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The Second Coming of Christ (In 2 Volumes): The Resurrection of the Christ Within You: A Revelatory Commentary on The Original Teachings of Jesus

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Author: Paramahansa Yogananda
Publisher: Yogoda Satsanga Society Of India
Language: English
Edition: 2014
ISBN: 9788189955007
Pages: 1675 (30 Color Illustrations)
Cover: Paperback
9.5 Inch X 6.0 Inch
2.15 kg
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Book Description
Back of the Book

In this unprecedented masterwork of inspiration Paramashansa Yogananda takes the reader on a profoundly enriching journey through the four Gospels. Verse by verse he illumines the universal path to oneness with God taught by Jesus to his immediate disciples but obscured through centuries of misinterpretation how to become like Christ how to resurrect the eternal Christ within one’s self.

Never before available in its entirety this landmark work by one of the most revered spiritual teachers of our time transcends divisive sectarianism to reveal a unifying harmony underlying all true religions. A groundbreaking synthesis of East and West it imparts the life transforming realization that each of us can experience for ourselves the promised second coming awakening of the all fulfilling divine consciousness latent within our souls.


In titling this work the second coming of Christ I am not referring to a literal return of Jesus to earth. He came two thousand years ago and after imparting a universal path to God’s kingdom was crucified and resurrected his reappearance to the masses now is not necessary for the fulfillment of his teachings. What is necessary is for the cosmic wisdom and divine perception of Jesus to speak again through each one’s own experience and understanding of the infinite Christ consciousness that was incarnate in Jesus. That will be his true second coming.

There is a distinguishing difference of meaning between Jesus and Christ. His given name was Jesus his honorific title was Christ in his little human body called Jesus was born the vast Christ consciousness the omniscient intelligence of god omnipresent in every part and particle of creation. This consciousness is the only begotten son of god so designated because it is the sole perfect reflection in creation of the transcendental absolute spirit or god the father.

It was of that infinite consciousness replete with the love and bliss of God that Saint John Spoke when he said as many as received him the Christ consciousness to them gave he power to become the sons of god. Thus according to Jesus own teaching as recorded by his most highly advanced apostle johan all souls who become united with Christ consciousness by intuitive self realization are highly called sons of God.

A small cup cannot hold an ocean within itself. Likewise the cup of human consciousness limited by the physical and mental instrumentalities of material perceptions cannot grasp the universal Christ consciousness no matter how desirous one may be of doing so. By the definite science of meditation known for millenniums to the yogis and sages of India and to Jesus any seeker of God can enlarge the caliber of his consciousness to omniscience to receive within himself the universal intelligence of God.

What Jesus gave as chronicled in the new testament of the bible very few people understand. They just read what he said and quote it and because it is written in the biblical scripture they believe it blindly with little effort to realize the wisdom therein through personal experience. Realization is to attune one’s consciousness with Christ then the right comprehension will come. When persons try to deduce the meaning of Jesus words by intellectual analysis alone or from the perspective of a specific dogma they inevitably distort his sayings to suit their purpose however well intentioned or to comfortably accommodate their level of understanding Christ wisdom has to be grasped by communion not by rationalization.

The only reliable standard of scriptural interpretation is the testimony of actual perception to go into that state of consciousness in which the prophets perceived the truth they expounded and thereby witness the meaning they intended. The words of Jesus fully unfold their wisdom only to those who meditate deeply on the Christ consciousness that Jesus possessed. Then one understands Jesus in the light of his spiritual experience of the cosmic consciousness of the heavenly father, realized through the father’s Christ intelligence reflection present in all creation.

The detailed knowledge of the heavens as discover by great astronomers through study and the use of training and equipment. Likewise what enlightened sagas know about truth and spirit through the clarifying telescope of their intuition can be know by ordinary individuals only when they have similarly extended their vision by the use of their inner telescopic intuition erstwhile hidden in the chamber of their souls.

Christ did not go through the sublime drama of his life merely to provide sermon material for generations of preachers and their Sunday audiences. He lived, died, and was gloriously resurrected as an inspiration to others to live a divine life and attain in themselves his experiences of God and the afterlife.

