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Selected Ayurvedic Formulations

Author: Dr K. Nishteshwar
Language: English
Edition: 2014
ISBN: 9788176370370
Pages: 250
Cover: Hardcover
9.0 inch x 5.5 inch
410 gm
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Book Description

Ayurvedic Materia Medica contains the drugs belonging to plant, animal and mineral in origin. In addition to the single drug recipes, poly-herbal formulations and herbo-mineral formulations have also been incorporated by various authors who have documented their clinical experience and passed on the knowledge to the generations. The Ayurvedic classics like Charaka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita have mainly mentioned poly- herbal formulations in the management of various diseases. During medieval period with the advent of Rasashastra certain heavy metals and minerals have been incorporated into Ayurvedic therapeutics.

Mercury, the liquid metal which seems to have been originally used in tantric rituals and referred in ayurvedic classics (1000 S.C), came into extensive therapeutic usage during 8th century A.D. With extensive and intensive mercurial operations of nearly ten centuries not yielding any results, gold remaining elusive and immortality only a dream, many of the intermediary products of alchemical process are found to possess medicinal properties. The minerals, metals, alkalies and salts were administered either singly or in combination with vegetable drugs for different diseases. Many a new recipes could thus be formulated appropriate to the disease. All such preparations came to be called as Rasayana. Slowly Rasayana tantra incorporated into Ayurveda and came to enjoy a prestigious place with its shortened name RASASASTRA.

This new change reflected in the literature from 13th century A.D. onwards. Works of post Vagbhata period, reflect this development. The period between 800 and 1110 A.D. described as evolutionary era. During this period good number formulations consisting of metals and minerals have been incorporated into the Ayurvedic therapeutics.

The works like Vrindamadhava, Chakradatta, Gadanigraha, Sarngadhara Samhita, Vangasena, Rasaratna Samucchay a, Rasendra Sara Sangraha compiled during that time incorporated several herbo-rnineral formulations. After 15th century A.D., the works like Bhavaprakasa Samhita, Yoga Ratnakaram, Vaidya Chintamani and Basava Rajeeya have quoted good number of herbo-mineral preparations.

According to the Ayurvedic formulary of India, published by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, it is estimated that there are about 1000 single drugs and about 8000 compound formulations of recognized merit are in vogue in the current clinical practice. The formulations consisting of Kashtaushadhis (herbs) are categorized under different kalpanas namely Kashaya, Phanta, Hima, A valeha, Sandhana, Ghrita, Taiia and Churna etc. The rasaushadhis mainly consist of Kupipakwa and Kharaleeya Rasa yoga. In view of the palatability, lesser dosage, quicker action and longer shelf life, the formulations containing metals and minerals are preferred to pure herbal formulations.

In the ancient times and till recent past, the practicing physician used to process the medicine on his own according to the need and suitability of his patients. In the course of time, with the increasing population and busy life style, physician started depending on pharmaceutical industry for his drug requirement. Even the patient is showing more inclination to obtain the readymade drug from the manufacturer instead of obtaining it from the practicing physician.

In view of the increasing needs of the population and shortage of authentic raw material the government is forced to bring some sort of uniformity in manufacturing of Ayurvedic medicines and evolved statutory control to ensure standards for Ayurvedic drugs. In this book an attempt has been made to compile the authentic information regarding the formulations given in the subjects of Rasashastra and Bhaishajyakalpana (both theory and practical) of C.C.I.M. curriculum along with the most popular, reputed and widely used formulations of Andhra Pradesh Govt. Ayurvedic formulary under three sections.

We hope that this book shall serve the purpose of a ready reckoner and meet the academic needs of students of Ayurveda during their course of study both at under-graduation and Post-graduation level. We also hope this book shall serve as a useful tool to meet the requirement of the practicing physician and as a reference guide for pharmaceutical industry.

We acknowledge M/s Chowkambha Orientalia, Varanasi for publishing this book.




