This is the first ever book written exhaustively on Mundane astrology, based on the Hindu system of Astrology. Indeed very few books exist on this subjects & these few have been written mainly by the Western Astrologers, using tropical system.
The uniqueness of the book lies in the fact that it has been written exhaustively & contains apart from all the know methods of interpretation of a Mundane Chat, new clues to make the predictions precise &correct. The author labored hard for many years making research and collecting material for the book, from whatever source he could lay his hands on although the source were few and far between. He has however succeeded to a very great extant, in presenting the research material is such a manner that the reader will feel confident in arriving at correct judgement, after using the clues & information given in various chapters.
The book has been devided into 11chapters
The first chapter gives Principles of Judgement in a very detailed manner and the 2nd chapter provides such vast & exhaustive information about the results of planets’ location the 12Houses that an intelligent reader can, by using this material alone, make correct predictions with confidence. The 3rd chapter gives results of 15 sets of conjunctions of planets which is an additional tool for making correct predictions. The 4th Chapter deals with transits of plants & can be used to visulise years in advance, the coming events-good or bad. The 5th chapter on Eclipses is very important & enables one to foresee the likely happenings including deaths of the rulers, wars, earthquakes, etc. The 6th chapter on Comets gives information about the events relating to ruler, kingdoms, ware & other calamities. The 7th chapter on Earthquakes is very important and contains the research findings of an eminent astrologer, using which it is possible to find out with a fair degree of accuracy when & where the tremor will strike during the year. The 8th chapter deals with Planetary Cabinet for the year. The 9th chapter gives the probable events when different planets act as ruler of the year.
The 10 chapter contains results of 60 Hindu lunar Years. The 11th chapter gives several practical examples of detailed and exhaustive interpretation of Mundane charts. While writing each chapter, the predictive aspect has given the sole attention. Every reader interested in Mundane sphere will find the book extremely useful.
The author, Sri J.C. Luthra, Jyotish Ratna, is a retired Senior Class I Officer of the Govt. of India & has been in the astrological field for the last 32 years. He has carried out deep &extensive study of Natal Astrology (Both Hindu Traditional & Western,) Horary (Both Indian & Western), and Mundane Astrology (Both Hindu Traditional & Western). Besides he has studied KP system of Hindu Astrology, Palmistry & Numerology.
His special interest has however, been in the Mundane Field and he has succeeded to a great extant, after long research, to present the material on the subject in such a way that predictions bashed on this, can Confidentally lead to very high percentage of accuracy, as will be seen from his own predictions made much in advance about the “Successful return to power of Mrs. Gandhi” “Critical time & execution of Bhutto “, “Rise to the Gaddi of Premiership by Sri Rajiv Ganghi”, ”Large number of eventful happenings predicted in the articles for the years 1987& 1988”, etc. and many more published in different astrological magazines like ‘Astrological Magzine’, ’Planets & Forecast’, ‘Occult India’ ‘Fate & Destiny’ & ‘Astrology & Athrishta’. ‘His recent predictions about Shri V.P. Singh and Arif Mohd. Khan have also come true.’
After his retirement from service, he has been practising as a leading astrologer & has astounded people about his almost cent percent correct presdictions.
He is a member of the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences and has written the first ever book on Mundane Astrology-Basic Principles, which has received warm response from the students and the adept alike.
Mundane Astrology is that branch of the Science which deals with the influences of Signs. Constellation, and Planets upon Nations, Countries, Cities and other divisons of the Earth. It also covers natural calamities like earthquakes, famines, draught foods, cyclones, typhoons, tarnadoes, storms etc. Mass suffering, widespread pestilences, plagues and other devastating diseases affecting the mankind come under it’s domain. Local or world wars are also are also covered under it.
Political Astrology, which forms an important part of this branch of science, treats of the heavenly influnces on the rise and fall of empires, deaths or assassinations of the rulers (Whether they be Kings, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Dictators or other national or political leaders), international relations, wars or peace with other countries, alliances or enmities, crisis or confrontation, democracies, dictatorship, social political change, general conditions of the people of a country, financial status of the nation, it’s prosperity, relations and agreements with neighbouring countries, agriculture, parliamentary affairs, elections, political in general, crime, disturbed or peaceful conditions in a country, secret plots of the enemies to disintegrate countries, national glory, achievements in different fields, inventions of new weapons of warfare, exploration of space,-in fact every conceivable event.
