Sri Krsna says that he cannot be attained without Bhakti Sri Caitanya and his followers explain and emphasise that he connote be attained without pure Bhakti Many do not understand what pure Bhakti really means each of the twenty five biographies included in this book is the biography of a saint who realized krsna by pursuing the path of pure Bhakti as preached by Sri caitanya.Each therefore. Stands like a light post on the path of Bhakti to enable us to walk on it without losing the track and without falling or faltering until we attain krsna.
O.B.L kapoor Born 1909 Dr. O.B.L kapoor strong leanings towards the Advaitic philosophy of Sanskara in August 1931. When he was working as a research scholar in the University of Allahabad he met his guru Sri Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Gosvami Prabhupada who pulled him out of his Advaitic Morrings and initiated him into Bhakti. On his advice and under his close supervision he wrote a thesis on the philosophy of Sri Caitanya. The thesis was approved by the Allahabad University for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Dr. Kapoor has the unique distinction of being the first Doctor of philosophy of this prestigious university.
He Worked as Research fellow at the Indian Institute of philosophy D. Litt Scholor University of Allahabad and professor and head of the department of philosophy B.R College; Agra till 1952 after which he joined U’P educational service Class I and worked as professor and head of the department of Philosophy at the K.N Govt. College Gyanpur (varansi) and Principal Govt College Rampur till his retirement in 1967 Since he has been living in vrndavana and writing books and articles in Hindi and English on topic relating to Bhakti. He has written more then 30 books and large number of articles published in different journals His writing have been widely appreciated.
Bhagavan is independent and self-willed. No one can attain Him without His mercy. But He is bound to be merciful to His devotees. He is perfect self- sufficient and self-contented. But He always yearns for the offerings lovingly made by His devotees. He is just fair and impartial to everyone. But He is always partial to His devotees. There is nothing right or wrong, moral or immoral that He cannot do for His devotees. He attracts everyone, but is attracted by Bhakti in the heart of His devotees. Therefore the sruti says bhektiveseh puruseb bhaktireva bhuyasi Bhakti subjugates Bhaqavan. Bhakti alone is great. To attain Bhakti is to attain Bhagavan.
But how to attain Bhakti Srtmed Bhagavatam says it can be attained by listening to the life-stories of the Bhaktas, who have made Bhagavan captive in their hearts by their Bhakti
This book presents to the reader the life-stories of twenty-five such devotees. They lived in Bengal during the past about two hundred years and pursued the line of Bhakti preached by Sri Caitanya.
The material for these biographies is drawn from extensive biography cal literature relating to them in Bengali: One of the most important and authoritative sources is Geudtve veisneve Jivene. Vol II, written by Sri Haridasa Dasa. who was himself a Siddha Gaudiva saint and a scholar of repute. He has in this work provided valuable first-hand information regarding most of the saints, whose biographies are included in this book. Independent books providing detailed information regarding some of these saints are also available, as for example the following.
1. Bendhultlii-teretiqini. Biography of Prabhu Jagadbandhu in ten volumes by Sri Gopibandhu Dasa 2. Sri Sedqurusenqe, Reminiscences of Vijaya Krsna Gosvami in five volumes by Sri Kulada Brahmacari., 3. Vijaya Krsns-jiven», Life of Vijaya Krsna by Sri Jagadbandhu Maitra. 4. Balaka Vijaya Krsne, by Sri Sitanatha Gosvami. 5. Cerits-Sudbe. biography of Sri Radharamaoa Carana Dasa Deva in six volumes. 6. Sri Sri PralJagopala Gosviimi Prebbupeds. by Madana Gopala Gosvami. 7. Sri Sri Prabhupada Pranagopala Gosvami Jenmesetebdi-smerika. 8. Sri Sri Vijaya Krsne Gosvami Parijana, by Durqescandra Bandopadyaya containing the biography of Sri Yogamaya Thakuran 9. Sri Sri Ma 0 Septesedtuka by Svarnl Tejananda. containing the biography of Sri Laksmi Mani> 10. Jivana Gatha. autobiography of Ma Mani. 11. Vrndavana-lila, Ma Mani's own description of the Vrndavana-lila experienced by her. I am deeply indebted to my friend Sri Badrinaravana Bhagavata Bhusana. the Founder acarya of Sri Caitanya Bhakti Haksaka Mandapa for kindly publishing this work and my other books, which he has already published. I must also express my indebtedness to Srimati Gaura Purnima Devi for kindly composing the work on the computer. and to my friend Sri Radharama Sadhu for checking the composition. supplying diacritics. de- signing the cover and the general layout of the book and supervising printing. as also for the service rendered by him in connection with the publication and distribution of my other books. I must also thank my God-brother Sri Brajagopala Dasa Agrawal for meticulously reading the proof.
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