About the Authors
Vd. Joyal Patel working as a Assistant Professor, Shalya tantra department, Shree Gulablomverba Ayurveda mahavidyalaya, Gujarat Ayurved University, jamanagar. He achieved first rank in Pg entrance examination in Gujarat state. His area of interest is Anorectic disorders, Urinary tract disorders, Non- healing ulcers etc. He is working as a Coordinator of Kshara Sutra Certificate Course, USCE, GAU, JAMNAGAR. He conducted 7 Basic and 3 Advanced Kshara sutra certificate course. He also interested to give Pg entrance guidance and due to that total 42 students got admission in all over India in different institutes. He has published 8 research papers in peer review International journal and also attended many international and national seminars, CMEs and work shops.
Vd. Priyanka Chauhan, graduate of Shree Gulabkunverba Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Jamnagar is presently working as a lecturer in shalya tantra department, SGAM, Jamnagar. She has completed M.S. (Ayu) from I.P.G.T. & R.A. in 2016. Her Ph.D is going on at I.P.G.T. & R.A., Jamnagar. Her area of interest is Ano-rectical surgery and Urinary tract diseases. She has delivered lectures & demonstrated surgeries in basic as well advanced Ksharsutra certificate course at SGAM, GAU, Jamnagar. She has attended several national and international seminar, conferences, workshops etc. and presented various research papers. She has published several research papers in peer reviewed national and international journals.
Vd. Pashmina Joshi is working as Associate Professor and HOD, Shalya tantra department, Shree Gulablcunverba Ayurveda mahavidyalaya, Gujarat Ayurved University, jamanagar. Her area of interest is Ano-rectical disorders. She has done approx 5000 surgery of anorectical disorders i. e. Hemorrhoids, fistula-in-ano, fissure-in-ano, Pilonidal sinus etc. She has worked as a President of Sushruta Proctology Association and organized live work shop of Ano-rectal disorders. She has, given lot of expert lectures on national platform related to subject. She has published research articles in peer- reviewd journal and presented Paper in national and international seminars.
This book has been written with a specific purpose of ideal preparation of examination in specific subject Shalya Tantra. All through the book, sincere effort has been to use as simple language as possible, while dealing with all subjects exhaustively and effectively.
The present book is divided into 2 Sections. First Section also divided in two parts A and B. Part A contains questionnaires regarding basic Shalya Tantra i.e. importance of Shalya tantra, Trividha karma, Sangyaharana, Ashtavidha Shastra Karma, Yogya vidhi, Kshara karma, Kshara S atra, Rakta Mokshana etc. and Part B contains Specific diseases topics i.e. Vrana, Granthi, Twak vikara, Mnya vikara, sira vikara etc. Second Section also divided in two parts A and B. Part A and B contains the Specific diseases and surgical treatment of that particular disease. Both the papers are divided into specific points as per the CCIM syllabus and each point having the question of 10 marks, 5 marks and 2 marks which can be helpful for undergraduate students.
Author has extensively compiled almost all points of BAMS syllabus of Shalya Tantra subject. Author's effects are admirable in comprehending such a collection of questions. It is a matter of appreciation that Vd. Joyal Patel, Vd. Priyanka Chauhan and Vd. Pashmina Joshi have written such an excellent book. This book will definitely be useful as a question bank to the undergraduate students, post graduate students and Ph.D. scholars of Ayurveda.
I anticipate that this book would prove to be of immense help to students.
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