The first of the three sounds constituting the sacred Syllable vkse contains the symbol of Vishnu, the second one that of Maheshwar and the third one symbolizes Brahma. All the three Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh are in the Pranava. This is the beginning, the end, and the middle.
This is a holy exclamation at the beginning and end of reading of the Vedas or prior to the commencement of a prayer, mantra or scared work.
The resounding sound which occurs when is uttered, in itself, is the sound of assent, respectful affirmation, removal or warding off of all evils and every obstacle. This is the ‘AKASH’ Tatwa and it is similar to the sound of a good ‘conch-shell’. It is ruled by the Planet Jupiter and the sound helps not only in the rectifying the hearing problems but in all matters connected to the Vata disorders particularly the troubles caused by the entities living in the 4th dimensions.
Constant thinking of ‘Pranav’ releases the energy in body. The kindling of the Kundalini from its sleeping state, and then it starts to move upwards and passes through the various Chakras resulting in the evolvement and attainment of Maya by endowing one with the Ashta Siddhis and Nava Niddhis and then the ultimate Moksha, the freedom from the cycle of life and death.
Depending upon the right and capability of a person the worship is done as the Saguna – Nirguna Bheda as well as ‘Abheda’.
The second school of thought ‘Prakrit Paropasna’ which is known more as that is the of or In the ‘Tantrasara’ the subject matter is described as:-
“One which is completed through the inhaling and exhaling of breath, which is not uttered as Japa but still is a Japa, that is called the Ajapajap”. The ‘Kumbhak (stopping of Breath) in between the two is the ardhachandra and it brings to consciousness the process of breathing.
This element which comprises the two letters and (Sa) and the ardhachandra is the Kalpa Vriksha, the Mahamantra of Shri Vidya. This is visible and takes form during the meditation of Ardha – Narishwar Shiva in the form of Guru.
One whose formation is like illumination of the Rising Sun and Lightening; one who holds in his four arms – Pasha and Parshu and shows the Abhaya Mudra and Vara Mudra, respectively. Who is enthroned on a throne embedded with unparalleled lustrous Gems and is the Universal (root) cause of the Universe – Such a peaceful as well as Ugra (fiery looking) or Agnishowm with three eyes – Chandra Chuda (with the Crescent Moon on his forehead). The Supreme Power, Bhagwan Ardha Narishwar – half Iswar and the other half in the Female form, the Almighty God protect us.
This is the book about which to write or say anything is like showing candle to the Rising Sun. Many learned scholars had commented and translated this book, originally in Sanskrit, into various languages prevailing in India. This well known book Phaldeepika was created in the 12th Century by Mantreshwar who was the greatest of all the Astrologers of his time. He took up the Astrological Principles prevailing and propagated by great sages like Maharishi Parashar, Gemini and many more.
A few decades ago this book was only available in the local languages prevailing in the South India and was not available to the vast majority of the Hindi speaking people in the North India. Then the learned Pandit Gopesh Kumar Ojha commented and translated it, 50 years ago, in the Devnagri Script (Hindi language) for the benefit of the Hindi – knowing persons.
Now I, his son Pandit Ashutosh Ojha have the opportunity to present it in the present set-up to the English speaking people. The 225 Principles of the “Bhavarth Ratnakar” which was earlier in the Hindi Edition are also present in this English work. From our side we have given some more examples and illustrations which were not in the Hindi Version so that the book in itself is complete.
The present book Bhavartha Bodhini Phaldeepika was in the 12th/13th Century written by Mantreshwar. Mantreswar was a Siddha Purush an evolved soul. He was a well read person and was successful in Tantra-Shastra as such he was called Mantreshwar with the Blessings of the lords of the Mantras. Pandit Gopesh Kumar Ojha was a scholar of Sanskrit, English, Persian and many other Indian languages. He came from a traditional family of the learned Pandits who were the Gurus of the Maharajas of Alwar (Rajasthan) in India. Many years ago he thought of writing the not so far available ‘Phaldeepika’ to the Hindi knowing people which was available either in Sanskrit or in some other languages prevailing in South India. Some part of the original was in coded language just like a hint in solving a puzzle so Panditji thought of enriching the translation with his deep knowledge of the subject matter and presenting it for us in a simple and easy to understand manner. Bhavarthabodini Phaldeepika is one out of many other books like Jataka Parijata, Jataka Deshmang Chandrika etc. which he translated and gave his lucid commentary upon.
We have now brought out this present English Edition so that Astrology lovers in the West and those who are proficient in the English language can take advantage of the so far secret Principles of Vedic Astrology enshrined in Mantreshwar’s Phaldeepika. Astrologers know that the Karma of a person in the past lives has resulted in the present birth. We are here to bear the brunt or to enjoy the effects of stars. Still the God Almighty has given to us a Will to improve or tarnish our destiny. We refer here to the Chapter 26, Sloka No. 50 of Phaldeepika itself.
