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Siddhanta Nidanam: A Text Book of the Etiology, Pathology and Symptomatology (Parts I and II)

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Author: K. R. Srikantha Murthy
Publisher: Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office
Language: Sanskrit Text with English Translation
Edition: 2004
ISBN: 817080132x
Pages: 288
Cover: Hardcover
8.5 inch X 5.5 inch
450 gm
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Book Description
About the Book

The book consists of 930 verses (part I and II together) in sanskrit. It deals with aetiology, symptomatology and diagnosis of common diseases described in ancient texts of Ayurveda together with some new ones prevalent in the present day. Many verses from treatises of Caraka, Susruta, Vagbhata, Kasyapa, Madhavakar etc. have been quoted. Modern information about causes of diseases specially infection by pathogenic micro-organisms have been incorporated. Thus the book is a bold attempt to update the subject. In view of its merits it has been prescribed as a text book for graduate and post-graduate courses in Ayurveda since long.

Considering the popularity and utility of the book Prof. Murthy undertook its translation into English. All the verses have been translated. In the translation of the commentary. Prof. Murthy has included some additional information collected from books of modern medicine in his ‘Notes’ which he feels will be useful. This translation helps the modern students to estimate the depth of scholarship of Kaviraj Gananath Sen and to understand the subject clearly.


This book Siddhanta nidanam describes the causes, symptoms and diagnosis of common diseases according to Ayurveda. It is the work of Kaviraj (Vaidya) Gananatha sen, a towering personality in the field of Ayurveda in the first half of 20th cent A.D.

Kaviraj Gananath Sen was born in 1877. His father Kaviraj Visvanath sen was a great scholar of Ayurveda and an efficient physician of Banaras. Gananatha sen had his education in Ayurveda from his father. He passed M.A. (Sanskrit) of Calcutta University with distinction (1908). He then joined Calcutta Medical College and obtained L.M. & S. in Western medicine, thereby acquiring good knowledge in both ancient and modern medical sciences. He started his clinic-Kalpataru Ayurveda Ausadhyalaya in Calcutta. He became a popular physician very soon and earned good money. He converted his clinic into a hospital with a 50 bed in patient wards (in 1933) and with all necessary aquipments. Next, he established the Visvanath Ayurveda College in memory of his father, maintained it with his own earnings. He bequethed his well equipped hospital for practical training of the students. He was a great scholar in both sanskrit and Ayurveda. The then Govt of India honoured him with the title ‘Maha mahopadhyaya’ (1924). Many prestigious organisations of Sanskrit and Ayurveda have awarded him many titles such as Sarasvati, Vidyasagara, Pranacarya etc. He was elected as President of Akhila Bharat Ayurveda Mahasammelana twice (1911, 1931). His speeches in these and other conferences were authoritive, thought provoking and greatly appreciated by all. He contributed authoritative monographs to reputed periodicals and books. One such monograph on History of Ayurveda is included in the famous book – ‘Cultural heritage of India’. Published by Ramakrishna Mission, Calcutta. Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya invited Gananath sen to establish a Faculty of Ayurveda in Banaras Hindu University and made him its first Dean. Under his able stewardship, the faculty started functioning and an Ayurveda College was established there (1927). He remained as Dean for six years.

Returning to Calcutta, he took up the principalship of Visvanatha Ayurveda College and started teaching Sarira (anatomy and physiology). He felt the need of suitable text books on many subjects and so began writing books.

His first book was Pratyaksa sarira written in Sanskrit prose, describes all the tissues and organ systems both in their structure and functions. He coined many technical terms in Sanskrit and furnished comparative view of knowledge available in ancient books and new knowledge from modern medicine, both blended judiciously. Published in 1924 the book received acelaim from scholars of Ayurveda all over the country and became his Magnum opus. This was followed by two other explanatory texts – Sanjna pancake vimarsa (1931) and Sarira paribhasa (1939).

Siddhanta nidanam, the present book is the fourth from the pen of kaviraj Gananath sen. It was published by him in two parts in 1926 and 1931 respectively. The book consists of 930 verses (part 1 and 2 together) in sanskrit and also a commentary by name “Tatva darsini’ in sanskrit prose by the author himself. It deals with aetiology, symptomatology and diagnosis of common diseases described in ancient texts of Ayurveda together with some new ones prevalent in the present day. Many verses from treatises of Caraka, Susruta, Vagbhatta, Kasyapa, Madhavakara etc. have been quoted. Modern information about causes of diseases specially infection by pathogenic micro-organisms have been incorporated. Thus the book is a bold attempt to update the subject. In view of its merits it has been prescribed as a text book for graduate and post-graduate courses in Ayurveda since long. The author had intended to prepare some more parts but his illness prevented it. He breathed his last in 1945.

