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Prasna Marga: Part II

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Author: B. V. Raman
Language: English Translation and Notes
Edition: 2014
ISBN: 9788120810358
Pages: 623
Cover: Paperback
410 gm
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Book Description

From the Jacket:

Prasna Marga, Part II, is an encyclopedic work on matters that affect all areas of human life. It carries the original slokas with English translation and copious notes deal exhaustively with Marriage; Childre; Causes of diseases as given in Karma Vipaka and the remedies; Matters relating to deities, rulers, war, natural calamities, when to travel and when not; Rainfall cyclones and storms and their forecasting; Digging well, details for finding underground water etc.; Theft cases; Lost horoscopes; Dreams and their interpretation as indicators for death of disease and its timings etc.

It is a most unique and important treatise on Predictive Astrology worthy of possession by all students, savants and practitioners of Astrology.

About the Author:

Dr. B.V. Raman was the renowned astrologer and author. He was the Chief Editor of The Astrological Magazine. He had number of titles to his credit. He held a string of titles such as Abhinava Varahamihira, Jyotisha Bhanu, Jyotisha Vignana Marthanda, Jyotish Ratna, Abhinava Bhaskara, Jyotisha Bhooshana etc. He was a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, London and a Member of the Royal Asiatic Society. Dr. Raman had influenced the educated public and made them astrology-conscious. His special fields of research were Hindu Astronomy, Astro-psychology, weather, political forecasts and disease-diagnosis. He was widely traveled man and addressed the elite audience almost throughout the world.

Preface to The First Edition

Of late interest in, the study of astrology has been increasing not only in India but an over the world. Strangely, a certain section of the educated public in the name of "Scientitic outlook" continue to snipe at astrology dubbing it as superstition. But no serious attempt has ever been made by these critics to examine scientifically the claims of astrology. Crores of rupees expended on the so- called scientific evaluation of the composition of the stars and their life cycles etc. are sheer waste of public money, unless the astronomers and astrophysicists engage themselves in an intensive study of the correlations between planets. the celestial bodies and life on earth. Our ancients did not study astronomy as a venal occupation. To them a logical corollary was to link the study- of astronomy with our affairs. The greatest astronomers of yore like Varahamihira were also great astrologers. They did not waste the knowledge of the celestial sphere. on sheer scholastic pursuits. If Indian astronomers, proficient in western astronomy, shed their prejudices and predilections and take a new- approach to' astrology, highly developed by ancient savants, they will find truths full of significance to human life and relevant to modern times.

Prasna Marga is perhaps one of the most important treatises on predictive astrology, revealing methods peculiar to the genius of Kerala.

The first part (Chapters I to XVI) was published in 1980 . and the reception extended to it has been more than expected as could be gleaned from the sale of the book - and the spate of letters of appreciation received by me.

A tentative translation of the second part (Chapters XVII to XXXII) was also made in 1942 along with the first part. Revised and re-written several times, the final version of this translation emerged in 1977.

Most of the educated persons who read the book are not acquainted with Sanskrit. Therefore, in deference to the wishes of such readers, the original text in Devanagari script has been omitted. However, in due time, it will be made available at a reasonable price, to those who ask for the text. Copious notes have been added to explain obscure and tough passages and wherever necessary, examples have been given to enable aspiring students of astrology to understand the principles clearly.

I am thankful to my daughter Mrs. Gayatri Devi Vasudev for her assistance in the revision of the manuscript and writing the notes, to my esteemed friend Dr. P. S. Sastri for preparing the technical index and to Mr. G. K. Ananthram of IBH Prakashana for coming forward to bring out this book in an attractive form.

Preface to The Second Edition

The first edition was published in 1985. The demand was so great that it went out of print within a short period.

The first edition carried only the English translation with my critical notes and illustrations without the original Sanskrit text in Devanagari. This was because, the text on which my trans- lation was based, secured from the Oriental Library, Madras, was in Kannada script.

However, after the publication of the first edition, it was possible to get the text of the Part II copied in Devanagari script from the Oriental Library, Mysore. But this text did not contain many important slokas given in the earlier text in Kannada script. Therefore it involved much time to compare both the manu scripts and make it complete.

Because of delay in getting ready the original text and because of my former publishers having suspended their publication business, the second edition could not be brought out earlier. I am happy that this edition has been made complete by the addition of the Sanskrit text.

. I am thankful to Mr. J.P. Jain of Messrs Motilal Banarsidass for coming forward to publish the new editions of both the parts of this great classic on astrology in an attractive form.


