'Samrajyalakshmi Pithika ' may be described as an Emperor's Mannual, It is a part of Tantra Literature. The popular notion that Tantras or Agamas, and Purana deal only with details of worship and mystical storiea, is highly erroneous and the sooner it is corrected the better. The Agamas in fact are the moat fruitful source of treatises on all our arts and sciences, and the accounts in the Agamas are generally more comprehensive than in professed treatises on the subject. Musie and Medicine, Art and Architecture, Statecraft and military Science, Chemistry and Psychology, and the much vilifed subject of Alchemy which however has now been recognised as an atomic phenomenon, all these are treated fully and clearly in Agamas. A large volume on Alchemy named ANANDAKANDAM which has been printed by us and which is fuller and clearer than any other printed book or manuscript on the subject, is a part of Maha Siva Tantra The Purana also contain all these subject in a more scattered form. It may be news to some that Aagni purana is an Encyclopaedia of our culture an otherwise called “Vidya-Sara” or-Essence of Culture.
Adult education which has recently received so much of attention at the hands of our Government is nothing new to our country and the Agamas add Purana regularly read and interpreted in public place., imparted the fullest knowledge on all subject of cultural value to all and sundry without the aid of literacy. That is why an unlettered Indian is often more cultured than his lettered brother in other countereis.
This book contains a detailed account of all the subjects that a prince has to learn for discharging h duties as a king in later life. The daily routine of the Head of a State for self-culture and successful administration of the country is fully dealt with. The propitiation of deities for his own good and the good of the people takes the first place in this book and it is but natural that in a country like ours where nothing begun without performing VIGHNESWARA PUJA for its successful fulfilment prayer and worship are considered as of prime importance.
The work is written in simple Sanskrit and anyone who knows the rudiments of the language can easily follow the book and enjoy the flowing verses that ma study a pleasure.
The book has been carefully edited by Sri K.Vasudeva Sastri B.A.,Research Pandit of this Library Sri K S. SubraI1lania Sastri, Sanskrit Pandit of our Library A learned Introduction in Sanskrit has been contributed by Vedanta Siromani Sri N. V. Venkatasubramania Sastri Sanskrit Pandit of our Library.
Our thanks are due to these learned scholars for their valuable services.
We ore thankful to the Government of Madras for their timely grants which have enabled us to publish this and other valuable manuscripts of this Library.
Samrajyalakshmi Peethika is a Manual for the welfare of the State and has to be studied and practised by all Heads of State and State Departments. It describes in detail, the working of each department of state and gives useful advice for its proper administration.
The propitiation of various forms of God head by Vedic rites and Tantric rites is also recommended as a valuable aid in warding off unforeseen obstacles and enemies, and securing the desired object. Prayer and offerings to God and the blessed ones, are universal practices recommended by all religions of the world. Each religion has its own peculiar mode of invoking His Grace. Temples, Deities, Mantras, Japa and Homa are the modes that have been in vogue in our country from time immemorial. It is not possible for a person belonging to one religion and accustomed to a particular religious practice" to understand fully and appreciate the virtue of the practices" of another religion in creating the devotional temper and securing the Grace of Providence. The impact of people belonging to more religions than one as invaders and conquerors in our country and the habit of aping the fashions of the ruling class which is a common human weakness, have done not a little to disturb the deep faith and whole-hearted devotion to these religious practices in our land. The wave of short-sighted rationalism and triumph of material science which have done a lot of mischief in practically destroying religious life of the West, have also extended their influence over the minds of the educated Indian whose system of education has been fashioned along western lines. A very deep study of our religious' books is necessary for an Indian of to-day to get back even a fraction of the faith of his fore-fathers. In such an atmosphere, the recommendation of Mantrajapas has to be strengthened by a special appeal and explanation.
The purpose of every mantra and its repetition is for the person to transform himself in his own mind into the Daily itself with all the powers and glory, human mind is capable of miracles which modern science has yet to understand, All the powers of mind have been fully investigated and realized by experience by our seers, and we have a complete manual on the powers of e human mind have Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. It is in fact the higher psychology by which the scientist can perfect the most important instrument, namely, the instrument of perception and understanding. 'Mind moves matter' is a well known axiom. A well developed mind has a mastery over men and things which is exemplified by the commanding personality of great men. The mantras do no less but more than what a developed personality can do by his moral force.
The various practices connected with Mantrajapa and Homa, that are recommended in the first 30 out of the 139 chapters of this look, have only to be read without prejudice, for anyone to realize the powerful per personality that tone is likely to developed by those practices, for getting over al obstacles and realizing every desired object.
The Deity representing the power and glory of the Stat is named Samrajyalakshmi. The first 5 chapters deal with the description of her glorious abode and her retinue The next 4 chapters describe the method of japa an homa, that is, the repetition of the mantra and giving offerings in her name in sacrificial fire, and aid to devotion and contemplation.
The next 18 chapters describe the special worship an practices for getting over calamities in the country like famine epidemics, and invasion. The next two chapter deal with the regular seasonal and annual festival in honour of the deity. The 30th chapter is very useful an gives valuable information regarding the use of particular mantras, and invocation 0 particular deities, for particular in view.
From chapter 31 onwards begins a detailed description of the various departments of state. Chapter 31 to 38 deal with the planning and construction of the fort. The selection of the site is first dealt with. The hill fort is given the first place. 8 kinds of fort on the hill in different shapes are recommended, and 8 other shapes which have to be avoided are also stated. Next to the hill 7 other sites surrounded by natural defences like water, mire forest and thick population are then enumerated. The inner and the outer ramparts and their defences are dealt with, in the next 3 chapters. The planning of the capital city with: quarters for all departments, and men following different. professions, in chapter 39 will richly repay perusal by the modern town-planning architect. The next two chapters deal with the construction of the king's palace and its adjuncts. Chapters 43 to 55 describe the coronation hall, the throne, the deities about the hall and the coronation ceremony. The observance of the coronation anniversary and the repetition of the same ceremony after a victory or annexation-is dealt with, in the next 2 chapters. The state entry of the Emperor with the 72 groups of retinue is described in the next 3 chapters, as also the 64 arts of skill a king and every polished man has to acquaint himself with.
The next 17 chapters deal with the qualities that should adorn an Emperor and an Empress, and the details of daily routine of duties and diversions fit for them. This part contains valuable hints about the constitution of the several departments of the state. The new-year function is next described, and then the seasonal festivals of Rama navami, Krishnajayanti, Navaratri, Deepavali, Holika etc. These occupy 41 chapters.
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