  Section A: Rasa Sastra Yoga  
I Kharaleeya Yoga 1-25
1 Akeeka Pishti 1
2 Ananda Bhairavi Ras 1
3 Brihadvata Chintamani Ras 2
4 Chandanadi Loha 2
5 Chandrakanta Rasa 3
6 Chandramruta Ras 4
7 Chandra Prabha Vati 4
8 Gandhaka Rasayana 6
9 Hinguleswera Ras 6
10 Hridayarnava Ras 7
11 Icchabhedi Ras 7
12 Jahar Mohara Pishti 8
13 J alodarari Ras 8
14 KajjaJi Nirmanam 9
15 Kalamegha Navayasa 9
16 Kasturi Bhairava Ras 10
17 Lokanatha Ras 10
18 Mahalakshrni Vilas Ras 11
19 Naradiyalakshmivilasa Ras 12
20 Kramavriddhi Lakshmivilasa Ras 13
21 Mugdha Ras 14
22 Mukta Pishti Karana 15
23 Navayasa Loha 15
24 Pravala Pishti Karana 15
25 Pravala Panchamrutam 16
26 Punarnava Mandur 17
27 Putapakva Visharna- jwarantaka Loha 18
28 Saptamrita Loha 19
29 Sutasekhara Ras 20
30 Swasakutara Ras 21
31 Tribhuvana Keerti Ras 21
32 Trinakanta Mani Pishti 22
33 Vasanta Kusumakara Ras 22
34 Vasanta.Malati Ras 23
35 Yogendra Ras 24
II Kupipakwa Yoga 26-33
1 Makaradhwaja 26
2 Rasakarpura 27
3 Rasa Karpura-II 28
4 Rasa Pushpa 29
5 Rasa Sindur 29
6 Sameera Pannaga Ras 31
7 Siddha Makaradhwaja 31
8 Swarna Vanga 32
III Parpati Yoga 34-41
1 Bolaparpati 34
2 Lohaparpati 34
3 Panchamruta Parpati 35
4 Rasa Parpati 36
5 Swarna Parpati 37
6 Sweta Parpati 38
7 Tamra Parpati 39
8 Vijaya Parpati 39
9 Vyoma Parpati 40
IV Others 42-49
1 Bhunaga Satwa 42
2 Dhanyabhraka Nirmanam 42
3 Gandhaka Druti 43
4 Hingulottha Parada 44
5 Mayurapuccha Bhasma 45
6 Naga Jarana 45
7 Sankha Dravaka 46
8 Tamra Amritekarana 47
9 Vanga Jarana 47
10 Yasada Jarana 48
11 Yasada Pushpa 49
  Section B: Bhaishajya Kalpana Yoga  
I Kashaya Kalpana 50-57
1 Ardraka Swarasa 50
2 Dhanyakadi Hima 50
3 Kashaya 51
4 Nimba Kalka 51
5 Panchakola Phanta 52
6 Punarnavashtaka Kwatha 52
7 Rasnadi Kwatha 53
8 Rasona Kalka 53
9 Saribadi Hima Kashaya 54
10 Sudarsana Phanta 55
11 Syonaka Putapaka Swarasa 56
12 Tulasi Swarasa 56
13 Vasa Putapaka Swarasa 56
II Sneha Kalpana 58-73
1 Bala Taila 58
2 Bhallataka Taila 59
3 Bramhi Ghrita 59
4 Ghrita Murchana 60
5 Irimedadi Taila 61
6 Jatyadi Ghrita 62
7 Jatyadi Taila 63
8 Ksheera Shatphala Ghrita 64
9 Maha Masha Taila 65
10 Maha Narayana Taila 66
11 Narayana Taila 68
12 Panchaguna Taila 69
13 Sata Dhouta Ghritam 70
14 Shadbindu Taila 70
15 Taila Murchana 71
16 Triphala Ghrita 72
III Sandhana Kalpana 74-82
1 Arjunarishta 74
2 Asokarishta 74
3 Chandanasava 75
4 Dasamularishta 76
5 Draksharishta 79
6 Kumaryasava 80
7 Saraswatharishta 81
IV A valeha Kalpana 83-87
1 Chyavana Prasha 83
2 Kushmandavaleha 84
3 Vasavaleha 85
4 Vyaghri Haritaki Leha 86
V Churna Kalpana 88-90