My English translation of the second Part of Prasna Marga presented herewith is not literal in the sense of word for word translation but liberal. It gives the summary of each stanza as made out by me. It is therefore likely that in regard to some stanzas I may not have been quite successful in conveying the intended meanings of the original author. One great difficulty I had to face in translating Part II into English was the absence of an authentic original text, printed or written, in Devanagari script.

Two versions of the original text of Part II were obtained, one from the Oriental Library. Madras, transcribed in Telugu script and the other, copied in Kannada script from the Oriental Library, Mysore, each differing from the other in regard to the wording of some slokas and the number of slokas in a chapter. No comment aries were available and I had to fall back on my own humble understanding and' the assistance rendered by some Kerala friends well versed in Prasna Marga.

"With regard to part I, I had no such difficulty because of the availability of an authentic printed edition with commenta- ries by the great scholar Punnasseri Neelakanta Sarma. There- fore foi any translational errors, the responsibility is solely mine though thetranslation has been done as faithfully to the original as possible, keeping in view that in such a work it is the spirit of the author that matters.

In away, the second Part is-more important than the first, as it deals with some of the most significant events bearing on human life, such as marriage, children, occupation etc. The peculiarity is that it throws light not only on the Prasna chart but also embodies important and rare combinations bearing on the birth horoscope also.

No extant classical work on astrology appears to have gone so deeply into the subjects of marriage and marriage compatibility; birth and death of issues, childlessness, etc., as Prasna Marga.

Some of the methods given for timing events bearing on these matters are practical and novel offering wide scope for research.

The chapters on predicting rainfall, locating under-ground water and the existence of submerged wells etc., open a new vista of astrological knowledge which is relevant to modern times and conditions if only our so-called men of science could shed their prejudices and avail themselves of this knowledge.

The other equally important subjects dealt with pertain to political astrology, installation of Deities in temples and discovering Haws after the installation.

Transits based mostly on Varahamihira's Brihat Samhita will be of more than casual interest. The chapter on Nashta Jataka expounds rules for casting horoscopes when birth details are not available.

Prasna Marga appears to be the only classical text covering thoroughly every aspect of human existence and throwing light on remedial measures to be adopted to neutra- lise afflictions causing different types of diseases, etc.

Now a Summary of the Book: Chapter Seventeen deals with the question of marriage. The longevities of either party to a match are of the utmost importance. Thereafter, the Yivaha Prasna must be carefully read. The author refers to various authorities such as Prasna Sangraha, Madhaveeyam, Prasna Ratna and, of course, Brihat Jataka on various combi- nations for happy marriages, unhappy unions, thwarted matches, early or delayed marriages etc. Certain combinations given also suggest early death of husband or wife or both. All these combinations are on the chart for the time of query.

Chapter Eighteen takes up the topic of children, their birth and longevity. A Santhathi Prasna or query bearing on children is applicable to both husband and wife. The 5th house is important in the case of a man and the 9th, for a woman. Combinations for the birth of limited or many issues, childlessness and for adoption of a child are given. References are made to celebrated treatises such as Madhava's Muhurta, Santana Deepika , Prasna Sangraha, Gnana Pradeepika Brihat Jataka, Shatpanchasika and Vidwajjana Vallabha to emphasize certain combinations, In some instances, Swara Sastra is also employed to divine whether one will have issues or not. Certain periods depending on the Moon's position in relation to the woman's natal Moon and the benefic aspects it receives are shown as good for sexual union to be fruitful. Several numerical methods to determine the question of children are also given.



(Vivaha Prasna)


Putting the question 2
About the girl's parents 4
Possibility of marriage 9
Death of the couple 12
Indicative Signs 14
Ugly looking wife


(Santhana Prasna)
Causes for absence of issues 25
Adoption 28
Loss of children 29
Birth of children 30
Barrenness in women 37
Garbha prasna 45
Affliction to parents 46
Ascertaining a woman's pregnancy 57
Miscarriage 59
Sex of the child 60
time of delivery 67
Remedial measures 76
Santhana thithi 84
How Adoption is denied


(Issues According to Birth Horoscope)
Combinations for progeny 95
Bija and Kshetra sphutas 96
Death of children 102
Family extinction  103
Childlessness 105
Father's death before son's birth 111
Adoption 113
Number of issues 122
Planetary rays 125
When children are born


(Seventh House Through Horoscope)
Factors to be considered 134
Yogas for wife's death 135
Character of wife 136
Role of Venus 137
Number of wives 142
Birth star of wife 146
Period of marriage