Very few books, exclusively on the subject, exist in the market, as this branch of Science, has all along been neglected by the astrologers, both Indian & Western, presumably because it seemed to be nonprofitable in comparison to other branches, like Natal, Horary, Commercial, etc. Nevertheless, many astrologers, whose books I have gone through, have referred to the subject only on a very limited scale, without delving deep into it. This subject being very important, required more attention on the part of astrologers, as it deals with the nations as a whole, countries and their affairs whose destiny is obviously far more important than that of the individual. Countries like India, for example, would not would not have become slaves, if ruler of the time, had taken appropriate measures, to defend the land, on the forewarnings given by the then astrologers. These days, when weapons of mass destruction have come into bing, it is all the more important that the use of this science be resorted to obtain correct forewarnings about the future likely calamities, which could affects the whole mankind. Predictions about the coming earthquakes, famines, draught, floods, widespread epidemics, etc. which always take a very heavy toll of human life and property would prove extremely useful by taking advance preventive measures, to meet the evil chalanges of nature. Similarly, the danger of war, particularly nuclear war, can be averted by timely preventive action on the advice of competent astrologers. The practical difficulty is, however, that owing to insufficient research on the subject, it has not generally been possible to pinpoint exactly the timing & nature of most of the events. I was deeply interested this branch of science from the very beginning and succeeded to a considerable extent, after long research to present the material on the subject in such a way, that predictions bashed on this can confidently lead to very high percentage of accuracy, as will be seen from my own predictions on “Successful return to power of Mrs. Indira Gandhi” “Critical time & execution of Bhutto” Rise to the Gandhi of Premiership by Sri Rajiv Gandhi” ”Political prospects of Shri V.P .singh and Arif Mohd.Khan” “Large number of eventful happenings predicted in my articles for the years 1987 and 1988” and many more which were published in advance in different astrological magazines. The reader will find brief mention of these predictions in earlier pages.
This book deals exhaustively with the Scientific Analysis and Interpretation of a Mundane Chart. Apart from the rules of Judgement of charts, several practical examples of detailed interpretation of such charts have been given, to enable the student to learn the techniques. New clues and methods bashed on my own research, for judging such charts have been included. To aid the student in the predictive work, detailed results of the plants location in the 12th houses has been given in 2nd chapter and the rulers to find out whether a particular planet is beings or afflicted, have also been given in the beginning of the chapter. For an intelligent student, this chapter alone will enable him to make correct predictions in almost all mundane spheres, since all these are covered in the 12 houses. The advanced student will find this exhaustive chapter very useful to make predictions in a matter of few minutes. The third chapter gives results of conjunctions of 15 sets of planets by consulting which student can arrive at correct judgement in case such a conjunction of planets takes place in the chart being examined by him. The fourth chapter on Transits of Planets will enable the student to know much in advance about the coming events. The fifth chapter on Eclipses (which forewarn about earthquakes, wars, deaths of the rulers and other calamities), gives additional material to forecast events of grave nature. The sixth Chapter on ‘Comets’ gives information about important events relating to rulers, Kingdoms, wars etc. which will materialise during several years after the departure of the Comets. The seventh chapter on Earthquakes, contains leading astrologer Shri R. Santhanam’s new technique of predicting earthquakes. The information in the 8th 9th and 10th chapters has been taken old classics. The 11th chapter contains several detailed practical examples of interpretation of charts and is very useful to the student to understand the technique of predictive aspect has been constantly kept in view and every chapter has been devoted to predictive techniques having bearing on the relevant sphere.
Every effort has been made to make the book as comprehensive as possible, to enable the common student to arrive at correct judgements and the ambitious one to embark on further research in the subject, on the basis of material incorporated here, for which lot of scope exists. The reader will find repetition of significations of planets and Houses at certain places. This has been deliberately done to help the student memorise these, the subjects being a new one.
Any person having elementary knowledge of astrology can study can study this book with advantage but a beginner may first like to go through my book Practical Mundane Astrology, Basic Principles, to acquaint himself about the rudimentaries of the science.
I must record my appreciation of helpful attitude of Mr Narinder Sagar in publishing the book in an attractive manner. My thanks are due to him.
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