Dr. Shetti suresh Babu MD (Kaya Cikitsa) is a renowned Writer Teacher, Practioner and Researcher of Ayurveda, for more than three decades, he hails from a Traditional Ayurvedic Family, his father ( Late) Dr. S. Nagabhusham, his grandfather were popular physicians o their times.
Susruta being a practical man very clearly defined the ‘Scope of Kaya Cikitsa, even thought it is not his speciality. He says “ Kaya Cikitsa” is concerned with “ Sarvanga” related diseases like Jwara, Apasmara etc. where as Vagbhata in simple words-stressed the importance of Kaya Cikitsa as “ Nitya-upayogi” useful in daily life.
Kaya cikitsa has been enumerated first, while elaborating Astanga Ayurveda. Even today this specialty is in optimum use in the management of Health and Treatment of Diseases. Many western Medical People also are coming closer to this ancient specialty. As a matter of fact-kaya cikitsa is the perfect via medium for further propagation of Ayu. At global leverl and for this it serves as a Launching pad. Therefore a good edition of kaya cikitsa in English is the primary need. More over in some wester countries Ayurveda courses are being introduced, they too need a book in good form and content. The Indian students, studying B.A.M.S. and M.D. courses in English medium are also facing the same problem keeping all these in mind, the present work kaya cikitsa is planned in four vols covering the entire subject matter of kaya cikitsa. The CCIM curriculams for B.A.M.S Graduation, and M.D. Post graduction courses were followed while writing the book. In addition the other essential topics of current interest are also incorporated to make the work most updated and comprehensive one.
Kaya Cikitsa is major clinical subject among Astangas of Ayurveda. Our ancient Acharyas have encapsulated the knowledge of Ayurveda in the shape of Samhitas and written in the form of Sutras in Sanskrit Language. These Samhitas are outcome of prolonged debates and consensus by several Acharyas.
Sanskrit Sutra has least number of words. It is unambiguous, synoptical and devoid of redundant words. But it is difficult for those who are not well versed with Sanskrit language to grasp the subject in its right perspective. Hence Teachers of Ayurveda from time to time wrote commentaries, explanations, notes and translations to make the process of learning Ayurveda easier.
Dr. Suresh Babu belongs to this tradition of great Teachers who embarked on this difficult but useful venture of writing Books in English language. This is the need of the hour in the context of global resurgence of interest towards Ayurveda. This volume on Kayacikitsa covers fundamental principles of Ayurveda based on CCIM curriculum and Syllabus content. I am confident that this book in English will serve as an authentic text Book for many students and teachers.
I congratulate the young author Dr. Suresh Babu who has put in great efforts in bringing out this volume in English. One can find a great friend, philosopher and guide in the form of this Book.
I feel pleasure and privileged to write Foreword for this volume and wish him all success.
Even During the Ancient times, the system of 'Specialization' was in existence especially in the medical field. This is evident from many observations made by the great masters of Ayurveda Caraka, Susruta, and Vagbhata Acharyas. For instance susruta's comment in susruta Uttara [1/6] about 'Shatasu kayacikitasu' referring to Atreya's six students and Caraka's recommendation in 'Gulma' Cikirsa.
These classical expressions prove beyond any doubt about the existence of the medical specialties and referral system in those days also. That is why Ayurveda has been developed on the' Astanga basis' with clear-cut "Operative- areas" for each specialist or specialty.
Susruta being a practical man very clearly defined the 'Scope of Kaya cikitsa, even though it is not his specialty. He says "Kaya cikitsa" is concerned with" Sarvanga" related diseases like Jwara, Apasmara etc. where as Vagbhata in simple wordsstressed the importance of Kaya Cikitsa as- "Nitya-upayogi" (useful in daily life), 'Durbhedyam' i.e. difficult to understand and "Sarvanga Vyapee" i.e. it is inter - spread over all other branches or 'Angas' of Ayurveda and covers in Ailments related to all body organs.
