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Spiritual Revolution

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Author: Premananda Deva and Lakshmi Devi
Language: English
Edition: 2002
ISBN: 9788120818606
Pages: 366 (17 B/W Illustrations)
Cover: Paperback
8.5" X 5.6"
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Book Description
About the book

This book presents truths coming from the highest consciousness. Including, methods for purification and for elimination of the present problems on Earth. America has a most significant role to play in the Master plan. Eastern man is given reassurance and recognition of his direction, in the tradition and sprits of his forefather. The pitfalls of the Western style of living are enumerated. The esoteric and exoteric techniques for self discovery are explained, also why the world is fast heading away from the true direction-that which is spiritual-in order to purse materialism and capitalism.

Eastern and Western man is warned to take action, and he is inspired to embrace the truth, to live by the truth and to revolt against the hypocrisy of our lives which is too easily accepted by all peoples. We must not rush heading into the tidal wave of a Westernized kind of living when this can only offer a very limited civilization, one with out a true connection to the Divine. There are no true centers of initiation in the West- they are only found in the East-and if we are not careful, these centres of initiation will also have withdraw to the invisible planes of existence.

This book a compilation of the inspirational writings from the Brothers of the White Lodge, Master Koot Humi and master Morya, who mediumship of Lakshmi Devi. The second section by is written by the great French mystic Ananda Devi (who passed on in 1994). Her disciple, and now an illumined master in his own right Premananda Deva, an American-born Yogi, writes together with his disciple for the third section, "vision." The fourth section "New Future Society" is an amalgam forms all the above authors laying down a blueprint, for an implementation of a spiritual revolution.

Back of The Book

The Brothers of the White Lodge, Master Koot Humi and Master Morya, two of the divine guardians of Human activities on the Earth, founders of the Theosophical Society, have delivered and New Future Society. It is an archetypal system of thought and a plan of action to change the world's materialistic direction.

An illumined Yogi, Premananda Deva and his disciple, Lakshmi Devi, are the recipients and founders and of the New Future Society. They represent a formula for a dynamic integral spirituality. They are a perfect balance and composite of the two worlds, East and West. Prepare yourself for a Spiritual Revolution, to be inspired to participate in the great Divine Plan for the 21st Century.


This book explores fact about the reality on Earth. Certain unseen spiritual forces should and must be respected. These divine forces have just as much right to dictate to humanity at large as elected human powers. This is just abstract law form beyond the grave, but something that has been in effect for thousand of years.

This truth in this book is discourses between the highest consciousness and the mental plane. They discuss methods for purification, for examination, and for elimination of the present problems on Earth, master plan.

America has a large role to play in the destiny of those on Earth. Premananda Deva captures and expresses them hare in this book. But this is not the case of one person having all the answers, for we can all have access to this Divine law, which protect and join each and every one of us. The Divine Law must be manifested on Earth more urgently than ever before, as those in power fail to recognize the fragility of the physical influence every thing

. This book can serve as guidance as prophecy, and manual to those who sincerely wish to use it to see what is in the nature of themselves in the universal plan; to discover what human being can do to assist the Creator for the manipulation of more goodness on the earth.

This book is not about creating another belief system. Rather, it contains tried and proven method to enhance life, and to see that everyone has his or her niche in the grand schema or plan. Once you decide make a difference, it can be so. Choose to see the truth. Choose to yourself. Choose to see the divine Soul in you. If this path can guide you, so be it. If these explanations can lift you up can give you answers to your question, allows them to do so. We must accept that there are soul who have been searching deeper and more profoundly than us, not to our sham, but to our advantage, for healing, for understanding, and for the truth.

This book seeks to give the Eastern man reassurance and recognition of his direction, continuing in the tradition and in the spirit of his forefathers. Also the pitfalls of the Western style of life will be enumerated, including critiques by a Western Yogi and his disciple. It richly describes the esoteric techniques for self discovery and explains why the world is fast heading away form a true direction - that which is spiritual - in order to purse materialism and capitalism.

This book warns both Eastern man and Western man - to take action, to inspire him to embrace the truth, to live by truth, and to revolt against the hypocrisy in our lives, which is too easily accepted by all peoples. We should not all rush headlong into the tidal wave of a Westernized kind of living when this can only offer a very limited civilization one without a true connection to the Divine. There are no true centers of initiation in the west - they are only found in the East - and if we are not careful, these centers of initiation will also have to withdraw to be the invisible planes of existence.

