In this book I have made a sincere attempt to fill the gap in the field of veterinary homoeopathy. In no sense does the author attempt to take credit for all the works reported in this book. The main objective of the present compilation is to collect the maximum authoritative recommendations and put them together in one place so that it may prove worthy of becoming a master-guide for the use of homoeopathic medicines to their poultry. This book reflects my personal clinical experience of over 32 years in the field of veterinary homoeopathy.
The funds and knowledge are very big and no claim can be made that the present book is exhaustive or complete in every detail. Several remedies not listed in this book may be required for treatment, depending upon the particular symptoms present in any one condition.
The book can be regarded as an essential reading for veterinarians and poultry raisers. No book can be claimed to be perfect unless it is constructively criticized by experts. Hope I will be excused for any editorial shortcoming.
In conclusion, I would like to express my thanks and deep gratitude to all who have directly or indirectly contributed in preparing this book.
In my opinion, the fast expansion of poultry industry has led to an increase in poultry diseases resulting in the closure of several industries due to heavy losses and increased cost of production. It is the need of time to find an alternative system which solves these problems. Homoeopathic medicines are cheap, effective and help prevent poultry diseases. Further research and its uses may bring a revolutionary change to flourish this industry and which will also help to remove doubts and fear from the mind of poultry keepers. The author considered the merits of homoeopathic medicines, studied this science deeply and practised it personally before writing this book. This book may prove as one of the main reference books in veterinary homoeopathy. Poultry-keepers should read this book for the betterment of poultry industry and its further progress.
Poultry farming in India has registered a phenomenal growth during the last two and half decades and today India ranks fifth in world egg production. Poultry sector contributes around %15,000 to the gross national product (GNP) and employs over half a million people. The increasing awareness of the nutritive value of eggs and thereby the need for a balanced meal has led to the change in eating habits with vegetarians, accepting egg as a part of their diet. Simultaneously, there has been an increase in the purchasing power and more money is available for spending on quality food resulting in an additional 10% demand for eggs and poultry flesh per year. Nutritionally, people eat poultry meat for its high quality proteins and its low fat contents.
The growth and development of Indian poultry industry during the last decade is unparallel in the history of animal agriculture and has been described as a textbook example of modernization and industrialization. Along with fast development, application of improved methods of breeding, feeding, management and disease control are very essential Poultry Homoeopathy to increase the efficiency and reduce the cost of poultry production. The present system of using conventional medicines to increase production and control diseases are comparatively costly, resulting in an increased cost of eggs, meat, etc.
Homoeopathy is a therapeutic system which is fast developing all over the world. Perfect knowledge of poultry diseases is essential for the selection of homoeopathic remedies because while selecting the remedy, more emphasis is given to the symptoms rather than the causative agent. The basic principle of homoeopathy is "Similia similibus curator" i.e. like cures like, this is the secret for selecting the remedy. Taking the help of this principle, a totality of symptoms (of disease) were considered, formulations of biochemical and homoeopathic medicines were prepared by me and tried on animals and poultry for various diseases. To my surprise, results obtained were fantastic and satisfactory. It is proved that this science has a tremendous range of treatment, which can fill up many gaps that exist in the present system of medicine.
Important Hints
Poultry keeping is a delicate industry requiring observation on feeding, management and disease control. Generally, major losses are due to contagious and infectious diseases. Once the flock is affected, the whole farm becomes involved and it loses its existence. The diseases, in which major losses are noticed, are Ranked, Fowl pox, Coccidiosis, Gambaro, Salmonellosis, etc. Other diseases are produced due to unhygienic conditions, contaminated water, food, excess heat, cold, etc.
Book's Contents and Sample Pages
Acupuncture & Acupressure (203)
Gem Therapy (23)
Homeopathy (500)
Massage (22)
Naturopathy (430)
Original Texts (223)
Reiki (60)
Therapy & Treatment (165)
Tibetan Healing (132)
Yoga (41)
हिन्दी (1127)
Ayurveda (3051)
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