In view of its wider applications, Kaya cikitsa has been enumerated first, while elaborating Astanga Ayurveda. Even today this speciality is in OPTIMUM USE in the management of Health and Treatment of Diseases. Many western medical people are also coming closer to this Ancient specialty. As a matter of fact- Kaya cikitsa is the perfect via medium for further propagation of Ayurveda at global level and for this it serves as a 'Launching pad'. Therefore a good edition of Kaya cikitsa in English is the primary need. Moreover in some western countries Ayurveda courses are being introduced, they too need a book in good form and content. The Indian students studying BAMS and MD courses in English mediem are also facing the same problem. Keeping all these in mind, the present work- "The principles and practice of Kaya Cikitsa" is planned in four volumes covering the entire subject matter of Kaya cikitsa. The CCIM curriculums for BAMS- Graduation and MD- Post Graduation courses are followed while writing the book. In addition the other essential topics of current interest are also incorporated to make the work most updated and comprehensive one.
Since this is the first volume of the proposed series the various fundamentals of Kaya cikitsa are covered as stipulated under paper - 1 of BAMS course with suitable illustrations, flow charts etc., for easy understanding of the subject.
In conclusion, I wish to state that I have tried to make this work as " (Charaka Siddi) That is " Whatever is described in this book is available elsewhere and things not mentioned here are not to be found any where else".
I am immensely happy to present this second part of my book titled “ The Principles and Practice of Kaya Cikitsa” before the Ayurvedic students, Scholars and Teacher, who have Over-Enthuastically welcomes the First part of this book. My heartful thanks to all of them.
The second volume covers all the topics /Subjects listed under paper-2 of BAMS syllabus prescribed by CCIM.
All the diseases pertaining to Annavaha, Pranavaha, Mutravaha, Raktavaha, Udakavaha and Rasavaha srotases are included apart from Jvara (fever).
The other diseases lister under part ‘B’ of paper-2. The Sexually-transmitted diseases [STDS], Metabolic disorders like Diabetes Mellitus along with various skin disorders etc. are also covered in details.
Every care has been taken to present this second volume also in the same style and language used in the first volume of the Kaya Cikitsa series.
All the practically, relevant points, Clinical Hints and Latest Research inputs are incorporated and stressed where ever necessary. The Result- Oriented Treatment, drugs and procedures are only included, which are duly Authenticated by Numerous Clinical Research studies and Experiences, so that the young Doctors can confidently prescribe and practice the Emerging Evidence basted Ayurveda.
The subject matter is presented in a ‘Catchy’ format with Number of Flow charts, diagrams, Tables etc. So that a students can ‘Grasp’ and preserve easily.
I Hope, that students and Teaching community will extend the whole hearted support to this second part also.
Finally, I extend my heart-felt thanks to all those who are behind me in this project.
I am immensely happy to present this third volume of my book Titled "The Principles and Practice of Kayachikitsa" before the Ayurvedic students, scholars and teachers, who have over enthuastically welcomed the first, and second volumes of Kayachikitsa.
This third volume covers all the topics/subjects listed under paper-III of Kayacikitsa (CCIM Syllabus) some of the important diseases covered in this are Vatavyadhis, which constitute major percentage of the patients who attend Ayurvedic clinics/Hospitals etc. All the Result- oriented- Treatments / Procedures / Drugs are described.
Ksudra Rogas i.e. minor diseases related to mostly skin, scalp and face, which arc cosmetically important in the present day beauty- conscious people are also described with result- oriented approaches, since modern medicine does not give much importance to these ailments.
- Manasa Roga, also an important branch of Ayurveda is also dealt in detail; this chapter is especially contributed by Dr. D. Satyanarayana, an expert in the field.
Aging problems popularly known as geriatrics is covered in detail since the future doctors are likely to face more patients with aging complaints as the "Society is Aging".
Another vital area is emergency treatment which every student is supposed to be well-versed is also described in detail with practical hints. This chapter in exclusively written by Dr. Rama Raju, Asst. Professor (Coimbatore) with latest inputs from Modern Medicine.
Apart from this, all other topics, mentioned in the syllabus are covered every care has been taken to present this third volume also in the same style and language used in the I & II Volumes of Kaya Cikitsa.
I hope that students and faculty community will extend the whole hearted support to this third volume also. Finally, I extend my heart-felt thanks to all those who are behind me in this project.
I am happy to present this fourth and last volume of my book "The Principle and Practice of Kaya 'Cikitsa" before the Ayurvedic students, Scholars, Teachers and Admirers of Ayurveda, who have over enthuastically welcomed the previous three volumes.
