"Lord Krishna declares in Bhagavatgita- 0 Arjuna ! The Self existing in the body of all beings is never slain. So it is not right for you to grieve for any creature". This is what our Seers (Rishis) contemplated and bequeathed to us. Bhagavan Adi sankaracarya was born in 8th & 7th B.C. and propounded Advaita Siddhanta for the revival of Hinduism and thereby for the spiritual emancipation of our Mankind Hinduism is humanism everywhere and at all times. It is nothing but ritual conduct of life for the righteousness of our human beings. It is for the Universal peace and tranquillity of the life.
The understanding of the life and philosophy of Sri Adi sankaracarya is for the understanding of one's own self. Excellence is the ultimate goal of the mankind. Unity of self with Brahma or oneness with God is the essence of Advaita Philosophy. Sri Adi sankaracarya in his Bhasya on the Brahmasiitra of Upanisads has purported this concept of life. As per Sri Adisaftkaracarya oneness or non-dualism is the absolute reality of this whole creation. Brahman is devoid of three differences. (1) difference from like objects (2) difference from unlike objects (3) difference inherent in itself. Therefore, Advaita is unimpeachable doctrine that identifies the individual self with Supreme self Le. Brahma or Atma Le. individual's Soul with Paramatma i.e. God.
It is the instinct as well as tradition that any parent prays for the well being of their progeny. So also Siva Guru & Aryamba ofK.aladi in Kerala prayed Lord Siva for fortune and happiness of having a child. Lord Sadasiva, as usual, pleased by their prayers and blessed them Himself as their child to establish Sanatana Dharma in this holy land ofBharta Varsha, which was getting eroded during 8th & 7th B.C ..
Sri Adisankara which means 'doing good to others' was the name given to the child by those mortal parents. There after, Sri ' . AdiSaJikaracarya took upon the mission to spread the gospel of Hindu Dharma throughout his life's sojourn and established Matts in the four parts of the country for the spreading Advaita Philosophy subsequently also.
The qualified persons to study Vedanta are those who have purified their minds of all impurities in the form of desires towards worldly things and practice meditation & devotion constantly. Vedanta is the conclusive part of the Vedas. It is the source that establishes the non-difference of individual (Jivas) and the supreme self (Brahman).
Upanisads are valid sources on Vedic Knowledge of life and our ancient Risis. Upanisads starting from Isavasyopanisads to Muktikopanisads numbering 108 are the covenants of India's Vedic Wisdom. They explain the whole Philosophy of the very creation and I existence of the life of human beings on this planet of earth.
It is heartening to note that this is a spiritual exercise by the R.S. Vidyapeetha, Tirupati under the guidance of our beloved Vice- Chancellor Prof. Harekrishna Satapathyji of this Vidyapeetha to facilitate the eternal understanding of our whole self. It has been undertaken as an awesome task in the propagation and popularisation of Sankara's Philosophy to the humanity at large from grass root's level or common man's point of view. It is for the peoples' salvation and realization of our very own creation and existence.
The aim is to educate the common people on the different Philosophical and Sastra Concepts available in Sanskrit by adopting a simple language. This is done for introducing the basic concepts, with the help of simple definitions, pictures, diagrams etc., such that even beginners also can easily understand the philosophical, cultural concepts.
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