I have received a good response fro my first book. Therefore I was encouraged to write this second book which is a sequel to the first book. I wish to share some of my clinical experiences with the readers. Results of these Rasayanas were astronishing which has prompted me to narrate about some of my patients. This should give the readers a glimpse about the Strength of Ayurveda the ancient Indian medical Science. I sincerely hope that this book give an idea that Rasayana as described in Ayurveda can do wonders in healing.
Dr. Sou. Achala Bhimsen Kulkarni A.V.P Ph.D. Ayurvedic Medicine from Pune University Maharashtra India is an eminent scholar and teacher working in an Ayurvedic college teachings Kaya Chikitsa and Chakra Samhita. She was a guide for M.D. Kayachikitsa and Samhita. Once attending a conference on heart diseases. A question was asked in that conference Roga Marga is a concept traced in text books of ancient Samhitas. Here the remote organs are grouped in a specific way Madhyama Roga Marga Includes the vital organs heart brain kidneys and joints etc. present clinical practice also manifests with the multiple organ involvement of these organs. She was impressed with that subject and worked on the subject for her PH.D 98 patients were studied by her in a specific format. This work helped her a lot for her clinical practice. She is sharing her experiences through this book which will be useful to the students. This is a vast subject multiplication will certainly help the students.
Ayurvedic students have to face many challenges when they enter the college. First of all they have to digest the ancient scientific approach in Sanskrit Language and the unique terminology. They are not familiar with that as they grow up with modern knowledge. I have also faced the same problem when I was a student. I was thinking to do something for these problems.
By the grace of Bhagwan Dhanwantari, I had an opportunity to teach Ayurvedic medicine and the text Charaka Samhita, in a reputed college. I was inspired by the Charaka Chikitsa chapter fifteen. I enjoyed the beauty of the ancient system of Sankhya theory. The subject How the Rasadhatu changes to Oja”, this is the internal energy cycle based on Matter to Energy and again internal energy (1st Book). I got the clue why the Charak is based on Sankhya theory? I was searching the same thing for practical aspect and found the subject “Doshagati Roga Marga” - related with the aspect of energy and matter relation in health and disorders. My first book highlights this subject, which can help for the aspects of Clinical Diagnosis.
Publishers of my first book asked me to write another book on my practical experience regarding treatment. So I have put my efforts to present this second book.
In the first part of this second book, I have explained that how can we apply the terminology and learn the science which may help for our practical aspects. This subject is described not for the standardization, but just to know the nearby meanings of this ancient treasure for the students.
The second part - How to practice? The question from the students made me restless. Meanwhile some students pointed out that most of the times, I am using the medicines in variety of disorders. And the text books also (in the original literature), it is explained that same medicines can be used in a variety of disorders. So I decided to select minimum number of medicines and study them and use them and find out the possible scientific aspects. The limited words “Roga Marga” helped me a lot. I have taken the help of patients case studies and the medicines given to them and the patients responses for the treatments are explained. Selected same medicines are used in variety of disorders with some special approach. Usually the common peoplesay that Ayurvedic medicines can not give quick results. But I have found the fantastic miracles, which are explained in this book.
It is said that Ayurvedic medicines have no reactions. But the “actions and reactions are equal and opposite”, the law of Nature. But it is the skill of the ancient science, which guides the Vaidya to take care.
The medicines selected can be used without problems and can be used in multiple organ involvements. I can say this with my experience.
Ayurveda is Nature’s gift. It has given so many herbs, minerals and animal products as gift. Any person can choose them and “crores of combinations can be done and used for practice”. These are the words of the great Charaka himself. But we need to study the different scientific aspects and only then we can use them safely and effectively.
Most of the patients coming to the Vaidya are chronic sufferers. The strength of Ayurvedic medicines is to improve the living force. In this book I am making a sincere effort to share my experience.
I take an humble opportunity to thank the publishers of this book respected Zoran and Sagar fro their valuable help. My sincere thanks to my respected teachers who are even inspiration for me Dr. P.H. Kulkarni and B.V. Sathye. I can not forget my students who helped me to picturise my ideas and are the source that helped me to grow with the ideas and this work is dedicated to them. I will be pleased if this helps them and the suffering patients.
“To treat” word defines to deal within specialized way or common meaning of treatment is dealing with medical care or attention. Ayurvedic treatment is inclusive of medical care to maintain health and help to relieve the pains caused by the disorders.
In the modern world most of the people are becoming health conscious and diet conscious. It is said that the average life span of a person has gone up. But the suffering has no end. Most of the next generation persons are not as strong as their parents and grand parents, though they have better facilities than their elders. Young generation is the basic strength for coming new India. I always feel that if they become weak physically and mentally, what about their next generations? It is a big question mark, with modern style. Because healthy minds in healthy body. Both together build up healthy nature to build up the healthy country with healthy moral values to build up the healthy society. For that Ayurveda can only find the answer.
But patients who suffer, do not rush to Ayurvedic practitioners. They come to Vaidya just to try the medicines as a last remedy after searching relief with lot of investigations and therapies, medicines, without relief. Because most of them do not trust Ayurvedic medicines. They feel that these medicines can not give quick results. This becomes a main problem for the students. This is my experience. So I feel that the strength of these medicines should be popularized. I know it is a difficult task and it is not the work which is done single handedly. My effort is to do at least whatever is possible.
The main tripods of Ayurvedic treatment are (1) Panchkarma (2) Yoga (3) Medicines. But practicing all together in O.P.D. becomes difficult for a newcomer. So with my little knowledge and experience I felt to help at least to some extent for the students to gain some confidence. This is the purpose of these two books. because practice and science are the two sides of the same coin as they can not be separated. So the simple method of diagnostic aspects are the aspects of the 1st Book. The second book emphasizes the main strength of Ayurvedic treatment i.e. Rasayana the speciality of Ayurvedic treatment. Because the main aim of maintaining health and treat the disorders is the main purpose and the strength of this science. The basic path for the treatment is Roga Marga.
This is a natural science as vast as the nature. This becomes a challenge to select medicines and use in a proper way. So in this book with the help of Roga Marga selected medicines are described in the variety of problems.
In the ancient books it is described for treatment of diseases the variety of therapies medicines and diet patterns are used according to the required patterns in variety of combinations. Because with combined effects of toxic material manifest in complex pictures. So the situations also demand the combined ways. This is difficult for the students as the patients coming to the ayurvedic side are mostly chronic with multiple organ involvements. So in this book it is a trial to manage such problems with a simple way using the strength of Ayurvedic medicines to achieve quick results. With my experience some medicines are selected and same are used in most of the patients with some changes and the science about the thought is described. This may help the practice and to maintain health and give relief from the pain.
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