1 Hingwashtaka Churna 88
2 Lavana Bhaskara Churna 88
3 Sitopaladi Churna 89
4 Talisadi Churna 90
VI Guggulu Kalpana 91-95
1 Kaisora Guggulu 91
2 Simhanada Guggulu 92
3 Triphala Guggulu 93
4 Yogaraja Guggulu 94
VII Gutika Kalpana 96-101
1 Arogyavardhini Vati 96
2 Chitrakadi Vati 96
3 Eladi Vati 97
4 Lavangadi Vati 98
5 Rasonadi Vati 99
6 Sanjivini Vati 99
7 Sankha Vati 100
8 Vyoshadi Vati 101
VIII Lepa Kalpana 102-103
1 Atasee Upanaha 102
2 Dasanga Lepa 102
3 Doshaghna Lapa 103
IX Visishta Kalpana 104-112
1 Anuvasana Vasti 104
2 Apamarga Kshara Taila 104
3 Arsoghna Dhoopa 105
4 Asthapana Vasti 105
5 Chandrodaya Varthi 106
6 Dasanga Dhupa 107
7 Kanjika 107
8 Kanjika-II 108
9 Katphala Nasya 109
10 LakshaRasa 109
11 Nisadi Netrabindu 110
12 Phala Varti 110
13 Picccha Vasti 111
14 Uttara Vasti (Male) 111
15 Uttara Vasti (Female) 112
XI Anya Kalpana 113-139
1 Amruta Satwa 113
2 Apamarga Kshara 113
3 Arjuna Ksheera Paka 115
4 Arka Lavana 115
5 Aushadha Siddha Pramathya 116
6 Aushadha Yusha 116
7 Banapsa Sarkara 117
8 Chandanadi Panaka 117
9 Chincha Panaka 118
10 Gandhaka Malahar 118
11 Garbhapalaras 119
12 Guduchi Ghana (Sam Samani Vati) 120
13 Haridra Khanda 120
14 Hasti Danta Masi 121
15 Hemagarbha Pottali Ras 123
16 Kharjuradi Mantha 123
17 Kumara Kalyana Ras 123
18 Mrutyunjaya Ras 124
19 Musali Pak 125
20 Narikela Khanda 126
21 Narikela Lavana 127
22 Parushaka Sarkara 128
23 Pratapa Lankeswara Ras 129
24 Rajamruganka Ras 130
25 Ramabana Ras 131
26 Rasona Ksheerapaka 132
27 Sarjarasa Maiahara 133
28 Sarva lwarahara Loha 133
29 Shadanga Paneeya 134
30 Snuhi Kshara 135
31 Sowbhagya Sunthi 136
32 Tandulodaka 137
33 Triphala Masi 137
34 Udumbara Ghana Satwa 138
35 Vata Kulantaka Ras 139
  Section C: Anubhuta Yoga  
I Tablets 140-144
1 Asokadi Vati 140
2 Bhallataka Vati 140
3 Hingu Karpuradi Vati 141
4 Jwararnurari Gutika 141
5 Kasturyadi Vati 141
6 Rechaka Vati 142
7 Vatahari Guggulu 143
8 Vikrama Vati 143
9 Vishama Jwarantaka Vati 143
II Avaleha 145-146
1 Aswagandhadi Lehya 145
2 Hingu Triguna Lehya 145
3 Vasakantakari Lehya 146
III Ointments 147-152
1 A valgujadi Lepa 147
2 Chandrakala Lepa 147
3 Doshaghna Lepa 147
4 Hingula Lepa 148
5 Kanaka Lepa 148
6 Krishna Marham 149
7 Rasa Karpura Lepa 149
8 Rasottamadi Lepa 150
9 Rasnadi Lepa 150
10 Sadyovranahara Lepa 150
11 Sinduradi Lepa 151
12 Suradaru Lepa 151
13 TuvarakaLepa 152
14 Twakroganasaka Lepa 152
IV Oils 153-157
1 Bramhadandi Taila 153
2 Charmaroga Nasaka Taila 153
3 Dhatri Taila 154
4 Doorvadi Taila 154
5 Gandhaka Taila 155
6 Karpooradi Tai la 155
