Principles of Prescribing, by K.N. Mathur, was first published in 1975 and thereafter has exhausted many editions due to it's ever rising demand in the market. This is a book containing 30 chapters showing various methods on which a prescriptions can be based. Though not all of the approaches are widely accepted or utilized, the homoeopaths can get an idea as to how they are to be applied and can judge for themselves. Different methods are demonstrated including prescribing on the totality, miasms, keynotes, organ affinities, direction of cure, and repertorization. Cases that are illustrated in this book are from Masters like as Hering, Dunham, Lippe, Boger, Kent, Nash, Burnett, and others. This book is essential for advancement of homoeopathy and homoeopaths.
Dr. K.N. Mathur was completed born on 10th April, 1906 in the state of Allahabad, India. He completed his MBBS degree from Lucknow Medical College in the year 1933. After certain years of practice he felt that Allopathic system could not cure the chronic diseases. Thereafter he wanted to study the system of medicine which could prove better and he started with the study of Homoeopathy and later worked religiously for its promotion. He worked as Secretary for the Delhi Homoeopathic Medical Association for 10 years and as a teacher for a long time. He has authored many books on subjects of Pathology, Organon, Repertory, and Materia medica, which are well appreciated. He died on 28th January, 1977 leaving behind a large number of students who followed the system on his footprints.
It is a pleasure and a privilege. to write a foreword to this book—The Principles of Prescribing and Clinical Experiences by an experienced and a learned Homoeopath—Dr.K.N Mathur.
Though the Founder and his illustrious followers have laid down certain principles of Homoeopathy for practitioners, some of the disciples are ignoring the same and we find Many practising in an unscientific manner.
At this crucial stage Dr. Mathur has come foreward to guide the profession after a labour of love for years. It is commonly believed and even stated openly that if one case is given to 6 Homoeopathic physicians, they will all find one remedy, In my long practice and long dealing with well-known Homoeopaths, I have found this to be a myth only. Instead of 6, they may find out 12 remedies. This confuses a beginner. There are various methods of prescribing for the patients, as very nicely shown in this book. I have been repeatedly telling that Homo- Eopathy must be simplified atleast for the general practitioners, and in acute cases like Fever, Cold and Cough, Diarrhoea, Vomiting, Headache, Renal Colic, Catarrhal] Jaundice, injuries, etc., though as consultants, we have to prescribe for chronic cases of years’ standing, where a real effort is to be made to find the similimum. For the acute conditions mentioned above, and many more, there are more or less simple, similar, specific remedies, which will help the patient to tideover crisis and these must be taught to a student during the clinical training.
I am requesting the readers to read my paper ‘Simplification of Homoeopathic Prescribing’ submitted at Poona Homoeopathic Seminar and printed in Sandesh of July 1975. Dr. Mathur has given various points of view and has noted various articles from foreign as well as Indian experts, to convince the profession that there are different ways for prescribing. It is to be appreciated that at an advanced age and with poor Health he has compiled this work single handed. I would like to mention two or three points which I have found very helpful in my practice.
Change is the law of nature. Man changes every minute from his birth to his death. Day changes into night and night changes in today. Seasons change every year. Emotions. change, moods change, ideas change, theories change and even the medical ways are changing with times. At one time Homoeopathy was in full bloom in the U.S.A. and at present it is nearly extinct. Hahnemannian Homoeopathy is changing into scientific Homoeopathy. Orthodoxy is changing to revisionism like Poorbi mimansa changed in Uttari mimansa. That which satisfies our rationale and shows. verified experiences is only the touch-stone of truth. Yet we are fighting over dolls like children instead of grasping new Principles of Prescribing for advancement of Homoeopathy and for our own success. The mission of Hahnemann in discovering Homoeopathy was to cure mildly, quickly and permanently. We _ now find that this mission is possible for acute diseases but never for chronic diseases. Psora was regarded as the suppressed form of itch or miasm of suppressed scabies. It remains in the latent state in all persons suffering from chronic diseases, and may appear due to any exciting or contributory cause. Since Hahnemann several pioneers of Homoeopathy differed from the basic idea of psora as the fundamental cause of chronic diseases. Dr. J.T. Kent considers it is due to disturbance of the simple substance. But it is difficult to understand this simple substance although Dr. Kent considers that the simple substance is disturbed by our own thoughts, feelings and actions like the Karma theory of Indians. Dr. T.P. Paschero of Argentina says that Psoraisa disposition in the personality of the patients suffering from chronic Psycho-somatic diseases. Some Homoeopaths consider Psora due to lack of resistance which does not allow our Vital Dynamis to allow formation of anti-bodies essentially needed for recovery from chronic illnesses. Dr. M.B. Desai finds that viciated background as Psora the cause of the chronic diseases and unless removed by constant stimulation of vital force by high potencies of Homoeopathic remedies for the formation of anti-bodies chronic diseases cannot be cured. We eannot ignore these ideas sponsored by pioneers of Homoeopathy as_ they have demonstrated on the basis of Clinical Experiences and cured chronic cases on these Principles of Prescribing.
The main purpose of this book is to collect all the Prescribing Principles based on truth of illustrated cases and can be verified by other homoeopaths. These Principles of Prescribing are collected from old and new Homoeopathic journals and books. We want them in the form of a book for all times as these journals and old literature may not be available always. ‘They shall be useful for the coming generation of homoeopaths for their success and advancement of Homoeopathy.
Homoeopathy is findinig suitable ground in India to grow .. as its logic and philosophy is not foreign to its people and even the present Government and Health Ministry wants to uplift Homoeopathy by recognising it and gives moral and financial support for its advancement in all spheres.