(Marriage Compatibility)
Rasi agreement 153
Different views 154
Sexual compatibility 155
Planetary friendships 158
Different kootas 159
Gotra vichara 165
Vihanganukoolya 166
Bhootanukulya 169
Ashtakavarga agreement 171
Mental compatibility 172
Important items of concordance


(Effects of Transits)
Transit of the Sun 177
The Moon's transits 178
Transit of Mars 179
Transit of Mercury 180
Transit of Jupiter 180
Transit of Venus  182
Transit of Saturn 183
Propitiation of planets 184
Vedha and Vipareeta Vedha 186
Vedhya signs


(Diseases : Causes and Remedies)
Remedies as per Karma Vipaka 192
Consumption 192
Leprosy 193
Serpis  194
Leucoderma 194
Dysentery 194
Piles 195
Diseases of the eye 195
Ear defects 195
Lingual diseases 195
Rheumatism 196
Colic trouble 196
Spleen diseases 196
Female diseases 197
Dropsy 197
Urinary troubles 197
Fistula 198
Throat diseases 198
Headache 199
Epilepsy 199
Dumbness and insanity 199
Fevers 199
Thirst 199
Ulcers 200
Dispepsia 200
Internal troubles 201
Gift of health


(Deities, Rulers etc.)
Installation of the holy Idol 203
Divine presence 204
Impairing of divine presence 205
Deva Prasna 206
Differing views 207
Wrath of the Deity 212
Questions bearing on rulers 213
Planets and portfolios 215
Questions on war and invasion 218
Indicative signs 219
Invasion of the country 220
Retreat of the enemy 221
Time of invasion 224
Peace between parties 226
Defeat and victory 228
When to declare war 230
Eviel omens 231
Ruin of the ruler 234
When to move the army 235
Parigha  240
Effects of weakdays on travel 243
Journey by water 244
Advice to rulers 252
Hunting 257
Classification of animals


Combinations for heavy rainfall 260
Appearance of mock Sun 262
When does rain occur? 263
Significance of lunar month Ashadha 276
Venus and rainfall 278
Mandalas or cycles 278
Shapes of clouds and rainfall 280
Animal Prognosticators 280
Other helpful hints for predicting rainfall 283
Importance of Solar ingress 284
Karanas and rainfall 286
Answering queries on rainfall 290
Predicting floods 292
Adverse winds


(Koopa Prasna)
Hints for discovering water layers 295
Indicative signs 296
Dearth of water 297
Gupti chakra 298
Existence of submerged wells 303
Taste of the water 305
Vastu Purusha 306
Clues from plants 306
Depth of the water layer


(Bhojana Prasna)
Menu at meals  310
Type of drinks served 312
Quality of food 313
Conversation at meals 314
Planets and tastes 315
Nature of food consumed 316
The dining hall 319
Return home of a traveller


(Suratha Prasna)
On co-habitation 323
Description of the partner 325
Nature of intimacy 329
Place of co-habitation


(Nashta Prasna)
Revealing the nature of question 335
Questions relating to missing articles 336
Details about theft and the thief 336
The location of the article 337
Planetary indications of theft 339
Number of persons involved 342
Nature of the missing article 343
Sign significations 347
Planets signifying the thief 349
The thief's appearance etc. 351
Recovery of the article


(Nashta Jataka)
Birth star from Prasna chart 358
Nimittas and the Moon's position at birth 362
Month of birth 366
Rising sign at birth 370
Jupiter at birth


Finding the nature of a dream 374
Results of dreams 376
Different kinds of dreams 379
Causes of dreams 380
Time of experiencing the effects of dreams 381
Bharata's dream


Benefic dots contributed by planets 385
Adhama, Madhyama and Sobhana 388
Planets transiting their Ashtakavarga signs 388
The sun's Ashtakavarga 394
The Moon's Ashtakavarga 395
Mars Ashtakavarga 396
Mercury's Ashtakavarga 397
Jupiter's Ashtakavarga 400
Venus Ashtakavarga 400
Saturn's Ashtakavarga 401
Samudaya Ashtakavarga 402
Maximum and minimum points 402
Bhanduka, Sevaka, Poshaka and Gnataka 404
First, second and third parts of life 405
Ashtakavarga and Dasa results 408
Trikona sodhana 409
Ekadhipatya sodhana 410
Zodiacal and planerary factors 411
Father's death 412
Mother's death 413
Death of brothers 413
Number of children 414
Timing the birth of issue 416
More than one wife 420
Period of Marriage 421
Death of the person 422
Summary of the Book 423
Conclusion 426
Original Sanskrit Texts - Chapter XVII-XXXII 439

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