True to its title the book "Secrets of Saturn" minces no words and has nothing to hide in regard to Saturn, whose secrets it attempts to disclose. Learning about your natal Saturn can be illuminating as well as rewarding, as it offers insights into the areas of life where one is likely to face the most intense internal battles on the way to peace, prosperity and continuous happiness. Saturn, the Celestial Task Master teaches lessons that imply practice of perseverence, humility and undying hope.
Secrets of Saturn, in its 8 chapters unfolds the unfragmented totality of the most maletic yet the most essential component of both cosmic evolution and individual soul's perfection. Both dark and bright sides of Saturn are presented in the book with a view to letting the reader make up his mind to know his or her own self by knowing his or her Saturn, where in what position, in which house and in constellation with which other planets it is posited. This knowledge is likely to empower the reader to find his/her way out, or turn around in life with Saturn.
For the reader whC1virtually nurtures a deep fear or dread in their mind, the book is a companion and guide that may facilitate in coming to terms with Saturn. The book with a set of conceptual clarifications, guidelines and research-based findings with ample case studies demystifies the commonly held mysterious ways of Saturn.
It is not for nothing that amongst the seven chakras in the body Saturn is in command of the Sahsrar (the highest point to which life force or Kundalini can rise in its upward march towards excellence and perfection) and also that of the seven worlds (lokas) Saturn is ascribed 'Bhuva or Preta Lok', therefore symbolically while Saturn may open the flood gate to decay and destruction it may reach one to dizzy heights of achievement also.
The message of the book "Secrets of Saturn” is to test the most detested and place it with dignity at the slot in mind's (soft) warehouse so that the human being can make the most of astrology-a humane science.
Secrets are secrets as long as they are not disclosed or discussed in the public domain and in and through the .process of disclosure or discussion they become knowledge, which is power. We have attempted to share several Secrets of Saturn with a view to create systematic knowledge in predictive astrology about the workings of Saturns.
This exercise of sharing secrets in a systematic way finds its expression and through 8 chapters. The introductory first chapter presents the necessary background in terms of myths and facts related to Saturn. The chapter highlights the cosmic significance of Saturn. Saturn and the Sun are two poles of the function of cosmic evolution representing Prakriti and Purusha. Both dark and bright sides are the necessary warp and woof of the texture of both cosmic and human life. The Sun's gold shines in the presence of Saturn's iron. The chapter sets the tone to grasp the secret or shall we say basic truth that when Saturn inflicts sorrow, sickness, deprivation and death, its aim is to liberate the soul from its worldly moorings and pleasures of flesh.
The second chapter is devoted to Saturn's Period and Directions where periods of Saturn in the twelve signs and their consequences and the special effects of sub-periods under the major period of Saturn as also the 12 states of Saturn like lying, sitting, hands on eyes etc. that give distinct results.
The third chapter is exclusively devoted to the most dreaded curse and adverse period of seven and a half years which severly disciplines out the native and is popularly known as Saadhe Saati that it has three stages and. also that it has recurrence are brought out in limelight and highlighted. In this chapter we share their findings in regard to the formula to determine the onset and span of Saadhe Saati and explain the same with examples. The overall message is-do not be scared of Saadhe Saati, as several effective ways have been suggested to propitiate Saturn.
The fourth chapter is very well timed in the series of chapters and is titled Saturn: The Timer. It contains 12 rules in regard to predicting the exact spell of time interspersed with examples to explain the rules propounded.
The fifth chapter deals with Nadi Principles about Saturn's Transit. The sixth chapter focuses on Birth in the Sun's Dasha with especial treatment to Elevation in Sat~m's Dasha. It is very important to understand the relationship between the Sun's constellation and Saturn's dasa prior to the analysis and interpretation of the horoscope. Of special attraction of events from the horoscopes of such political heavyweits as Jyoti Basu, Bala Saheb Thackery, Ram Vilas Paswan, Abraham Lincoln and Indira Gandhi.
The seventh chapter delves into Saturn Jupiter Nextusand probes into the questions like (1) whether Jupiter in the 5th house gives daughters, (2) fifteen salient features about the relationship between Jupiter and Saturn, one of which categorically holds that the combination of Jupiter and Saturn in the 5th house will give no male child or male children will not survive. Other fourteen observations go to establish well reasoned findings with the help of 18 case studies from actual life.
The eighth and last chapter unravels the different stages of the mysterious Saturn. It goes without saying that a purified mind is the essential condition in developing spiritual quest, in reprogramming life by accepting right kind of values and it is here that Saturn's role as a purifying or cleansing crucible is to be understood. The chapter narrates, among other things, Saturn in both Ascendant and Retrograde profiles, giving a treatment to Saturn pro sited in kendra to the Ascendant as well as a brief discussion on 'the position of Saturn in all the 12 houses. As many as 26 states of the mysterious Saturn are described. The book ends with a note on the various mantras, Vedic, Pauranik and Tantrik with relevant tips on metal and stones benefir.ial, as well as articles that should be donated to appease Saturn.
The book is a sequel to our other books on Saturn viz. "Saturn: The King Maker", "Saturn: Maladies and Remedies" and "Re understanding Saturn". We have attempted to cover, or shall we say uncover, various characteristics, aspects and profiles of this Great Malefic, yet no less Great Benefic Planet which plays a purifying and constructive role both in the cosmic process of evolution and the individual soul's progress towards perfection or moksha.
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