Jesus Christ was crucified once; but his teachings are crucified daily at the hands of superstition, dogmatism, and pedantic theological misinterpretations. My aim in offering to the world this spiritual interpretation of his words is to show how the Christ Consciousness of Jesus, free from such crucifixion, can be brought back a second time into the souls of all who make the effort to receive it. Surely, with the dawn of this more enlightened age, the time has come to stop the crucifixion of the Christ teachings as given by Jesus. His pristine message should be resurrected from its entombment by Self-realization, the inner enlightened experience of truth.

In these pages I offer to the world an intuitionally perceived spiritual interpretation of the words spoken by Jesus, truths received through actual communion with Christ Consciousness. They will be found to be universally true if they are studied conscientiously and meditated upon with soul awakened intuitive perception. They reveal the perfect unity that exists among the revelations of the Christian Bible, the Bhagavad Gita of India, and all other time-tested true scriptures.

The saviors of the world do not come to foster inimical doctrinal divisions; their teachings should not be used toward that end. It is something of a misnomer even to refer to the New Testament as the “Christian” Bible, for it does not belong exclusively to any one sect. Truth is meant for the blessing and upliftment of the entire human race. As the Christ Consciousness is universal, so does Jesus Christ be long to all.

Though I emphasize the message of Lord Jesus in the New Testament and the yoga science of God-union delineated by Bhagavan Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita as the summum bonum of the way to God-realization, I honour the diverse expressions of truth flowing from the One identical in the Hindu God through the scriptures of His various emissaries. All such scriptures have a threefold meaning —material, mental, and spiritual. They are divine wells of “living waters that can quench humanity’s thirsts of body, mind, and soul. The timeless revelations sent by God through illumined prophets serve human beings on each of the three levels of their nature.

The material meaning of the teachings of Christ emphasizes their value as applied to physical and social well-being—the eternal laws of right living pertinent to man’s personal, familial, business, community, national, and international duties as a member of God’s worldwide human family.

The mental interpretation explains the application of Christ’s teaching for the improvement of man’s mind and understanding—development of his intellectual and psychological faculties, his thoughts and moral values.

Interpreted in relation to the spiritual side of man’s being, Jesus’ teachings point out the way to the kingdom of God—personal realization of each soul’s infinite divine potentials as an immortal child of God, through devout communion and ultimate oneness with the Heavenly Father-Creator of all.

Although both the material and the psychological interpretations of scriptures are necessary for the right conduct of a balanced, God- centered life, it is the spiritual interpretations that the God-sent emissaries of scriptural content intended as of supreme importance. Even the most materially or intellectually accomplished individual may fail to make a true success of life. Rather, it is the person of spiritual attainment who scientifically achieves all-round success, which means to be happy, healthy, intelligent, contented, and truly prosperous with blissful, all-fulfilling wisdom through God-communion.

The Bible and the Bhagavad Gita are satisfyingly complete, containing the science of life, the eternal principles of truth and philosophy of living that make life beautiful and harmonious. Philosophy is the love of wisdom; religion, as taught by the scriptural prophets, is likewise devotion to highest truth. The personal realization of truth is the science behind all sciences. But for most persons, religion has devolved to a matter of belief only. One believes in Catholicism, another believes in some Protestant denomination, others assert belief that the Jewish or Hindu or Muslim or Buddhist religion is the true way. The science of religion identifies the universal truths common to all—the basis of religion—and teaches how by their practical application persons can build their lives according to the Divine Plan. India’s teaching of Raja Yoga, the “royal” science of the soul, supersedes the orthodoxy of religion by setting forth systematically the practice of those method that are universally necessary for the perfection of every individual regardless of race or creed.

