The author of this book (late) Prof. K.S. Krishnamurti was born on 1st Nov. 1908 at Thiruvaiyaru in Tanjore district Tamilnadu after his successful schooling he had graduated from St. Joseph college, Trichy in the year 1937. he came to Chennai in 1941 and joined Government Service as Sanitary inspector.
During this period he developed an interest in occult science. He studied in depth the available literatures on Indian as well as western Astro Science. He observed that the predictive principles enunciated in those books are very general ambiguous and full of alternatives and even if properly applied never pinpointed precisely the nature and time of even in question. It was quite evident in the case of twin births where the two natives have different physical features, character, education, profession married life longevity etc. the prediction given came true to one of them but totally failed in the case of the other though the horoscope were exactly the same. Further he was distressed to note that this divine and noble science handed down by our saints and sages had fallen in course of time into the hands of some unworthy and incompetents. This prompted in disbelief and ridicule of astrology as superstition. This prompted him to vow himself to find a solution to make Astrology a perfect science revive its fair name and reputation and restore it’s importance and utility to mankind.
He started collecting numerous horoscopes including twin birth for study and analysis. He spent more than ten years in research work and finally succeeded in discovering an unique formula of his won. Which can be applied universally to Natal/ Annual/ Horary Horoscopes to predict events very accurately. He verified his new found stellar and sub theory for its accuracy by applying it on various horoscopes including twins and got fully convinced himself. He titled his discovery as Krishnamurti Padhdhati.
At this juncture in 1951 he was fortunate to receive and idol of Lord Uchishta Mahaganapathi from his Holliness Sankaracharya of Kamakoti Kanchi Mutt. Inspired by the blessings of Jagadguru and divine graces of Uchishta Mahaganapathi he started vigourosuly to transmit the fruits of his research and knowledge to all unmindful of criticisms about his theory voiced by a few.
To fulfill his aspirations he took voluntary retirement from service in 1961 and undertook long journeys to all parts of India and propagated his findings. He delieved lectures daily for two weeks at the North Indian Cities Junar, Poona, Kirkee, Kolhapur, Sholapur and Ahmednagar in response to wishes of number of Astrolgoers there. A few from Bombay Kasipet Busaval and other far away places came to Delhi to Attend his lectures and stayed for months to learn his unique technique. He came very popular and famous. Finding his method, scientific convincing clear and very correct more and more people approached him for Astrological counseling and they were flabbergasted by his quick accurate and uncanny predictions.
To make further development and research on his system. Sri S.K. established Modern Stellar Astrological Research Institute appointed Sri S.K. Krishnamurti as visiting Prof. of Astrology in India to deliver lectures regularly at Delhi, Bombay and Madras and occasionally in other Kendras. They also honored him by conferring the title Jyothish Marthand with a gold Medal through Dr. P.V. Cherian the then governor of Bombay.
In June 1970 he visited Kuala Lumpur on being invited by the Malayan Astrological Society which conferred on him the title Sothida Mannan with a gold Medal. He stayed there for about 6 weeks delivered lectures at various places. He visited Sri Lanka in November 1970 to fulfill the wishes of the people there.
Sri K.S. Krishnamurti had written and releases six books styled Krishnamurti Padhdhati Readers (including Horary Astrology and Gocharapala Nirnayam) in which he has explained exhaustively his principles and methods of predicting any event very accurately. In spite of his eminence he was very simple in this thought and living.
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