One who does not want others to be killed, has control on his senses (behaviour and mind) and earns his living in a righteous manner, always follows the rules and principles laid down in the scriptures, the planets are always pleased with him i.e. are always favourable to him.
Here we would like to quote the horoscope of Shri Ravana. He was Pandit of the Pandits. The most handsome, intelligent and eligible person and a victorious king, who not only conquered the Planets but defeated Lord Indra, the King of Gods. He used the planets as steps to climb to his throne.
He had the blessings of lord Shiva. He was the person who could never be defeated, surrounded by good counselors and was a Brahmin of the highest class, son of Rishi Visravas and Kaikasi and grandson of Pulastya, with such a powerful horoscope which was no less than that of Shri Rama.
He strayed from the path of religion and wanted Sita for himself. Sita the wife of Lord Rama had everything desirable in a woman but then Ravana’s own wife Mandodari was no less.
The idea got imbibed in his mind that he should get Sita because whoever will marry her will be the king emperor. She was a beautiful woman endowed with all the qualities desirable in a woman – all the characteristics of a Padmini.
Exalted Saturn in the 7th house gave Ravana a faithful, good looking wife. Exalted Mars in the 10th house made him conquer the world, the Moon and Jupiter in the 4th house in Cancer gave him the throne of Shri Lanka, the city of gold.
But then the full aspect of Saturn and Mars on the first house and on his Sun (exalted) gave him the idea, the desire to possess Sita. No sooner he left the path of morality, religion and ethics, he become arrogant and his stars lost the luster and power. They become incapable to help him. He kicked his brother out and the significator of brother Mars became weak. Vibhishan brought about his fall and death. He would not listen to older people of his court, nor to his wife and his exalted Saturn lost the power and the strength to protect him.
His Atma his soul became weak and got coloured so ultimately he was killed by Shri Rama.
Lord Rama was the future king of Ayodhya – a warrior. The horoscope of Rama and Ravana are given. The difference between the two horoscopes is that the Rising sign of Rama was Cancer and that of Ravana was Aries.
No doubt Rama was the Incarnation of Lord Vishnu but Ravana had the blessing of Lord Shiva. Why was Ravana defeated? The reason is not far to seek. He went astray from the path of religion and as soon as he abducted Sita his downfall started.
Exalted Sun in the first house endowed Ravana with luster, Courage, anger and pride. ‘Pride has a fall’ and this applied to Shri Ravana.
City of gold, palatial buildings existed. A faithful and loving wife too was there to comfort him. The question is raised why did he lose to Rama? The answer is clear in bold letters. Ravana due to his actions brought about his own doom.
History indicates that Duryodhan threw his lustful eyes on Draupadi and so he got destroyed together with all the family and friends. Helen was abducted and Troy was burnt-Every time it happens but we do not learn from it.
Their beauty became a curse not only for themselves but for those too who laid their eyes on them. That is the way the Maya operates.
The purpose of indicating this is that many times people meet Astrologers and put up these questions why their horoscope is not showing good effect? The reason is that when we do certain deeds in life which weaken the ‘Karakas’, the Significators, then how can the planets show good effects? If you want your horoscope to show good then be on the path of religion. Do not do such things the loss of which will cause mental anguish to others. Every action bounces back.
Turning out his brother – reduced the effect of his Mars. Not listening to his wife and advisers dulled his Venus, Moon and Saturn and going through the established norms he kidnapped the wife of Rama.
On the other hand Rama never did anything against the established principles.
Just because his father desired him to leave – he did and so he improved his Sun – Love and support of his brother Lakshman strengthened his Mars; Respect for spiritual and religious people improved his Jupiter and Saturn – Therefore with almost parallel horoscopes Rama triumphed and Ravana did not and the victor is always worshipped.
Rama could not strike him in the Chest (the heart) as his Jupiter and moon were protecting him so he sent the arrow to his naval and his source of all energy (supposed to have nectar in his naval) dried out then his heads were cut by the blast of arrows.
Many person with the Economic securities, forget the line of demarcation forget the moral principles of life they earn their wealth without any adherence to how they do it money is their God and then other evil creep in. they cast their lustful looks left and right and cause problems not only to others but for themselves. They do not take lesson from History.
When Ravana could not accomplish his desires because it was against the structure of the society of that time then how can a frail person like us attain it. Even if for a moment we gain then against all odds it is a temporary gain and ends in mental anguish.
They go to Astrologers and Babajis and want their help by using Vashikaran and what not. Their stars by their Karmas has already lost their hue and luster and how can they achieve anything.
By one action all good effects of planets are washed out and by one deed – good deed even debilitated planets show effects like exalted planets.
All this is written out for the learned reader to emphasize that Astrology is great, mathematical interpretations are fine but unless we follow the path of religion and keep the significators of different planets happy – good results will not come from a horoscope.
