This book highlights attainable spiritual virtues in modern times. To give body and force to the narrations on conducted by eminent world scientists and clairvoyants is included instead of abstract reasoning/arguments. The book will fascinate all young or old, Indian or foreigner, Hindu or non-Hindu alike.
Cultural symbols are emblems of divine and human sovereignty over temporal life. A symbol must necessarily suggest more then what in expresses. Every symbol is pragmatic like a tiny seed which proclaims its potentiality of becoming a blooming tree. A careful look at the symbols opens up a vista of knowledge and the success achieved in revealing the mysteries of Nature in Universe.
About the Author
Mr. Shreeniwas was born in pious family at Gwalior on 18th July 1917. In '1949' he joined a British firm as Manager at Delhi. During his stay in Delhi he was elected Director of Rotary when there was only one Rotary Club in New Delhi. In 1966 he became General Manager of Hindusthan Sugar Mills Ltd., the largest sugar producing mill in Asia; and in 1968 he was appointed Chif Executive of Shree Digvijaya Cement co. Ltd. at Bombay.
To be of service to society, become Secretary of Bal Bharti, an institution established for teacher's training and education from Primary upto Post Graduation; Jt. Secretary of Bhartiya Kala Kendra (Now Sir ShreeRam Kalakendra), Vice president of Gandharva Mahavidyalaya, and Lok Kalyan Samity - an institution established by Hon'ble Sucheta Kriplani; All these institutions enjoy international reputation. LKS is devoted to the service and help of slum dwellers and poorer sections of Delhi. LKS owns one of the finest eye care hospital in India. Thus, despite hectic life he devoted time to be of service and help to the weaker sections of society.
This philanthropic experience moved him to read spiritual literature most of which is in Sanskrit or translation thereof in English and other languages, detailing the laudable achievements of Rishis and yogis; but those heights are unattainable by worldly persons, so he contacted enlightened souls to ascertain the metaphysical successes attained by modern Scientists, clairvoyants and Saints. This Authentic collection and compilation illuminates a renaissance in spiritual heritage of aspiring minds to persue Spiritual paths of Sublimation and bliss. To realize HIM is the supreme goal of human existence and that He can be realised though many chosen paths. Vedant teaches good of all. Indian Philosophy reveals process of immediate perception and experience rather than abstract skepticism and arguments. Amen!
They are lucky who take birth in Bharat a land where gods too crave to be born. Our Vedic civilization was the product of the efforts of divine incarnations like Shree Ramachandra Yogeshwar Shree Krishna, omniscient Rishis and sages. The Rishis have said that all shall attain Moksh through evolution with Guru Krupa and soul purification efforts one can accelerate liberation so everyone has to make a start towards this process Initially one receives emotional inspirations from surroundings and readings. After satisfying the intellectual urges one can dive deeper into spiritually under the vibrating guidance of a Siddha Guru who perceives the disciple’s consciousness and devotion not his status.
The word civilization denotes the cumulative spiritual and cultural heritage of a nation or a race in a given era. It reveals the character and conduct of persons and the society of that age. The westerners had developed by far in materialism. After the visit of Swami Vivekananda Swami Prabupad, Swami Muktananda, Shree Pandurang Shastri and his swadhyayee millions a Sanskrati Vistaar had taken roots. Thus civilization and culture are complementary like the skin of mango or the peel of orange. Even the fragrance of those celestial fruits is rich and rejoicing. Similarly intellectual advancement with humility and a dignified living style is the beacon of a progressive civilization.
Through renunciation alone some have attained immortality. There can be no spiritual strength until an individual renounces worldly materialism. Robots behave like human beings without intelligence whereas even a tiny insect behaves intelligently for self preservation. Providence has placed human beings highest on the volutionary scale. Western Scientists thinkers as well as commoners are undergoing a transformation. The knowledge of the basic truths of life will be of use to all persons searching for lasting peace and salvation. The Rishis have charmed and delighted foreigners with clairvoyant visions and perceiving through the cosmos the minutest the distant and the hidden mysteries. This volume is an attempt to present the divine principles and attainments of the Rishis Dependence on legends myths miracles has been avoided. The Rishis were true world leaders and teachers in trigonometry quadratic equations grammar phonetics, science, geomancy and the religion called Dharma.
All civilization have left behind magnificent symbols revealing the supreme heights attained and enjoyed by people living in that era. Distinctive and popular items were chose as symbols of culture. On seeing a symbolic item a vivid picture of that country and era emerges in the mind. Symbols of sovereignty and power over the world’s temporal and spiritual life emlems of divine and human sovereignty a symbol must necessarily suggest more than what it expresses.
From times immemorial Indians have always drawn inspiration form the soil and environment so all our cultural symbols are associated with leaves, fruits, flowers, birds, animals, reptiles etc. All auspicious occasions are celebrated with such symbolic items. To ensure adherence, the Rishis associated symbols with the ceremonies as essential ingredients. Our heritage has a rich inventory of attractive and inspiring symbols. Every symbol is pragmatic like a tiny seed which proclaims its potentiality of becoming a blooming tree. A careful look at the symbols opens up a vista of knowledge and reveals the mysteries of nature in the universe. The beauty and pervasiveness manifests itself in our code of conduct in life.
