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Predictive Astrology of the Hindus

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Author: Pandit Gopesh Kumar Ojha
Edition: 2018
ISBN: 9788120834163
Pages: 362
Cover: Paperback
8.5 Inch X 5.5 Inch
410 gm
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Book Description

There are in the market many books on Hindu astrology. I have seen some of them. Still I have been prompted to place a new one before the readers. That is because I feel I have been able to present some new points of view which the readers would not find in other works.

I do not claim to be original in the sense that I have evolved any new theories. It is difficult to do so in a subject which has been successfully dealt with by a host of savants and scholars through the ages. I have been perusing Sanskrit works on astrology since 1927 and have been practising astrology. I have had occasion to go through ten Sanskrit commentaries on the same work by eminent scholars who lived in the preceding centuries. I have been charmed by their subtleties in exposition. Besides, standard works on Hindu astrology deal with the same topics and the number of such works is too large and their perusal is a problem, particularly for the lay readers who do not know Sanskrit. Even many who know Sanskrit will find it a thorny path to follow fully the logic encompassed in difficult diction. for erudition does not always go with straight and simple expression. I have therefore picked and chosen what I have considered best and only presented in cumulative form a few drops of old wine in a new bottle. As such I do not claim that I have evolved ‘any new theories for I am only presenting the quintessence from the works of old masters.

While doing so, I have been conscious that I am writing a book which is to initiate new readers into this sacred science and if I pour into it all the wisdom of ancient seers it would add to the learning but become so formidable that new entrants will find it too difficult to follow, and it would defeat the very purpose of making it a popular text-book for the masses. I am fully conscious that I have not dealt with many intricate calculations and the readings based on them which can be useful for advanced students and scholars, but that would have made the book too voluminous and complex. All these matters I reserve for subsequent volumes.

I have observed that a large number of people are fond of astrology, but their interest in the subject becomes lukewarm as soon as they have to cross the wall of calculations. Only a small percentage has the patience and the perseverance to scale the wall and enjoy the fruit beyond. So I have kept the calculations at the minimum and diffused them in chapters 4, 7 and 12 so that they do not prove an obstacle at, any place and present an easy go over. Another feature of calculations is that in ancient India time was reckoned in Ghatis and Pains. One day, twenty- four hours, was divided into sixty Charts and each Chad was sub-divided into sixty Paths. All calculations in Hindu astrology are on this basis. But now-a-days time is recorded including the birth time, in hours and minutes. Many up-to-date ephemerides also furnish time in hours and minutes. So instead of following the complicated process of finding the sunrise time, calculating the time elapsed since sunrise till birth and calculating the rising sign and the ascending degree, I have introduced the modern method of ascertaining the ascending degree by the trigonometrical method as given in Raphael’s Table of Houses for the tropical zodiac or Lahiri’s Table of Houses for the sidereal zodiac. The duration of each ascendant varies with the latitude and since the tables referred to above cover most of them, that not only makes the calculation simple but more precise also.

Hindu astrology is side real. But in the West most of the astrologers base their calculations and inferences on the tropical zodiac. An increasing number of people in the West is, however, taking interest in the predictions on the sidereal basis and they want a text-book on Hindu astrology. To cater to their needs and to enable them to convert a tropical chart into a sidereal one, I have all through provided instructions so that the students and scholars of the West may take full advantage of this text-book. And with this view I have used the nomenclature Sun, Moon, Mars etc. instead of Surya, Chandra, Mangal etc. and Aries, Taurus, Gemini etc. instead of Mesha, Vrishabha, Mithuna and so on. I must add here that Western astrologers use she for Moon and Venus but in the Hindu texts the Moon and Venus are referred to as he. There is a mythology that the Moon had a liaison with Jupiter’s wife Tara and thus Tara gave birth to Mercury. Whatever be the import of the mythology, in view of the above and similar statements I find it difficult to refer to the Moon as she. According to Hindu texts Venus has a wife and I have in view of all this stuck to the Hindu code of referring to the Moon and Venus as he. While sticking mainly to the Western terminology I have utilised essential Hindu terminology where no single word in English could have conveyed the full import of the technical term in Sanskrit, Instead of referring to the term by circumlocution of English phraseology which would have been ambiguous and created confusion rather than clarification, I have preferred to use the technical Sanskrit terms which have been fully explained in the appropriate contexts.