I wish that readers will enjoy this version of the Bhavartha Bodhini Phaldeepika and in case of any doubts or clarifications will solve it themselves or get back to us.
The present unique classical treatise has come into being for the first time for the benefit of the Hindi knowing population on account of the infinite grace of the Supreme Power of God Head.
Earlier this work was available only in the South Indian languages in the litho form. The original Sanskrit text in ‘Dev Nagri’ format was published approximately 40 years ago from Calcutta and its commentary and notes were subsequently available in Tamil, Telgu, Kannada, Malyalam, Gujrati, English etc. yet its Hindi version did not exist.
The present commentary highlights the meaning and substance of the Sanskrit text. It also elaborates the meanings of the twelve houses in a horoscope. Besides this we have added 450 yogas of the (Bhavarath Ratnakar Shri Ramanuja in the Hindi Version; so the title of ‘Bhavartha Bodhini Phaldeepika’ is an appropriate and most befitting title for the book.
Shri Mantreshwar in his younger days was known as Markundeya Bhattardi. He was born in Southern India, in a Namboodari Brahmin family. One opinion is that his birthplace was ‘Shaveeti’ in the Tamil province. Another opinion is that his birthplace is Kerala. He was a worshipper of “Goddess Sukantala”. There are differences about his birth period as well. Some learned persons are of the opinion that his birth was in the 13 century A.D. and yet others are of the opinion that it was the 10th century A.D.
For intensive learning he traveled to ‘Bhadrikashram’ in the Himachal Pradesh and also lived in Mithila (Bihar) to gain the proximity of the learned scholars for quite a long time. He was a grand scholar of Nayaya, Vedanta etc., the six philosophies. He was constantly engaged in the rigorous rites of fasting, japas and yagyas and succeeded in mastering and attaining the proximity of the Presiding Deities of the mantras. His name then became ‘Mantreshwar’. He discarded his mortal body through ‘yoga’ at the age of the One hundred and fifty years.
Due to the study of various types of learning and rigorous practices, his knowledge of Astrology was intense and unlimited and therefore the readers will come across such practical and unparalleled interpretations in ‘Phaldeepika’ that they will get enchanted. ‘Phaldeepika’ is a mature creation of Astrology. Together with the commentary. The original slokas has also been included so that the kind hearted Sanskrit knowing readers could also enjoy the beauty of original poetry enunciated by Mantreshwar. It is of no use to praise the grandeur, benefits and substance of this treatise as the present as the present book is in itself in front of the readers.
We expect that the officials will include this interpretive part of the unparalleled book in the list of recommended books for the purpose of proficiency and various types of examinations related to the learning and mastery of Astrology. The learned readers are requested to provide and suggest improvements for the next printings at the address given below:
Astrology throws light like a lamp illuminates the goods kept in darkness, i.e. the results of the good and bad ‘karma’ that one has done in his previous birth. ‘Jyotish Kalpadrum’ has three divisions viz’ ‘Samhita’; ‘Siddhanta’ and ‘Hora’. The interpretations of birth charts and horary charts fall under ‘Hora’. ‘Phaldeepika’ was created to indicate the results of the past ‘Karma’.
Back of the Book
This is one of the best books on Predictive Astrology. It includes the essence of Parashar, Jaimini and many more masters. Four hundred and fifty Yogas of Bhavartha Ratnakar of Shri Ramanuja have been added to befit the title Phaldeepika: Bhavartha Bodhini.
The 28 chapters in the book cover various topics: the characteristics, house divisions, strength of planets, career, various yogas, raja yogas, marriage, children, longevity, periodic influence of planets, the effect of transits and ashtakvargas. The 11th chapter exclusively deals with the nativity of women; the 22nd chapter gives the interpretations and calculation of the kalachakra dashas.
This English edition also includes many horoscopes, tables and a glossary of Sanskrit and Hindi words. The language is easy to understand and even the beginners after studying this book for a few months will be able to arrive at the right interpretations and timing of events.
Mantreshwar was the greatest astrology of 12th century from the South of India. He compiled in Sanskrit the principles of Predictive Astrology propagated by Maharshi Parashar, Jaimini and various other great astrologers in his famous work Phaldeepika.
Daivagya Shiromani Pandit Gopesh Kumar Ojha, M.A., LL.B., and a learned astrologer from Mithila (Bihar), translated Phaldeepika in Hindi using his rich experience of sixty years in this field. He analyzed the various astrological principles (with his commentary for easy comprehension) and added 450 yogas of Bhavartha Ratnakar of Shri Ramanuja. He also published books in Sanskrit, English and Hindi.
Pandit Ashutosh Ojha the son of Pandit Gopesh Kumar Ojha, has B.A. (Hons.) Mathematics, M.A. English and a Ph. D. in Religion. He teaches and practices astrology, enjoying a wide clientele spread over more than 135 countries. He has translated Phaldeepika in English adding some new horoscopes, illustrations and charts.
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