinds of Vedic literature-fruitive and transcendental. Those who are inclined toward the fruitive division naturally have no interest in transcendental literature. Human beings mould their lives, actions, concepts and conclusions according to their own taste. For this reason, the smartas also have more faith in the literature of their choice. Because they are not qualified to study transcendental literature, they lack faith in them. That is the arrangement of the creator. There is no doubt that there is a confidential purpose behind this. The purpose is that if one remains fixed in his own position, according to his qualifications, he will gradually make advancement. As soon one gives up the duties pertaining to his position, he becomes degraded.

When human beings are engaged in fruitive activities, they are called karmis, and when they are engaged in devotional service, they are called devotees. As long as one is attached to the performance of fruitive activities, he should follow the path of smarta because it will be beneficial for him. If he somehow transcends the platform of fruitive activities and enters onto the platform of devotional service, he will naturally develop a taste for spiritual life. That is why the creator has made two sets of literature-fruitive and transcendental.

Back of Book:

In order to arrange for the observance of vows and rituals for those who desire to obtain the ultimate goal of life, krsna-prema, the most merciful Lord Gaurahari, who is the deliverer of the people of Kali-yuga, instructed His associate, Srila Sanatana Gosvami, to compose the Vaisnava smrti, Sri Hari-bhakti-vilasa.

The responsibility for accumulating evidence for the subject matters specified by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was entrusted to Sri Gopala Bhatta Gosvami. That is why, in each chapter, Srila Sanatana Gosvami has mentioned the name of Gopala Bhatta Gosvami. Srila Sanatana Gosvami has also written a commentary called Digdarsini for the easy and proper understanding of this literature.