Those who are beginners will find that in perusing this book they can start from the scratch and ascend gradually to the, high pinnacles of delineations and judgment. Those who are already acquainted with the subject will find many new rules and the discussions enlightening and throwing back the horizon of astrological knowledge. While bearing in mind that a large number of readers might be new to the subject, I have at places explained the various steps at length or clarified the obscure points which may appear unnecessary to those who are already aware of the technicalities or the import of particular configurations in the birth chart. To them my only apology is that though it would have been more convenient for me to skip over the familiar steps it would have landed in difficulty those new readers who have not the grasp of the subject. Their need has also to be kept in mind.

In regard to the calculations and predictions, fairly good matter has been provided. But as in medical sciences, so in astrology, one cannot become proficient by the study of theory alone.

A certain amount of practice is essential. I look forward to the prospect of this text-book being received with interest and approbation by the reading public. If my hopes are fulfilled I shall amply rewarded.




  Preface v
  Chapter 1: The Zodiac 1-12
  A general idea of the heavens – the earth’s path round the Sun – the zodiac defined and explained – latitude of planets – Sun has no latitude- intersections of the orbits of Moon and earth – nodes of Moon- Rahu and Ketu – the tropical and sidereal zodiacs distinguished – constellations – longitudes of constellations – their geometrical patterns – constellations in each sidereal sign – declination of Sun – equinoxes – precession of equinoxes and notation – conversion of tropical longitudes into sidereal.  
  Chapter 2: The Birth Chart 13-18
  Birth Chart a sketch of heavens – the rising degree at the horizon – the ecliptic – obliquity of the ecliptic – time taken by each sign to rise – difference in durations of rise due to geographical latitude –what is a house – domain of houses – their order-opposite signs.  
  Chapter 3: Time 19-32
  Cycles of time according to ancient Hindu text-different calendars – the 60 years cycle – name for each year – the twelve Hindu months – tithi (the lunar date) determined on the basis of soli lunar distance - names of lunar dates—half tithi called a karana— the names of karanas—their order—-the Hindu panchanga (ephemeris)—the yogas or time durations based on longitudes of the Sun and Moon—their names and order—Hindu unit of time— ghatis and palas—the modem units of time, hours, minutes and seconds—-modern ephemerides—some inauspicious tithis. Karanas and yogas at birth time—-some unfavourable constellations for Moon to be in. at birth—their effects  
  CHAPTER 4: Sign Rising (Ascendant) 33-50
  Duration taken by each sign to rise at a particular geographical latitude—table of houses—common errors in calculating the rising degree—calculations based on sunrise—how to calculate the rising sign—standard time and local mean time—conversion of standard time into local mean time—sidereal time—example worked out for calculating the ascending degree on a particular date, at a particular time and place—how to find exact longitudes of planets and make the birth chart—different patterns of birth chart, in northern, north-western, southern and eastern India—the occidental pattern—effects for each of the twelve ascending signs—some special effects for particular degrees rising.  
  CHAPTER 5: The Signs 51-66
  Difference between the tropical and sidereal signs—correlation between signs and parts of human body-_correspondence of signs with houses—effects thereof—the phys al appearance of signs— their places. countries, castes, male and female—odd and even— watery and waterless—movable, fixed and common signs—their directions—blind and lame signs—diurnal and nocturnal—biped. quadruped and snails—mineral, vegetable and animal signs—short and long—sign rising with head or back—auspicious and inauspicious degrees occupied by the Moon in signs—the three sectors,  
  CHAPTER 6: The Planets 67-90
  Only nine planets—Sun. Moon. Mars, Mercury. Jupiter, Venus. Saturn and nodes of the Moon—Rahu and Ketu dealt with in Hindu astrology—their signs—exaltation and debilitation signs— highest degrees of exaltation and deepest degrees of debilitation— the Sanskrit terms avaroha, aroha. uchchabhilashi, neechabhilashi explained—friendship, neutrality and enmity among planets— natural, temporal and resultant relationship—planetary aspects— the characteristics and portfolio of planets—ingredients of the human body—complexion, some physical characteristics—temperament—glance—flavour—humours of the body—aptitudes—colours —age—jewels—seasons—places—sex-deities——the elements—direction—caste—the type of cloth—biped, quadruped etc. rising with front part, back portion or both ways—qualities pertaining to metal, herb or animal—directional strength—auspicious and inauspicious planets—manner of winning over—geographical regions in India—significance of each planet—planets as significators for particular houses—the Sanskrit terms papa and papi explained.  