Considering the popularity and utility of the book I undertook its translation into English, the medium of present day education in Ayurveda. Like my earlier translations of classical texts, this also remains faithful to the original text. All the verses have been translated. In the translation of the commentary. I have omitted the meaning of some words which are well known, some points of grammer and some verses of texts of Caraka, Susruta which are redundant. However care has been taken that such omissions and deletions do not come in the way of clear understanding of the subject. I have included some additional information collected from books of modern medicine in my ‘Notes’ which I feel will be useful. I consider my labour amply rewarded if this translation helps the modern students to estimate the depth of scholarship of kaviraj Gananath sen and to understand the subject clearly.

I have dedicated this book to my erudite friend Dr. K.G. Desai; a few words about him will be relevant here to know his calibre.

Dr. K. G. Desai was born in 1923 at Hubli in Karnataka. After his matriculation he studies in the Ayurveda College. Hubli itself and obtained D.S.A.C. (Ayurveda Pravina) from Govt. of Bombay. He was appointed as lecturer in his alma mater and gradually rose to the position of the Principal and served for six years (1977-83) and retired in 1984. He improved the college and the attached hospital in all aspects and made it popular, attracting good number of students even paying donation. He proved an efficient teacher who infused interest and confidence in the students. He has deep knowledge of Ayurveda both in theory and practice. He was an examiner for degree course in Ayurveda of Karnataka, Mysore and Bangalore universities, member of Boards of Indian medicine of Karnataka and Maharastra states. He has presented scientific monographs at many National and International conferences of Ayurveda, Traditional medicine, Holistic medicine etc in India and abroad, In 1985 Maharshi Mahesh Yogi selected him to give lectures on Ayurveda and conduct advisory camps at New york and Washington. For this purpose he stayed in U.S.A. for four months, Receiving good opinion about his knowledge and work from the public, he was requested again in 1986 to conduct such camps at Detroit and Los angeles. Maharshi Mahesh yogi was so pleased by his work that he honoured Dr. Desai with the title ‘Piyush Pani’.

Considering his valuable services to Ayurveda Govt. of Karnataka awarded the Dhanvantari Gold Medal to him in 1987.

After retirement from service, he has been actively participating in organisations such as Karnataka Ayurveda Mandal, All India Ayurveda congress, Rastriya Ayurveda Vidyapitha, New Delhi. Red cross (Hubli branch) Managing committee of Ayurveda college Hubli etc.

During his principalship Dr. Desai has done me a great favour by admiting my son to the degree course in his college without accepting donation, thereby keeping me indebted to him for ever.

Dedication of this book to him is just a token of indebtedness to a real friend and reverence to an elder scholar.


IDosa dusyadi nirnaya3
IIVyadhi vijnana (Nidana pancaka)35
IIIVyadhi Pariksa49
IVJvara nidanam53
3Vata Jvara56
4Pitta Jvara56
5Slesma Jvara57
6Dvandva-sannipata jvara57
9Antrika jvara (typhoid fever)66
10Granthika jvara (plague)70
11Slesmika jvara (influenza)73
12Sandhika jvara (rheumatic fever)76
13Svasanaka jvara (pheumonia)79
14Aksepaka jvara (cerebrospinal fever) (meningitis)83
15Brhan Masurika jvara (small pox)87
16Go masurika (cow pox)91
17Laghu masurika (chicken pox)92
18Romantika (measles)94
19Dandaka jvara (dengue)96
20Karnamulaka jvara (mumps)97
21Visama jvara (remittant fever)98
22Santata jvara(malaria fever)102
23Santaka jvara )double quotidian fever)103
24Kala jvara (kala Azar)103
25Anyedyuska - Tritiyaka and Caturthaka jvara104
26Vatabalasaka jvara (nephritic fever)108
27Pralepaka jvara (hectic fever)109
28Slaipadika jvara (filarial fever)110
29Aupadravika jvara111
30Desantariya jvara112
32Moksa dvaividhya119
33Vijvara laksana120
Part II
Chapter V.
1Ahara prayojana125
2Kayagni svarupa127
3Kayagni bheda130
4Dhatvagni svarupa131
5Ajirna roga (indigestion)134
6Atisara (diarrhoea)140
7Pravahika (dysentery)145
8Kalatisara (cholera)150
9Grahani roga (chronic diarrhoea; Duodenal disease)155
Chapter VI.
10Amla pitta (hyper acidity)168
11Sula (colic)173
12Arsas (piles)181
13Gudabhramsa (prolapse of rectum)190
14Bhagandara (fistula-in-ano)190
15Baddha guda-Udavarta (intestinal obstruction)191
Chapter VII.
16Rakta pitta (haemorrhage)194
Chapter VIII.
Chapter IX.
19Meha roga (urinary dyscrasia)221
20Madhumeha (diabetes mallitus)237
21Madhumeha pidaka (corbuncles)245
22Agantu puyameha (gonorrhoea)249
Chapter X.
23Upadamsa (veneral sores)257
24Phiranga roga (syphilis)260
Sample Pages

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