This monograph entitled SamskritaVijnaVaibhavam is aimed at presenting the rich knowledge base of physical and social sciences that exists in the vast traditional Sanskrit literature. The different essays included in this volume bring out select aspects of the modern science subjects which are dealt with in the Sanskrit literature. Our endeavour, to demonstrate that the profound wisdom contained in the Sanskrit literature has great relevance to the contemporary challenges of scientific search and analysis.
I would like to mention at the outset that the inspiration for bringing out a monograph series on Sanskrit and Science was essentially drawn from the various insightful speeches delivered by Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi Ji, Hon'ble Minister of Human Resource Development in the different for a Sanskrit institutions. Dr. Joshi Ji has been advocating that we should bring out closer linkages between the knowledge-base contained in the Sanskrit literature on the one hand, and the perception of the physical and social sciences of contemporary vintage, on the other. The Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetaha, Tirupati, is grateful to Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi Ji for his kind consent to be as Chief Patron for this monograph series and would like to express its deep sense of gratitude and Pranams to Dr. Joshi Ji. This initiative of the Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha in bringing this monograph series is indeed commendable. I would like to compliment Professor D. Prahaladacharya, Vice-Chancellor of the Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, Tirupati for taking this new initiative for bridging the gap between the Sanskrit world and the modern scientific world today. I would like to commend that the Vidyapeetha should continue to bring out this monograph series on Sanskrit and Science on a regular basic. It would be useful if the monograph programme is converted into a Journal on Sanskrit and Science so that we can have a wider readership of this important subject.
We hope that this publication would be found useful by the students, teachers and researchers in the field of Sanskrit and Science.
The Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, Tirupati was established by the Government of India with the objective of promoting the studies of Shastras as well as research and preservation and propagation of Sanskrit language, literature and philosophy. It has launched a number of programmes and activities for realizing its objectives in the most effective manner. The Vidyapeetha has brought out a large number of publications dealing with diverse themes such as Vedas, Agamas, Nyaya, Chandas, Mimamsa, Vedanta etc.
In the 5th Convocation of the Vidyapeetha held on 29th April, 2001, it broughtout a volume called SamskritaVijnanaVaibhavam presenting the rich knowledge base of physical and social sciences that exists in the precious ancient Sanskrit literature, for the benefit of society. A digest on Sanskrit Science Exhibition was also published by the Vidyapeetha as a source book on the exhibition organized during the same convocation highlighting various scientific aspects contained in Sanskrit literature.
Our endeavour is to demonstrate that the profound wisdom contained in Sanskrit literature has great relevance to the contemporary challenges of scientific research and analysis. We hope that closer linkages between these two horizons of Sanskrit literature and perception of the physical and social Sciences would ultimately benefit society as many scholars, scientists including social scientists and experts in medicine have been expressing the view.
We are pleased to place in the hands of our readers this fourth issues of the Samskrita Vijnanam consisting valuable, thought provoking articles written by experts in different branches of science also having profound background of Sanskrit learning.
We are highly grateful to Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi Ji, Hon'ble Minister for Human Resource Development and Science and Technology, Govt. of India who has kindly consented to be the patron for SamskritaVijnanaVaibhavam the Sanskrit - Science Series.
The Vidyapeetha is highly grateful to Dr. V.R. Panchamukhi. Hon'ble Chancellor of the Vidyapeetha for his constant encouragement to bring out the publication of this kind.
We are immensely thankful to Dr. Sureshwara Sharma, the editor of Vigyan Bharati Pradeepika for permitting us to republish some of the articles published in the their magazine. We are also thankful to other scholars and scientists who have enriched this volume with their learned articles. We are sure this venture will be welcomed by all.
About Sanskrit-Science Series
All the regions of human society beyond geographical limitations accept that Sanskrit is the main spring of a grand series of scientific disciplines in the ancient world and in the Indian peninsular. The disciplines like Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Metallurgy, Meterology, Management etc., have their clean traces back in the ancient Sanskrit literature. Hence emerged the new branch "Sanskrit-Science" with millennia's strength as a result of the uncessant efforts of modern knowledge seekers all over the world.
Knowledge of Sanskrit and perceptive analysis of scientific knowledge base presented by our Rishis and perceptive thinkers would be of great help in getting a good insight into our rich scientific heritage.
It is the responsibility of our institutions to arouse the interest of younger generations in Sanskrit by unraveling the profound scientific wisdom that is contained in the Sanskrit literature by demonstrating its glory and relevance to the modern world.
It is with this objective in view the Sanskrit-Science Study Centre of Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha has taken initiative to launch a series of publication of small booklets which would cover a wide canvass of foresaid disciplines of Sanskrit-Science.
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