  CHAPTER 7: Houses 91-115
  What are houses—various systems of house division—older Hindu system—equal house division—example worked out-cusp of each house—domain of each house—house lords—placing a planet in house—what to judge from each house—house lords signifying matters pertaining to houses they are lords of—one and the same matter judged from different houses—subtle distinctions therein—some difference in southern and northern Indian schools of Hindu astrology—parts of human body assigned to each house —matters and affairs judged from first, Second. third, fourth, fifth. sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth houses— details based on old Sanskrit texts—reference to these—a summary of matters governed by each house.  
  CHAPTER 8 Planets in Signs 116-148
  Correspondence between signs and houses—Sun in twelve signs Aries to Pisces—the influence exerted by Moon according to his location in a sign—effects of Mars in the various signs of the zodiac—location of Mercury in the twelve signs—position of Jupiter in each sign—effects of Venus occupying any sign Aries to Pisces — an analysis of Saturn’s influence on the native according to his position in various signs—effects of Rahu and Ketu analysed sign wise—detailed delineation of each planet’s effects by location in a sign of exaltation, debilitation or own sign—particularly favourable or unfavourable degrees for each planet occupying a particular sign.  
  CHAPTER 9 Planets in Houses 149-176
  Sun in twelve houses—first to twelfth-—delineation of Moon’s influence according to his location in one house or the other— how Mars affects the birth chart and matters connected with the house he occupies—Mercury’s location in any of the twelve houses and the results thereof—Jupiter in twelve houses first to twelfth and the effects produced by him due to occupying a particular house—influence of Venus in each of the twelve houses of the birth chart—Saturns location in a house and the effects arising there from -Rahu and Ketu’s position in any of the twelve houses analysed house wise.  
  Chapter 10: General Principles of Judgement 177-192
  Malefic tenanting his own house—aspect of a benefic or malefic planet in own house conjoined with or aspected by a benefic—a retrograde planet—planet in angle—natural and temporal friendships compared-—evil places—occupation of a house by lord of an evil house—consideration of karaka (significator) along with house lord—-effect of good or evil combinations—house hemmed in between benefices or analytics—lord of the house similarly placed —a combust house lord—placement of karaka and various considerations to determine his effects——evaluation of aspect of a planet according to his strength—owner of two houses one good and the other evil—lord of two houses occupying one of his houses—lord of ascendant—some astrological terms in Sanskrit explained— apachaya-asta (combust)—dosha-dusthana—karaka—maraka-rajayoga sambandha. upachaya, yoga, yogakaraka.  
  CHAPTER 11: Yogas—Combinations of Planets 193-219
  Importance of yogas—l 8 yogas based on ascendant as a factor— 9 yogas connected with the lord of the ascendants—6 yogas per- taming to the Sun—20 yogas with Moon as one of the factors—6 yogas connected with births during day or night and concomitant factors—8 yogas based on sign positions of planets—24 yogas based on placement of planets in their own signs or their signs of exaltation—26 yogas formed in birth charts according to positions of planets in houses—66 yogas according to mutual exchange of house lords—24 yogas according to the houses being tenanted by benefics or malefics and their lords occupying good or evil houses —9 yogas connected with lords of houses—2 yogas based on directional strength—5 yogas connected with placement of planets in their signs of debilitation—1 yoga based on retrogression— kendra—trikono yogas fully discussed and guide lines for evaluation of their effects.  
  Chapter 12: Judgement of the Twelve Houses 220-249