As there is not a single book in our literature on the Principles of Prescribiag although there are a few writers who have given their experiences in the form of illustrated cases, for example : Dr, E.B. Nash wrote "The Testimony of the Clinic."’ Dr. Edmond Carlton wrote "Homoeopathy in Medicine and Surgery." Dr. George Royal wrote his clinical experiences in "The Homoeopathic Therapy in Diseases of Brain arid Nerves." Dr. J.C. Burnett has given his cases in his books: Dr. John Henry Clarke has given cases treated by homoeopaths in his "Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica" and Dr. Edward Pollock Anshutz has given clinical cases in his book ‘‘New, Old and Forgotten Remedies."" Old and new journals published in the U.S.A., U.K. and India contain a vast literature on Principles of Prescribing and experiences of a large number of pioneers of Homoeopathy. They inspired me to write this book. as I find it essential for the advancement of Homoeopathy and for the success of homoeopaths.
I am greateful to Dr.S.R. Wadia for giving me his en- couragement and writing the Foreword of this book, to Dr. Dewan Harish Chand for his interesting and instructive cases which led metoopen a new chapter, i.e, "Principles of Prescribing Based on Blood Investigations." I am proud of quoting cases from pioneers of Homoeopathy belonging to the U.S.A., e.g. Drs. Hering, James Tyler, Kent, Carrol Dunham, Adolph Lippe, E.B. Nash, C.M. Boger, G.B Sterns, George Royal, E.P. Anshutz, Gutman Carlton, etc., Pioneers of Homoeopathy from U.K., e.g., Drs. Burnett, Clarke, Robert Hughes, Bach, Patterson, Ian Mcainlay Burns, Foubister, etc. Pioneers of Homoeopathy from India, e.g., Drs. Dewan Harish Chand, S.R. Wadia, P. Sankaran, S.K. Ghosh, M.B. Desai, Koppikar, R.P. Patel, etc., and other pioneers of Homoeopathy, e.g., PierreSchmidtz, from Geneva and Thomas Pablo Paschero from Argentiga etc.
I am also grateful to Shri Prem Nath Jain of M/S B. Jain Publishers for cooperating in producing this book and Shri Probhat Chatterjee for giving the shape tothe book in the present form. The indulgence and excuse of the readers and authors is, however, sought tor the mistakes that have occured I Inspite of our efforts.
Homoeopathy is the art of cure based on the natural law of healing discovered by Dr. Hahnemann. The law is known as "Similia Similibus curanter’? which means in simple language that drugs producing similar symptoms also cure such diseases, Drugs like causes of disease produce similar symptoms because they influence the susceptibility of the individual and unless there is susceptibility, or idiosyncracy in the vital dyamis of the individual prover a drug cannot be fully proved. Hence the similar curative drug must have susceptibility and idiosyncracy in the patient to be cured. This susceptibility and idiosyncracy is recognised when the proved remedy displays secondary action of the drug or the symptoms of reactions produced by the prover. ‘These dynamic symptoms are called Characteristic symptoms, They are peculiar, uncommon and striking symptoms according to Hahnemann and his followers. Thus we individualise the drug from its characteristic symptoms especially in acute diseases. Hence proving of drugs was the first step. in the art of cure of acute diseases.
Later on when these cured patients suffering from acute diseases returned again and again for the same kind of trouble or a different kind of disease he was puzzled and perceived impotency of vital dynamis viciated by chronic ivfiasms of Psora, Syphilis and Sycosis. These chronic miasms were hereditary or acquired and can be found out by taking the history of past illness and family history of the patient. Psora was regarded as the non-veneral miasm while Syphilis and Sycosis belong to veneral miasms. Psora being hereditary or congenital in nature produces dispositions, diatheses and dyscrasia, é.g., Hereditary allergy., Haemorrhagic¢ diathesis, Gouty diathesis)s Rheuma- tic diathesis, Hysterical disposition. , Psycho-somatic dispositions and adynamic dyscrasias, etc. For the treatment of Chronic diseases Hahnemann advised treatment of these dispositions by deep acting anti-psoric remedies. Dr. Burnett suggested zoic remedies in the form of Noscdes, e.g., Bacillinum, Medorrhi- num, Syphilinum, etc. Dr. Bach, Sterns and Patterson suggested Bowel nosodes, e.g., Morgan, Proteus, Sycotic co, etc. Dr. S.K. Ghosh suggested endocrinic remedies, e.g, Thyroidinum., Pituitory, Insuliu, etc.
Some pioneers of Homoeopathy found Autopathic drugs, e.g, Rénal calculs potentised morbid secretions potentised for the treatment of chronic diseases as these remedies are similar to the disease of the patient. Thus we find that pioneers of Homoeopathy are guiding us by their clinical experiences, "how chronic diseases should be treated." They have given us prescribing principles according to which we should proceed for the purpose of correct line of treatment and avoid spoiling the case.
Among the pioneers of Homoeopathy we find the following homoeopaths of outstanding character as they have their principles of prescribing based on experimental vatification and on their own clinical experiences. Let me point them out for your information:
Relationship of drugs‘as discovered by Von Boenninghausen, Clarke and W.E. Boyed have been discussed as these points of views are new to most of the young homoeopaths.
New ideas about alternation of remedies and combination of remedies are also added which are found useful by some pioneers of Homoeopathy or Biochemistry.
Every Homoeopath should be trained and prepared to treat successfully emergencies, diseases of acute chronic or complicated nature.
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