Contents to the First Volume

List of Illustrations xi
Preface, by Sri Sri Daya Mataxiii
Introduction xxi
1Divine Incarnations God’s Emissaries1
2Jesus Immaculate Conception and his relationship with John the Baptist33
3The Birth of Jesus and Adoration of the Three wise men 51
4The Infancy and Youth of Jesus63
5The Unknown years of Jesus life sojourn in India 79
6The Baptism of Jesus95
7The Role of Satan in God’s Creation 127
8Jesus temptation in the wilderness155
9Jesus Meets His First disciples181
10Hereafter ye Shall see heaven open Jesus discourse to nathanael195
11Water Into Wine: This beginning of Miracles213
12Driving the money changers out of the temple 225
13The Second Birth of Man in Spirit 237
14The Ascension of Man lifting up the serpent in the wilderness255
15God’s love gave to the world his only begotten son271
16Rejoicing in the Voice of the bridegroom 285
17The Divine of Samaria293
18Worship God in Spirit and in Truth 303
19My Meat is to do the will of him that sent me 313
20Thy son liveth the healing power of thought transformation 329
21What things the father doeth these also doeth the sone likewise341
22Repent ye and believe the Gospel 371
23Fishers of Men 381
24Casting out Devils393
25Healing the sick409
26The Beatitudes 431
27To Fulfill the law 453
28The Lord’s prayer Jesus teaches his followers how to pray the sermon on the mount485
29Seek ye First the Kingdom of God and his righteousness 513
30To Build the house of life upon the rock of wisdom 531
31Why Jesus Mixed with Publicans and sinners559
32the Sabbath was made for man and not man for the sabbath573
33Ordination of the twelve apostles and sermon ont eh plain 595
34Jesus Cites his wondrous works in testimony to john the Baptist and extols John’s greatness 615
35The Forgiveness of sins 643
36What is Blasphemy against the holy ghost?665
37And he spake many things unto them in Parables 685
38thy faith hath made thee whole 715
39A Prophet hath no honor in his own country737
40Jesus counsel to Ministers of God’s word Part I751
41Jesus Counsel to Ministers of God’s Part II775
Contents to the Second Volume

42Jesus performs the miracle of the loaves and the fishes and walks on the sea of Galilee 807
43The True Bread of life827
44The Signs of the times 847
45Peter’s inspired recognition of the Christ 873
46if ye have faith nothing shall be impossible unto you 891
47The Greatest in the Kingdom of heaven humble servants of all 907
48If thy hand or thy foot offend thee cut them off 923
49Follow me further counsel from Jesus on inner and Out renunciation 941
50Never man spake like this man 959
51I am the light of the world before Abraham was I am 977
52I am the door I am the good shepherd 999
53Fulfilling the two greatest commandments 1023
54An Esoteric perspective on the Lord’s Prayer1045
55Jesus condems hypocrisy and self serving judgement in religion and law1061
56God Realization the Heavenly treasure of individuals and nations1079
57Will Few or the many find salvation 1101
58Jesus parables on humility and discipleship 1119
59Ye Cannot Serve God and Mammon 1139
60I am the resurrection and the life1155
61The kingdom of god is within you1173
62Jesus Speaks of Soul Union as the Original Purpose of Marriage1193
63Exchanging temporal wealth for the riches of god’s kingdom1219
64The Triumphal entry into Jerusalem1249
65Jesus teaches in the temple at Jerusalem for the last time 1263
66The hour is come that the son of Man should be glorified 1283
67Did Jesus prophesy his second coming and the end of the world 1295
68What Jesus Mean by Everlasting Punishment 1325
69This do in Remembrance of me 1337
70Love one another as I have loved you 1359
71abide in me continue ye in my love1389
72Father I have finished the work which thous gavest me to do 1419
73Jesus agony in the garden of gethsemane and his arrest 1435
74The crucifixion 1461
75Lo I am with you always 1493
Inspirational readings for the true worship of Christ 1527
Part I, Christmas
Part II, Easter
About the author 1566
Aims and ideals of Yogoda satsanga society 1570
Yogoda satsanga society publications and lessons 1571
New Testament times 1597
Index of Gospel verses in commentary 1599
Index of other bible verse cited 1602
Index of Bhagavad gita verses cited 1605
General Index1607
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