No tattva is higher than Gurudev, no tapah is greater than Gurudev, no knowledge is present beyond Gurudev. We bow and pay homage at the lotus feet of Sri Gurudev whose all embracing hand pours compassion on one and all. When Brahma desired to be many and entered the domain of lila or divine play, He being originally infinite and attributeless, voluntarily assumed the finite form of jiva with attributes. This truth is upheld in the Vedic axiom: Aham bahusya prajayeya' . Once Brahma enters into the enactment of lila with innumerable finite forms, it is again not possible for jiva-brahma to return to the original infinite Saccidananda Brahmanic entity. For that reason He enacts lila in one pada (part) and remains unblemished and untainted in tripada (three parts).
Brahma in this tripada is ever free, infinite, immortal, beginningless and termed as Gurubrahma whose chief function is to liberate jiva brahma from unending cycle of birth and death by giving them atmajnana. Thus Sri Gurudev does all round welfare of all jivas and lift them to the realm of supreme spiritual bliss. Sadguru Swami Nigamanandadev embodies the supreme Gurutatwa. It is evident from his emergence from Nirvikalpa samadhi with the supreme realisation: 'I am Guru' . Thus his human body becomes the seat of Jagadguru. So He has said: ' I become Parabarabrahma.'
The chief purpose of this book is to acquaint and enlighten the English reading people with the nectar of advice and instruction of Sadguru Swami Nigamananda Paramahamsa. It presents a comprehensive English rendering of His advice and philosophy which may be read and practised to ameliorate the suffering of man in all ages. His advice and instruction delivered in various occasions like Bhakta Sammilani, sessions of sangha, spiritual assemblies, given to individual disciple or devotee as well as written in His monumental books are collected to prepare the text of this book. In the process of collection and preparation of a garland studded with precious gems of his advice and instruction, there may be several repetitions. But such repetitions are not eliminated because of their relevance in the changed spiritual ambience and context.
On the other hand, such repetitions inspire disciples and devotees to consolidate and concentrate more and more on the life of spiritual learning and practice. Great are the responsibilities and difficulties in faithfully rendering into English the immortal teachings of a great sage Sadguru Swami Nigamanandadev. Every effort has been made within our capacity and wisdom to preserve the style, spirit and beauty of His divine advice in this English rendering. The inherent handicap of translation from one language to another has again made our endeavour still more difficult.
However, by the inexorable blessing of Sri Gurudev it becomes possible on our part to complete this sacred job. This book is simply a droplet in the immeasurable ocean of his holy advice and actions. It is impossible to present His teachings in totality, yet no one by advice and actions satisfied so many as He. We are used to measure everything by our pet standards and anything uncongenial to our conception and comprehension is summarily rejected as fantastic and acceptable. But the comprehension of His teaching and philosophy in right perspective with unbiased adherence to truth will, indeed, enable a reader to form his own opinion of the great Master.
Sadguru Swami Nigamananda was born on the holy day of Jhulana purnima in the month of August in the year 1880. His mother Manikasundari was a very pious lady and father Bhubanmohan Battacharya was a devout brahmin of the village, Kutabpur in the holy district of Nadiya presently in Bangladesh. His childhood name was Nalinikanta. When he was nine years old, he had the holy vision of the goddess Dashabhuja (ten hand goddess) in the form of a small girl. He lost his loving mother when he was only thirteen years old. His mother's last words: 'Tell Nalini, I have left him in the lap of Mother of the universe,' thoroughly captured his mind. Afterwards he could neither get the vision of his mother nor that of Mother of the universe. This disillusionment made him an atheist. But he was very upright, truthful and sacrificing.
**Content and Sample Pages**
Vedas (1293)
Upanishads (481)
Puranas (612)
Ramayana (837)
Mahabharata (328)
Dharmasastras (162)
Goddess (474)
Bhakti (241)
Saints (1303)
Gods (1268)
Shiva (344)
Journal (144)
Fiction (52)
Vedanta (333)
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