For the more strident the Earth becomes in sprit, the more difficult it will be to live here, the way it was intended. The Earth was created as a Divine manifested paradise.

Let us never forget this Let us join in a spiritual revolution to gain control of our lives - and live for the Divine, as divine beings

Master Koot Humi and master Morya

Premananda Deva
-J. J. Kennedy
Premananda Deva studied with a great avatar Shrimati Ananda Devi who was French. They worked tirelessly for Thirty-four years to promote their philosophies based on their esoteric Knowledge.

He experienced the great Supramental Descent in 1961 and was initiated into the spiritual by Ananda Devi learning the invaluable methods that have enabled him to transform others very rapidly into their comically conscious mind and being.

He is dedicated to his cause and serves the Masters of the White Lodge in very capacity, giving himself over completely to their works and plans. He is a master akin to be ancients who seek out those who are ready for enlightenment in his lifetime. So few are prepared to surrender themselves to Divine nature as it always has been on to Earth.

And yet, beyond this role of initiator, he is a beacon of light, a pioneer living in truth consciousness imparted to him by masters who are no longer living in the physical form. Lakshmi Devi (S. Kennedy) is his closest disciple and an accomplished medium. It is thought her grace that we, the master, can speak here in this book.

May those of you who read this book understand the significance of the messages and see how spiritualism must play a more prevalent role in the world's activities.

Table of Contents

Dedication v
Foreword vii
Acknowledgments ix
introduction xv
premananda Deva xvii
premananda Deva' s Lineage xviii
In Deva' s Own World xix
Deva and Lakshmi Meet xxi
Spiritual Experiencing xxiii
spiritual in Life xxiv
port I the master' plan
The Bothers of the White Lodge the master who inspired Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society master Koot Humi and master Morya, reveal their observations about the condition of the world today and how we as spiritual aspirants can attain realization though the differing form of purification and initiation

Purge the Hypocrisy 1
Revolution 3
Greed and Materialism 5
Spiritualism and the Corporate
Sector 6
Why Does Death Occur? 8
Why Is Life Here on Earth? 9
Agenda 10
The Kali Yuga 12
Directing Your Force 13
the master 14
The Disciple 15
The Woman 16
the man 16
Fears and Desires 18
Likes and Dislikes 18
Animals and Ecology 19
Yogic Attitudes 19
How the Master of the White Lodge Are Governing and Directing the Earth's plan 20
Earth's plan 20
How to Becoming Attuned to These Plans 20
Why Western spiritualists Are Confused 21
what we Have to Learn from the Eastern Man and what we are Refusing to Acknowledge 21
How to Conquer the Strife in Our Mind 22
The Ego Nature 22
Intuition 24
the child Consciousness 25
The Necessity for a master 26
Initiation 27
Lila 27
Purgation 28
Fire 28
The Physical Body 29
Healing Force 29
Abandonment 29
The Nature of Brahma 30
The Divine Mother 30
U S A Europe Africa Asia
What Should we Expect? 31
The Illusion maya 33
Gifts from the Divine 33
Spiritual Revolution 34
Perfection on Earth 35
The Supramental Light 35
Sri Aurobindo Raman Maharishi Ananda Devi 36
Premanada, Deva's Role as Initiator 38
Message vs prayers 39
Rituals and Discipline 40
Discipline form the master 41
Destruction of the Old From 42
Lies of the Persons 43
The Spiritual man 43
judgment vs. Hypocrisy 44
Archetypes and the Spiritual man 45
Creating Sacredness in your life 47
Karma Yoga - The art of Service 47
Ancient Techniques for Governing Our Civilization 48
The Psychic and spiritual Realms 49
Divine Wrath 50
Psychological Studies 51
Letting Go - Wu Wei 53
The Importance of Surrender 53
Degrees of Sanity 54
The Western Out look and its
Effect on the World 54
Human and Divine Hearth 55
Challenging Old Beliefs 55
Entering the Light 56
The Energy and Force 57
Changing the West Why? 58
Democracy 60
New Government and leadership 61
Spirituality and Religion 62
Man as the center of the Universe 63
Why Spiritual Must Enter the pragmatic and Rational Fields of society 64
Sacrifice 65
Leadership 65
Living with a master66
Detachment 66
A Kinder Democracy and Capitalism 67
Karma and the Western Denial 68
Heart and the Mind 69
School of Initiation 70
Part II Metaphysical Truths
Premananda Deva' s master, Ananda Devi provokes us to deepen and refine our spiritual inquiry and mastery with her superconscious clarity of discernment she instructs us on how we may live in the truth