  General principles-_comparative assessment of one matter from several connected houses—insctions for judging yogas—conjunctions—counting of houses—first house—second -third-fourth-fifth. and the twelfth house— detailed guide lines for judging each house and some special factors (or each house augmenting the good effects or enhancing the evil effects pertaining to health, wealth, eyes, brothers and sisters, valour, mother, land, immovable property, conveyance intelligence, education stomach. sons. enemies, illness, wife or husband —partnership legacy duration of life, longevity, death, legacy, religion, general prosperity and good fortune—power-position_ income—expenditure, losses etc.  
  Chapter 13 Calculation of Mahadashas and Antardashas 250-259
  Their importance in a birth chart, the major periods of each planet—their order—Moon’s position in the constellation the basis (or mahadasha ready reckoner table to find the balance of mahadasha at birth—proportio11t parts for mahadasha according to one or more minutes of arc of Moon—example how to erect table of mahadasha the duration of each antardasha in each maim. dasha—their order—to find the balance of antardasba in a mahadasha at birth—example how to erect tables of antardashas in mahadashas  
  Chapter 14: Mahadashas—Major Periods of Planets and Judgement 260-293
  How to evaluate their effects—good or evil—four schools of Hindu astrology—what effects is the mahadasha likely to show— theory of karakatwa or natural significance of the planet—illustration—effects of Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury. Jupiter. Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu in respect of matters and affairs they are signification for, according as they are strong and well placed or weak and afflicted—effects of lords of houses—first, second, third. fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth according as they are beneficially placed and powerful or in evil places and weak—Parashari system—favourable and infavourable mahadashas of various planets for each ascendant— mahadashas of lords of trines. angles, third, sixth and eleventh— of the eighth lord—of lords of second and twelfth—nsahadashas causing serious illness or causing death—favourable mahadashas for. wealth and prosperity, for power and prestige. Mahadashas of Rahu and Ketu—favourable and unfavourable mahadashas for each ascendant Aries, Taurus. Gemini, Cancer, Leo. Virgo, Libra. Scorpio. Sagittarius. Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces—other factors for evaluating the effects of each mahadasha. Planets in signs of exaltation, own sign, signs of great friend, friend, neutral. enemy, great enemy or in debilitated sign—planets which have crossed highest, exaltation or deepest debilitation points—combust or retrograde planet—conjunction with a benefic or malefic planet —planets in signs rising with their hind or front parts, first-timing of mahadasha effects according to the degree occupied by a planet in the radix—other considerations—transit of the planet during his mahadasha—why a mahadasha is at times favourable for certain matters and unfavourable for others—a general discussion.  
  CHAPTER 15 Antardashas—Mino, Periods 294-305
  General features—balancing of mahadasha and antardasha—if both are good or both evil or one good and the other evil—the mutual position of the two lord and their mutual relationship— antardasha in evil mahadashas—periods of serious illness and likely death—auspicious and inauspicious antardashas according to Parashari System—likely effects of evil antardashas_antardashas of lords of trine and angle—likely periods when the full effect of asitardasha may be felt—antardasha in own mahadasha_satum in Venus and Venus in Satum__antardasfias in yogakaraka’s mahadasha_antardashas of based on antardasha lord owning houses as counted from the mahadasha lord and an antardashas lord Occupying a house as counted from the mahadasha lord—fllustrations – sub-periods in antardashas how to calculate prayantars (sub-periods) importance and necessity of calculating sub-periods in some cases-particular timings for each planet when he may evince marked effect.  
  Chapter 16: Transits 306-320
  Transit defined—importance of Moon transits computed from the Moon sign—appraising transits for persons whose birth data not known—rule to allot Moon sign according to the first syllable of flame—table of syllables and corresponding Moon signs—transits of the Sun in several houses counted from the Moon—sig sits of Moon from his radical position transits of Mars, Mercury, Jupiter—some special features transits of Venus and Saturn —some special features—_transits of Rahu and Ketu—effect of transits of all the nine planets housewise planet positions which obstruct the effects of good or evil transits—twenty factors which modify transit influences.  
  Appendix – Precession of Enqunox and Nutation from 1880 to 1972 on the Ist January of each year 321-323
  Glossary of Astrological Terms 324-327
  Index to Sanskrit Terms 329-334
  Index 335-347

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