7 Nakha Taila 155
8 Vatantaka Taila 156
9 Vrana Sodhana Taila 156
V Liquids 158-160
1 Ardraka Panaka 158
2 Jambeeradi Pan aka 158
3 Karpooradyarka 158
4 Matulunga Rasayana 159
5 Panchatikta Kwatha 159
6 Shankha Dravaka 159
7 Tankana Dravaka 160
8 Triphaladi Kwatha 160
9 Tuttha Dravaka 160
VI Other 161-163
1 Jeevana Dhara 161
2 Lakshadyasav 161
3 Niruha Vasti Kashaya 161
4 Samudraphena Varti 162
5 Sweta Marham 162
6 Netrabindu 163
  Section D: Annexure-I  
  Rasa Sastra 164-178
1 Parada Samskara According to Different Texts 164
2 Methods of Sodhana 165
3 Types of Rasayoga 165
4 Yantra 165
5 Musha 166
6 Puta 167
7 Characters of Putita Bhasma 167
8 Physical Properties of Bhasma 167
9 Colour of Bhasma 169
10 Tests of KajjaJi 170
11 Flame Test for Metals 171
12 Sodhana of Different Rasa Dravya 171
13 Mama of Different Rasa Dravya 174
14 Satwapatana of Different Rasa Dravya 177
I Sodhana 179-196
1 Abhraka Sodhana 179
2 Anjana Sodhana 179
3 Bhanupakam[Loha] 180
4 Gairika Sodhana 180
5 Gandhaka Sodhana 181
6 Godanti Sodhana 181
7 Haritala Sodhana 182
8 Hingula Sodhana 182
9 Karnkshi Sodhana 183
10 Kamsya Sodhana 183
11 Karpura Silajit Sodhana 184
12 Kasisa Sodhana 184
13 Malla Sodhana 185
14 Mandura Sodhana 186
15 Manikya Sodhana 186
16 Mukta Sodhana 187
17 Naga Sodhana 187
18 Parada Samanya Sodhana 188
19 Pittala Sodhana 188
20 Pravala Sodhana 189
21 Sanka Sodhana 189
22 Sijajit Sodhana 190
23 Sthali Paka [Loha] 191
24 Sukti Sodhana 192
25 Swarna Makshika Sodhana 192
26 Tamra Sodhana 193
27 Tuttha Sodhana 193
28 Varatika Sodhana 194
29 Vartaloha Sodhana 194  
30 Vanga Sodhana 195
31 Yasada Sodhana 195
II Marana 197-207
1 Abhraka Marana 197
2 Godanti Marana 197
3 Kasisa Marana 198
4 Mandura Marana 198
5 Manikya Marana 199
6 Mukta Marana 199
7 Naga Marana 200
8 Pravala Marana 201
9 Putapaka 201
10 Sankha Marana 202
11 Sringi Marana 203
12 Sukti Marana 203
13 Swarna Makshika Marana 204
14 Tamra Marana 205
15 Vanga Marana 205
16 Varatika Marana 206
17 Yasada Bhasma 207
  Bhaishajya Kalpana 208-219
  Collection of Drugs 208 208
2 Anukta Dravya Sangraha 209
3 Mana Paribhasha 210
4 Aims of Aushadha KaJpana 212
5 Aushadha Narnakarana 212
6 Saveeryata Avadhi 213
7 Commonly Used Preservatives 215
8 Bheshaja Matra 215
9 Bheshaja Matra Kala 217
10 Bheshaja Prayoga Marga 218
11 Anupana 219
  Sodhana 220-226
1 Ahiphena Sodhana. 220
2 Dattura Sodhana 221
3 Gunja Sodhana 221
4 Guggulu Sodhana 222
5 Hingu Sodhhana 223
6 Jayapala Sodhana 223
7 Kupeelu Sodhana 225
8 Vatsanabha Sodhana 226

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