The glories of worshiping the Deity2
Bathing the Deity and one's self3
In this regard, Sri Narada has said4
The meaning of inviting the Lord8
The glories of invoking the Lord9
The glories of mudras11
The glories of offering an asana14
The process of bathing the Lord15
The vessel for bathing the Deity16
The ingredients to be used, and the glories of massaging the Lord's body18
The bathing of the Lord with five substances19
The glories of bathing the Lord with milk21
The glories of offering incense while bathing the Lord25
The glories of cleansing the Lord's body26
The glories of using a burgh to cleanse the Deity27
Bathing the Deity with fresh water28
The glories of playing musical instruments while bathing the Lord44
The glories of reciting the one thousand names of the Supreme Lord47
The glories of Sri Bhagavad-gita52
The glories of reciting the Puranas56
Offering clothes to the Lord58
The glories of wiping the Lord's body59
The glories of offering clothes to the Lord60
A prohibition in regard to offering clothes to the Lord63
The glories of offering a sacred thread64
Offering padya, tilaka and acamaniya to the Lord64
The glories of offering ornaments to the Lord65
The glories of smearing the Lord's body with a fragrant substance73
The glories of tulasi wood paste77
Substances that are prohibited for applying to the Lord's body81
The glories of flowers in genera90
The glories of the drona flower97
Its special glories in the month of Karttika 104
Its special glories of lotus flowers, according to their various colors107
The special glories of offerings made in the month of Karttika108
The specific glories of offerings made in the month of Asadha112
The glories of ketaki flowers117
Its glories in the month of Asadha118
Its glories in the month of Karttika119
The glories of kunda flowers119
The glories of red satapatrika flowers121
The glories of sevanti and palasa flowers122
The glories of kuvja flowers122
The glories of asoka and bakula flowers123
The glories of patala flowers124
The glories of tila flowers124
The glories of durvadi flowers128
Their glories in the month of Karttika132
Prohibited flowers134
The proper time for picking flowers141
In the vyasa-gita section of the Kurma Purana it is stated141
Two slokas that rule out the picking of prohibited flowers142
The glories of tulasi152
Tulasi is very dear to the Lord153
Tulasi destroys one's sinful reactions when offered to the Lord159
Tulasi destroys one's enemies162
Tulasi awards all opulence162
Tulasi awards the supreme piety162
Tulasi awards the ultimate goal of life165
Tulasi awards liberation166
Tulasi awards one the abode of Vaikuntha167
Special benefit of worshiping Tulasi in the month of Karttika172
The merit obtained in the months of Magha174
Its glories during caturmasya174
The result of offering Tulasi during the month of Vaisakha174
The process for picking Tulasi175
The mantra for picking Tulasi175
The glories of picking Tulasi177
Prohibitions for picking Tulasi177
The worship of the Lord's pharaphernalia179
Worship of the Lord's associates180
The first circle of associates180
The second circle of associates180
The third circle of associates181
The fourth circle of associates181
The fifth circle of associates 182
The six circle of associates183
The seventh circle of associates183
The glories of worshipping the Lord's associates183
Worship of the Lord's holy name185
Offering incense to the Lord 187
The mantra for offering dhupa188
Regarding dhupa188
Prohibitions in this regard189
Exception in this regard189
The glories of offering dhupa to the Lord190
The glories of offering dhupa in the temple of the Lord194
The glories of honoring the remnants of dhupa194
Offering dipa [a ghee lamp] to the Lord196
The mantra for offering dipa197
Prohibitions with regards to offering lamps198
The glories of offering dipa199
The glories of offering dipa in the Lord's temple202
Wicks made from red or old cloth should not be offered to the Lord209
The consequences of extinguishing a dipa209
It is prohibited to place a lamp on the floor211
The process of offering food to the Lord211
The mantra to be chanted while offering food to the Lord213
Suitable containers for offering food216
The glories of offering food to the Lord227
The glories of distributing maha-prasada 239
Offering water for washing the Lord's mouth240
The glories of offering a mouth freshener to the Lord241
Offering sandalwood paste to the Lord once again242
Offering articles to the Lord that are befitting a king243
The glories of singing and dancing before the Deities249
The specific glories of singing before the Lord253
Prayers especially meant for the age of Kali254
The glories of offering all one's activities to the Lord296
Accepting the Lord's remnants is an eternal duty312
The glories of the Lord's remnants312
The glories of drinking the water that washed the lotus feet of the Lord325
The glories of caranamrta placed in a conch shell342
The glories of placing a conch shell before the Deity345
The glories of worshiping the tulasi plant348
The glories of offering prayers to the tulasi plant350
The glories of tulasi wood366
The glories of eating tulasi leaves372
That which is to be accepted and that which is to be rejected386
The process for offering the Lord's remnants to Vaisvadeva and others 393
The glories of feeding Vaisnavas after the sraddha ceremony399
The fault of eating food without worshipping Lord Krsna404
The process for Honoring the Lord's remnants409
The characteristics of the devotees of the Supreme Lord427
One automatically develops good qualities by devotional service431
The wisdom should be dovetailed in devotional service433
Detachment from material enjoyment may cause devotional service434
Some followers of Siva are to be considered Vaisnavas436
While remaining fixed in devotion, one remembers the Lord440
Remembering the Supreme Lord can easily be done by the renounced442
Becoming an unalloyed devotee by cultivating spiritual knowledge445
The pure devotee445
Their minds remain fixed, even in adverse situations447
The glories of the devotees of the Supreme Lord452
The glories of associating with the Lord's devotees498
The association of devotees destroys all sinful reactions501
It removes all anarthas and awards the goal of life522
Showing respect to a Vaisnava is an eternal duty527
The glories of approaching a Vaisnava528
The glories of showing respect to Vaisnavas533
The glories of Vaisnava literature535
The glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam544
It removes all miseries, such as hunger and thirst548
It is all-auspicious549
It awards the merit of all pious activities549
It awards the perfection of the ears550
It creates detachment in the minds of the devotees551
It delivers one from material existence552
It helps one to go back to Godhead554
It awards love of God556
It awards the ultimate goal of life557
Attachment for discussions about the Supreme Lord566
The glories of preaching the supreme religious principles567
The glories of bhagavata-dharma578
The glories of praising narrations of Krsna's pastimes580

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