Beyond 73
In quest of The Absolute 74
Your Closest Friend 76
True Surrender and our Role as a Divine Instrument 77
The Conscious Being 86
Law of Recurrence 87
Analyzing the Realty of the Ego Nature 88
Contact with the Real 91
Judgment 92
Man and the Sprit of Creation 94
When truth is seen 104
Thinking Right 105
Removing Obstacles 106
The Belief in Meditation 107
Do not set Limits 109
Fire 112
Subliminal consciousness 113
Brahmacharya 114
Establishing a link 116
Chakra Diagram 118
Divine Work 119
Conversation Act of Love 120
A Re- evaluation of the Concept of Freedom 121
World Situation 125
The Collective Unconscious 129
The Divine is Here 131
The True Destiny of man 132
we are all Equal 133
Freedom -In the West 134
East and West 135
America 136
the Junction 139
The Weakness 140
Sri Aurobindo - The spiritual Mission of India in the Spiritual 141
India Yoga and the United states 144
The Individual and the society 148
Part III Vision
Premananda Deva and Lakshmi Devi speak of their own metaphysical experiences and give practical methodologies for the true inner spritiual transformation. By destroying the ego individually and collective, and surrendering to the rightful forces on the Earth, we can turn back the tide of earthy disaster to resplendent Divinity

Transformation 177
Deva and Lakshmi Deliver a Lecture 178
Wondrous one 195
Spiritual Foundation 196
Called Poetry 197
Duty and Right 201
The Shining Ones 201
The Big Dreams 201
The power that Be 202
Lofty Ideas 203
The Two Worlds 204
In the Human World we are Fed
form the Divine 206
What is Yoga 207
Deva and Lakshmi Speak 208
The Inner Self and the Growth of the Ego 217
The Fragility of the Human psyche 221
There Is No Death the child 223
Deva' s Philosophy 224
Daily Methods for Spiritual
Development 225
The Three Types of Selves Natures etc 226
The two Selves 227
Qualities of the Two selves 228
Methods for Detecting and
Conquering the Ego 229
We Can Live In Truth 230
Stilling the Racing Mind 230
The Shiva and kali Force 233
Fire in Ourselves 233
apotheosis 234
To Become Illumined 235
The Mysterious One 236
The Ego and Our Mechanized
Society 237
psychological Viruses 240
The Separation 241
The Addiction Called
Materialism 243
They Walk 244
Western School- An Analysis 245
Unity 246
A society United 247
Taking Man Away from Soul
Discovery 248
Poetry is Love 249
The Forgotten Arts 250
Western Paranoia 251
The Devolution on Westerner 252
The Illusion for the Westerner 254
The American Myth 255
The Dark and Golden Goddesses257
Divine Goddess 259
Woman and Religion 260
Spirituality Sans Religion 262
The Ancient Song 265
Divine Soul 266
The Ancient Originals 267
Original Civilization vs. Western Societies 267
India, Chine and their Relations with the United States 269
Indian's Future is the Future of the World 271
How Can the World's Future Be Linked to India's Future? 273
The New Alliance 279
The New Spiritual Revolution 281
Temple Culture vs. Gadget Culture 281
The Buddha 282
Mother Indian, Soul of the World 283
Standing Buddha 286
Indian's Role in the 21st Century 287
Metaphysical Experiences and the Modern World 290
The Comic Connection 294
Destroy All Ego 295
Part IV New Future Society
The vehicle for these philosophies Here are a series of ideas and commentaries on how to create a blueprint for a more perfect society
New Future Centers 299
preamble 301
Wisdom 302
New Future ideals 303
A Message from the Masters 304
The Dilemma 305
Our Responsibility 306
Science and Its Poisonous Effect on the Human Appreciation of Its Spiritual Heritage 306
Time to Unite 307
Freedom 308
The personable God 309
True Sense of Liberty 310
Stop the Apathy 311
The Remedy 312
Implementation of Plans 314
New Future Plans of Action
Part I: Esoterism 316
Part II: Exoterism 321
Articles form Times of India 333
Express India 334
Brochure 335
Glossary 339
Contact Information
**Sample Pages**

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