'This conduding- Fourth volume covers all the Topics/ Subjects listed under paper-IV of Kayachikitsa (BAMS, CCIM syllabus). The High-lights of the book are:
1. The part 'A' of the book opens with 'Pancha Karma' the super-speciality of Ayurveda, covering the Purva Karmas, Pradhana Karmas and Paschat Karmas in a simple and step- wise writing style, which goes-well with students. A special chapter on certain popular upakarrnas as practiced in kerala is. in corporated, keeping in-view the emerging trend of these measures in the daily practice of Ayurveda at OPD Level itself, so that young and upcoming Ayurvedic doctors can successfully adopt and practice with ease.
2. The part 'B' deals with the two-other 'Unique' specialities, which are the exclusive-property of Ayurveda-popularly known as "Rasa- Vaji" (Rasayana and Vajikarana). In nutshell-Rasayana Therapy is for- self preservation, protection, while Vajikarana is meant of 'pro-creation' and sexual-sufficiency- all these aspects are described, keeping in view the syllabus restrictions. Some important sexual problems are also covered. 3. Apart from the presribed medicinal formulations (yogas), the concluding part of the book contains very special. Items like yoga therapy for each disease and promotion of health. The other most contemperory topic included in this volume is on 'Hints on Legal aspects of Medical Practice', at least minimum knowledge on this is very much essential for upcoming doctors. In-view of these, I hope that Ayurvedic freternity will welcome this volume also and derive the benefit.
Not everybody is capable of being an Ayurvedic physican as it demands a rare blend of intelligence derived from the roots of the Ancient wisdom and Modern methodology of clinical application. Sustained inputs from modern clinical research, along with High degree of selflessness, purity of thought and aspiration- all these characteristics specifies that, 'being a doctor is a Feat'.
Successful therapy greatly depends on the Authority of the Physician. This authority is gained not only by Labour, but also by profound knowledge, and knowledge comes through Authenticated books. And unfortunately there is no good text book on "Kaya cikitsa" in English language. This has become main "Blocade" in the process of Teaching and Learning of Ayurveda's internal medicine. Therefore, it is felt that this "gap" in the communication propagation of Ayurveda should be filled-up keeping in view the flow of English medium as well as foreigner students in to the Ayurveda medical colleges. As the idea of establishing one advanced system of medicine alone in all countries proved a failure. This failure makes it clear that since the health problems of the present era so variegated they can be successfully met only by co-operative action. And co-operative action is feasible only by cultivating mutual respect and efforts to promote standard of all systems with a positive approach to other disciplines also. It is spectacular, it helped both for increasing the standard of health of the people and the efficiency of participating systems. The latter proved effective also for paving the emergence of a higher medical vision and scientific out look.
These results raised the hopes of all progressively thinking scholars and doctors and the people of the European countries also. to move for such trial. Already there are a few reports of America and Europe in which both modern medical practioners and the practioners of Indigenous systems worked cooperatively. It gave hopes to western public also and so the demand for introducing eastern medical systems like Chinese medicine and Ayurveda, is now seen getting more and more support.
This movement has forced even the ruling regimens to take steps responding to these demands. That is why in America the president Clinton befoe he left office, consented to set-up a commission to work for utilizing the services of alternative Medical systems for the benefit of American Citizens.
As the knowledge always grows on, more especially in the field of internal medicine, as a result of many on going research projects globally. A wise physician should know all recent advances in medicine, follow all periodicals and other publications attend meetings of medical societies, conferences, take active part in them and should also be acquainted properly with the functioning of the neighboring medical systems.
The practical work of the physician is intimately connected with research. Diagnosis, itself is research. The prescription of medicines and observation of their effects, change of drugs and selection of more efficacious means in each particular case implies an individual approach and an element of research. Therefore a good doctor is always a good researcher, either in the laboratory or at bedside. The doctor/student should take part in the scientific seminars etc where he may further acquire the qualities of a Researcher.
These will help him in his future-independent work. The necessary "Hints" on the research are inters read in the text at appropriate places so as to sustain the student's interest in research.
Kaya-cikitsa or internal medicine is the major branch of medical practice and research because internal diseases are the most common and run a grave and protracted course involving many complications and impairing the patient's objective condition and his working capacity. Internal diseases have the highest mortality rates as well. Therefore prophylaxis of internal diseases is the main concern in the health care system of all countries, and the study of internal diseases is the leading subject of medical training.
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