Intellectual discussions were common, but neither force nor compulsion were the basis of dharma as is reflected in ‘avibhaktam vibhvateshu; (Unity in diversity). The great Rishis — Valmiki, Vashishtha, Vishwamitra, Gautam, Agastya, Sandilya, Bhardwaj, Patanjali and others propagated “tatva-samanvayat” — respect for all religions and for all words of wisdom without any trace of bitterness of fundamentalism. Despite numerous religious discourses amongst our multi-ethnic populace, we had a pluralistic society; preaching and advocating development and progress to attain sublime heights in thoughts and actions. Sacred symbols can be seen in religious rites where they transpose their meaning to a metaphysical sense. Rites possess an efficacy of their own and serve as a means to desired ends. To see in symbols, the influence it embodies, is like looking beyond the letter of any text to discover its spirit. Adherance to its outward form degenerates into superstition. Many holy symbols are unique, without parallel in shape, size, quality and virtue. Rishis had converted abstracts into systematic melodious sounds and different colors were ascribed to supreme or debased aspirations, emotions and sentiments. Idols or structures are picturesque depiction of the visions of their artists so the)’ have inherent limitations because they are the creation of imperfect human beings; whereas symbols are mostly products of nature with inherent beauty, fragrance and expressiveness of praise-worthy sentiments. By them selves, they do not generate disputes of caste, color, or creed. They have universal appeal. Generations of research, experimentation and self-experience with beneficial results enjoyed by the Rishis proclaim that every symbol has miraculous beneficial potency; with proper usage one can enjoy the blessings but its inverse/perverse use can end up in destruction. Different forms of Gods and Goddesses are not mere imitation of different concepts or thoughts; they are symbols of different virtues and powers. For instance, mythology shows Lord Vishnu sleeping on the cosy bed of Sheshnag’s coils for four months, every year. The Gita proclaims that God does not rest even for a blink of the eyes. As such, the restful picture of Lord Vishnu is symbolic of accurate, precise and perfect creation in all functions; that nothing can go wrong even if God goes into deep slumber for months together. Discreet understanding elevates joy in every person. Mathematical explanation of idolic symbols yields sublime appreciation. The Rishis had visualized the omnipotence of gods and goddesses in figurative terms. Brahama is called Chaturanan — four headed to represent four Vedas or four directions East, West, North, South; Lord Shiva is called Trinetra, denoting past, present and future periods of the universe; the four hands of Vishnu symbolise round the clock action to propagate/preserve life; or four objects of life to be attained by every person Dharma (duty), Arth (prosperity), Kama (sex) and Moksh (salvation). Shiva also signifies the Trinity — Sat-Chit-Anand — Truth, Awareness and Bliss. The primordial energy is personified in Ardh-Narishwar-a deity half-male and half-female; which is a symbol of unity and harmony which, with the omnipotency of Adishakti, Lord Shiva destroys evils. To express this supernatural might, Adishakti assumes many forms and functions with four or many mote hands as demanded by the situation.
Lord Shiva is also depicted as Neel-Kantha (God with blue throat) because He alone agreed to drink the deadly poison obtained from ocean churning. The significance of this depiction is that God did not want human beings to become addicts of drugs/poisons/intoxicants; He retained the deadly poison in His throat to reveal that if addictions go to heart, they become deadly; He does not spit out the poison lest it consumes the universe. To emphasize this aspect, Shiva wears a growing moon and cooling ganges on His head signifying balanced living.
Curiosity about the different forms of Gods & Goddesses has a scientific explanation. Every person is enchanted with a particular charming aspect or concept, so in his ecstasy he starts singing the praise of that form, which in terms of musical notes denotes peculiar waves/vibrations; in Music one can create any shape/form of concerned deity as may be conceived for his cherished desire. Thus, Rishis opened all possible avenues to depict sublimation in life and in living style through cultural symbolism.
Idols are conceived in thoughts, then sculptured or cast for impressive reproduction of the virtues visualized in the particular deity. Different colors, armaments, ornaments, decorations and vehicles are used to give depth and meaning, linked with environment, development and progress. Any serious talk about rights is meaningless without the concept of responsibility. Human rights were recognized and respected with developmental efforts and ecology for long term sustainability of a country’s resources, the dictum being — “Every right one has, springs only from a duty fulfilled.”
Vedant discovers the truths of the inner world and synthesizes them with the sciences of the outer world to present a unified vision of total reality, and to impart to human life and character a depth of faith and vision along with breadth of outlook and sympathy. Vedanta does not speak of supernatural revelations. What lies within the sphere of the senses is not the concern of religion because that is the field of the positive sciences.
In recent times in India, it was Swami Vivekananda alone who preached a great message which is not tied to any do’s and don’ts. Addressing the nation he said, “In every one of you is the power of God; The God in the poor desires you to serve Him.” Kazi Nazrul Islam said, “Vivekananda has washed away the stain of separateness of religions and castes by proclaiming from the house-tops, the inherent divinity of man.” This. respect for what is best in man proceeds to deliver man from bondage to the slavish part of himself.
Today, man finds himself deep in a situation where his past glory is unrecoverable, his present uncertain and his future, an interrogation. In human history, man had never experienced so much darkness within him in the light of all-round enlightenment outside of him; so much inner poverty in the context of measureless enrichment and so much loneliness in the midst of an environing crowd. All these facts indicate that the whole world is in the throes of a spiritual revolution. A Vedic prayer echoed these pangs saying:
India’s spiritual heritage has thus become dear to the hearts of all men and women in the East and the West. The true glory of men and women is their inborn divine nature birthless deathless, pure and holy. The world is seeking for precisely this spiritual growth for man it is the only means of breaking through the stagnation which has come upon human mind the only way to creative living and life’s fulfillment.
Vedas (1293)
Upanishads (481)
Puranas (612)
Ramayana (837)
Mahabharata (328)
Dharmasastras (162)
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Shiva (344)
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