Everything has originated from the God and would return back to Him. The God resides in the heart of all the creatures in the form of the soul. One, who considers the soul and the God to be even slightly different, faces the supreme threat of death. The soul, thus, is qualitatively the same, as the Supreme Soul and its true nature is eternal bliss. What we call as the life is only the span between the birth and the death of the material body. The human body comprises of three bodies, namely the physical or the gross body, the mental or the subtle body, and the soul or the casual body. What is known as the birth is the combining of the gross and the subtle body the death is their separation, both of which are governed by the casual body. The casual body is the treasure house of all actions. When one has to bear the fruit of his actions, the subtle body combines with an appropriate gross body, which is suitable to bear the fruits of all actions. Action, bondage and liberation, all lie in the mental body. Mind is the ruler, which rules over both the physical body and the soul. The soul has forgotten its true nature and identifies itself with the body and the mind, due to association with the false ego. The path of self-realization is reversing this journey from the body and the mind to the soul. Various people have called this journey by different names. Some call it awaking of Kundalini, while some others call it 'Yoga' or Chakra Vidya and so on. This book describes the process of creation from the philosophical point of view but based on scientific explanation. It mentions how the science, religion and spirituality are the different facets of the same Truth. The soul pervades every cell of the body but while descending in the human body it rested at some major stations, known as spiritual centers of energy or the Chakras. The book discusses various spiritual practices adopted by seekers to realize the Truth, with reference to these chakras and in terms of Surat and Shabda. It establishes supremacy of love, which leaves no duality between the lover and the beloved.
This is the fourth book of the author, Shri R.K. Gupta, published by BRPC. The earlier books are 'Yogis in Silence', 'Sufism Beyond Religion' and 'Prem Pravartak Sufi' (in Hindi). The author is a disciple of Param Sant Thakur Ram Singhji of Jagatpura, Manoharpuria, Jaipur, a great Sufi Master of his time. Thakur Ram Singhji was a living scripture, whose life left a deep impression on all those, who had an opportunity to spend some time at his lotus feet. A man of few words, Thakur Ram Singhji used to melt the heart of the seekers, by a mere sight, which is the specialty of the Naqshbandi Sufis. They transmit the spiritual vitality from heart-to-heart. The author is one of such fortunate persons, who received his grace. Later, authors' father Dr. Chandra Gupta and his brother Shri Krishna Kumar Gupta, who were also Masters of the Naqshbandi Order, guided him on the path. Sufis have assimilated in them the ideals of humanity and for them realization of Truth is the superior most goal for the man, rather than engaging in religious fervor. The author got opportunity to spend time with many saints and the essence of their teachings is reflected in his book.
The humanity has been making great efforts to acquire knowledge in order that it may lead a more comfortable and happier life, but it has not been able to find a way to eternal happiness. Science has proved itself a double-edged weapon. The wicked mind of man has often crossed all limits of brutality to satisfy its lust for power. The man exists in the universe as the king of all creatures, because of his superior intellect and superior physical instrument (his body). It is up to him either to improve upon himself and acquire divinity or to degrade himself to the level of beasts. Although a king, the existence of man in the universe is like a tiny particle but his ego knows no end. His quest for more and more knowledge also is unending, especially in the fields of science, religion and spirituality, which not only govern his existence, but can lead him to the state of eternal bliss. Science, religion and spirituality are not contradictory, as is the common belief but these are complimentary, being the different facets of the same Truth. While the science relates to the knowledge that can be perceived through senses and subjected to rational scrutiny, religion relates to training of mind (to exercise control over faculties of mind) in order that it may acquire capability of perceiving the knowledge of higher levels of Truth. Spirituality on the other hand is dwelling in the domain of Truth. To realise the Truth, however, one needs to learn through his own experience, practice and participation. Different people have followed different paths and in their own way they have had the glimpse of the Truth. The sages and seers have followed the path of inner journey and have described their experiences, often in metaphorical words. Essentially they have talked about the nature of the world and the way to liberation and self realisation. An attempt has been made in the present book to explain this ancient knowledge in a simple manner relying upon the Holy Scriptures like Srimad bhagwat Gita, Srimadbhagwat Mahapuran, the Bible and the Qur'an and many other sources. Essentially all of them talk of the same Reality but the way of expression to some extent differs. They have talked about the creation of the world starting from the point when the Truth alone existed and how gradually the creatures originated. All of them agree on the superior most status having been conferred on the man and the man alone having been given the capability of realising the Truth and regaining his original status. The man has been cast in the Image of the God and He has breathed His spirit in the man. The soul, however, lost its original luminosity by identifying itself with the body and mind due to false association with the ego. In this world of multiplicity, the mind assumes the role of the ruler and governs both the body and the soul. It is the mind that experiences the bondage or liberation. Action is the law of manifestation of life and because of ego the man thinks himself to be the doer and thus binds himself to the action. From time immemorial, man has been searching for ways to realise the Truth. Various religions have prescribed different practices and methods to realise the Truth. Every religion claims its superiority over others. It is, however, to be understood that religions act like gates to lead to the Truth, but the Truth is one. Men are unique; their requirements and their state of evolution are different. Different religions are thus meant only to cater to these different needs. Often, however, the outer form of religion alone makes most people satisfied and they forget about their ultimate quest, the Truth. The soul has descended in the human aggregate and it pervades every cell of the human body. The possible ways of realising the Truth are, therefore, innumerable. Over the ages, prophets and saints have evolved newer and simpler methods looking to the limitations of time and effort on the part of seekers. 'Kundalini yoga' or the awakening of 'Kundalini' has become a popular catchword for luring unsuspecting seekers. They are taught some breathing and other exercises and at times they also acquire some miraculous powers. But the aim of spiritual seekers is to realise the Truth. One, therefore, needs to be careful not to waste his life in pursuing miraculous powers, or in gaining command over some postures. In India the science of activating and awakening spiritual Chakras is related to the Nath Sampdray, but this is an ancient science, which finds mention in the Srimadbhagwat Mahapuran as well. Sant Kabir has talked of spiritual Chakras in great detail and given their vivid description. The Sufi saints, especially the Naqshbandi Sufis, who are considered highly advanced amongst the Sufis, have greatly developed this science and have ascribed greater roles to the spiritual Masters to help the seekers in acquiring higher spiritual states in the least time.
**Contents and Sample Pages**
Hindu (1766)
Philosophers (2385)
Aesthetics (327)
Comparative (69)
Dictionary (12)
Ethics (41)
Language (369)
Logic (74)
Mimamsa (57)
Nyaya (141)
Psychology (427)
Samkhya (65)
Shaivism (61)
Shankaracharya (236)
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